The word "time travel" was born in 1994. The representative work is Teacher Huang Yi's "Looking for Qin". Once it was released, it caused a widespread trend of time travel novels, and even once this trend spread until today in 2011. There are countless online novels with The article with the entry "Time Travel" has introduced this concept into thousands of households. Even an 80-year-old man can understand its meaning and express his deep hope to "time travel" back to the Anti-Japanese War era to sacrifice his life for the motherland.

For a moment, Chu Zihang thought he had traveled through time. He returned from the summer of 2011 to the rainy night before 2004. The passage of seven years was brought back to the beginning of the story by this heavy rain.

The sky-blue school flag that was blown and trembling on the playground was facing towards the city covered with thunder and dark clouds. Thunder flashed under the black clouds, and the whole world was dyed gray and white. The rain washed away the eyes of passers-by. Cheeks, both looked down on each other's expressions, and could only glimpse the pale faces illuminated by thunder and lightning.

Thoughts and memories that were too long ago came to mind. Chu Zihang had spent countless nights building that castle on the beach of memory, just so that those precious things could stay on the shore longer when the tide came, but today he was on the beach. In this castle, standing on the top of the city wall, looking down at the black clouds pressing down on the city, feeling the single eye hidden in the cracks of thunder and lightning watching the campus.

"Hypnosis" gone wrong.

This was Chu Zihang's immediate reaction. According to Lin Xian's description, this Yanling should take him to find that lost memory, but now he has returned to this unforgettable scene that he will never forget. The heavy rain has been in Chu Zihang's heart for twenty years. In that heavy rain, the shadow of the fourteen-year-old boy remained on the elevated road forever. Now, seven years later, he walked into the rain again, like an old friend. Reunion.

So now even if he realizes that there is something wrong with the "hypnosis" process, what can he do? With no defense and no resistance, he had already fallen into a state of "deep hypnosis". Thunderstorms rolled across the sky one after another. I am afraid that in the real study room, someone was beating gongs and drums in his ears, or even holding a gun. Is it difficult for him to notice the knife piercing his heart inch by inch?

The cold wind on the playground blew through the walkway on the ground floor of the teaching building. The cold wind mixed with drizzle poured in. The air was bitingly cold. Chu Zihang's right hand subconsciously touched his collar and touched a soft blouse. Yes, that One day he was dressed exactly like this. If this was just a dream, it was too real.

"Hey! Liu Miaomiao Liu Miaomiao! Please give me a ride!" The vague human voice in the distance was carried by the cold wind and rain. Chu Zihang looked over and saw a familiar voice. It was a junior student dressed in a junior high school uniform. The boy in school uniform was hiding under the eaves of the diagonal teaching building and shouting into the rain.

The name Liu Miaomiao was not unfamiliar to Chu Zihang, and the boy from the lower grade who was shouting was even more familiar to him. He knew him. That was Lu Mingfei. It was just the Lu Mingfei from seven years ago, squatting in the corner holding his schoolbag. With it on his head, he looked as embarrassed as a drowned dog.

This boy always seems to be like this, so cowardly that people can't help but pull him, or step on him with bad intentions.

"Lu Mingfei, go on your own! My house is not in the same direction as yours!" came the familiar reply. The driver was holding an umbrella. The tall girl in the white skirt lowered her head and walked toward the black BMW. She looked back at Chu before entering. Zihang glanced in the direction, and finally got into the back seat at the driver's urging, and closed the door, blocking the view back and forth.

The BMW slid silently into the rain curtain, its taillights were frighteningly red. The frail figure under the eaves suddenly rushed out, as if it was about to race with the BMW, and fled into the heavy rain like a bereaved dog, and the figure gradually blurred from sight.

Everything was exactly the same as that day, except that this time Chu Zihang did not reach out to try to retain the bad boy. Even if he had time this time, he did not do so.

