"Where is Chu Zihang?"

Manstein whispered in the captain's room, as if he was worried about disturbing the terrible corpse guard vortex through the radio.

I still remember that every time Man and Nature introduced fish schools migrating due to Pacific ocean currents, they would give a picture of a large number of fish gathering together like huge black shadows under the water, but now these fish have been replaced by corpses. .

"His safety rope is not long enough, and he may be wrapped in the whirlpool formed by the corpse guards." the first mate said in a low voice.

Manstein almost shuddered just imagining Chu Zihang's current situation. He also understood why Chu Zihang, who was also in the communication channel, did not reply to him. In this case, what he should do is to treat himself as A dead man, a dead man dragging his bronze coffin down amid the crowd of corpse guards.

"I see the drilling well." Caesar's voice echoed back to the captain's cabin.

Caesar, who was holding a torch high in the water, saw a dark hole under the river bed. It was undoubtedly the passage that Lin Nian had dived through. Deep in the rock formations below was the huge water where the Bronze City was hidden.

He took another look at the torch in his hand. The oilcloth wrapped in this mysterious torch was still burning vigorously. The reddish fire was like a burning rod that could stay bright in the water. According to his experience, this oilcloth torch was as bright as The burning time is about half an hour to an hour, and they still have plenty of time.

"'Snake' can still maintain communication, so it seems that the problem lies in the water below the rock formation." Manstein whispered, "Once it enters it, 'Snake' may no longer be able to maintain communication."

"In this case, we can't dive with the communication line." Caesar looked back at the collapse-like vortex of corpse guards. The metal snake bodies were constantly rubbing together. Once the signal line was too long, it would definitely be stirred into the vortex. , when the time comes, I am afraid that the divers tied to the signal line will also be dragged in and minced by the corpse guards.

"Then the disconnection is inevitable. The next step is all up to you. I wish you success in your mission." Manstein said.

"Yes," said Caesar.

After answering, he also began to enter the deep hole drilled by the drilling machine. The diameter of the dark deep hole was just enough for the bronze coffin to pass through. This was unbelievably lucky. Caesar held the torch and entered it first, and then the huge corpse After the whirlpool approached the river bed, it actively began to divert the flow to the left and right.

In the dark pit, Caesar looked back to the heights, and finally saw Chu Zihang's figure, but at this time there were also several corpse guards following him on his left and right. In this narrow and dark cave, he was forced to coexist with the corpse guards. Diving is simply a challenge to the limit of endurance, but Chu Zihang still dives mechanically with an expressionless face, which makes people wonder whether he is really a robot without emotions and without fear.

"Kai here is the north number."

Sure enough, the deeper you dive into the drilling hole, the blurrier the 'snake' signal becomes, until finally there is only the sizzling sound of interference. This water area is indeed repellent to biological currents.

Caesar tried to release the sickle. He chanted the word spirit in a low voice. The syllables of the dragon text were spoken smoothly, and his golden eyes were bright. However, after the lengthy chant of the word spirit, only two wind monsters were awakened under him. lingering around, and these wind monsters have never been as fragile as now.

Caesar also gradually felt that as he dived deeper, it seemed that Long Wen was becoming more and more difficult to resonate with the rules in this space. His singing seemed to be interfered by current and resistance, unable to fully awaken the spirit of speech that it should have. With such power, it's no wonder that the deeper the Snake and the Weasel dive underwater, the easier it is for them to run into walls.

In other words, in simple terms, there is a signal jammer working deep in the water. The closer it gets to the jammer, the power of the spirit will be gradually weakened until it is zero, and it is completely unable to resonate with the rules.

This is not a good sign.

Caesar sped up his swimming speed, and Chu Zihang, who was connected to the safety rope behind him, also followed suit. Susie and Ling followed the rear of the corpse guard whirlpool, waiting for the person entrenched at the entrance of the passage according to the size of the passage. It will take some time for the Corpse Guard to completely pass through, so they can only wait patiently on the river bed above the rock formations.

In half a minute, Caesar passed through this dark passage. His eyes suddenly became empty and the water became clearer. This also meant that he had come to a new body of water. The Bronze City where the Dragon King was located was hidden in this body of water. Among them, Lin Nian and Lu Mingfei were also in this place.

He turned back and gestured to Chu Zihang to cut off the safety rope connecting the coffin behind him. The mission was already half successful. Now all he had to do was let the bronze coffin sink to the bottom of the river.

What they should do now is to find a way to reconnect with the Beichuan. If the Dragon King is attracted out, they have to let the Beichuan tighten the winch immediately and pull the bronze coffin back to the water like a fish bait.

But at this moment, Caesar suddenly found that the light in front of him suddenly dimmed. He was about to turn on the diving light, but suddenly realized something and turned to look at the torch in his hand. Then he suddenly discovered that the oilcloth had no signs of going out at all. The torch actually started to flicker!

Yes, it flashes on and off, like a light bulb that doesn't work on contact.

The flames on the oilcloth seemed to be struggling. In Caesar's eyes, he was like a drowning man who was about to lose his oxygen, trying hard to open his mouth wide and breathe in the last breath of air before the river water reached his lips. At the same time, he looked up high as if he realized something, and discovered that Chu Zihang, who had just passed through the rock formation hole, was already pressing his right hand on Murasame.

