Sleipnir's voyage was expected to take four to six hours, but due to heavy rain, the voyage had to be delayed to seven hours. During these seven hours, there was no inspiring pre-war mobilization or lengthy strategy. Deployment, there is only the roaring noise of the engine.

Everyone in the cabin was silent, wearing anti-noise headphones, either dozing off or looking intently at the black clouds outside the window. In these seven hours, anything could happen in the Three Gorges on the other side of the ocean. They could not stop what was happening, they could only Recharge your batteries to prevent what is about to happen.

Facts have proved that the four hours of sleep last night was indeed not enough to support the activities of the next day. Lu Mingfei, who was initially overcome by adrenaline and dopamine to board the plane, got over that period of excitement and panic before the plane took off. Within half an hour I fell asleep lightly.

Maybe it was because he wasn't used to wearing noise-cancelling headphones. He didn't have any dreams along the way and was in a state of light sleep. When there was a disturbance from the outside world and a foreign object touched his body, he suddenly woke up.

"What are you doing?" When he opened his eyes, Lu Mingfei saw most of Lin Nian's body leaning over him on the seat, squeezing him almost to the entire back of the chair.

"What are you going to do? A night attack?" Lu Mingfei, who gradually came to his senses, stared at Lin Nian in front of him with wide eyes. At the same time, he felt the whole seat shaking violently.

"Are you a sickly beauty or an adventurer worthy of my night attack? And if I want to attack you at night, can you still resist?" Lin Nian said, "Put your feet back."

"Just watch and don't shake, okay?" Lu Mingfei felt that Lin Nian was right, so he honestly put his legs back.

"It's not me that's shaking," Lin Nian said, "it's the plane that's shaking."

Lu Mingfei was startled and looked around. Sure enough, he found that the entire plane was shaking violently, and the lockers where the salutes were placed were shaken and banged loudly. Although Sleipnir has never been concerned about stability, now This kind of turbulence is beyond the tolerance range. It's like someone is holding the nose and tail of the plane with both hands and shaking it!

"Holy crap. Is this going to crash?"

Lu Mingfei realized something was wrong, and quickly turned to glance outside the mahogany-decorated porthole. Then he was suddenly stunned, because it was still dark night and heavy rain outside the window, and the rain tracks on the porthole were so blurry that people could not see his own reflection. .

He thought that when he woke up, there would be bright sunshine and the magnificent scenery of the Three Gorges outside the porthole window. But it seemed that he was under the illusion that the violent storm outside the window not only did not disappear because of the geographical crossing, but became more violent? The entire Sleipnir was shaking in the rolling black clouds. This kind of shaking would not have surprised him if the breathing mask suddenly fell in front of him in the movie.

"Are we not out of Chicago yet?" Lu Mingfei turned around and looked around, but couldn't find a clock that could be used as a reference. His cell phone was placed in his trouser pocket. It was really hard for him to take it out with Lin Nian pressing him so hard. cell phone.

"No, we're already here." Chu Zihang's calm voice sounded from a few rows in front of the seats.

"It's a shame you can sleep in this weather, junior brother." Nuonuo's voice also sounded in front, but she couldn't be seen.

Lu Mingfei turned his head and looked at the aisle of the plane. He found that almost everyone in the cabin was leaning against the side window and holding their breath looking at the scene outside. Everyone's expression was as silent and solemn as in front of a burning beacon. Soldiers.

"I slept late last night, but what a coincidence, there was also a heavy rain in the Three Gorges." Lu Mingfei retracted his head and tried to move closer to the porthole. Lin Nian turned his head slightly and moved him a position. He moved closer and looked out the window. I glanced at the ground, and then I was dumbfounded.

Lu Mingfei has traveled to the Three Gorges before. He still remembers that during the summer vacation in junior high school, his uncle's unit had a place for a business trip. His uncle bought this opportunity at the price of two pieces of China and brought it with him. The family plans to take this opportunity to visit the entire Three Gorges and dam tourist attractions, and the first stop is Qutang Gorge in Fengjie County.

He clearly remembered that they were traveling by car. His uncle drove the small-displacement BMW and drove the whole family thousands of kilometers from the coastal city to Chongqing. After looking for the road signs, they arrived at the Qutang Gorge tourist area. Since they were not with a tour group, their uncle led them to the back of the tour group and paid for the explanations of the tour guide.