Because if everything is so real, then the next stories, those stories that have rolled through his mind thousands of times, will also be played out step by step.

Chu Zihang reached into his trouser pocket, and sure enough he touched the old-fashioned mobile phone. He took it out and flipped the cover. The touch of opening the seam of the cover with his thumb was so strangely familiar. Every scratch and every wear and tear on this phone was... The buttons were all taking him towards the depths of the rainstorm.

[It’s raining heavily. Can you come pick me up? 7:12]

[Okay, okay, no problem! Wait at school, I'll be there in a minute! 7:13]

Those were two text messages engraved in his memory, and they were also the last messages sent on that man's cell phone. He remembered every detail of that night in his heart.

He typed into the text box on his phone, but it was empty, with nothing in it.

The heavy rain was pouring, and thousands of tons of floods washed away the city. Suddenly, the city seemed bigger. The vastness and vastness pulled people's stone-like hearts into the distance.

Downstairs, a boy wearing a smock stood still for a long time and closed his flip phone.

He actually forgot that he deleted those two text messages himself, and he would delete all the text messages he had with that man. He was afraid that "Dad" would see it and it would have bad effects. How stupid, but how true.

At the moment when the phone closed and made a crisp sound, the memory of that man was like a flood flowing backwards along the heavy rain outside the eaves and gradually submerged him. There was him riding on the man's neck and shouting "drive, drive, drive"; there was a man who paid in advance The salary bought him the only valuable toy, a set of rail trains; of course, there was also the most stunning and last image of the man in his life, standing there majestic with a 'Godly Sword' in his hand. In front of the dark shadow, the trousers were blown by the strong wind.

He stretched out his hand and tried to hold the water curtain hanging from the eaves. His hand was empty, because the water flow could not be stopped. Veins like twisted tree roots burst out on his closed five fingers, but what he really felt was The force pulling him inside was pitifully small. Every detail was pulling him towards the 14-year-old boy. Their shadows gradually overlapped, and even the cold feeling of the heavy rain touching his neck became more real. , along with it is the coldness that pierces the heart.

After a long time, Chu Zihang took back his hand. He knew what was waiting for him in the deepest and darkest place of the rainy night, but now he didn't care so much. The "hypnosis" was still going on. He didn't know how to stop it, but he probably wouldn't try to stop it. Those black pupils were full of emotions that others couldn't understand.

After closing the flip phone, he put it into his trouser pocket. The only sound in his ears was the roar of the rain. Even if it was a coincidence, he came to the wrong place at the wrong time. The development of the whole thing was wrong and deviated from the original intention, but he wanted to try to do something right amidst all the chaos.

Footsteps sounded deep in the corridor, someone was approaching.

Chu Zihang, who was alone and silent under the eaves, turned back instantly, his gaze like a knife.

Even if we go back to seven years ago, what exists in this young body is the soul of the ace of the execution department seven years later. He can feel everything that he could not feel in the past. His bloodline has not yet awakened, but as a mixed-race The will to kill has never faded.

But when he turned around, he saw someone he thought he should never see here.

He was a boy in the lower grade. His school uniform was exactly the same as Lu Mingfei's from seven years ago. On his feet was a pair of white Nike shoes that didn't look too real. The boy didn't wait for Chu Zihang's reaction and squatted down beside him.

"Waiting for someone? Still can't go home?" the boy asked.

".Lin Nian?" He called out the boy's name.

".How do you know my name, my name is written on my face?"

Strange dialogue, strange memories.

Chu Zihang stood there in silence for a long time, quietly looking at the boy squatting next to him. He was digging through his memory to find spots that could overlap with them. But in the end, he couldn't find anything. As far as he could remember, he had never seen the boy that day.

"Do we know each other?" Chu Zihang suddenly asked.

"This sentence should be me asking you, do we know each other?" The boy looked at Chu Zihang with a strange look in his eyes, "You were the one who called me by my name first."

