Chapter 892 The next day (55)

There was an inevitable quarrel in the coniferous forest. Dusha lost her temper and was almost hysterical. But this time Vika did not stop her because everyone was emotionally unstable, including the huntress who was blamed. .

"What road did you lead? Is this the road you led? One morning, after walking for half a day, you took a detour. Is there something wrong with you?"

Only shouts and accusations could be heard throughout the coniferous forest, and the snow on the distant coniferous trees was knocked down in the forest. In front of a clearing filled with snow, a group of people stood not far from the hunter's cabin and looked at each other.

The female hunter ignored Dusha, who was almost in a state of collapse. She frowned and looked around. She even walked to the window of the hunter's cabin and looked inside. Only then did she confirm that this was where they started from, and there were still scraps left on that table. There were frozen fish bones and a lot of bread crumbs under the stove, and there were also scattered matchsticks next to the extinguished stove.

That's right, they did circle back, and in some incredible way returned to their original starting point after a full four hours of trekking in the morning.

"Be quiet first." The huntress took a deep breath and said, "I don't think I took the wrong path. It should be that we encountered some unexpected situations."

"Don't you think you took the wrong way? But you just took the wrong way!" Dusha came over emotionally and tried to pull the huntress's collar with her still intact hand, but the huntress raised her hand. He raised her arm, and when she was about to start fighting, Vika growled, "Okay!"

Dusha looked back at her brother, who also had a bad look on his face, and shouted angrily, "What's so good! What's so good about this! What the hell is going on!"

"I also want to know what's going on." The huntress looked at the Lieutenant Colonel, "Can you lend me your watch?"

Lieutenant Colonel Andre knew what the huntress was thinking, so he simply took off the gold victory watch from his wrist and handed it over. After taking the watch, the female hunter stared at the time that pointed to 12:15, then walked to the window of the wooden house to find an angle to look at the cuckoo wall clock inside, and confirmed that the time on the two dials was almost the same, with no more than an error at most. A minute or two.

"The hands of the watch are oriented correctly." The huntress returned the watch to the lieutenant colonel and looked at everyone else. "I am also confident in my sense of direction. We have indeed been walking towards the west before, and there is no possibility of detours." . The lieutenant colonel and I took turns giving directions, which also reduced the possibility of making mistakes. The possibility of the two of us misunderstanding the direction at the same time was very small."

"What do you want to say?" Vika asked dullly.

"If there is no problem with us, then the only problem is the road under our feet." The huntress took a deep breath and said, "There is a problem with this forest."

"What could be wrong with the forest?" Adam asked subconsciously.

"It's impossible that we really went wrong. It's unlikely that two people have wrong sense of direction at the same time, but it's not impossible." Vika still refused to believe their guess.

"Yes, how could something go wrong in the forest? Are you all crazy?" Dusha screamed, "It's you idiots who are leading the wrong way!"

"I also hope that I took the wrong path." The huntress did not avoid her gaze, looking directly at Dusha and said, "I am indeed willing to be the idiot you say you are."

These words instantly silenced Dusha, and in addition to mania, there was also a hint of fear and uneasiness in her eyes.

"Go take a look on the avenue." Lieutenant Colonel Andre turned his head and looked towards the north of the coniferous forest.

"Yes, that railroad track." Adam's eyes lit up.

If they remembered well, this wooden house was built in a coniferous forest less than three hundred meters away from the railroad tracks, which also meant that you could reach the paved avenue of railroad tracks not far to the north. You can't go wrong if you just follow the avenue.

"You can go to the avenue first and have a look." The female hunter also remembered this incident and looked at the lieutenant colonel, "Shall I go with you?"

"No, I'll go with him, and you and the others will stay to take care of the old man and the two children." Andre pointed at Vika, and then looked down at old Alian on the stretcher.

Old Arian was also looking at him, his lips moved but he still didn't say anything. He really couldn't do anything in his current state.

"Old man, you are the most familiar with this place. Please point me in the direction to the main road so that we don't go wrong again." The female hunter squatted beside the stretcher and held the old hunter's left hand.

Old Ali settled down for a moment, then raised his right hand with difficulty to point to one end of the coniferous forest, and said angrily, "Go in and follow the path I opened to the end."

After saying this, he said nothing. He saw Vika and Dusha beside him, and naturally recognized them as the robbers who broke in, but what could he say or do in this case? There is only silence.

