Chapter 766 Death Reunion (Part 2) (1010)

"Do you think free contracts can be quantified and traded?" Lin Nian asked in a low voice.

"Of course it can be traded. As long as you have enough power, what can't be quantified? Whether it's time or life, let alone a mere freedom?" the 'Emperor' said coldly, "She is what I do for you. A specially prepared chess piece, all her fate is under my control. According to the script, she will eventually die for you, but now she has a chance to get rid of all this heavy stuff."

"Why do you think I would reach an agreement with you because of someone who cheated on me?" Lin Young smiled.

"Because you are her junior brother and she is your senior sister." The 'Emperor' said softly.

The smile on Lin Nian's face gradually disappeared, and the look in his eyes was so dark that it was difficult to understand.

"Constantine's Dragon Bone Cross, I need to use it if I want to fulfill the conditions of my Word Spirit." said the 'Emperor'.

"I will use the Dragon Bone Cross to set the conditions for the release of my spirit. If Norton swallows it to complete the ultimate fusion between the twins, then I can easily control the opportunity for the fusion of 'power' and 'force' Norton’s body and all of him!”

"Even if what you say is true, do you think the Dragon King can't see the trick you played on his own brother's Dragon Bone Cross?" Lin Nian asked.

"Of course he can see that he is Norton, the most knowledgeable Dragon King." The 'Emperor' turned his head slightly and looked at the shining blood-red light, "But so what? Being knowledgeable never means being ruthless, so he couldn't refuse. Fusion with his biological brother and leading to a happy death, or being buried alone by you at the bottom of the river, separated from Constantine forever, I believe he will not make a mistake in this multiple-choice question. Oh, the twins never do Will give surprising answers to this kind of questions. Never."

"It's so cruel." Lin Nian lowered his eyes.

"I have never been a kind person, Lin Nian." The 'Emperor' said, "Sending the Dragon Bone Cross to Norton so that he can reunite with Constantine before he dies is already my maximum. So gentle. Besides, I also promised Constantine that he would reunite him with his brother. This is my promise, no joke."

A large number of footsteps sounded outside the sealed alloy door, accompanied by the sound of guns being loaded. The execution department had surrounded the room, and troops were under martial law outside the door.

The 'Emperor' looked at the silent Lin Nian and said, "Don't mess it up, Lin Nian. Try to satisfy Norton's small and humble wish. He once walked thousands of miles and gave up the glory of the king for Constantine, but now he has no branches. Keyi also tries to satisfy Mandy Gonzalez’s prayers that she cries day and night. I promise you, she will never know the conversation between us today. She will be truly free and will no longer be forced to To betray your trust and cry alone in a prison cell."

The red light went out, the sirens stopped, and the golden eyes that were staring at Lin Nian slowly closed, and the room fell into complete darkness and silence.

"Is it really worth it?"

In Lin Nian's low voice, the pale fire ring shattered, and the fire that illuminated the dark waters also dissipated. The 'Candle Dragon', which had rarely been released to its limit since ancient times, also collapsed at this moment, and the overflowing fire also dissipated. The scattered power turned into dots scattered in the river bed like stars entering the sea.

Norton took a step back, and the huge dragon body almost fell to the ground. At this moment, he lost not only the control of 'right' and 'power', he even lost the command of his body. The perfect and powerful dragon body that words cannot explain is now difficult to stand even because there is a will in his mind that says to him:

Kneel down.

He refused, and the fight began.

It was the roar caused by the collapse of the mountains and the sea, making waves in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Dragon King. The 'cocoon' that had been hidden in the dragon bone cross finally hatched at this moment, like a giant melting iceberg.

The pure and strong memories flowing out of the 'cocoon' crazily devoured the Dragon King's will. He ate away at the Dragon King's memories like catkins ignited by fire, eroding everything that belonged to Norton like wildfire spreading.

This is an invisible fight, the cruelty is far beyond the breaking of flesh and bones, because this battle uses the Dragon King's sea of ​​consciousness as the main battlefield. What they hold is not sharp blades and blades, but pure memories and The collision of memory, personality and personality.

Every impact produced brilliant sparks, which were fragments of memory. Lin Nian's figure gradually blurred in front of those scorching dragon eyes, and what appeared again were green mountains and green water. The boy in white robe stood beside him, Together they looked at the magnificent rivers and mountains that had traveled thousands of miles.

