"It's raining so hard, and your mother doesn't know how to pick you up."

"Fortunately, I didn't go to the car wash in the morning. It's a no-contact car wash. It's 80 per time. I just throw it into the water after washing."

"I just saw that the girl is pretty. Is she from your school too? From what you just said, you seem to know her younger brother? I would say that although you are still young, it is always okay to have more friends. Multiple There are many paths to friends.”

"Let me tell you, my boss took their clients to a nightclub last time and insisted on dragging me in to experience life. I tried my best to push them away, but they pulled me to sit in the middle and sing. The consumption there was simply too high. I didn’t even dare to drink when I wanted to drive, so I just ate some fruit plate and got over it.”

"Do you need me to turn on the air conditioner and seat heating? If you feel bored, just open the window. When you called me, I was still having dinner downstairs in the company. The side dishes at that stall taste amazing. I'll give it a try next time. I’ll take you to try it, and I guarantee you’ll want to go there a second time.”

The Maybach drove out of the school gate and entered the highway. Along the way, it listened to the man's chatter, as if the chat box had been opened for a long time. Facing Chu Zihang in the back seat, he kept talking, talking endlessly. , It rains endlessly outside the window.

Chu Zihang sat in the back seat and looked at the handsome and slightly weathered old man's face in the rearview mirror through the occasional car lights outside the window. He didn't say anything from beginning to end, he just looked at it like this. ,listen.

The man's eyes occasionally met his in the rearview mirror. After a few seconds, he moved away to look at the road. When he looked again, he found that Chu Zihang was still staring at him. Once the man in the Maybach stopped talking, he was caught in the rain beating on the car glass. The sound was so quiet that he was a little overwhelmed.

"What's wrong? Are you unhappy that your stepfather didn't come to pick you up today?" the man said cautiously, "Isn't it that I'm here? When I received your text message, I didn't even finish the side dishes, so I stopped all the way to check out. When I came here, I almost ran a red light."

Chu Zihang still didn't answer, he was still looking at the reflector so absorbedly, and the man's eyes met with it again. This time they looked at each other for a full five seconds, and it wasn't until the sound of horns on the increasingly crowded highway in front that the man's attention was drawn. Li pulled back.

"You don't miss me, do you? If you want to see me, just call me. As long as it's not working hours, I promise to be there as soon as possible." The man said coyly, with a feeling of probing in his words. Just like this sentence It took him a lot of courage to speak out the words, and if he was not careful, he would get a cold face and ridicule from the other party.

Still no answer. The man scratched his head and felt that Chu Zihang was in a bad mood today, so he didn't say anything more and decided to drive the car. He put his hands on the steering wheel and flicked handsomely into the emergency lane.

A beautiful cut, the traffic flow behind was cut off instantly, the Audi behind slammed the brakes to the bottom, and in this momentary gap, the Maybach slid around on the road like a steel loach, and the man in the driver's seat was beaming and squinting. Chu Zihang looked in the rearview mirror and grinned, trying to show off, but found that his son still had a paralyzed face, and the swinging Maybach couldn't even make him tilt his body.

"." The man was really at a loss. In a daze, he suddenly turned around and braked. The Maybach stopped in front of a red light. There were car horns everywhere, one after another, like a symphony playing in a heavy rain. Occasionally, You can still hear the cries of children. The heavy rain mixed with thunder is really scary. Every time the white light flashes, it is uneasy waiting and panic before the thunder comes too late.

"Damn, it's really blocked now." The man muttered, lowered the window and carefully tilted his head to look outside to avoid the heavy rain. .

The road ahead is completely blocked. It seems that two cars have rear-ended each other. The drivers are gathering together in the rain to argue and curse. In this situation, no matter how good the driving skills are, they have to be stuck here honestly, unless This 9 million Maybach has long legs and can jump over this blocked steel torrent.

Due to the visibility of the heavy rain, the red light of countless brake lights in the pouring rain illuminated the water curtains, and also reflected Chu Zihang and his cheeks in the dim car. The man cursed the driver in front of him who was blocking the road. Chu Zihang watched him silently, and finally turned to look out the car window at a certain moment.