The boy didn't know Chu Zihang, which was tentatively consistent with Chu Zihang's memory, because he remembered that he and the boy first met on the basketball court. The friendship between the center and the forward gradually became more familiar after that. got up. But why did he see Lin Nian here and have a conversation with him that he had never remembered?

"We don't know each other, I just know your name." Chu Zihang said.

"Am I famous?" the boy asked, pointing to his face, "or do I have my own name written on my face."

"As a transfer student from the junior high school, your entrance exam score was number one, you were praised for your speech under the national flag, and the high school student union president personally issued your admission notice." Chu Zihang said.

He reacted quickly and immediately thought of an excuse. This reason was impeccable, because the first time Lin Nian's name appeared in his memory was during the speech under the national flag. He still remembered that Lin Nian was wearing a shirt with the noble bird printed on it that day. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a logo, black casual pants, and a pair of white Nike sneakers. The girls in the audience were all whispering about how handsome this junior was and whether they could get his phone number after class.

There are not many people who can steal Chu Zihang's limelight. Lin Nian is one of them. Remembering each other is considered a sympathy between masters? Or is there a mutual affinity between cash and deposit? who knows.

"You are Chu Zihang, right? You often speak under the national flag, and I remember you too." The boy said, "Girls often discuss you, and so do boys. They say you are the 'pinnacle of Shilan' and Lin Tian wearing Baobao." Megumi." (Hot-Blooded High School Comics serialized in 1990)


"Oh yes, that's it. I don't know much about brand names." The boy nodded without any embarrassment about the luxury brand.

"Why are you here?" Chu Zihang directly asked the question that concerned him most, without too much pulling, because he took the time to look at the mud and turned lawn left behind by the gradually emptying of the playground, knowing that he Time is running out.

"Your question is very strange. Anyone with eyes can see that I am trapped just like you." The boy pointed to the heavy rain outside the eaves that showed no sign of letting up. "The radio station said that the typhoon has entered the country, and tonight there will be level 10 The wind is strong and there is a red rainstorm warning. My home is far away from the school. If I want to walk back, it will be difficult. I’m afraid taxis won’t do business in this weather, right? Besides, I don’t have any money with me.”

"I can lend it to you." Chu Zihang touched his back pocket, and there were indeed two large amounts of cash in it - "Dad" was always not stingy with pocket money. At that time, he most often said to Chu Zihang One sentence is: "If you have any difficulties, ask dad. You are dad's child, and dad will definitely satisfy you."

According to "Dad's" economic level, this sentence is not a boast. During that time, "Dad's" company had already begun to have contacts with the Black Prince Group, which was booming in the city. Any employee who saw Chu Zihang would be very dramatic. Call him "Master" politely.

"Are you rich?" The boy heard Chu Zihang's words without hesitation and looked this guy up and down.

"I have no money, my family is rich."

"Wow." The boy raised his eyebrows. He didn't know whether Chu Zihang was being honest or showing off, but to be honest, there was nothing wrong with Chu Zihang's words. At this time, he really had no money. A 14-year-old child Tuition fees and pocket money were all funded by his family, and it was not until he reached university that he became truly financially independent.

"Forget it." The boy scratched his head and still rejected Chu Zihang, "With this weather, I guess taxi drivers want to go home early, right? Even if you have money, you may not be able to get a taxi."

"You" Chu Zihang wanted to say that you can come with me, but in the end he fell into silence.

After a moment, he said again, "You can run out and find a way to take the bus. You can take the No. 6 bus to the subway station."

"Together?" The boy looked at Chu Zihang.

"I" he was speechless.

"Or are you being picked up?" the boy asked again.


Chu Zihang suddenly remembered the question the boy asked him at the beginning, "Can't you go home while waiting for someone?" This guy guessed from the beginning that Chu Zihang's young master's appearance was definitely picked up by someone. Unlike Lu Mingfei, that cowardly guy, Lin Nian from seven years ago was still the same daring to think and do in terms of purpose and action. People who would be dared to behead by the Dragon King in the future would still be afraid of taking a stranger's car home. Are you being sold?

