"Find a place to sit casually."

The carved oak door was opened. Lin Xian, who was holding a pile of books in his left hand and carrying breakfast in his right hand, walked into the study. Chu Zihang, who was following her, finally looked back at Lin Nian who was sitting on the sofa in the hall outside the guardrail on the second floor. He and Su Xiaoqiang also walked into the study and closed the door.

Entering the study, the light in front of Chu Zihang suddenly dimmed. The room was surrounded by bookshelves made of ash wood, with no gaps left.

Because there are no windows in the study room, the bright sunlight from outside cannot come in directly. All lighting in the house is provided by electric wall lamps in the style of oil lamps. Although the light is dark, the advantages are obvious, that is, this study room filled with warm yellow lights perfectly satisfies the needs. All the fantasies of secluded and private within the big city.

"You came early. If you had been on time, you could have avoided a lot of trouble (she was referring to the door)." Lin Xian put the books piled up in his arms on the bookshelves on both sides of the study room one by one.

Chu Zihang noticed that the books she was holding were mostly related to brain science, and then looked at the names on the spines of the neatly arranged books on the bookshelf she was standing on: "Neural Logic", "Overloaded Brain", "From Neuroscience" "Yuan to the Brain" and "Eternal Present Tense". From profound and serious medical books to personal autobiographies of patients, and even chicken soup books about training the brain and memory, it is difficult to imagine how paranoid this woman is about the 'brain' love.

"Find a place to sit in peace. Don't worry, I'm not some weird medical madman. I won't put drugs in your drink and secretly perform a craniotomy on you." Lin Xian didn't even look at Chu Zihang, but he could Guess what the other person is thinking.

For the reserve ace specialist of the execution department, subconsciously collecting all the information when entering a new place is considered a passive skill. Lin Xian also seemed to be particularly understanding of the way people like Chu Zihang think and act.

"Being interested in the brain is not because I am a weirdo. This is the elective direction I chose at Kassel College." Lin Xian sorted the newly bought books one by one according to category and category number, and then added Record the name and number of each book on a white notebook.

"You are not a student." Lin Xian was still standing, but Chu Zihang did not choose to sit down and stood there waiting for her to sort the books.

"Who said that only students can take electives, haven't you heard that learning is endless?" Lin Xian said with a smile while classifying, "Teachers are also divided into temporary teachers and regular teachers. It took me a semester to pass the formal Believe me when it comes to teachers’ assessment, it’s not easier than completing your GPA 4.0. First, you must have full attendance, secondly, you must not make any mistakes, and thirdly, you must produce results.”

"Thanks to Professor Toyama Masashi, I provided him with some minor help on an academic paper and was lucky enough to get the signature, thus becoming a formal teacher. Becoming a formal teacher is just the beginning, and the next step is to come. Just apply for the official professorship." Lin Xian bent over and made notes on his notebook, while Chu Zihang took the initiative to look sideways to avoid the exciting curves outlined by the black dress.

"To be awarded the title of professor at Kassel College, you need at least five years of formal teaching experience, a paper approved by the 'Thoth' website, and a defense review composed of two full professors and one tenured professor. The team's defense examination, and finally took a unified professorship examination to obtain a grade of 'B' or above." Lin Xian picked up the last book and stuffed it into the upper bookshelf on tiptoe, and finally took it and placed it horizontally on the bookshelf He walked towards the desk with an oil lamp lit in the center of the study room, holding a large black record book with a hard leather cover. "After becoming a formal teacher, it is time to consider the evaluation of tenured professors, but that is not what I should consider now. Yes, I heard that Lu Mingfei’s mentor is still struggling for the title of tenured professor."

"Will you stay at Kassel College after Lin Nian graduates?" At Lin Xian's signal, Chu Zihang walked to the navy blue single sofa bed and sat down.

"Probably yes. Judging from his current situation, there is a high probability that he will not change jobs in the future. The executive department has relied on him, and he is used to the world here. If he suddenly graduates in four years I'm afraid even he can't adapt to a normal life, right?" Lin Xian sat behind the desk and arranged the things on the desk neatly. In addition to books and some educational and entertainment gadgets, Rubik's Cube and chess There are chess pieces, etc., and you can even see an old-fashioned antique record player, and the copper-clad trumpet is full of traces of time.

"Postwar Psychological Syndrome has always been a problem that plagues military service members. In the secret party, on average, one of every three executive department commissioners will have similar symptoms, and they need to report to the psychological department regularly. After all, normal soldiers What we face on the battlefield are trenches and bullets, but what the commissioners of the execution department face are things that challenge the limits of human endurance." Lin Xian held the record book on his wrist and leaned back slightly on the back of the white chair, The oil lamp on the table cast her shadow smoothly on the bookshelf behind her, elongating it enough to reach the ceiling.