Here I went to take a photo with the pink wall full of inscriptions, and there I went to see the place where Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to stay in Baidi City. Seeing the magnificent and desperate situation, I couldn't help but want to recite two poems, but I couldn't hold back a word, so I could only He asked his good son Lu Mingze for help. Lu Mingze, who was in junior high school, didn't have much money, so he could only temporarily steal Mr. Guo Moruo's "If the scenery is different, the Three Gorges is the best" on the Internet, and read it to his uncle in front of the tour guide group, he gained a lot of prestige and elegance. There was a series of applause, but even though they were out of the limelight, the tour guide found out that they were having sex with the group for free and gave them a blank look for a while.

But all in all, what impressed Lu Mingfei the most about that trip was that he and his uncle's family climbed a high mountain on both sides of the Three Gorges despite the elder's efforts. According to the locals, that was the filming location for the back of the 10 yuan RMB. It was Lai Kui. We had to visit tourist attractions where we had to check in. My uncle was possessed by the idea that we would walk through such a bad place. But we were only halfway through the mountain and the whole family almost broke their legs without even looking at the shadow of the top of the mountain.

Along the way, my aunts were complaining that they shouldn’t have saved the hundreds of dollars in cruise money. What should we do if Narusawa gets a heatstroke under such a strong sun? They completely ignored Lu Mingfei, who was carrying two big bags from behind. , while going around the mountain road, he fell and bruised the soft tissue of his elbow. He wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, so he kept his head down and climbed the mountain.

But until they actually climbed to the top of the mountain, the summer and autumn mountain winds poured in from the collar of Lu Mingfei's T-shirt. He put down his backpack and raised his head blankly. When his eyes reflected the burning green and red, he felt the heavy weight on his body. It felt much lighter instantly.

The mountains seem to rise from the ground, and the peaks seem to pierce the sky.

On the towering cliff peaks, the red leaves of Xiangshan Mountain are visible, and the clear water reaches the sky. The white clouds and mist cover the green and yellow mountains, and the meaning of the word "Central Cut" and "Slope" are written one by one. The long boat flows slowly through the green emerald-like river water, leaving blue stone patterns on the jade surface. The two mountains form a "gorge" in the prosperous and desperate situation. It is the first gorge of the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges.

The Kuimen of the Three Gorges in Lu Mingfei's memory is how it should be. A jagged and steep piece of beautiful jade, one can understand the majestic feeling of "river and mountain" just at a glance.

Sleipnir passed through black thunderclouds. The strong updrafts and downdrafts in the clouds jolted the plane as if it was experiencing an earthquake. The "Fasten Seat Belts" light came on, but every passenger in the cabin None of them did as they were told, and they all lay down in front of the portholes and stared at the shocking scene on the ground.

Kuimen in the Three Gorges was flooded.

What caught everyone's eyes was a turbulent black flood and a series of "islands". Amidst thunderstorms and heavy rains, the clear water in the past was dyed black and white by dark clouds and thunder, and the black river rolled under the thunderstorms. Every time it hit the mountain wall, it was like a roaring dragon jumping out of the water, only to be swallowed up by the waves coming from behind in an instant, going back and forth endlessly.

In Kuimen today, it is even difficult to distinguish the topography of the "gorge" with the naked eye, because the high mountains that originally sandwiched the shore have now become "small islands", leaving only sharp peaks in the rushing dark river water, and a large number of rocks have been The unimaginable flood was overwhelming, and he fell into the river and disappeared without even being shocked by the big waves.

"The local official in Fengjie County has issued a flood notice." Su Qian, who was in the front of the cabin, lowered her head and swiped her phone in front of the porthole. The light from the screen and the flash of lightning outside the porthole illuminated her face, "The middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Twelve hours ago, we encountered a heavy rainstorm. Many areas were in danger. A large number of main roads were cut off due to landslides and even disappeared due to rising water levels. Now the entire middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River have entered a red warning for heavy rain. The Yangtze River Hydrology The Internet, the Yangtze River Waterway Bureau, the Yangtze Three Gorges Navigation Administration and other authorities have issued warnings of varying degrees."

"Has it been raining like this for twelve hours?" Ye Sheng and Aji whispered while looking at the violent storm outside in front of the same porthole.

"In some areas, more than 300mm of rain fell in two hours, which is equivalent to pouring more than 100 West Lakes directly into the Kuimen River within two hours." Su Qian said.

"Unprecedented heavy rain, and it happened inland where no typhoons have entered." Caesar's voice sounded, full of severity.

"No, there is no need for a typhoon to enter the country. According to observations from the Norma satellite, there are already signs of a typhoon forming over Kuimen of the Three Gorges." Nono raised her cell phone, and people in each row looked up at her. After seeing the satellite aerial photos, a huge white cyclone actually formed inland, blocking further aerial photography tracks, and indirectly blocking humans' "eyes" from the universe.

