The red Porsche 911 drove smoothly on the busy road at night. The orange streetlights passed over the body of the sports car one by one, like passing by countless stars. The sound of the passing traffic was like the sound of river water on the beach. The fine washing inexplicably calms the mind.

Lin Nian turned his head and looked out the car window at the sparkling city. His own face was reflected in the car window, as well as the profile of Miss Chen holding the steering wheel in the driver's seat behind him.

The seat position of the Porsche 911 is a bit low, and the space is not very wide, so it is not suitable for tall people to drive. Even if Ms. Chen changed her high heels and sat in the driver's seat, the space seemed a bit cramped, but she did not care about the possible problems in the car. There was a small problem with the ambiguous atmosphere, because Lin Nian in the passenger seat next to him didn't even look at him.

"I've always wanted to apologize for what happened in the corridor before."

Hearing these words, Lin Nian's eyes turned from the night view of the coastal city outside the window to the reflection of Miss Chen in the car window. The other person glanced sideways at him from time to time while driving, and his eyes cleverly used the reflection in the glass. Met his eyes.

"I really didn't mean to listen to your call." Ms. Chen held the steering wheel and kept a distance from the Bentley in front of the driveway. "I left the table ten minutes ago and haven't come back yet. Everyone at the table is worried about whether you have met. Something troublesome has happened."

"You didn't hear anything, did you?" Lin Nian asked.

"Are you talking about the content of the phone call? No, of course not." Miss Chen said quickly, "I just stood there and hesitated whether to walk out directly, and then you noticed me. You are really perceptive."

"You can walk with high heels on the marble floor without making any sound. Your hands and feet are indeed clean and neat." Lin Nian looked sideways at the street lights passing by at high speed outside the window.

"." Miss Chen suddenly didn't know what to say. These words were clearly mocking her, right?

A moment of hesitation flashed across her face in the rearview mirror, but she finally said, "I'm really sorry for making you so unhappy now. I don't know how Mr. Lin can forgive me?"


"I don't want to ruin the cooperation between my father and Mr. Su because of the unpleasantness between me and Mr. Lin. After tonight, Mr. Lin can basically be confirmed as a member of the Su family. We all know Mr. Lin's future opinions and thoughts. What a great effect it has on Mr. Su’s family.”

"You may have misunderstood something." Lin Nian shook his head slightly, "I don't care about the cooperation between Boss Chen and Su Xiaoqiang's father. This matter has nothing to do with me."

"It's good to hear you say that, Mr. Lin. But I still feel a little guilty. I don't want to cause any trouble to my father. After all, he has raised me alone since he was very young and has done everything for me." I'm fine, if I still cause trouble to him." The expression on Miss Chen's face was a little sad.

"Is there only one parent in your family?" Lin Nian asked, seeing her depressed mood.

"My mother passed away in an accident shortly after giving birth to me. I grew up with my father. Maybe it was because I didn't have a mother. My father always felt sorry for me, so he wanted to start a career so much. I thought I deserve something." Ms. Chen turned the steering wheel and followed the Bentley to the entrance of the beltway. She was a little distracted when she looked at the sign representing money and status on the stretched luxury car in front of her.

"It seems that the relationship between father and daughter is very harmonious." Lin Nian commented.

"I support his business very much, and he doesn't mind teaching me how to do business. After graduation, he will give me three years to do what I want to do. After three years, if I want to, I can take over his business. If I don't want to, I can." Go pursue the life you like." Miss Chen whispered.

"Isn't this great?" Lin Nian raised his head.

"Yes. He is very good to me. A daughter is lucky to have such a father in her previous life. He gave me all his love, but who will love him?" Miss Chen sighed quietly, "He has always been focused. My career just wants to give me a better future. In fact, I also want to help him, but there are some things that I can’t do if I think about it.”

"So, what exactly do you want to say?" Lin Nian finally turned to look at Miss Chen, "Miss Chen, you have been wanting to say something since just now, right? You might as well say it directly. I think you want to talk to me. It's more than a simple 'misunderstanding' over a previous phone call."

"Mr. Lin." The headlights of the cars passing by illuminated the hesitation that flashed across Miss Chen's face. However, after finally turning into the expressway, the shadow still shrouded her face, making it difficult to see clearly. Color, "If you can, I would like to ask you to help my father say a few words in Mr. Su's ear. It is my father's lifelong wish to cooperate with someone like Mr. Su. He really wants to continue to grow his business." Do it, achieve what he often says about 'crossing classes'."

