Lu Mingfei was awakened by the alarm sound of his mobile phone. The very monotonous and harsh alarm sound filled the entire corner of dormitory 303 almost as soon as it sounded.

Lu Mingfei clearly remembered that he turned off his phone on silent mode before going to bed so as not to be woken up after hard training, but the alarm-like sound of the alarm still woke him up from his dream.

But whether he woke up or not was another matter. He didn't need to open his eyes at all. He reached for his phone and pressed the volume button to mute it. The dormitory fell into silence again, but it was not completely quiet. Fen Geer's snoring was still so steady, floating melodiously from the upper bunk opposite, as if he was playing an instrument like a saxophone or an organ. I always felt that putting a mouth organ in this guy's snoring mouth would definitely produce a good tune. Come on.

However, Lu Mingfei had become familiar with this snoring sound during this period, which did not affect him in the slightest from continuing to maintain an efficient sleep, turning over and sleeping.

"Lu Mingfei, wake up." But before he could return to sleep again, a hand suddenly stretched out from the lower bunk and pulled him toward his bed. When it touched his cheek, he squeezed it hard and then On the face.

"Stop making trouble." Lu Mingfei closed his eyes and subconsciously raised his hands and twisted in the bed, like a charterer with a flower pot on his head.

"Hello, Lu Mingfei?" The person below felt that there was no feedback, so they slapped him on the head again to try to wake him up.

"I told you to stop making trouble, just five more minutes." Lu Mingfei continued to make a lazy sound as if he didn't want to get up and work, and then lost his response again.

"Others have already set off and we don't have much time."

"You go and insert an eye, I'll come over in a while"

"." The person below scratched his head and clicked his tongue. .

The dormitory suddenly became quiet, there was no more snoring, and it fell into a strange dead silence. The whole process lasted for several minutes. When a certain limit was reached, everything returned to normal. The snoring continued loudly, but there was no reason for it in the dormitory. There were two figures, leaving only the lazy dog ​​snoring happily lying on the bed scratching his butt.

Lu Mingfei dreamed that he was flying, flying freely over the forest of Lordaeron, and the whole forest was whispering his name: Lu Mingfei. The sea of ​​burning bronze trees stretches from one end of the mountain to the other, like a flaming red king's carpet on the road to the throne, connecting to the bronze castle at the end.

That voice told Lu Mingfei that one day you will reach the end of your journey and you will be crowned king.

In the dream, Lu Mingfei came to the burning bronze castle with passionate emotions. He stood in front of the gate and looked up at the closed door. He imagined the splendid scene behind the door and put his hands on the door. Then give it a sharp push! The door opened with a bang and hit the walls on both sides!

Lu Mingfei strode forward with his head held high, his tiger eyes shining, and he looked down at his ministers and subjects inspecting both sides of the palace with a domineering attitude.

Sure enough, everyone in the palace was stunned by his enthusiasm, and stared blankly at the new-looking young man who was about to walk towards the red carpet to ascend the throne. Lu Mingfei also enjoyed the gaze with great satisfaction. But not long after bathing in the feeling of being watched by everyone, he suddenly felt inexplicably why these "subjects and subjects" of his looked familiar?

Look, the golden-haired lion-king military general on the left side of the palace with overflowing chest muscles looks a bit like the president of the student union. Doesn’t the red-haired miko next to her look like a military general who protects the country? And the black-haired sword-wielding guard on the right, how come his appearance and style are so different, from a European and American blockbuster to a Chinese idol drama? ? The youth version of Leehom Wang is probably not as handsome as this guy. Wouldn't it cause chaos in my harem if placed in the palace? Just find an opportunity to drag him out and castrate him!

Looking further inside, the old king on the high platform of the palace is a counterpoint, but why is he bald? Is this a tribute to King Neptune in "SpongeBob SquarePants"? But the princess next to the old king was so beautiful. She was petite, with white-blond hair and snow-like skin that made Lu Mingfei want to inherit the throne right away.

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Someone pushed him behind Lu Mingfei. He subconsciously looked back at the person behind him and was instantly moved to tears. Lin Aiqing, you are my right-hand man even in a dream! It seems that Lu Mingfei will inherit the throne, have a princess, and rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty today.

Lu Mingfei turned his head and took a step forward, looked at the princess and said affectionately, "My beloved concubine."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped again on the back of the head. He was suddenly dizzy and disoriented, but his originally hazy mind suddenly became much clearer. Isn't this a dream? Why did you still do it in your dream? And the beating still hurts so much? Is Lin Aiqing trying to kill herself for trying to usurp the throne and seize her harem?