"Postwar Psychological Syndrome has always been a problem that plagues military service members. In the secret party, on average, one of every three executive department commissioners will have similar symptoms, and they need to report to the psychological department regularly. After all, normal soldiers What we face on the battlefield are trenches and bullets, but what the commissioners of the Executive Department face are things that challenge the limits of human endurance."

Lin Xian picked up the pen and pressed the button on the notebook in reverse. The ballpoint pen rotated between the slender fingers. He slightly raised his head and looked at Chu Zihang on the sofa with a smile. "Then, may I ask about your psychology for this application?" The student who consulted, Chu Zihang, are you also facing such a problem?"

Chu Zihang looked at Lin Xian, who had entered the state of a psychiatrist without any trace, and was silent for a while, as if he was quietly thinking and sorting out his words.

During this gap, Lin Xian turned sideways and took out a box of matches from the desk drawer. He gently pushed the match stem with his thumb and bent it onto the red phosphorus strip. He lit the match with one hand and reached into the oil lamp on the table. Lit the only lamp that really needs oil as fuel. The fire light first brightened and then dimmed. As the light became more stable, the soft lines on Lin Xian's face were made three-dimensional by the shadows. The swaying light reflected in his eyes was really beautiful. "Don't worry about telling your problem, Chu Zihang." , opening the heart is a necessary process for psychotherapy.”

It was at this time that Chu Zihang spoke, "I had a dream last night."

"Everyone dreams, sometimes good and sometimes bad." Lin Xian flicked his wrist to extinguish the match stem and threw it into the metal trash can. Through the warm yellow light of the oil lamp, he watched Chu Zihang's face clearly outlined by light and shadow. With a slight smile on his face, he said, "I think if it was just a simple nightmare, it would not be enough to make Chu Zihang, the president of the Lion Heart Club, come to me specially. After all, your initiative in the past consultation records of the Psychology Department shows that The application record is zero, and the number of psychological treatments you have received on record is only five, and they were all psychological examinations mandated by the Ministry of Implementation."

"Excuse me." Chu Zihang wanted to ask a question, but could not find a suitable pronoun for Lin Xian for a while.

"Just call me doctor. Of course, it's only for this psychological consultation. If it's normal, just call me by my name." Lin Xian nodded lightly.

"Excuse me, doctor, what are dreams made of?" Chu Zihang nodded and asked calmly.

"When the brain is processing memories, nerve impulses are scattered." Lin Xian pressed the ballpoint pen. "When the human brain sleeps at night, the neurons will not stop processing information. When the memory is processed by the human brain, it will raise dust like dust. Bioelectricity, after being received by neurons, will produce dreams - this is what I think is the essence of dreams."

"Dreams are fragments of memory?" Chu Zihang extracted the essence of Lin Xian's expression.

"You can say that." Lin Xian nodded, "The core point of Freud's interpretation of dreams is that dreams are the product of subconscious disguised expression after the instinctive desires cannot be satisfied. That is to say, when people are sleeping, they will give priority to some things that the brain cares about. Memories, those memories are usually things that dreamers value, desire, or fear."

At this point, Lin Xian smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that the patient I talked to last time also sought my help because of a dream."

"I dreamed about scenes and people I have never seen before." Chu Zihang said, "Is this normal?"

"You mean that your dream brought up memories you've never had before?"


"Can you describe the content of the dream in detail?"

"It's all about a woman." Chu Zihang said, "The content is just some daily trivial matters, nothing particularly abnormal."

"You said before that your dreams were all memories you had never had before. That means you don't know this woman at all in reality." Lin Xian pointed out Chu Zihang's problem.


"Is it too sensitive?" Lin Xian suddenly raised his head, straightened his body, and chose a comfortable position to sit in. The notebook was placed on the table, and the ballpoint pen was tapping in the palm of his hand and he asked with a smile, "Just because You dreamed of a stranger and came here to seek help from the psychology department? What if you knew that the commissioner of the execution department hates our psychology department first and foremost?"

"If you have questions that cannot be answered, you naturally need to seek help to find the answers." Chu Zihang said.

"If we look at it under normal circumstances, it is normal to dream of strangers or even strange places. For example, if someone dreams of evil ghosts, it will never be true that he has seen evil ghosts. If someone dreams of traveling to heaven, it will never be true. He has truly been to heaven." Lin Xian said, "The memory fragments that make up the dream are scattered. It is an shapeless thing made up of trillions of puzzle pieces. Maybe this woman is just what you thought of twenty years ago. A passerby you pass by at a glance in your life may be a 'stranger' whom you have pieced together with the characteristics of countless faces. It is not worth the fear or confusion you feel because you don't know her. Compared with dreams, I am more I’m worried about your usual psychological stress because you took the initiative to apply for psychological counseling because of this problem.”

"But that dream was very real." Chu Zihang said after being silent for a while, "It's like I have actually experienced that for a while."