"Crossing classes?" Lin Nian chewed the word.

It was not difficult for him to understand what Miss Chen meant. He had seen too many similar things in the execution department. For example, there is a huge gap between the gentry class and the ordinary businessmen. Even if ordinary businessmen accumulate wealth comparable to that of the gentry class, they cannot truly break into that upper class circle.

Networking, family business, conversation, and stories are all indispensable for ordinary businessmen. If you want to truly break through class and enter the so-called "upper class", you must fill in all the missing factors through time and family accumulation, or you will have to make up for it through time and family accumulation. I can only rely on a strong and powerful iron fist to catch you and introduce you into that circle.

In Miss Chen's words, there is no doubt that Su's father is regarded as a strong-armed leader in the 'upper class'. In this coastal city, even the famous Black Prince Group would have to personally pick up Su's father. Extended Bentley, mayor-level tasks even require giving gifts to the homes of businessmen like Su’s father during holidays. And bosses like Boss Chen, who made his fortune relying on the catering concept, want to be in line with that circle Dialogue or even transactions between people can only rely on people's appreciation and support.

"This kind of thing is not something I can decide." Lin Nian refused without much thought.

"Mr. Lin, I think you can do it. Maybe you underestimate your current status and the power you will have." Miss Chen whispered, "As Su Huaquan's son-in-law, it really only takes one sentence to achieve this." of effort.”

"I have no reason to do this." Lin Nian still refused.

"You can always find a reason." Miss Chen seemed to have made up her mind, and her voice became softer.

Lin Nian noticed the change in the tone of the woman next to him. He turned his head and saw Miss Chen looking at him. Her cheeks were slightly dizzy and her breath was blue. Her white evening dress suddenly seemed exposed in the cramped space. Many times, the shoulder strap of the right arm holding the steering wheel slipped a little. The pink shoulders looked shiny under the illumination of the street lights.

"Miss Chen, please respect yourself."

"Mr. Lin, do you really not think about it?" she asked.

Lin Young sighed, "Don't you want your father to worry? What you are doing now may cause him to have a heart attack. Go see your mother on the spot. No matter what you want to do next, consider the consequences first. There are some things Once you do it you can’t go back.”

"I was mentally prepared before getting in the car. Mr. Lin, this is the only chance for our family. I can do what my father can't do, and only I can do it, as long as I make up my mind."

The air in the small two-seater space of the sports car seemed to be covered with a dizzying aroma, just like the deadly pheromones that are mixed and mixed after the hormones of men and women are released after being stimulated. Even the temperature inside the car also changed. It continued to rise, and the sultry heat of the midsummer night made my mouth dry and my tongue as white as teeth, and there were beads of sweat on my thighs.

Lin Nian looked at Miss Chen in the driver's seat. Under her long hair that was illuminated by the street light, the sweat on her white neck rolled down into her seductive collarbones. Indeed, Su Xiaoqiang's evaluation of this woman was that she was not a threat. , but I have to say that in a universal environment, Miss Chen can be regarded as a first-class beautiful woman, with a graceful figure and elegant temperament.

But now she began to breathe heavily in front of Lin Nian. The warm yellow streetlight shining on her body was like a layer of golden powder of desire on the exposed milk-like skin. She was probably ready to agree to all the requests. , this feeling of tenderness that is at your disposal is enough to arouse the desire of most men.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Lin Nian looked ahead at Bentley who turned onto the beltway and said, "Let me remind you one last time, if you do it, you can't go back. I don't want what happened today to end up like this. Finishing, because it will be very troublesome for me to explain it afterwards. It’s particularly troublesome.”

"No explanation is needed, no one will know."

Lin Nian said nothing more. He raised his left hand that had been in front of him and stretched it out to the woman beside him. When Miss Chen felt the warm hand touch her back, her whole body tensed up, and then suddenly She slumped on the seat and let the hand touch the back of her neck. Then, a bun from her hair was pulled out and placed in front of the five-link dashboard.

Miss Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked at the bun, but that wasn't a bun, it was just a sharpened dagger.

The cast iron dagger is slender and narrow. There are three slits on the blade, two long and one short, to reduce the weight of the dagger. The shape is exquisite and dangerous. You can almost imagine the scene where the user stabs the victim's heart with a knife and bleeds out blood when he is unable to defend himself.

Chekhov said that if a gun appears in a story, it must be fired.