"Did you just wake up and have low blood sugar?" Lu Mingfei vaguely heard Lin Aiqing whisper from behind him, "Why do you look like Su Xiaoqiang?"

The name of an acquaintance instantly made Lu Mingfei truly wake up, and his brain regained its response. At the moment when his mind came online, cold sweat suddenly covered his body, because he realized that something fatal was happening at this moment.

Kassel Academy, central control room.

In front of the console under the big screen, Manstein suddenly turned his head and saw Lu Mingfei, who opened the door and walked in with his head held high, but suddenly staggered two steps and almost fell over. He paused and said,

"You are finally here. Lu Mingfei, what did you want to say just now?"

"He said 'ouch'."

Lin Nian walked into the control room from behind Lu Mingfei, who almost fell down. Ling, who was in the back, turned to look at Lu Mingfei and turned his attention to the big screen with an expressionless expression.

"Is it really 'ouch'? I saw that he was not so awake when he came in, and his clothes were disheveled." Nono squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Mingfei and Lin Nian.

"He was sleeping very badly. We were in a hurry when we arrived." Lin Nian said casually, looking around the central control room where the crowd gathered to change the topic, "Is everyone here?"

"We're all here, the only thing missing is you two." Manstein said quickly in front of the console, and took another look at Lu Mingfei, "Don't push the door so hard next time, control your mentality, the task is ahead of you." Don’t get too excited.”

Lin Nian hurried forward. Behind him, Lu Mingfei finally survived the embarrassing dilemma of a cancer attack. He bravely pretended that nothing was wrong and trotted to keep up. He still didn't know what was going on. One second he was still dreaming in his dormitory, and the next second he was in the central control room of the library. Who else could be the "murderer" who could do this?

"Junior brother, you seem to have your pants on inside out." When Lu Mingfei passed by two seniors, Ye Sheng and Ya Ji, the latter reminded him in a low voice.

Lu Mingfei looked down and sadly saw two trouser pockets but no trouser chain. He could only say bravely, "I came in a hurry. I didn't pay attention."

"Understandable." Jiude Aki looked at Lu Mingfei's disheveled appearance and nodded, "Freshmen are still quite new to the matter of dragon slaying. You are in Team A again, and you are going to have to do it soon." It’s normal to be overly excited when you’re on the battlefield, but you still need to properly regulate your emotions to avoid taking drastic actions during the mission.”

"Battlefield. Dragon slaying?" Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment.

At this time, on the high platform of the central control room, Manstein slapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. Lu Mingfei also realized after seeing the gloomy and terrifying face of the bald instructor. , this gathering with everyone present seems to be no longer as trivial as the previous 'emergency training'.

"Now that everyone is here, let's announce the things to be announced at this emergency gathering." Manstein looked around everyone's faces and said solemnly, "I believe that when you receive Norma's emergency alert, I also guessed what happened.”

Emergency alert?

Lu Mingfei, who hurriedly stood in the crowd, came to Lin Nian's side. Only then did he realize that the alarm sound today seemed a bit strange. It was not the usual "Asahina Mikuru wakes you up", but A shrill siren.

Lu Mingfei's heart suddenly stopped beating for a beat. He finally realized that, by the way, what was that alarm? It was simply a special gathering alarm within the 'Bronze Project' team!

When the 'Bronze Project' just started three months ago, the head of the Executive Department reminded them once that the positions of the 'Bronze Project' team members would be located by Norma 24 hours during the mission so that they could be paged at any time. preparation.

No matter when, where, or what they are doing, as long as their mobile phones receive Norma's alarm, they must rush to the central control room on the second floor of the library as quickly as possible, because this alarm will only sound in one situation. It only represents one thing - the official start of the 'Bronze Plan'.

Sure enough, Manstein also announced the bad news in a deep voice:

"The King of Bronze and Fire, His Highness Norton officially appeared at Kuimen in the Three Gorges an hour ago and launched a frontal attack on the 'orthodox' defense deployment of the Chinese mixed-race forces. The situation now is not optimistic!"

Everyone's reaction was different. Lu Mingfei swallowed and turned to look at Lin Nian, only to find that Lin Nian was also looking at him. The two looked at each other. No one spoke first, but Lin Nian was. Lu Mingfei quietly dragged his back, making this guy stand up straight with his slightly hunched waist, because most people's eyes finally focused on the two of them. In the 'Bronze Project' The two of them were the group that bore the brunt of the Dragon King's awakening.

"The attack happened an hour ago. Why are we only receiving the intelligence now? What is the situation on the Yangtze River now?" Caesar, wearing a dark green school uniform, raised his hand and asked.

