"But there are still many doubts about the mission. If this is a confidential mission of the Executive Department, why would a local mixed-race organization thousands of miles away know about it?" Lin Nian suddenly asked, "This is quite unreasonable."

"This is what the Executive Department should think about. Perhaps, as you said, it was the secret party's political opponents who leaked the information, and maybe they used the so-called mixed-race organization as a knife to get some blood." Schneider said coldly, "This task will be handled by you as the specialist, and Chu Zihang will assist you. Chu Zihang has been investigating the hybrid organization for half a month, and he has enough intelligence to help you understand the enemies who are hiding deeper and complete the mission. "

"Wait a minute. Does that mean that Chu Zihang spent most of the holiday on a secret mission?" Lin Nian was startled and raised his forehead slightly. Manstein, who was holding a mobile phone on the other end of the phone, also looked at Schneider in astonishment. The expression on Chu Zihang's mentor's face was extremely strange, but the clearest emotion was undoubtedly indignation.

"Yes," Schneider admitted.

"The document was leaked half a month ago? You asked a current student who has not graduated to handle the work of the execution department for half a month!" Before Lin Nian could say anything, Manstein couldn't hold back the message from the other end of the phone. The ones who live there growl and complain.

"Half a month ago, it was just a mere suspicion. It was impossible to mobilize a large amount of resources to prove the validity of the suspicion. It was impossible to interrupt the document escort mission that had been going on for half a month just because of some suspicion. Before that, he had gone through countless There were no signs of tracking attacks at the train station or on the highway, and there was no reason for us to stop the mission midway because of the slightest suspicion." Schneider showed no emotion.

"Being timid will only bring greater losses. The execution department did the right thing." Even Lin Nian admitted that the choice of not interrupting the mission was right. When the mission was halfway through, the outgoing file was targeted. If you choose to return to the original route at this time, you will suffer the same danger as if you continue to perform the mission.

"I have one more question before accepting the task, and it is also the last question." Lin Nian said, "Since this document is so important to the school board that it has been raised to the 'SS' level of priority, why didn't they start with it?" Just come to me directly? Instead, let you personally explain the situation?"

Manstein looked at Schneider and prepared to hear how he would give Lin Nian an explanation. If it was true that according to what Lin Nian said, this document, which had a priority higher than that of the first-generation species, had been handed into his hands from the beginning, and then he lifted himself up. T-shirt and inserted the document into the waistband of his pants, then whoever wants to think about this document is like a 'rat dragging the bastard with nowhere to talk'.

"You can understand that this is the responsibility and mission of the executive director. If every emergency incident related to the safety of the entire world needs to be reported step by step and wait for the results of the school board meeting, then the world would have been destroyed for dozens of years. All over." Schneider said after a moment of silence.

Lin Nian said nothing.

"Any more questions? Ten minutes are up." Schneider asked.

Lin Nian still didn't speak.

"Although this mission will not be recorded in the file, the other 'processes' are the same as the missions you have performed before." Schneider suddenly seemed to remember something, took a deep breath and felt the burning pain in his lungs, and finally exhaled. The words spoken were extremely hoarse.

process? Manstein glanced at Schneider, who also glanced at him expressionlessly, and then the former suddenly understood the meaning. The executive department has never been restricted from not signing a labor contract to compensate twice the salary, no matter how long the labor bureau is, There is no way to control the secret party. If the task itself is not kept, doesn't it mean that the risk of Lin Nian working for nothing is extremely high?

"I need to know the arrival time and route of the commissioner. If possible, contact him in advance to prepare for the handover of documents. Let Norma prepare the contact code and location. Follow the process of the "Execution Department Task Manual" and no one will get up. Suspicious." Lin Nian said lightly.

"The execution department code name of the commissioner performing the mission this time is B007. Raymond graduated from the Mechanical Department of Kassel College in 2006. He has a 'B' grade pedigree. His spirit is the 'Blazing Sun' with serial number 28. He can The field radiates intense light of up to 4,000 lumens. Although he does not have astonishing blood advantages like you, he has always been the best in the intelligence field. The Executive Department has been cautious enough in sending him. The only way he could seize the documents was to carry out long-distance assassinations - but he was also an expert in sniping and would not give the enemy any chance to snipe," Schneider said.

"It's still not safe enough. As far as I know, the number of people who can kill him instantly in one encounter and make him unable to release the 'Blazing Sun' exceeds the number of people with a slap." Lin Nian said.

"The handover location is temporarily determined to be the newly built South Railway Station in your city. He will hand over the documents to you as soon as possible after arriving at the station. The time is determined to be."

"Quiet." Lin Nian said suddenly.

In the blue-gold corridor on the third floor of Beiqi Mansion, Lin Nian gently pressed the speaker hole of his mobile phone with his right thumb and turned to look at the depth of the corridor where the golden wall lamps alternated between light and dark. The entire hall was so quiet that there was no sound of a pindrop. If If you listen carefully, you can even hear the distant sound of car horns in the city outside the window at the end of the corridor, the sound of water flowing in the water pipes in the wall, and even the closed door of the main hall after walking far away. Boss Chen was drinking and shouting together

All the unnecessary and complex information in Lin Nian's hearing was eliminated, leaving only the abnormal sound that he had been monitoring from beginning to end until it appeared a second ago - an extra heartbeat.