There was dead silence in the cab of the sports car until someone took a gentle breath.

"My final words, I'll say it again." Lin Nian gently tapped the dagger with his fingers and looked calmly forward, "No matter what you want to do, stop. I don't want anything to happen tonight."

The temperature inside the car suddenly dropped, and the so-called ambiguous atmosphere was completely frozen with such a calm and calm warning. In the reflection of the rearview mirror, Lin Nian's eyes were beating with burning passion. The golden light is hidden deep in the pupils, and it seems that it may ignite everything visible in the pupils at any time.

"You" Miss Chen stared blankly at the dagger that Lin Nian had pulled out of her hair. Her mind was probably thinking about how to explain it at high speed. But could she really explain it clearly in this situation? ?

"How did I guess it was hidden in your hair?" Lin Nian asked.

Every male student at Kassel Academy will take a course led by a female special agent specialist, who will explain in detail all the places on a woman's body where weapons can be hidden. For example, the side of the thigh under the evening dress, or the side vamp of the high-heeled shoes. Or the inside of the long black hair tied up.

If he couldn't find the dagger in Miss Chen's hair, Lin Nian would probably have to touch his thigh next, but fortunately he found the dagger in one go.

"You should feel lucky." After Lin Nian finished everything, he didn't make any offensive moves. He just sat quietly in the passenger seat and looked at the road ahead. "If this was a normal mission, you would have been packed up and sent for interrogation. Instead of me sitting here and continuing to ask you questions."

"What are you talking about?" Miss Chen's voice suddenly became unstable.

"'Hypnosis' is indeed a good word, but you used it in the wrong place. If Teacher Masashi Toyama knew that you used 'hypnosis' in such a place, he might not be able to help but sit down and talk to you for several hours, right?" Lin Nian said lightly, the corner of his vision passing by Miss Chen's eyes, which were hidden in the shadows and had golden light spots rippling slightly.

Hearing the word hypnosis, Ms. Chen's whole body became tense again. This time the tension was not due to the sensitivity of her skin, but because she actually became physically and mentally tense, and even trembled slightly.

"It can be seen that you are not a veteran, so the airbag has not hit your face yet." Lin Nian said, "Tell me the person behind you, who asked you to do this, I need a name, or a few names." A name."

"Mr. Lin, aren't we talking about cooperation? What on earth are you talking about?" Miss Chen took a deep breath and asked tremblingly, her eyes filled with confusion and confusion.

"I'm not always so patient." Lin Young said softly, looking at the firelight dancing faintly in the pupils of the rear of the extended Bentley.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, Mr. Lin." Ms. Chen seemed to want to explain. At the same time, she accidentally touched the high beam button of the headlight with a shaking hand, and the beam suddenly illuminated the rear of the extended Bentley in front. .

"Stop." Lin Nian reached out and grabbed the steering wheel of the sports car. Miss Chen suddenly wanted to turn the steering wheel to make the vehicle lose balance, but she found that the steering wheel in her hand was motionless as if it was cast to death. She immediately reached for the instrument. With the dagger in front of the plate, Lin Nian reached out and grabbed her wrist tightly, and then squeezed it gently.


The sound of brittle bones exploded, and the woman's painful screams immediately rang out in the sports car. When she jerked her hand back, she was horrified to find that her originally slender and white wrist was now full of water, and her whole body turned a terrifying purple. It was black, with many tiny bone stubbles piercing the skin and exposing it to the air, which was extremely terrifying.

It was this scream that seemed to trigger some switch, and the roar of the engine suddenly sounded outside the Porsche. It was not that Ms. Chen stepped on the accelerator out of desperation. The sports car was still moving forward at a constant speed, but on the empty beltway ahead, , the stretched Bentley carrying Su Xiaoqiang's family suddenly accelerated, threw away the Porsche, and drove into the distance!

"Don't be impulsive! Your girlfriend is in our hands!" Miss Chen's voice was distorted because of the severe pain. Her long hair was spread behind her, and she was full of fear of Lin Nian's decisiveness and coldness.

In response to Miss Chen's threat, Lin Nian only said two words.

"Do it."

In front of the beltway, the Bentley that was driving forward suddenly slowed down! The car window glass suddenly shattered, and a head was pressed down, breaking the privacy glass, and was exposed to the strong wind, covered in blood! And the person holding down the side of the head was a slender and white arm. It was Su Xiaoqiang!

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