"The inland water system caused a typhoon disaster. This is unprecedented." Shutoku Aki said softly. Under normal circumstances, typhoons develop from disturbances in the tropical atmosphere. They are a type of tropical cyclone. They occur in large numbers on the ocean and require strict conditions to form.

"No, it's not unprecedented. Have you ever heard of the Lake Huron hurricane?" Nono put down his phone and asked.

"The "Hurricane Huron" incident in 1996 was an unprecedented spectacle on the Great Lakes." Someone opened his mouth to answer. The answer was actually Ling, who always talked the least and cherished words like gold. She knelt on the seat and pressed her hands against the porthole. The mahogany trees, the calm eyes reflected the dragon-like white lightning in the black clouds.

"It is possible for a phenomenon similar to a typhoon cyclone to form inland." Nono said, staring out the window at the bright red leaves of Fragrant Mountain that could be vaguely seen in the black rainstorm. "It is said that the water temperature of the Great Lakes was close to the highest peak in history at that time, resulting in a strong The latent heat flux. A cut-off low pressure was generated near Lake Superior, converged with it, and eventually intensified into a cyclone with wind speeds up to 60kt in Lake Huron, and once developed eye-like structures and spiral rainbands."

"But that's a lake, and here we are the flowing Yangtze River." Shuode Aki shook his head and said.

"There is only the Saint of the Lake in the lake, but there is the Dragon King in the river." Ye Sheng said with a bitter smile beside her.

Except for a few Chinese people present, most people did not understand the meaning of this sentence, but at least they could understand the meaning of the word 'Dragon Lord', and everyone's expressions gradually darkened.

"It seems that the Dragon Prince is going to be in trouble." Lu Mingfei heard Lin Nian next to him say this.

Lu Mingfei really didn't know if this was just a simple saying or if it really meant something, but he looked down at the stormy weather outside the window and Sleipnir who seemed to be about to fall in the next second. Cast a huge shadow, in the roaring black river in the almost disappeared canyon, it seems that there is a huge eye hidden all the time, looking up at the giant bird crossing the sky.

"We can't get close to the center of Kuimen. A hurricane has formed. The wind force in the Qutang Gorge has reached level 12. Even with the current level 10 wind force, this Gulfstream is about to disintegrate." The front door of the cabin was opened, and Manstein He said in a deep voice as he walked into the cabin. Every step he took, he had to reach out and grab the seats on both sides to stabilize his body, so as not to be bumped to the roof of the plane and become dizzy.

"Are we preparing to meet the 'King of Bronze and Fire' instead of the 'King of Ocean and Water'?" Caesar stood up from his seat and walked to the aisle to help Manstein. His legs were stuck on the aisle and there was no sign of being unstable due to the bumps.

"Maybe it's the 'King of Typhoon and Thunder'." Nono bit his nails and stared at the violent hurricane and heavy rain. "This has nothing to do with 'fire', right?"

"Maybe it's another power of the Dragon King? We know too little about the Dragon King." Manstein exhaled secretly, "In this weather, it is difficult for even the Monyach to travel. I hope there are still some left on the Orthodox side that can be loaded. 'Stormy' ship."

"Field." Zero suddenly said softly while looking at the thunderstorm outside the porthole window, "This heavy rain is like a realm, blocking all prying eyes from inside and outside."

"Realm? I remember that the Dragon King is one of the mythical beasts in charge of rainfall in Chinese mythology. It can raise clouds and mist, and can also turn rivers and seas upside down." Manstein looked at Lu Mingfei, "Lu Mingfei, do you think it is possible?" Is this hurricane really related to Norton’s spirit of speech?”

Lu Mingfei was stunned, a little at a loss, and didn't know how to answer this question.

"The speech spirit controlled by Norton should not be much different from Constantine's. If Lu Mingfei has seen Constantine's authority and has not found a speech spirit similar to the weather, then Norton will most likely not be an exception." Lin Nian shook his head and rejected this possibility for him.

"...I have a feeling." Chu Zihang held the long sword in the black sheath and looked out the window sideways, his golden pupils filled with lightning flashes, "This heavy rain will continue to fall until it submerges everything along the Yangtze River. It's almost... picture."

"It's like an invitation. Before the person he wants to wait for, the heavy rain will always be eye-catching over this area like fireworks." Chu Zihang suddenly looked up and found that Lin Nian, who was talking, was also looking at him. , Lin Nian held up the satellite photo sent by Norma on his mobile phone, the terrifying white spinning eye of the typhoon, "Maybe this is the invitation he sent. It is eye-catching enough and earth-shattering enough to compound his state of mind at the moment."