"Don't just quarrel, move, holy shit!" The man pressed the Maybach's car horn hard. The 9 million horn was indeed extraordinary, and the sound was louder. The high beams were directed at those road ragers who were arguing in the heavy rain. They attracted a lot of curses, but when they saw the Maybach logo, they stopped taking steps and continued to curse from a distance, adding a vocal ensemble to the heavy rain concerto.

"Swear, you have the guts to come over and hit me with a stick. Anyway, the insurance company will pay." The man honked the horn frantically. It seemed that Chu Zihang in the back seat had made up his mind to be a boring gourd. His only way to resolve the embarrassment was to talk to those people The people interacted in a friendly manner, "What's the fuss about two crappy cars? Didn't you buy commercial insurance? I have other things to do after I send my son off."

While cursing, the man suddenly saw a fork in the road not far away, and stood alone on the side of the road. He could drive over by passing through the emergency lane, one step away from the elevated road. It stands to reason that the traffic on such a branch road should flow through it as if it has found a flood outlet, but for some reason that branch road has been abandoned there by everyone, as if everyone knows that the end of the road is a dead end, so it will not Waste no time driving up.

"Entrance to the elevated road?" The man leaned his head forward and squinted to look at the road sign next to the fork in the rain. He became more energetic after seeing the words clearly, although the number behind it was obscured by the rattan dancing in the wind and rain. , but in this city, no matter what the numbered elevated entrance is, there will always be a road leading straight up. If placed in the desert, this is a quick passage to the oasis.

"It should be possible to go up this road. Isn't it because the road is closed? Are you afraid of being deducted?" The man put his head around, and after thinking about it, he suddenly turned the steering wheel and prepared to enter the entrance from the emergency lane.

It was at this time that Chu Zihang's voice came from behind the man and he spoke for the first time after entering the Maybach.

"Don't go into that entrance."

"Hey, it's okay. The road is closed. Unless the road is closed halfway, the devil will block the road at the end of the road in this kind of weather. If there is a roadblock, I will just go down and remove it. Don't you still believe me?" The man said with one hand Holding the steering wheel, he proudly made a curved arm movement with his right hand, "I have grown stronger. I could lift you high with one hand now. If I didn't want to find a decent job, I could make a living moving bricks." you."

The Maybach continued to drive forward, and when it was about to reach the expressway, a hand reached out from the back seat, grabbed the steering wheel, and turned it to the left. The man's eyes were so quick that he almost hit the brakes on the asphalt road with a sharp kick. He stopped the car in front of the entrance to the elevated road.

"Holy shit, it's dangerous for you to do this, son. Even if you have insurance, you can't do this. Even if you buy commercial auto insurance, it won't be fully compensated. I can't afford the 10% maintenance fee if you ask me to work for a year. Ah." The man said in fear, but he turned his head and met Chu Zihang's pitch-black eyes, which were so close that he couldn't even read them.

"Dad, don't go into that entrance."

Almost face to face, Chu Zihang looked at the man and whispered, "Believe me, if you go up there, something bad will happen."

"What did you call me?" The man suddenly froze for a moment, raised his head slightly and looked at Chu Zihang. After a moment, there seemed to be a trace of struggle in his eyes and then he shook his head and said, "Stop making trouble, I'll have something to do after I see you off." It's a big deal! Whether your dad and I can be promoted depends on this time, so we can't delay."

He wanted to move Chu Zihang's hand away, but when he lowered his head, he discovered that the back of the hand holding the steering wheel was covered with knotted veins. It must have taken a lot of strength to show such ferocity. That sense of power was like a nail that was trying to pin this steel monster to the road. It put the reins on the V12 engine and dragged him until he turned over and refused to let him go.

"Don't get on that elevated road." Chu Zihang repeated this sentence for the third time. The heavy rain hit the car window and spread, then slowly slid down, reflecting the man's stunned face.

"I'm not kidding you. Just this once, trust me, Dad," he whispered.

"Okay, okay, if you're stuck, just stick to the traffic jam. It's not like you've never been stuck in a traffic jam before." The man was stunned for a long time, and finally scratched his head and reached out to shift the reverse gear.

