The warning red and blue lights of the checkpoint flashed in the distance. Several police cars parked on the roadside to set up checkpoints. The bright yellow anti-collision buckets filled with water reflected the car lights shining in the distance. Several police sirens blared. After the sound, the high beam in the distance immediately switched to low beam.

The two policemen sitting on the guardrail of the expressway entrance quickly put down the instant noodles in their hands, picked up the alcohol tester and walked over to prepare for the inspection. However, when they saw the slowly approaching vehicle, they were illuminated by the car lights. The expressions on the faces of the three people were obviously stunned, and they seemed to be staring at each other.

The first thing to drive over was a black stretched Bentley. Generally, the police would not want to check this kind of car, not because they are afraid of offending the powerful, but because the owners of this kind of car usually have a dedicated driver, and Value your own life more than anything else, and the chances of driving under the influence are slim to none.

But the Bentley that arrived at the checkpoint today seemed a little abnormal, because it was missing a door. The door on the driver's seat actually disappeared, and a boy wearing a T-shirt and jeans could be seen sitting in the driver's seat.

Is this the driver of this Bentley?

The two policemen looked at each other, with a strange look in each other's eyes, and walked over in unison, "Please pull over for inspection."

The Bentley gradually came to a stop. Lin Nian looked at the older police officer and asked, "Testing for drunk driving? Do you need me to get out of the car?"

"It doesn't make any difference if you don't get out of the car now, right?" The young police officer frowned and looked at Lin Nian in the car and said, "What happened? Are you drunk?"

"It's just that there was an accident on the road ahead." Lin Nian explained.

"Didn't the police call the police? We didn't receive any traffic notification here." The old police officer stood in front of the privacy window at the back and peered inside. "Is there anyone else in the back seat?"

"Yes, my family members." Lin Nian nodded, "But they are all asleep now, so there is no need to wake them up, right?"

"You can sleep like this after a car accident?" The young police officer suspiciously put his head in from the driver's seat and looked behind him. Sure enough, he saw Father Su and Mother Su sleeping comfortably, as well as the faint smell of light in the air. The smell of alcohol.

"They just came back from the banquet after dinner. They all drank a lot and fell asleep."

"Banquet?" The old police officer seemed to have heard some sensitive words and turned to look at Lin Nian in the driver's seat, "Blow one?"

"No problem." Lin Nian nodded.

The old police officer came over and took out the breathalyzer in his hand, and joked, "Don't treat this thing like a cucurbit blow. We have seen players holding my breathalyser and blowing very affectionately before." "

After one breath, the screen of the alcohol detector showed green and the value was 10. This proved that the alcohol content in Lin Nian's blood was less than 20 milligrams and was not considered a drunk driving. It's even more likely that you didn't drink at all and the double-digit number was blown purely because of the air quality in the car.

"No problem." Lin Nian nodded. It was difficult for alcohol to stay in his body for more than a minute. Even if he drank a bottle of liquor in front of him, it only took him gargling his mouth with white water and then blowing on it to reach single digits.

"Can you wake up the people in the back seat? I have something to ask them." The young police officer looked inside and looked at Su's father and Su's mother.

"It's not appropriate. My boss's family has already fallen asleep. They drank too much tonight. Let's let them rest." Lin Nian shook his head and said.

"You are really their driver. You are quite young. Nowadays, the big bosses feel safe hiring people." The old police officer nodded.

"It's better to wake them up and ask." The young police officer shook his head and walked to the rear door and reached out to lock the door. But before he could open it, his right hand was held by a hand stretched out from the driver's seat. Big arm.

"Forget it, comrade traffic policeman." Lin Nian got out of the car and looked at the young policeman who was holding his arm with a stiff expression, and met his eyes under the blue and red warning lights. "It's necessary for work, please." Understand, I don’t want to lose this hard-earned job, just tell me if you have anything.”

The young police officer tensed up. After a few seconds, before the old police officer noticed something was wrong, Lin Nian let go of the other officer's arm, turned back to the driver's seat and locked all the doors.

"Don't drink while driving, and don't drive after drinking. Remember that." The old police officer touched the walkie-talkie on his waist, thought about it, and then stared at Lin Nian in the driver's seat and educated him carefully, "You still Don't make mistakes when you're young, many young people think they have a good drinking capacity and drive anyway after drinking and then get into accidents. I've seen this kind of thing too many times."

"Okay." Lin Nian nodded to express his sincerity.

"Okay, now let's talk about your car. Did you have a serious accident?" The old police officer touched his chin and touched the battle-damaged parts of this multi-million-dollar luxury car, "Did anyone get hurt? You’ve studied traffic law, but a hit-and-run accident is a big deal. Do you have your driver’s license with you?”

"Bring it with me." Lin Nian took the initiative to show his driver's license. "No one was hurt, but the damage to the car seems a bit serious. And the other victim should be here soon. She can explain to you with me."