"Is there still a way to the avenue? That would be great." Adam perked up after hearing this.

"The three-hundred-meter round trip takes about ten minutes." Lieutenant Colonel Andre glanced at his watch, "If Vika and I don't come back in ten minutes, then you can go into the cabin and rest first. If possible, we will leave During this period, first collect some firewood from the surrounding area in advance.”

"What are you collecting firewood for?" Dusha said. She vaguely rejected the dilemma they were about to face in her heart, so she blurted out the question.

"It's already noon now. If we set off again, we may have to reach the town in the afternoon or close to evening. If something unexpected happens on the road, it will be delayed until late at night. You know how fast it gets dark in Siberia and how cold it is at night. "The huntress calmly said what the lieutenant colonel meant.

"So we might have to stay here for another day?" The expression on Adam's face turned ugly instantly.

"This is the worst case scenario. If the Lieutenant Colonel finds the road later, we will walk along it. It is almost impossible to go the wrong way along the road. No matter how deep the snow is, we can still catch up two or three hours later. There won't be any big problems if we arrive at the town on the edge of darkness," the huntress said.

"Okay." Adam's expression changed several times and he finally accepted his fate.

The lieutenant colonel and Vika set off and went into the coniferous forest. After walking a few steps, they saw the man-made path pointed by the old hunter. After a while, no one could be seen and no footsteps could be heard. Several people stood there in the open space for a while, and finally the huntress and Adam carried old Aryan into the house and lit the stove again.

"Things are getting weirder and weirder." Adam said to himself. The huntress beside him didn't say anything after hearing it. She glanced at Dusha, who was pacing back and forth in the clearing angrily kicking the snow, and then looked at The little girl sitting in front of the wooden house, she walked over and sat next to the little girl and whispered, "Yelena? That's her name, are you okay?"

The little girl turned to look at the huntress and nodded.

Looking at this little girl with brown and black eyes as clear as water, the huntress thought about her words for a long time and finally said, "Is there anything you want to tell sister about me?"

The little girl looked at the huntress and nodded slightly after a long time, "My brother is hungry."

"Feed this to him, but you have to eat half of it." The huntress took out a small piece of frozen meat from her fur coat. She had found this while rummaging through the cabinets in the cabin, but she had not handed it over to the table.

"Can you give it all to him?" the little girl asked.

"No. You have to eat half." The huntress looked at the little boy wrapped in fur behind the little girl. The weak look made people feel distressed, but after a long trek, the little girl was the one who should be the most hungry.

She knew that this girl didn't eat anything at all in the morning. All the fish tacos assigned to her were fed to the little boy. She almost only drank some water and ate some bread crumbs before accompanying them. Half a day on the snowy road.

"Okay." The little girl nodded in agreement as if she had made a difficult decision.

He handed the dried meat to the little girl and watched her bite half of it into her mouth and then swallow it. The huntress reached out and patted her head and stood up, preparing to walk to the coniferous forest not far away to pick up a stove. But at this moment she heard the little girl's weak voice behind her, "Be careful of them."

"What did you say?" The huntress immediately turned back to look at the little girl.

"Be careful of them." The little girl looked at the huntress with clear eyes.

"Them? You mean those devils from last night?"

The little girl shook her head and looked deep into the coniferous forest, "Everyone, be careful of all of them."


The huntress was stunned for a moment and seemed unable to understand what it meant, but after saying this, the little girl had already carried her brother back to the wooden house, and the fire had been lit. After entering the house, she opened her mouth and spit out the dried meat under her tongue, wiped it clean and stuffed it into the little boy behind her. The boy closed his eyes, opened his mouth and gently bit the warm dried meat, chewed and swallowed it. .

"Thank you," he said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Stay alive, and I will take you out of here." The little girl whispered, "For me, for him, and for yourself."

Just five minutes passed quickly. Adam, who was collecting firewood in the clearing, and Dusha, who was still angry, heard footsteps in the bushes. They subconsciously turned back in fear and ran towards the wooden house, away from the coniferous forest, until finally They were relieved when the two familiar figures came out.

"How is the situation?" The huntress heard the noise and ran out from the side of the wooden house holding firewood. She immediately saw the lieutenant colonel and Vika coming out of the bushes. As soon as she asked, she noticed the ugly look of the two people. expression.

"Walking back?" Vika stood in front of the bushes and stared blankly at the wooden house and her sister in front of the wooden house.

