Chopin's "Butterfly" etude was quickly pressed down with slender and powerful knuckles. In front of the white grand piano in the side hall, the tall and beautiful girl, Miss Chen, the daughter of the owner of the mansion Chen, was very energetic and played Chopin's "Butterfly" etude. She showed off her energy at the International Piano Competition, never hitting a wrong note or skipping a beat. She really treated the entire side hall as a concert scene, and the distinguished guests and family on the sofa were her most stringent judges today.

The black and white keys rise and fall, the hammers hit the strings quickly, the notes rise and fall, from smooth to climax, and finally end with a rush. Ms. Chen, dripping with sweat, withdrew her hands and put away the last note and turned around. Just when she was about to say something humble amidst the praise from the big family behind her, she found that none of the guests in the entire side hall were paying attention. On her body!

This made Miss Chen a little stunned. She couldn't help but follow the Su family to the door of the side hall, and immediately saw the boy holding the cake standing at the door.

She was stunned for a moment, but it was only for a moment. Can she be said to be a piano practitioner who can play Flight of the Bumblebee three times faster? The reaction is faster than everyone else! He stood up and faced him before he could!

"Are you delivering the cake? I'll go." Miss Chen walked quickly to the boy with a polite smile and took the cake box for him.

When she got closer, she couldn't help but take a few more glances at the boy who delivered the cake. Her eyes were dazzled by his appearance. She couldn't help but praise him in her heart. He was indeed her father. The delivery boy who delivered the cake was so good. After careful selection, even she was attracted by the good looks of the guy who delivered the cake.

But unfortunately now is not the time to flirt with a man. Miss Chen took the cake and was about to turn around, but she didn't expect that the handsome boy in front of her actually stepped up and walked into the side hall! The speed was so fast that she even jumped past her before she could react.

She just wanted to reach out to catch this rash boy, but a hand from behind the door quietly grabbed her wrist and squeezed it gently. After such a delay, the boy had already walked into the side hall.

Miss Chen subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but when she looked back, she suddenly realized that the person holding her wrist was her father. Boss Chen was standing outside the door with sweat almost dripping from his forehead. His face was tense and twitching, and he was shaking her daughter. wink.

As expected of a biological father and daughter, Miss Chen knew with one look that she had almost gotten into trouble. Her chest and abdomen were slightly bulging due to inhalation, and she turned to look at the back of the white T-shirt who had already walked into the side hall—— This boy who looks ridiculously handsome, but is dressed no differently than a delivery boy, is the one that Mr. Su and his family have been waiting for half an hour?

"Go quickly." Boss Chen moved his lips slightly and whispered to his daughter, "Let's see what the route is."

Miss Chen understood what she was thinking, readjusted her facial expressions and posture, put on a flawless social smile, turned around and carried the cake to the side hall - in just an instant, she immediately changed from the person who received the cake to the person who delivered it. , as if she was the delivery girl.

"Here comes the cake." Miss Chen placed the cake on the marble-patterned coffee table in the side hall and quietly looked at Mr. Su and Mr. Su's wife who had stood up from the sofa at some point. Good guy, I just played Chopin. Even the etudes that had won prizes in competitions did not make the whole family stand up and applaud. As soon as this unknown boy came in, they all stood up to greet him. Could it be that he was his prospective son-in-law? It shouldn’t be!

"Are you Lin Nian?" Today, Su's father was wearing a gray business casual suit and dark-colored trousers pressed straight. It was obvious that he was an elegant and wise man despite his age. He was the first to stand. He stood up and walked towards Lin Nian with a smile, stretched out his hand and shook it, "My Xiaoqiang mentions you every day, and this is the first time we finally meet!"

Lin Nian looked at this middle-aged man who was 45 or 6 years old and still didn't look old. He immediately reached out and held it, "Hello, uncle."

After he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of Su Xiaoqiang standing behind Mama Su, who was wearing a pink chiffon shirt and a blue plaid skirt. It seemed that Mama Su's outfit was matched by Su Xiaoqiang himself. The brisk and bright outfit matched his daughter's. Standing together, they really look younger. People who are over forty actually look like young women in their thirties.

"I'm sorry for being late. I originally bought a cake and was going to come here, but I encountered some things that needed to be dealt with on the way and it delayed me for a while." You still have to apologize, even if you are the ace of the executive department, the student of Cassel College 'S'-level people also have to bow their heads in front of their uncles and aunts. This is purely a matter of etiquette.

"It's okay, it's only half an hour. My Xiaoqiang just told me dozens of times that your matter is very important. She asked me not to say a word about you for as long as I came, otherwise she would fall out with me. Hahahaha. "Dad Su seems to have a very straightforward personality, and he is worthy of being a mine boss. He doesn't have any twists and turns at all. He just poured out the fun things he had done before. The cost was that Su Xiaoqiang went behind him to avoid poking him. Waist eyes.