Then he could hear the sound of the howling wind, and the pouring rain hitting his hair and moving towards his face. He subconsciously covered the head of the boy next to him and looked at the boy's face, but everything he saw was blurry. What does Qing's own brother's face look like?

A sense of panic occupied the Dragon King's mind, an emotion that should never have appeared in him.

"Brother." He heard someone calling him.

"Constantine?" he answered.

The shout only sounded once and then disappeared.

"Constantine! Where are you?" He raised his voice and shouted, but no one answered him. In front of his eyes, it was like a kaleidoscope that started to turn familiar scenes one after another.

The lonely mountain that I once climbed with the boy, the ocean that I once reached with the boy, the study room where I once spent time with the boy, the wicker bed, the wicker chair, and the oil lamp that was added by the boy himself every time.

Gradually, those scenes began to fall into pieces, like a picture scroll being torn apart unreasonably by a huge force. With each piece torn into pieces, he forgot a piece of the past.

Those past events turned into tiny spots of light that converged into a galloping rainbow that quickly passed before his eyes. He reached forward in despair into the torrent of colors, hoping to catch something, but in the end he touched nothing.

The memory representing Dragon King Norton began to fade away rapidly. It was because the disk in the brain was being cleared. Those things that the being named Norton once valued and cherished most were being ruthlessly erased by a big hand and thrown into the dark trash can. middle.

"No! No! No!" He roared furiously, and he reached into the torrent with both hands, trying to turn the tide and leave everything behind, but it was all in vain.

"We've come to this point, why are we still resisting? The moment you eat the Dragon Bone Cross, you should be ready for everything." Someone said coldly in his ear.

He ignored it and stepped forward persistently, jumping directly into the torrent without any care! It seems that he wants to save everything! But this move was met with a mocking, cold laughter in his mind.

Entering the torrent of memory, his eyes began to be occupied by fleeting images, pictures flashed by at an extremely fast speed, and countless voices and conversations passed by his ears. The content of the conversations was very complicated, but there were always only two voices, his , boy's, his, boy's, his. It seems that there are only these two figures in his world. Except that they are boys, the only thing they have is each other.

"Brother." The boy called again, overwhelming all the voices.

"What's wrong?" He turned around and saw a square table in the afternoon sunset, with a white camellia blooming in a rough porcelain vase.

Across the camellia, a boy in white, reflecting the red of the setting sun, was looking at him blankly.

"What's wrong, Constantine?" Looking at the boy's delicate face, he gradually relaxed his tense shoulders and asked softly.

"Brother, I'm a little scared." The boy whispered.

"What are you afraid of? Constantine, tell me." He put down the brush in his hand and asked softly.

"Swallow. The adults of the Presbyterian Church of Vengeance Throne." The boy looked out the window of the house. The setting sun hung slanting on the cliff. Countless black giant shadows passed from the top of the mountain towards the red setting sun. Gu Kuang's roar raged across the burning wasteland.

"We are the throne itself, Constantine. You should not be afraid of yourself." He reached out and jumped over the camellia and gently stroked the boy's head. "And the Presbyterian Church are just doing what they should do, even if they will do it for It is your own fault that will destroy you."

"Brother, what if I want to escape?" The boy raised his head and asked in a low voice.

"Do you really think so? Constantine." He stopped stroking and looked down at the boy's eyes, "The fate of abandoning one's family is never so easy to bear. You will give up everything you once owned. My love, those who love you will never let us go."

"I'm sorry, brother." The boy seemed a little frightened, stood up and left quietly.

He watched silently as the boy left the table and walked towards the door leaving the cabin.

When the boy opened the door and let the setting sun illuminate the entire room, he suddenly said, "Are you really afraid, Constantine? Even if what you are afraid of is the fate you are carrying?"

"Brother." The boy didn't answer, but called him in a low voice again.

"Then let's escape!" He said with a smile, "From today on, we will run far away, betray everything, and escape to a place where no one can find us."

He stood up, walked to the boy, and held his hand. The setting sun shone on his white robe, which was as bright as the moon, reflecting half of the blood red of the setting sun.

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wilderness to raise the war flag again and return to our hometown." He said, "We may die, but death is not terrible. Death can bring people closer."

Looking at the boy's confused eyes, he stroked the boy's head and chuckled, "Yes, it can bring people who were separated before death closer."

They walked out of the dark room hand in hand and stepped into the blood-red setting sun that heralded their future.

ps: exhausted

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