After that, he leaned out of the car and took a look behind the road. A high beam light came on in the distance, and from time to time it cut to low beam and roared with the roar of the engine. It was a red Porsche 911. At the checkpoint Under the light of the lights, the front of the Porsche was actually very shiny.

"The other victim is here, that's easy to handle." The old police officer handed back his driver's license and exhaled, "Xiao Liang, go ask what's going on."

"Hello comrade, please cooperate with the inspection." The young police officer ran over and saluted the slowly lowered car window.

"Check for drunk driving or something?" After the window was lowered, Su Xiaoqiang was naturally sitting in the driver's seat of the Porsche.

"Are you alone?" The young police officer immediately looked inside, but Su Xiaoqiang, who frowned for a moment, leaned back and slightly avoided it, stretched out his hand and pushed his forehead violently.

"Please be respectful when checking for drunk driving. I'm the only one in the car. You can't sit in the back seat of this car. Aren't you going to check for drunk driving? Just blow it and leave. I'm in a hurry to get home. Today is already unlucky enough." Yes." There was some displeasure on her face, and the impatience in her tone was about to overflow.

"Okay." The young police officer was almost staggered by the push, a trace of anger flashed across his face, but he could only retreat under the gaze of the old police officer and Lin Nian not far away.

He went to the old police officer and took the alcohol tester and handed it to Su Xiaoqiang, but Su Xiaoqiang did not blow it immediately. Instead, he glanced at Lin Nian in front of him and frowned and said, "Is this what the unlucky guy blew it?"

"What kind of unlucky guy?" The young police officer was confused as he held the alcohol detector.

"Before, he parked on the roadside for no apparent reason without flashing the warning sign, and I opened the car door. He insisted on making me responsible for compensation." Su Xiaoqiang said slightly irritably.

"Didn't you call the police?"

"Who wants to waste time on the highway at night? It's not like I can't afford to pay, so let's forget it privately. Anyway, there is no personal accident, only car damage." Su Xiaoqiang waved his hand, "Give me another one to blow, so as not to get contaminated. His bad luck.”

"They're all the same." The young police officer frowned and said, "Or are you really drunk? That's why you don't dare to brag?"

"I said, go get another one. If there is a problem, I will give the car to you." Su Xiaoqiang stared at him and said coldly. But he didn't expect that the young police officer didn't have a pestle, but stood there and took the alcohol test. The instrument remained motionless and seemed to be aroused, forcing Su Xiaoqiang to blow the tester.

"Hey, Xiaoliang, stop making trouble. If she wants to change it, just change it. Isn't there a new spare one on the roadside table? Bring it to her." The old police officer left immediately after hearing the argument here. Come to the rescue.

The young police officer stood there for a few more seconds, and finally gave up. He walked to the checkpoint and returned the alcohol tester in his hand to the old police officer. He took another one and handed it to Su Xiaoqiang.

Su Xiaoqiang didn't waste any time. He leaned out of the car window and blew lightly. The young police officer was about to lower his head to look, but a gust of wind blew his eyes. He turned his head slightly and rubbed his eyes. Then he lowered his head and found that the alcohol tester was jumping. The number is a green 0, which proves that Su Xiaoqiang didn't drink at all.

"Is there anything else?" Su Xiaoqiang asked indifferently.

"Blow again?" the young police officer said.

"Are you sick or am I sick? Do you want me to get out of the car and take blood with you?" Su Xiaoqiang squinted at him coldly.

"It would be great if you are willing to cooperate." The young police officer actually made a move to open the car door.

"Crazy!" Su Xiaoqiang locked the car door and said, "If you really want to investigate me, ask your leader to talk to me."

"Xiao Liang, what are you doing?" The old police officer walked over quickly with a strange look on his face, and stretched out his hand to pull the young police officer over, "This is work, don't let your personal emotions take over! I'm sorry, young lady."

"Is there anything else? Let's talk about it together quickly." Su Xiaoqiang shook his head and asked.

"The gentleman in front said that you had some minor collisions on the previous section of the road. Is this the case?" the old police officer asked business-like.

"We have already negotiated this matter, so you don't need to worry." Su Xiaoqiang said, "If you are still not worried, you can check the surveillance. Are you afraid that you can't find anyone in the city who can drive these two cars?" ?”

"That's true." The old policeman smiled bitterly and looked back at the Bentley. Even if it doesn't have a license plate, it would only take a few minutes to find it, right? You can probably get a lot of information about the car owner just by asking.

"Then let it go." The old police officer thought about it again and again, and felt that since there was no problem, there was no need to provoke this kind of car owner. It was enough that he had fulfilled all his work responsibilities, and if there was really something hidden, the Traffic Bureau would Wouldn't it be enough to adjust the monitoring? But that's not his job scope.

"I think they have some problems." The young police officer whispered to the old police officer, "Detain the car and check the car, especially the trunk. What if there is a body? Maybe the two drivers are in front. I have already made a confession if I committed the crime."