Chu Zihang didn't need to explain anything, he just had to make a request and the man would do it. As long as he didn't set foot on that elevated road, nothing would happen after that. If it could be avoided, then why let the story repeat itself?

"It's been a long time since I heard you call me daddy." The man held the steering wheel and was silent for a while before whispering, "Holy shit, I almost didn't even realize you were calling me."

The car fell into silence. The man sniffed and shook his eyebrows to regain his energy. "Then again, why do you feel weird today? Was there a quarrel at your stepfather's house? He's going to beat you. You and I Said, I drove to his house to block him."

"No." Chu Zihang gently released the steering wheel with his right hand and sat back. He looked at the man looking at him with concern in the rearview mirror and whispered, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to see you, and You just said something."

After hearing Chu Zihang's words, the expression on the man's face suddenly changed slightly, but in the end he still showed a playful smile, "That's it, you can talk to me anytime you want, then once a week Your visitation days are nothing. If you want me to pick you up from school every day when I'm free, isn't this Maybach several times more expensive than your stepfather's S500? It's a shame."

"Just today." Chu Zihang whispered, "Just today."

"Okay, we're stuck in a traffic jam, so let's talk about it, the long-lost father-son relationship! It's much more real than your stepfather's once-a-week family gatherings. He will most likely talk to you about studies, and you will kiss you. Dad and I can talk about anything!" The man suddenly brightened up when he saw Chu Zihang's slightly silent eyes.

He suddenly felt that the relationship between father and son, which had collapsed for a long time, suddenly ushered in a turning point on this rainy night. Was it really because his son's unreliable stepfather forgot to pick him up that he took advantage of this opportunity today? ? Maybe after repairing this relationship today, he will have the opportunity to sit on the street with his son, eating braised intestines and scolding the four-eyed guy wearing glasses and combing his hair? The man turned his head and glanced out the window, suddenly feeling that this typhoon was not all bad.

"Tell me the truth, is your stepfather not treating you well?" The man shook his eyebrows and was about to get into the topic. If he was asked to find fault with his son's stepfather, he would have ten thousand words to say. When Chu Zihang nodded in agreement, he could spend the whole day scolding the four-eyed guy who pretended to be him.

In fact, it's okay to think about it. If Chu Zihang doesn't let him get on the elevated road, then he won't get on it. Then tonight they will have to be stuck on the road and spend the night. By then, he can still find the uneaten braised large intestine and sausage in the front drawer. His son watched the gun version of "Shrek 2" together. The heavy rain outside the window was accompanied by loudspeakers. In the car, he and his son laughed so hard at the funny plot. I heard that the ending of the movie was a family fun, which was perfect.

The man was a little moved, but there were still some things in his heart that he just couldn't let go. He subconsciously looked back in the direction of the back seat, but just as he looked, his eyes were suddenly illuminated by the high beam from behind. , he secretly cursed what an idiot and immediately looked away.

"Sit tight, I'll drive back. It's okay to occupy the emergency lane all the time." The man muttered, put the gear in reverse and stepped on the accelerator. He turned the steering wheel and was about to go back. But at this moment, he suddenly heard The sound of horses neighing, wrapped in the loud sound of wind and rain hitting the car glass, was accompanied by the sound of intensive horse hooves.

"What's going on?" The man turned around subconsciously.

Chu Zihang, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly locked his eyes on the Maybach's rearview mirror. His pupils were like pinholes, illuminating the Maybach's rear lights. They were simply golden fire and blazing lights. White thunder!

In the reflection of the man's eyes when he turned back, a towering black figure rushed toward them in the wave of flames. The mirror surface of the rearview mirror trembled like water waves, and the eight-legged Pegasus that rushed out of the light let out a loud and violent neigh. Crossed the road and hit the rear of the Maybach!

The Maybach engine suddenly roared, and the man shifted gears so fast that others could not see clearly. Before Chu Zihang could react, the Maybach had moved a long distance out of thin air and rushed towards the fork of the elevated road, as if time had been edited. Same!

It was this distance that allowed the Maybach to jump out of the traffic and completely drift into the deserted fork as if it was inevitable.

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