Old Tang stuffed the cat back into the cage, returned to the sofa, picked up the syringe, and used the syringe to draw out the red liquid from the ampoule in the iron box according to the method of injecting insulin in his memory. After making all preparations, he aimed it at himself. Click the button on your belly.

I didn't feel much, just a slight sting like a mosquito bite. After I picked up the syringe, the place where the needle pricked was a little itchy.

"Is this the end?" Old Tang sat on the sofa and stared down at the injection site in his abdomen.

According to the psychiatrist, as long as he takes injections on time, most of his difficult and complicated diseases can be solved. But why does he feel so unrealistic after this injection? They say bitter medicine is a good medicine. This injection will at least make him scream in pain to show that the medicine is very effective, right? (Actually, injection pain is mostly related to the thickness of the needle)

Suddenly, Old Tang touched his pockets as if he remembered something. After searching for a long time, he took out a USB flash drive from his butt pocket. He actually forgot about this thing. The psychiatrist said it was an instruction manual. Coming.

He turned over and looked at the logo of the half-decayed tree on the USB flash drive. He still felt that he had seen this thing before, but he couldn't remember it now. After thinking for a long time, he had no idea and could only insert the USB flash drive. In the laptop.

Device access pops up in the lower right corner, click on the computer, and find the folder of the external USB flash drive. When I double-click to open it, Old Tang's laptop is stuck for half a minute. After finally responding, I click on it and I don't see a simple and simple one as I expected. TXT notepad or word document, but a separate video file.

The file name of the video is a string of dates 2018. This probably means that this thing is a video file shot at 12 o'clock in the morning on August 21, 2018?

"Are you so dedicated? Make a video instruction manual at twelve o'clock in the evening." Old Tang muttered a few words and double-clicked to open the video file. As expected, the player got stuck again. It was obvious that this thing was ridiculously big. It was being filmed. Instructions or making a movie?

While the player was not responding, Old Tang scratched his head and stood up, ready to pour himself a glass of water. He didn't know why, even though it was the beginning of winter, he felt a little hot tonight and his back started to swell. He was sweating, and his throat was as hot as if he had a cold. He still remembered that the doctor told him not to take medicine before meals, but he seemed to have forgotten this.

The cat in the cat cage was curled up in the corner of the room. The small bowl full of milk was placed in the center without moving. Old Tang poured water and passed by the cat cage and took a look inside, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

"How pathetic."

Someone said, but it was not Old Tang.

Old Tang, who was holding the water glass, suddenly turned around and looked at the notebook placed on the coffee table. The red light illuminated the entire room. It was the color of the picture in the video. It was so red that it made people scared and uneasy.

"What are you doing?" Old Tang glanced at the kitten, then at the notebook, walked over and glanced at the screen.

It was at this glance that the water glass slipped from his hand and fell to the ground with a splash of water.

The cat in the cat cage was stimulated and made a threatening sound, looking at the back of the man shrouded in blood-red light in the messy room.

Ronald Tang didn't know how he walked to the sofa and sat down. When he saw the picture on the screen, his eyes only saw the two figures engulfed in red light.

In the video, there is a room filled with red. It should be a laboratory. From the shooting angle, you can see the operating table and various cold equipment, but these instruments are all covered with something brighter than red light. color.

A figure stood with his back to the screen in front of a wall. In front of the figure, there was a bloody and magnificent 'painting' hanging on the wall.

It was a boy, hung with a cross on the wall, like the suffering Jesus, with blood-red alchemical nails piercing his hands, feet, and heart. His beautiful and delicate sleeping face was so peaceful, but it was contrary to that tranquility. It was the bloody chest that had been cut open, and the bloody inner abdomen was exposed in the air, which formed a strong contrast with the boy's beauty.

Ronald Tang couldn't look away the moment he saw his face, because he realized that he actually recognized this boy, his face, and his white clothes. Even a familiar voice rang in his ears, coming to him through the endless nightmares of the past three months.

"Brother." The boy in the video opened his eyes, staring blankly at Ronald Tang in front of the screen as if he had penetrated illusion and reality.

When a dream truly becomes reality, how should the dreamer react?

Ronald Tang thought he would scream and panic, but in fact he had no reaction at all, because he felt like his whole body was burning up. Lying on the sofa, his consciousness and vision were constantly heating up, and he was The scorching pupils on the screen ignited together.

"Welcome back, Constantine." The figure on the screen with his back to Ronald Tang said. He was not talking to him in front of the computer screen. The figure was talking to the boy who was hung as a bloody cross. .

"...Is it you?" Constantine said after waking up and seeing the person in front of him.

"Do you still recognize me?" He seemed a little surprised.

"You have changed your appearance, but you cannot change your bloodline, Mr. Elder." Constantine said, "You found me."

"Yes, I found you. You and Norton have been burdened with the fate of abandoning the clan for thousands of years, but the clan will always find you when needed. This is a fate that you cannot escape." He said.

"Where is my brother?" Constantine looked around. The alchemy spikes fixing his neck and shoulders were burned by the molten fire burning from his body. He had begun to wake up, and no one could stop the awakening of his bloodline.

"Your brother is not here. Unfortunately, Constantine, it was not me who found you first, but humans." He whispered.

"Human beings cannot be trusted," Constantine said.

"Yes, humans can't be trusted. I guess this is what Norton taught you." He nodded.

"Have you seen my brother?" Constantine's expression was a little hollow.

"He is still in a deep sleep, a different kind of sleep. He woke up earlier than you and is still confused in the human world."