"Xiao Liang, what on earth are you talking about?" The old police officer looked at his partner next to him strangely, "Why do I feel that you are acting weird tonight? Did you get into trouble when you went out to the grass to use the toilet?"

The young police officer paused for a moment, then suddenly stopped talking. The old police officer looked at him and shook his head, "Don't worry, don't look for trouble. It's fine if you test for drunk driving. If there's a car accident, they'll keep it private. Why can't we?" I have nothing to do with other people.”

"I still think there is a problem." The young police officer still insisted.

"No more questions, don't cause any trouble for me." The old police officer finally lost his temper and reprimanded in a low voice, then walked up to Lin Nian in the Bentley and waved and nodded to let him go.

The Bentley and the Porsche both resumed driving at a steady speed, passed the checkpoint and headed to the toll station in front of them, all the way onto the beltway. After a few accelerator sounds, the cars disappeared.

"This is really a big deal." The old police officer finally saw that the trouble was over. He shook his head and turned around. Just as he was about to chat with the young police officer, he suddenly found a man in traffic uniform standing behind him. strange man?

"Who are you? When did you come? Where is Xiaoliang?"

The old police officer was stunned for a moment and was about to ask more questions, but the next moment he disappeared in the blue and red light of the police lights. Then there was a sharp pain in his throat, and the cervical vertebrae on the back of his neck suddenly exposed the skin. The air was pale and bloody, accompanied by broken bones and a sense of suffocation. In just a moment, the old police officer's eyes turned black and he lost consciousness.

The strange man stood silently in the pool of blood that was gradually flowing out. He bent down and picked up the walkie-talkie that the old police officer didn't even have time to pick up. He crushed it into parts with his bare hands and dropped them to the ground.

He stood there and waited for about five minutes. High beam lights appeared again on the road behind, but they came in a row. It was a convoy of dozens of black Mercedes-Benz cars, and the accelerator was stepped on far exceeding the speed limit. They rushed forward at a speed of 50% and braked collectively as they approached the checkpoint.

After the car door opened, a group of black supermen trotted over quickly. The leading black superman had gloomy eyes. He glanced at the body of the old police officer on the ground, then looked at the strange man in police uniform, and quickly walked forward and handed it to him. "Mr. Chen! You arrived before us. Are we late?"

"Yeah." The man who took off his police uniform and put on a suit jacket turned to look at the entrance of the beltway and said, "I couldn't stop them."

"Mr. Chen, you didn't even stop them?" The look of the leading strong man changed slightly. You must know that the man in traffic uniform in front of you is a cadre-level figure, and now even the cadres have failed.

"The target is very difficult." The man whispered, "I'm not sure about taking him down, and there are two people on the other side, so I can only delay time by not taking action rashly, but you guys came too late."

At this time, the leading strong man took a breath, "Are you suppressed by the number of people? But if we really start to fight, I think Mr. Chen will win in the end." The group of black super men behind him looked at the strange man's eyes. They are all full of admiration and recognition, and seem to have absolute confidence in the power of Mr. Chen.

The man said nothing.

"Do we need to continue to catch up?" The leading strong man looked back at the heavily armed black supermen and whispered, "We found the body of one of our men on the way here. He died miserably. I'm afraid the person who did it The strength is no less than mine. There is still a body that has not been found, it should be in their hands. I am afraid that they left it alive for interrogation."

"Forget it, let's not pursue it for now." The man said, "Go back first and hold a cadre meeting. This matter needs to be considered in the long run."

"Since Mr. Chen has said so, let's let them go tonight. The name Su Huaquan has been on our list for a long time. This time he finally returned to China and nothing can be done to let him run away." The leading strong man was cold and cold. said.

The man watched without saying a word as the leading strong man directed the black supers to quickly clean up the scene. He stood silently on the side of the road and looked at the old police officer's body being dragged away from the ground.

Only he knew in his heart what his mental state was like when his arm was pulled, suppressed by the boy's strength and eyes. It was a sense of fear that arose from the bottom of his heart. He had not felt it for many years. Feeling this fear?

He took a deep breath and his eyes were extremely dark. If it weren't for the unsuspecting old police officer standing next to him at that time, the other party would have taken action without any scruples, right? So once a conflict occurs, his outcome will inevitably be...

The siren of a Mercedes Benz in the distance interrupted his thoughts. When he looked up again, the scene had been cleaned up. Even the entrance to the checkpoint no longer existed. The buckets and warning lights had all been emptied, and the pool of blood on the ground had been dissolved by chemical reagents. Got it all clean.

Cold sweat wetted his back as soon as the wind blew over him. He forced aside the boy's eyes that were deeply imprinted in his mind and didn't dare to think too much. He walked quickly to the Mercedes-Benz that opened the car door and got in. After the motorcade drove onto the beltway and left, all that was left was the deserted entrance and a clear pool of water on the ground.

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