This heartbeat was very weak, but it could not escape Lin Nian's ears. His auditory system was once called "close to the hearing of a sickle and a weasel" by Caesar Gattuso in the academy. His breathing, heartbeat and even the speed of blood flow could be detected. He could easily tell the difference when he concentrated.

At some point, a second person appeared silently in this corridor.

On the other end of the phone, Schneider stared at the screen without saying a word, while Manstein on the side suddenly became nervous and realized that something unexpected might have happened on the other side of the phone.

The next moment, the phone was hung up.

"Come out." Lin Nian hung up the phone and said quietly, looking down the corridor.

The corridor fell into dead silence. After a few seconds, a figure slowly walked out from afar and around the corner. Under the illumination of the golden wall lamp, a slender, tall and well-proportioned woman wearing a white strapless evening dress appeared in front of Lin Nian. In sight.

Miss Chen, the daughter of Boss Chen.

At this time, she looked panicked. She slightly raised her hands in front of her in embarrassment to show that she meant no harm. She walked closer and looked at Lin Nian who was holding a mobile phone at the corner of the corridor and asked cautiously, "I'm sorry, Miss Su." Let me come out and ask how long you have here?"

"Did Su Xiaoqiang ask you to come?"

"Yes. Are you in any trouble?" Miss Chen asked, looking at the active cell phone still held in Lin Nian's hand.

"Private matters." Lin Nian said, "Why are you hiding there?"

"I don't"

"No need to explain." Lin Nian's eyes cut into Miss Chen's face like a knife. This look and temperament instantly made Miss Chen unable to understand this boy. She could almost feel the sternness even across half the corridor. A pressure that has never been experienced by anyone.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Miss Chen's face was full of embarrassment and anxiety, and she couldn't even hide it. "I'm just curious."

"How long have you been listening?" Lin Nian interrupted her.

"No. I just walked around the corner and you spotted me, which shocked me."

Lin Nian turned his head slightly and looked at Miss Chen from beginning to end. The pale golden light from the wall lamp shone on his side face and smeared in his pupils.

After Miss Chen was locked with his gaze, she suddenly stood up straight. Her plain white skin was stretched tightly, and she seemed to feel a very strong invading gaze, inch by inch, from the bare toes of the high heels to the skin of the evening gown. The flat belly passed over the limited undulations of the peaks, passed over the long neck, and finally met her eyes. The cold gaze was like a knife that was about to pierce into her brain and turn all the reason inside into paste.

Lin Nian suddenly looked away at the last moment because he heard another heartbeat, as well as the undisguised sound of footsteps and high heels. The person who came must be Su Xiaoqiang.

Sure enough, the next moment, Su Xiaoqiang's figure appeared at the corner behind Miss Chen. The glass blue polyester top reflected the light and rolled like ocean waves. The huge butterfly on her chest also rose and fell gently with her breathing. After turning his head and looking around to see Miss Chen's back, he looked directly over her shoulder and saw Lin Nian in the distance in the corridor.

"The matter has been dealt with." Lin Nian put his cell phone into the pocket of his jeans and looked away from Miss Chen. It was at this moment that Miss Chen suddenly covered her chest, lowered her head, and began breathing violently. Lin Nian's gaze had just been locked on her. She was so nervous that she forgot to breathe. This was a psychologically unstable stress response. When faced with an absolute threat, the body took the initiative to avoid danger and remained silent.

Su Xiaoqiang walked to Miss Chen and noticed her slightly shaking shoulders. He frowned without any trace. When he walked past Miss Chen and raised his head to look at Lin Nian, his eyes slightly turned to the left. Indicating the strange situation of the woman behind him.

Lin Nian shook his head slightly, then walked towards Su Xiaoqiang, "Let's go back, don't let uncle and aunt wait too long."

"It's been fifteen minutes. It's been long enough. The chef is considering whether to re-cook some dishes before serving them." Su Xiaoqiang gently took Lin Nian's left hand and walked towards the corridor leading to the main hall. Miss Chen paused and said politely, "I won't bother you anymore, Miss Chen."

After Miss Chen nodded silently, she still stood there blankly until Lin Nian and Su Xiaoqiang disappeared around the corner.

"What's going on?" After walking around the corner, Su Xiaoqiang immediately looked back behind him and asked Lin Nian in a low voice.

"Did you notice it?" Lin Nian asked.

"Only a fool can't notice it. I feel like your golden eyes are about to burst out. What's the problem between you and her? I feel like you're going to attack her if I'm a step too late!" Su Xiaoqiang whispered.

"To ensure that we are on the same channel, let me first confirm with you whether we have the same meaning of 'hands-on'." Lin Nian paused and said, and then he was poked in the waist by an angry Su Xiaoqiang, using the same technique as Su Mom poked Su's father in exactly the same way, "I already said golden eyes. Didn't you hook up with girls in the past by showing off your golden eyes? Is it true that the peacock's tail is brighter and more colorful than anyone else?"