"During the attack, the Kuimen area suffered strong electromagnetic interference, and all signal bands were blocked. It was an hour later that Norma received a warning and request for help from 'Orthodox'." Manstein said, "Here are the photos and video footage they sent over."

The light flickered on the big black screen, and a photo appeared. The scene in the photo almost made everyone in the control room hold their breath, and a fiery red light was reflected in the eyes.

"This is..." Ye Sheng couldn't help but whisper.

"Yes, this is indeed the Three Gorges Reservoir on the Yangtze River, the current scene in the Kuimen area." Manstein said in a low voice, and at the same time he looked back at the big screen and his face turned red.

In everyone's mind, the land of Kuimen is a beautiful place with oasis and river waves on both sides. The green trees on the mountains dye the water waves into a verdant color, reflecting the broad porcelain white sky. But now, on the screen, There was only a long burning river that roared and surged in hell. It didn't look like a river at all, but rather like a volcano crater leaking large amounts of magma and pouring into the river mouth, burning everything it met along the way.

"It seems that the 'orthodox' attack has failed." Lin Nian whispered. He saw the wreckage of a large number of sunken warships in the burning river, as well as the crashed shells of various modern weapons. After the inorganic substances were burned, The black smoke covering the flames adds a cruel atmosphere to this photo.

"Don't you mean that His Highness Norton controls the 'power', but Constantine controls the 'power'?" Susie asked, staring at the photo on the screen, "Norton has just woken up and has enough power to set a large section of the Yangtze River on fire. strength?"

"Was there only one photo sent from the scene?" Chu Zihang raised his hand.

"There is also a video." Manstein said, "It is a precious image of the 'S'-class hybrids on the 'orthodox' side fighting against the King of Bronze and Fire."

This sentence made everyone except Lin Nian and Ye Shengyaji slightly widen their eyes. What the 'S' level hybrid represents has been expressed vividly by someone present, and now there is someone they have never seen before. The new 'S'-class hybrid that we knew about appeared and faced the Dragon King head-on an hour ago?

"She failed." Lin Nian spoke, attracting everyone's attention. He looked up at the photo on the big screen, "Otherwise, this scene wouldn't have happened."

"Yes, she failed." Manstein looked at Lin Young and nodded lightly, "Norton's power is beyond everyone's imagination."

"Norma." A hoarse voice sounded from the corner of the high platform, and the iron-faced Schneider came out, "Play the video."

"Yes." Norma's response sounded in the control room, and then the brightness in the room dimmed. The photo on the big screen jumped and turned into a countdown for video playback. After the countdown of ③, ②, and ① accompanied by noise, Suddenly a white light filled the entire control room, and everyone squinted their eyes to try to see the picture on the screen clearly.

"What's going on?" someone asked in a low voice.

“Turn down the brightness and expose the figure,” says Schneider.

The white light on the big screen gradually weakened a lot, reaching the point where you could look directly at it. Then there were a lot of sounds of sucking cold air in the control room. In the darkness, Susie found that Chu Zihang beside her suddenly took a slight step forward. The unquenchable golden eyes were full of concentration and coldness that she had never seen before.

In the screen, a burning pure white figure appeared in the far distance, which was the origin of the white light. He brought fire and light source, and also brought burning and destruction to Kuimen. He was wearing a white robe and sitting on a small boat, just like the god crossing the sea in mythology. Wherever his right hand points forward, there is pure land.

"Norton." Lin Nian whispered, and beside him, Lu Mingfei looked at the blurry god in the white light, but felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. This feeling was strange, but so real. He secretly looked He glanced at the focused people around him and didn't dare to say a word.

"Zoom out," Schneider said again.

The white light in the control room became a few points weaker, and the visual range of the video became larger. A new figure appeared, and her majestic appearance once again aroused everyone's amazement.

"Holy shit, Sword Immortal?" Lu Mingfei shouted in shock.

What can be seen in the video is a girl who is extremely small compared to the gods. She is standing deep in the river in Kuimen, facing off against the gods at the mouth of the river. She is actually standing on the river with a sword, and behind her Behind him, there were multiple huge black sword shadows suspended above the burning river, like thousands of heroes assisting the battlefield.

"That's it." Caesar and Chu Zihang almost took a step forward in unison.

Next to Chu Zihang, Su Qian suddenly raised her head and stared at the black sword shadow suspended behind the figure - no, that was not the sword shadow, it was simply huge black warships moving under the influence of some mysterious power. She hovered in the air under control, and the dazzling blackness on the surface of the warship was reflected on the burning Yangtze River water behind her!

She alone is like a thousand troops, standing at the gate of Kuimen, and no one can open it.

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