At this moment, the two corpse guards who accompanied Chu Zihang out of the cave suddenly stopped moving. They stopped at the cave entrance in unison, looking up at the bronze coffin that was about to fall inside the cave. Their dark golden snake eyes were full of emotions. It's a restless light.

A familiar and creepy sense of danger rose up in the minds of Caesar and Chu Zihang again. This was a precursor to the crisis, like countless needles pricking their brains, making them tremble.

If before, the corpse guards were like ligers viewed through glass in the zoo, then this layer of glass has disappeared. Now, even dozens of meters away, Caesar can feel the radiance emitted by the two corpse guards. The violent and bloodthirsty aura, like a hungry lion waking up, chooses people to eat!

Without any communication, Chu Zihang made a decisive decision before the Corpse Guard riot.

He suddenly pulled out Murasame from the water, and pierced the heads of the two corpse guards with a knife like electricity. The stabbing even dispersed a large amount of water, and the alchemy blade slammed into the heads of the two corpse guards like a gourd. The ground is nailed together!

The body of the zombie guarding snake that was suddenly attacked twisted wildly due to the strong stimulation. The snake's tail, which was capable of ejecting the speed of sound, curled up tightly. Chu Zihang was almost sucked in by the swinging snake's tail. The steel-like The force of the snake's body being squeezed before death could almost break steel!

Caesar threw away the torch in his hand without hesitation, pulled out the diktus that was hanging horizontally on his waist, swam quickly and raised the knife with both hands. The muscles of his two big arms swelled as if they were blowing air. He broke into his diving suit, charged up his strength, and slashed the necks of the two writhing corpse guards with a sharp knife, ending their lives.

After doing everything, Caesar turned his head and looked down. The torch that sank into the water went deeper and deeper, and the fire above gradually stopped flickering, but was completely extinguished and fell into darkness.

At this moment he seemed to understand something, but it was too late now.

The bronze coffin protruded from the hole drilled in the rock formation. It was a coincidence that the size of the coffin just filled the hole. There was no gap for people to pass side by side. It shrank out of the hole little by little like squeezing ham. .

Caesar and Chu Zihang looked at each other and swam up without hesitation. They used their backs to hold up the bronze coffin that was about to fall out of the hole, and sealed the hole with the coffin itself. Then violent vibrations and thrusts erupted in one breath. On top of the bronze coffin, the coffin blocking the entrance of the cave must be pushed out in one breath! In the dark passage above the entrance of the cave, a scream like a tidal wave echoed down the water body!

Both Caesar and Chu Zihang stumbled, allowing the bronze coffin to push halfway out of the cave entrance. They could almost see the drilling tunnel behind the gap, which was crowded like a sardine can by the corpse guards who were starting to go crazy. .

The independent signal lines were quickly connected between Caesar and Chu Zihang. As soon as they were connected, Chu Zihang heard Caesar's roar, "Chu Zihang! Can you still release the spirit of speech?" ?”

Chu Zihang raised his head and glanced at the hole sealed by the bronze coffin and immediately understood what he meant, "Yes, but it will take time. It is not easy to release the spirit of speech in the waters here."

"Then hurry up." Caesar said, and then the muscles all over his body suddenly swelled up, making the already tight diving suit round. Fortunately, this suit was made by the equipment department and had sufficient quality assurance. It didn't crack.

If Lu Mingfei were here, he would probably be shocked to find that the green data on Caesar's shoulders are growing in the direction of overflow, breaking through the four-digit mark at a rapid speed. This is almost the limit of hybrids, at least Except for Lin Nian, no one else in Kassel Academy had measurements that could reach such an inhuman level.

Even so, the bronze coffin is still sinking. Although the corpse guards who are constantly squeezing in the passage cannot accumulate force and eject due to space limitations, they are completely enough to block it with the weight brought by their numbers. Push the coffin out of the exit!

A loud chant also sounded underwater for a while. Under Caesar, a blazing ring of fire began to slowly form behind Chu Zihang. In ten seconds, after the first ring of fire was formed, there was nothing important. The meaning of "explosion", as Chu Zihang kept reciting the explosive sound, the second round of fire ring actually continued to appear. The pure fire element evaporated and a large number of bubbles rose up, and the temperature of the fire ring began to exponentially explode and continue to rise.

The third round of fire rings appeared and construction began, but at this time Caesar could hardly hold on anymore. The bronze coffin was almost completely pushed out of the hole. You can now see the scales of the corpse guards twisting and rubbing against the rock wall in the gap. Out of the fire!

"Chu Zihang!" Caesar roared with split veins.

"Get out of the way!" Chu Zihang shouted, and his everlasting golden pupils were illuminated fiery red by the ring of fire at this moment.

Caesar released his strength, and the bronze coffin suddenly fell. After the hole was exposed, the fire illuminated the hellish scene inside. Countless corpse guards were squeezed into the narrow passage. The snake bodies were entangled and twisted with each other, and the scales were held up by the huge force. Black blood flowed out of the body, and the eyes were filled with stinky flesh and blood and dense snake pupils.

The moment before the screams and cries erupted, the three-round fire ring shattered first. The tumbling fire elements burst out from the fire ring. In an instant, the monarch flames compressed to the limit burst out and illuminated most of the water. The fire, the terrifying shock wave and the flame pressure were poured into the narrow passage in one breath, drowning everything ferocious and ugly!

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