"Brother may be in danger." The molten fire spread faster and faster, and the entire laboratory was enveloped in high temperature. All metals began to melt into molten iron and flowed at the boy's feet, surrendering to the absolute majesty of the King of Bronze and Fire.

"No, you are the one in danger, Constantine. Look at yourself, what have you gained from sleeping and escaping for thousands of years?" He looked at Constantine's open chest and said softly, "This time you There is no escape, Constantine, there are many people waiting for you, they want to kill you and dye the ceremonial flag red with your blood."

"I am not afraid of death," said Constantine.

"Because death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep." Ronald Tang read these words dully and numbly.

"It seems that he has indeed taught you a lot." He said with a slight nod.

"I'm going to find my brother." Constantine took a step forward. He broke away from the shackles of the cross and stood in the molten fire as if bathed in the flame of rebirth. Red dragon scales grew out, cracked The chest began to heal itself, and the bones began to proliferate unnaturally. The wings on the back spread out, flying all the debris to the corner and squeezing it into a pile. The reinforced glass wall of the laboratory at the end was neatly cut in half by the wing tips.

He is ready.

"Constantine, there are many people outside." He looked at the boy who was burned in the fire and said, "You might die."

"If I die, can you please bring my remains to my brother?" Constantine turned to look at Him and asked.

"And let him eat you?"

"This is my brother's biggest wish, but he has never been able to make up his mind."

He didn't answer, just looked at him silently.


Constantine said that the cracks of the molten fire were all over the glass chamber, and magma spewed out from all directions and filled the entire space. The hoarse dragon roar drowned everything in the raging explosion of flames, and he rose into the sky.

"Brother, there are many people outside."

"We are going to die, Constantine, but don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid. I'm with my brother. I'm not afraid. But why don't you eat me? If you eat me, you can break through any kind of prison."

"You are good food, but that would be too lonely. For thousands of years, you and I are the only ones together."

"But death is really sad, forever and ever, pitch black, like groping in the dark, but the hands in the depths can never touch anything."

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wilderness, raise the war flag again, and return to the hometown. Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before I can swallow this world, instead of trekking alone, it is better to sleep peacefully, and we will still wake up Come."

"Brother, if one day you raise a battle flag and can devour the world, will you eat me?"

".I will, and then you will rule the world with me."

Memories of the past began to surge in his ears, and every word was like the ringing of the Hong Kong Bell, so deafening that it made his eyesight split.

"How could he love you so much and eat you?" He looked back at Ronald Tang outside the screen, "If you want him to make up his mind, you have to take the most important step. , Constantine.”

"No! No! No!" Ronald Tang suddenly roared like crazy. He pulled his hair desperately and roared at the screen at the top of his lungs.

He guessed what would happen next. It was a tragedy that had already happened, that night three months ago, when the nightmare first caught up with him.

No, the nightmare that has been plaguing him is his memory.

He remembered it all. No matter whether he was sleeping or waking up for two thousand years, the boy had been looking for him, just to fulfill the promise he had made. He said he would eat him and then rule the whole world together.

So the boy no longer feared death, he died generously, rushed to the surface with fire and molten iron, and stood in front of everyone.

"I lied to you. Constantine, I love you so much, how could I be willing to eat you?"

He roared madly because he realized that he was indeed a guy that no one liked. Maybe there had been a time when the person who had spent thousands of years with him had left, and now he was really the only one in the world. .

Black and white noise began to appear in the video, and the screen began to play back quickly, returning to the original starting point.

"Liquid nitrogen begins to be injected."

"The robotic arm is adjusting"

"The gray tin solution was pre-installed successfully."

"The surgical environment is about to be pressurized."

"Quasi-absolute zero is forming."

The cold metal knife on the operating table scratched the chest of the sleeping frail boy. The figures surrounding the boy occasionally screamed in shock, and cheered for breakthroughs when new organs were discovered. They kept pacing around the boy, The boy's internal organs and muscles were torn apart, and his face and body were covered with the boy's blood. It was like a demon enjoying the sacrifice of a lamb, with the delicious flesh and blood of the lamb between his teeth and fingers.

In front of the computer screen, Ronald Tang, who was watching all this, grabbed his hair tightly and remembered everything in his mind with eyes wide open. He could not change anything. These were just pictures of the past. He All that can be done now is to accumulate the molten fire and uncontrollable madness.

The progress bar of the video is very long, longer than that long sleep, and longer than the death that they were all afraid of.

It wasn't until the end of the video that the man's voice appeared again.

"The deceased is gone, and the keel cross is already burning in the sky. You can't change the established past, but you should be eager to follow the martyr's last prayer, regardless of everything. I will tell you about killing Kang. Standing, that human being, hopes that you will be ready for all revenge."

"Those who are lost are lost, and those who meet will meet again. But now that the old friend has passed away, where can I rely on?"

"Constantine burned himself to death for the promise he made to you, so you will definitely fulfill his last wish and devour his remains, right?"

"I will look forward to the day when you will truly become one, raise the battle flag, and find your own hometown."

The gate of the Bronze City was broken, and the mural of the Seven Deadly Sins collapsed into a large number of stones, but before it fell, it was burned into blazing lava by the huge flames that burst out of the door!

In the flames, Norton truly showed his true appearance full of rage. The blazing dragon scales evaporated a huge amount of river water, and the long neck raised his head and burst out a long-awaited roar, with the sound of waiting for thousands of years. The resulting loneliness and despair, at the end of the scorching dragon eyes, the bronze coffin in the dark water stood silently there.

"Constantine!" He shouted across the millennium, but no one could answer his voice.

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