"It seems we did talk about the same thing again. I'm afraid you misunderstood that I was flirting with her."

"I don't need to worry even if I strip her naked and send her to your room. I still have confidence in you." Su Xiaoqiang snorted.

"So confident in me?" Lin Nian was a little surprised.

"Of course!" Su Xiaoqiang slapped her chest and said loudly. In fact, she still felt a little guilty. In fact, her confidence came from some unknown rumors in the execution department. It was said that the ace commissioner 'S' was on a mission in the execution department. I have experienced the temptation of dozens of beauty traps, but I have never fallen into the trap once. Any femme fatale who dares to take off her clothes and crawl into an 'S'-level room will end up being beaten by Lin Nian without even being able to touch her bare hands and weapons. What kind of willpower it takes to kill an owl with a knife! So powerful that many commissioners began to doubt the sexual orientation of the ‘S’ class!

But as a matter of fact, she was not worried at all about the situation just now. Boss Chen’s daughter was indeed a beautiful woman, but compared to the supermodel from Kassel College who walked all over the floor, in an environment where the beauty of the school was not as good as a dog, a random piece of information Behind the bulletproof window, Obasan wants to look gorgeous. Just put on makeup, put on high heels, and lift up her skirt to compete in Victoria's Secret for another year!

Miss Chen's beauty is indeed much worse than that of those female monsters, but what loses more is the innate temperament of the elite female students. Lin Nian has experienced this since his freshman year of preparation to his sophomore year. The female monster harassed the baptized steel commissioner (in a bragging tone), and even Veleva Helsinki could only bow down to Brother Nian's pants. Who are you, Ms. Chen?

"What on earth did she do?" Su Xiaoqiang returned to serious matters.

"Listened to my call for more than one second and less than three seconds."

"Just two seconds?" Su Xiaoqiang was a little hesitant about Lin Nian's nonsense literature. In Jin Yong's era, he would have made a lot of money by writing novels based on word count in newspapers to earn royalties.

"More or less, she was curious about things she shouldn't be curious about, and appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Stop the nonsense literature. The call just now was from the execution department. Are there any tasks assigned to you?"

"It is suspected of being highly confidential. Even my authority in the college cannot be understood deeply." Lin Nian looked at Su Xiaoqiang's expectant eyes and shook his head slightly. This look was very familiar to him. Many first-year students heard the words "execute department tasks" The words will all show the same starry eyes.

Hunting down dangerous hybrids and slaying pure-blood dragons has always been a cool thing in the minds of those students who admire the Executive Department specialists. Skiing downhill, sailing around the world, and polar climbing are not as cool as completing an Executive Department. The 'A' level field missions come with excitement and respectability.

"A secret that you don't even have the authority to understand? No wonder you want to do something to her." Su Xiaoqiang immediately understood that according to the consistent thinking of the execution department, if someone is suspected of eavesdropping on the secrets of the execution department, it doesn't matter whether he has human rights or not, directly They will be tied to the psychology department and put through a brainwashing process to ensure that no secrets will be leaked.

"Coincidence?" she said after a pause.

"It's probably a coincidence." Lin Nian said.

"Execution Department Manual Article 37: Never believe in any coincidence." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly said.

"." Lin Nian glanced at Su Xiaoqiang unexpectedly.

"Should we take action? It's not too late to go back now. She probably hasn't gone far yet and she won't be able to go far." Su Xiaoqiang stopped in front of the main hall, turned to look at the corner of the corridor in the distance and licked her lips, her eyes cold. With a bright smile, "Just in case?"

Then she touched Lin Nian's forehead lightly.

Lin Nian looked down at the little lioness, whose claws had begun to grow after one year of education at Kassel College, and was quite eager to try, and said lightly, "No need. And where did you learn this? From the Night Watch Forum. Have you read too many shared executive stories?”

"What kind of forum? I just listened to the stories told by the official commissioners. And didn't I tell you that I have passed all the preparatory specialist courses? It's time for actual combat! Are you sure you don't need to do anything? If you feel that men and women are not close to each other, you are afraid My parents asked me to come in person because they misunderstood me. I got a 'B' in the close combat class at the end of this semester!" Su Xiaoqiang rubbed his forehead and gave Lin Nian a hard look, whispering.

"Stop talking about it. You just found out after the vacation that all the martial arts you learned in school are of no use. Now you finally feel like you've found an opportunity and want to try it on someone." Lin Nian pulled her towards the main hall door.

"You can't trust me!"

"I believe you can deal with her." Lin Nian glanced at Su Xiaoqiang and confirmed it first.

Students from Kassel College, even Su Xiaoqiang, who were harmless little white rabbits in high school, have become quite destructive minions after being trained by courses that ordinary people can't even imagine. To ordinary people, they are almost It is a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Then why."

"Wait first. If you are really suspicious, now is the time to take action." Lin Nian stretched out his hand to hold the door of the main hall and glanced at the corner of the corridor at the end of the corridor with deep brilliance in his eyes, "Don't alert the enemy."

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