"Really?" Lin Xian smiled slightly, and after thinking for about three or four seconds, he said, "I think I know what your real doubts are. Let me guess, Chu Zihang, do you think that dream is too real? It’s so real that you feel like you are indeed missing part of your memory.”

Chu Zihang did not answer this question. He looked at Lin Xian's bright eyes in the burning lamp without saying a word.

"How is that woman?" Lin Xian asked suddenly.

Chu Zihang looked up, as if he didn't quite understand what Lin Xian meant.

"If it's a dream, and it's so clear that you think it's your real experience, then that woman must have impressed you deeply, right? Or should I say a girl?"

Chu Zihang was startled and looked at Lin Xian with a strange look.

"I don't know how to read minds. I'm just making logical speculations that can make you unsure whether it is a real dream. It must be a memory from a long time ago. If it is indeed real, then that period of time can leave a deep impression on you. Most women exist as 'girls'." Lin Xian said with a smile, "The prerequisite is that she is still within the shelf life of 'girls'."


"How old does she make you feel in your dreams?"

"About 16 years old."

"is it beautiful?"


"Okay, let me put the question another way. Based on the standards of the executive department's task evaluation among normal 16-year-old women, is her appearance and body shape 'excellent' or 'average'?"

"Excellent." Chu Zihang gave a fair evaluation.

"Did she have any interaction with you in the dream? What words she said and what things she did."

"We are in a house in a courtyard, about fifty square meters, an old-fashioned building with red tiles. There is a well-flowered sycamore tree in the yard. I am sorting out textbooks, and she is practicing gymnastics moves."

"No verbal communication?"



".Puppy love."

Lin Xian raised her eyebrows. If this was a normal psychological consultation, then the psychiatrist would have concluded the patient's condition by now, but she did not do so, and the questions and answers continued.

".If this memory is indeed true, do you think it will have any impact on your life?"

"I have no idea."

"The only answers are yes and no."


"Do you have a crush on that girl? That's why you often dream about her."


"Is that girl important to you? Is there any agreement between you that must be remembered? It's like a necklace lock that needs a fixed key to open."


"If this memory does exist, do you think you have to recall every detail of it?"

"I have no idea."

"The only answers are yes and no."


After asking some more detailed questions, Lin Xian put down his ballpoint pen and stood up from behind the desk. The fingertips of his right hand lightly crossed the table of Guanghua Appraisal, then walked around to the single sofa where Chu Zihang was sitting and pulled him over. A chair sat down, looked the boy straight in the eyes and said, "You must be disappointed now?"

Chu Zihang and Lin Xian looked at each other, and neither their faces nor their eyes showed any emotion. This is a required course for the Executive Department Commissioner, but Lin Xian was still very sure of his conjecture, "It seems that you are indeed disappointed. , you start to think that the psychology department can’t help you, but you never doubt your feelings.”

"I heard Lin Nian talk about you. After knowing that the person making the appointment today was you, I did my homework about you." She looked at Chu Zihang and said softly, "You have had a very difficult time. You hold a huge secret that no one will believe, and it is also the suffering you have been carrying since childhood. So you have developed a firm self. When you believe something, unless you find evidence to confirm or overturn it, no one can do it before. You won’t blindly follow any advice.”

The boy once ran around telling the story of father and son on the elevated road, but no one believed him. Even his mother would only hug him and mourn the passing of the man. This was huge for a child. A blow. But the boy grew up from this blow, and later proved the correctness of his insistence in the admission notice of the mysterious academy, which means that he was born with an innate ability to cultivate absolutely no A self-character that is shaken by external forces.

"Going back to the previous question, if you think you must recall that memory, it means that the memory has a certain importance to you. This 'importance' is actually the source of confusion for you." Lin Xian said, " So we need to be clear, do you want to determine the authenticity of this memory, or do you already have the answer in your mind and just want to get a way to find this memory."

"Although I roughly know your answer, I still need you to answer this question yourself." She looked down at Chu Zihang with a slight smile on her lips.

The study was quiet for a long time, with the lights flickering, Chu Zihang replied, "I want to find this memory."

"You already know the answer to that dream. This time you are just trying to find the answer itself." Lin Xian looked at Chu Zihang and turned his head slightly, "So you are very disappointed now, aren't you? If you want To dig out that memory that doesn’t exist, you may need a brain tap rather than simple talk therapy.”

Chu Zihang didn't answer the question, but Lin Xian's answer hit his mark. It felt like there was a book with Chu Zihang's name written on the spine in this study room. Before he arrived, Lin Xian had read it carefully and left footnotes on every important line.

"You are very lucky, really very lucky." Lin Xian looked at Chu Zihang with a smile, "Indeed, I am not the person you really want to see today, but you never would have thought that there is someone in the next room of this villa. something you want"

‘Speech Spirit·Hypnosis’.

ps: If the eternal pupil magician goes back to the rainy night when Dandelion landed.

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