But can Chu Zihang agree to take him for a ride? He can't, because he knows better than anyone else what kind of story the Maybach that will arrive soon will bring. Although this boy will be so strong that even he can't catch up in the future, now he is just a child in the junior high school. The glorious record is that a senior student was admitted to the hospital at the beginning of the school year. Compared with the things on the elevated road, it is still too weak.

Even if this story was just a replay of his memory, he still couldn't drag the other person down in such a real scene.

"Where do you live?" Chu Zihang asked.

"Have you ever heard of the old city on the outskirts of the city, near Pingqiang Road?"

"We're not on the same road. I'm sorry that I can't take you with me." Chu Zihang said.

"That's a shame," said the boy.

He didn't complain too much, and he didn't pat his ass and leave. After finishing speaking, he squatted there blankly and stared at the pouring rain with a visibility of less than fifty meters, as if he was looking for something.

"Are you waiting for someone too?" Chu Zihang asked softly.

"No, it's raining so hard. It's better for me to go back alone." The boy shook his head and stood up.

"Taxi?" Chu Zihang took out the big note.

"Just take the bus." The boy glanced at the banknotes in Chu Zihang's hand and shook his head, "If you can't find it, just keep waiting. I'll leave first."

As he spoke, he leaned forward as if to test the rain. Chu Zihang looked at his back and suddenly called his name, "Lin Nian."

"What?" The boy looked back at Chu Zihang.

"If you had the chance to change a mistake that you would regret for the rest of your life, would you do it?" he asked softly.

".?" The boy looked at Chu Zihang in the aisle and was stunned for a long time. He wanted to say something casually, but when he came into contact with the other person's dark-clouded eyes, the bad words he said to his deskmate came to his lips. The habit was suddenly swallowed back.

"Why do you suddenly ask this? Do you have something to do, or do you want to confess to someone?"

Chu Zihang looked at him and whispered after a long time, "It's nothing. Just pretend I didn't ask."

The boy and Chu Zihang were silent for a long time, and finally scratched his head and said, "Just do whatever you want to do. My sister often tells me not to kidnap my current self and hate my future self for being too fussy. But I often suspect that she said this to me because she regretted not strangling me to death in the orphanage."

Chu Zihang suddenly let out a chuckle. The boy looked at him and didn't know where the joke was in what he said. He could only laugh bitterly and felt that he had said something inappropriate and stupid. He looked up at the black sky and paused. Then he said again,

"It is inevitable to have regrets in life, but try not to have too many."


Chu Zihang responded in a low voice, his eyes quietly passing through the rain curtain and landing on the flickering white light in the distance of the playground. The light spot came from far to near, and the sound of wheels rubbing against muddy water was heard in the playground. The xenon lamp drew two sharp white blades that cut through the rain curtain and illuminated the bottom floor of the teaching building.

The boy under the eaves narrowed his eyes, but Chu Zihang suddenly turned back to look at the source of the light.

It was a beast that broke through the rainy night. The car show on the playground ended belatedly. The flowing black car body separated the roof from the rain on both sides, and the two "M" overlapped to form a mountain-shaped car logo. A faint white vapor rose from the heat of the lamp.

"Wow, your dad is indeed rich." The boy sighed as he squinted at the good car whose appearance alone proved its value.

"No, he has no money, the car is not his, he is just a driver." Chu Zihang's eyes illuminated by the lights reflected the water curtain that reached the sky. In the heavy rain, the Maybach behind the wipers wildly swung, and the one in the middle was The young man was waving to him under the eaves through the rain, with a smile on his face.

"But he is my dad."

This time, he jumped over the boy and ran towards the rain curtain instead of waiting for the man in the Maybach to come towards him with an umbrella.

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