"Is the matter settled?" Su Xiaoqiang only poked her head out after Su's father begged for mercy. She wore a seaside glass blue breathable top with a big bow collar and a low-saturated bright dark blue mid-length skirt. At first glance, she looked like she had ordered the latest style from New York Fashion Magazine. , the overall look is beautiful and mature.

"This time, I actually took the initiative to invite you, Xiaonian. Is it okay for me to call you that?" Su's mother spoke, and Su's father shut up as soon as he opened his mouth. The family status was obvious.

"It's okay, you can call me whatever you want, auntie," Lin Nian said.

"The key is that I have always wanted to know which boy kidnapped my Xiaoqiang's heart. When her father was discussing business in Germany, he kept talking about flying back to teach you a lesson, but he couldn't bear to leave our family. Xiaoqiang." Su's mother said with a smile, "Don't blame me for talking too much, I'd better ask one more question, have you already confirmed your relationship? This time I asked Xiaoqiang to invite you mainly just to confirm and feel at ease."

"Yes." Lin Nian nodded slightly and tried his best to smile. This is what his elder sister strictly reminded him when he went out. Always smile at the people who may become your future parents-in-law. .

"When did it start?" Su's mother glanced at her daughter, whose cheeks were a little red, and asked teasingly.

"During the first half of the freshman semester, there were some minor problems in the school, but we overcame them, and then we got together naturally." Lin Nian explained eloquently.

"Yes, yes, only emotions that have tests and experiences can go further. I'm afraid that you guys only confirmed the relationship on impulse. And if I remember well, you are also old classmates. Your name, I have been in this relationship for several years." Qian Xiaoqiang listened to it every day when he was in high school."

"Mom!" Su Xiaoqiang lost her temper and glanced at Miss Chen, who was holding a cake and pretending to be a wooden figure not far away. Miss Chen immediately looked at her nose, nose and heart and said that she didn't know or hear anything.

"Then what stage are you at?" Su's mother continued to ask with a smile.

"Hmm" Even Lin Nian was a little stunned now.


"The kitchen has started firing, and the appetizers will be ready in five minutes. You can sit down for a while and then come to the main hall to dine. I'll prepare it first." Boss Chen walked in at the right time and arranged with a smile.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Chen, you can go and do your work first. My family is happy today, so I can serve you with more food!" Boss Su waved his hand grandly, showing his original style as a mine boss.

When Boss Chen left, he winked at his daughter and asked him to stay and observe the situation. He had to have someone to control the situation when he went to work in the back.

Miss Chen understood the situation and pushed her way to the piano to sit down. She quietly paid attention to the situation on the other side of the sofa with her peripheral vision, her white and dexterous ears pricked up. Now she was almost sure that Lin Nian was really the "quick son-in-law" of Mr. Su's family. He was half an hour late. She had played a few chapters of Chopin and her hands were weak before this guy came. Mr. Su's family actually had no clue. The meaning of complaining is in it!

What kind of dreamy perfect parents-in-law are these? Can she have such in-laws in the future?

Is there a possibility that the problem lies not with the parents-in-law’s good temper, but with the son-in-law?

Miss Chen quietly looked at Lin Nian, trying to see some of the luster of a wealthy husband in this boy, but unfortunately, all she saw was a boy whom she once mistakenly thought was a delivery boy.

It was nothing more than underestimating Lin Nian's appearance. On the contrary, Miss Chen already recognized the boy's appearance from the first moment they met. It is no exaggeration to say that this brother who is wearing a white T-shirt is a few years younger than her, but in terms of appearance, he would be ranked in the top three handsome guys in her entire life!

But unfortunately, having been influenced by Boss Chen’s mate selection standards since she was a child, Miss Chen is no longer the pure-looking dog who only cared about looks. In the world of girls, the truly qualified or even excellent mate selection standards must be for a boy. Comprehensive scoring - percentage standard, a boy's appearance can only account for 30% in her mind, and the remaining 70% is taken up by family background, education level, hobbies and personality. Among them, family background and Educational level accounts for the highest proportion.

The family background of the former determines the consumption concept when dating. There is no way that Miss Chen wants to go to Disneyland to release her childlike innocence during the summer vacation. You, the boyfriend, can't even afford an exclusive tour, right? Even if a girl can bear it if Miss Chen is crowded with people in the hot summer, if Boss Chen finds out, he will have to fly to Disneyland and kick you away.

The cultural level of the latter determines the conversation and knowledge. It does not mean that people with low cultural level are uncultivated, but most people with poor cultural level will not be highly educated; conversely, people with high cultural level may not necessarily be well-educated. But it is also a small part, and the larger case is considered in terms of probability.

From Lin Nian's current situation, he definitely has a perfect score for appearance. There are no clues about his personality and hobbies for the time being, so I won't talk about it. Let's just look at family background, which accounts for the largest proportion. The white T-shirt and jeans must have been bought at the "Last Three Days Sale" stall on the street, right? It's definitely the kind of bargain that can cut the price down by more than ten percent at a fixed price.