"If this is an invitation, who is it for?" Manstein asked subconsciously.

But the cabin fell into silence, and no one answered this question, because everyone had the answer in their hearts, and looked at Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei.

"Shall we go home? Wait until the rain subsides before we come back. It's not easy to land now anyway." Lu Mingfei swallowed his saliva and suggested in a low voice.

"I just thought you were joking. If we wait until the rain stops, then there will probably be no place like Kuimen in the future." Caesar also stood in the aisle with his seat, pulled up the porthole on the other side and looked down from another angle. , "Judging from this amount of rainfall, I am very worried that something will happen to the downstream areas if we let it go like this."

"Downstream? Are there any towns downstream?" Shuudoku Aki, who didn't quite understand the geographical distribution here, asked subconsciously.

Ye Sheng's expression changed. He looked at his partner and whispered, "Do you still remember the dam we visited before the Kuimen Project? You also bought a flinching model of the Three Gorges Dam. There are two more passes down Kuimen. That's where the 'Gap' is."

Shutoku Aki paused for a moment, and then her face changed like Ye Sheng's. Not only her, but everyone in the cabin who understood the conversation had bad expressions.

In the distance that Sleipnir was facing, the black giant lay at the end of the raging river gorge, standing silently amidst the white light of thunder and the splashing of heavy rain. The terrifying water trough hit the dam with terrifying force. The splashing water left clear traces, and the water slowly crawled towards its neck at an alarming speed.

Three Gorges Dam.

"The Three Gorges Dam is not that easy to burst. It is China's Millennium Plan. Even if the Hoover Dam collapses, the Three Gorges Dam will be fine. The form of the concrete gravity dam is destined to not be flooded. If the water overflows the top of the dam, the water will only flow downstream, and it will be stressed at right angles instead of in an arch." Manstein, who walked to the center of the aisle, shook his head and rejected this worry.

"But if this continues, the Three Gorges Dam will sooner or later overflow. Although it is strong, its capacity is not unlimited." Susie said.

"It is impossible to disperse this rain cloud with current scientific and technological means." Manstein shook his head. "The heavy rain has almost enveloped the entire Three Gorges area, with continuous rainfall lasting dozens of kilometers!"

"The last time Constantine used Cassel College as a threat, this time Norton directly kidnapped thousands of households along the Yangtze River?" Caesar took a deep breath, even though he also felt the suffocating pressure.

This is truly a life-saving mission. Once it fails, countless families and lives will be destroyed by the Dragon King's anger. The roaring anger in this downpour that harms the entire Yangtze River coast is undoubtedly the people in this cabin. Adding fuel to it, accumulating it until it explodes now.

"The heavy rain started twelve hours ago. That was when Norton came into contact with orthodoxy. This heavy rain must have something to do with the Dragon King." Chu Zihang said, "Perhaps only by meeting him can we truly start to solve the problem. .”

Lin Nian suddenly left his seat and stood in the aisle. He raised his hand and opened the glove box above his head. He reached into the glove box that made the loudest noise and took out a heavy black box. around.

Everyone's eyes fell on the box's dense patterns and ancient dragon inscriptions. Since that night, almost no one could not recognize the simple alchemical artifacts hidden in the box.

Mythical alchemical combination·Seven Deadly Sins.

"We don't need to know the Dragon King's motives. Since we have arrived, let the pilots choose a suitable place to land nearby and inform the 'orthodox' garrison that is still there that we have arrived." Lin Nian said slowly, holding the bronze box, "Let's They arranged preparations for the dive as soon as possible, and Lu Mingfei and I officially took over the next work."

"But can this kind of current still allow normal diving?"

"It must be possible." Lin Nian said, "The weather during the last Kuimen Project was equally bad. The worst-case scenario was to abandon the traction rope and dive with bare hands."

"Then you are the only one who can do it." Ye Sheng looked into this junior's eyes and remembered the danger that time. He took a deep breath and nodded vigorously, "Please!"

"Lin Nian, I can only rely on you from now on." Manstein looked at the student who had already prepared himself and his eyes were burning with torches. He raised his hand and placed it in front of the heart on his chest. After a moment, he looked like As if remembering something, he said, "There is also Lu Mingfei."

At the same time, everyone moved their eyes and landed on Lu Mingfei, who was sitting by the porthole. This guy was looking up at the seat belt light on the top of the plane and taking a deep breath as if no one else was there. It felt like I was about to dive into the violent waters of the Heihe River and never return.

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