"We're walking back." The lieutenant colonel looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

"But we did walk along the road! Damn it, could it be that the road itself was a detour!" Vika's breathing became a little rapid, and uneasiness filled his eyes.

"No, I'm pretty sure we are walking in a straight line." The lieutenant colonel looked towards the depths of the bushes where they came back. "The road may circle back, but the direction pointed by the watch will never be wrong."

"No, I don't believe it." Vika's expression twitched, and he turned around anxiously and rushed into the coniferous forest. But this time the lieutenant colonel did not follow him, but walked out of the bushes and walked towards the wooden house. .

"Lieutenant Colonel, is it really a problem with the road?" the huntress looked at the approaching Lieutenant Colonel and asked.

"It's a problem with the road." The lieutenant colonel nodded and admitted, "We must have been trapped. We walked in a straight line according to the direction of the watch and still got back here."

"What's the point?"

"I don't know." The lieutenant colonel shook his head. "I have never seen anything like this before. But there is no doubt that it has something to do with the snowstorm last night."

"Blizzard. You mean those devils?" This time the huntress also used devil to describe those black silhouettes.

"That's not the devil," the lieutenant colonel said. "That's the enemy."

"Enemy?" The female hunter stared at the lieutenant colonel, as if she wanted to find more information from the other person's expression.

"Anyone who wants to take away things from us is an enemy." The lieutenant colonel's expression was flawless. He turned his head and looked at Dusha who was still walking around not far away. "How is the firewood collection going?"

"Good news and bad news. The good news is that the snowstorm blew down a lot of branches, and it only takes a few trips to collect firewood to keep it burning until tomorrow. The bad news is that I didn't find any traces of animals nearby when collecting firewood." said the huntress, putting down the firewood in her hand.

"Are you sure?" the lieutenant colonel asked in a low voice.

"The animals seem to have disappeared. I have never had such a clean forest before. Have you heard any birds chirping since this morning?"

"Nothing but that clock."

"Huh, it seems it's not a matter of my personal ability." The huntress took a deep breath, because she had a premonition that things seemed to be really bad.

"The food in the cabin has been eaten this morning." The lieutenant colonel was silent for a while and then said, "No matter what, we have to find a way to survive today."

"Or take a gamble and just go on the road and see if we can reach the town. The food has been eaten. Even if we survive today and tomorrow, I'm afraid we won't have the strength to trek on the snowy road for several hours."

"You can't bet. The experiments this morning and just now have proven that if we don't find the reason why we take a detour back to the starting point, all the roads we take will be in vain."

"Lieutenant Colonel, you don't seem to be afraid at all from the beginning?" The huntress suddenly looked at the man who had always looked calm and asked.

"There is no word fear in the dictionary of Soviet officers. We will only bring fear to our enemies." The lieutenant colonel said calmly, "And I see that you are not very afraid. You have always been calm and have the qualities of a soldier. "

"Maybe it's because I got tired of seeing all the chaotic scenes during my last stay in Moscow," the huntress said mockingly.

"I believe the motherland will get better and better. That's why I'm here." the lieutenant colonel said in a deep voice.

"Yes." The huntress saluted with a less than standard military salute.

"The main problem now is food. You are a hunter. Can you get us something to eat temporarily in this forest? Even if there are no animals." The lieutenant colonel asked, "If there is no food, people will be hungry when they are hungry." The degree of moral decay will be far beyond imagination, and even I will not be able to control the situation by then."

"I'll try my best," the huntress breathed.

"Thank you. Not only for ourselves, but also for those two children." The lieutenant colonel looked towards the wooden house. From behind the open door, he could see the little girl and boy quietly warming themselves by the stove.

"You seem to care about those two children?"

The lieutenant colonel did not answer this question. He looked at the bushes not far away.

Urgent footsteps were heard there, and a figure rushed out. No surprise, it was Vika. His whole body was covered with snow, and he looked at the wooden house and them in front of the wooden house with a look of dead parents.

"Get ready for another night here," the lieutenant colonel said. "I have a feeling this night is not going to be peaceful."

"There shouldn't be a snowstorm tonight. Will those demons show up?"

"The enemy, yes, the enemy will still appear. The problem we have encountered from the beginning has never been the blizzard, but the enemy that is more terrifying than the blizzard." The lieutenant colonel said quietly.

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