It's so pitiful that in Miss Chen's house, all the outdated Burberry cashmere shawls can only be used to make a nest for her ragdoll cat. It’s not that you look down on civilian clothes, but it’s just too perfunctory to wear such clothes to meet your future parents-in-law, right? If she meets her parents in the future, she will probably have to plow the room where clothes are kept.

"Is it a hidden rich man?" Ms. Chen was startled. With the popularity of online novels, rich people now deliberately avoid those plots that are often criticized by writers who hate the rich on the Internet.

According to the recent trend of wealthy second-generation people, the richer they are, the more they dress up. There are Aventadors and Lafas parked in the garage at home. They all want to go out and wear slippers and hair ties on their wrists. The more they pretend to be poor, the more they pretend to be in the circle. The more you can gain the respect of others, the more you want to feel like showing off your skills in front of a young lady inadvertently - now the protagonists of online novels secretly praise themselves in this way!

Now in Miss Chen's eyes, Lin Nian has become such a low-key rich second generation. But is it too much to pretend like this in front of his future parents-in-law? Are we just waiting for my parents-in-law to give you five million to get out of my daughter's life, and then take out the keys to the supercar and shake them three times?

But Ms. Chen's suspicion was shattered immediately after the next conversation.

"Xiao Nian, where do you live now? Do your parents know that you are coming to see us today? How about we two families pick a day to meet?" Su's mother asked cheerfully.

coming! coming!

Lin Nian had no reaction yet. He was standing in front of the piano in the distance and pretended to touch the piano cover and clean it up. In fact, Miss Chen, who was monitoring the conversation, her face changed quietly. As a woman, how could she not sense the deep meaning in this sentence? Before the meal even started, the parents-in-law's offensive was already taking shape.

According to Ms. Chen's excellent reading comprehension, this sentence must be a way to spy on her son-in-law's family situation under the guise of knowing her parents' knowledge! A very high-ranking drunkard doesn't care about drinking, and his speech skills are more straightforward than "You have?" "Are you there?" "You know how to?" I don't know how high it is! This superb art of questioning is simply a required course for every mother-in-law!

Now that I asked about his family background, it seems that my previous estimate was wrong. This boy should be the secret lover of the eldest lady of the Su family. Recently, his parents suddenly found out and forced him to come to the meeting for evaluation!

Ms. Chen's intense mental activity immediately analyzed a huge amount of information from Mother Su's simple words. She overturned all her previous guesses and began to try to use Lin Nian's answers to predict the direction of the next family dinner.

"Um, haven't I been staying at Auntie's house?" Lin Nian replied subconsciously.

"?" Miss Chen, who was eavesdropping now, couldn't stand it anymore, and her brain shut down for a while.

"Is this happening?" Su's mother looked stunned and looked at Su's father.

"Well, don't look at me. How do I know? We have been together before." Su's father was also stunned for a moment.

"That's it, Xiaonian, Xiaoqiang's father and I just returned to China yesterday. You said you lived in our house." Su's mother's expression changed slightly, and her pupils trembled.

They knew that their daughter was very open with the people she liked, but they didn't expect that they were all living together! Although they had been prepared when they heard that their daughter had a boyfriend, this moment exceeded their expectations!

Su's father and Su's mother suddenly felt at a loss, feeling that their cabbage had been penetrated.

"Wait a minute, Xiaonian, I have bought a lot of real estate in recent years, including the house in the CBD where we came back yesterday. Which one are you specifically talking about?" Su's father asked immediately, and at the same time he had some expectations in his heart. .

"The single-family villa over at Phoenix Pavilion." Lin Nian answered honestly. "The house I rented when I went to school was demolished. Xiaoqiang said that her house was quite big and asked me to live there for a while. I will go ”

Father Su's mentality suddenly collapsed.

He and Su's mother looked at each other quietly. Isn't the single-family villa in Phoenix Pavilion the school district house they bought specially for the convenience of Su Xiaoqiang's schooling?

The expressions of the two elders were very exciting, but they suppressed their rich emotions due to the situation. But Miss Chen, who was eavesdropping, couldn't hold back. Fortunately, her back was to the hall, and the expression on her beautiful face The horror and surprise are just like Van Gogh's artistic portraits - and this is not a wealthy son-in-law, but a special version of the rich daughter's hidden beauty!

"The appetizers are ready, please move on." Boss Chen walked in from the front door and said, but immediately felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit strange, "Uh, are you okay, everyone?"

"It's okay. Let's go to the restaurant and chat while we eat." Su's father stared at Lin Nian with a different look on his face and said.

"." Lin Nian could only glance at Su Xiaoqiang for help, but found that Su Xiaoqiang had already quietly walked out, covering one cheek.

"I'll bring you the cake." Miss Chen cleverly put down the piano cover, picked up the cake on the marble coffee table, and followed Su Xiaoqiang in small steps. She couldn't wait to see the ultimate showdown at tonight's dinner.

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