The power that was supposed to be a 'moment' obtained from the boy, but at the moment when it was released by the little girl, it evolved into a higher-level 'Time Zero' because of that unparalleled bloodline.

The little girl looked at the frozen Deadpool in front of her, and slowly stretched out the dagger in her hand. The black blade was gently passed over, and cutting into Deadpool's abdomen was as simple as a hot knife piercing butter, because Deadpool pounced. The weapon itself carried huge kinetic energy. Rather than the little girl stabbing through it, it was better to say that it hit the edge of the knife itself.

The little girl then drew a straight line upwards until she reached the mouth. As for why she didn't cut open the entire head in one go, it was because she was not tall enough. She could only just cut that part when she raised her arms. Location.

The little girl retracted the dagger, and her golden eyes of lava looked at Deadpool, whose chest had been cut open but didn't know it. She seemed a little surprised that this new power originally belonged to the little boy.

According to her interpretation, the power obtained from the other party does not seem to be limited to this kind.

She opened her mouth and chanted a grand language, the ancient words were recited, and new power was born.

At the moment when the new word spirit was released, the previous word spirit was revoked, and Deadpool in the air resumed his collision speed comparable to that of a train. A black-red flower bloomed in his abdomen in the air, and a large amount of blood spattered. Come out!

The little girl holding the dagger stood quietly on one side. The bloody body passed by her, and then slammed into a huge coniferous tree. The strong trunk threw the bloody body back to the ground. He rolled to her feet and completely lost all signs of life.

In a time that may not even be 1/10, Deadpool, who was unable to be killed despite all his traps and traps a few minutes ago, was killed in an instant.

It was like she had trampled a hibernating ladybug to death. The seemingly hard outer shell instantly shattered into dregs, and the disgusting soft flesh inside exploded and spread all over the ground.

The black shadows in black robes stopped not far from the huge coniferous trees. They stopped their predatory steps because their instincts told them that an unprecedented great evolution had begun ahead.

A huge power is awakening from the girl's body.

Mysterious factors in the blood began to be secreted, the heart in the chest beat at double speed, and the ancient genes began to be disassembled and reorganized. In the bloody left knee, the broken kneecap began to be assimilated by the wriggling flesh and blood, and new knee bones began to form. Reorganized and extended a new 'heel-convex' structure, with a large amount of arthropod elastin filling the spaces between the joints

At a speed that could be seen with the naked eye, the wound on the little girl's waist that had been cut by Deadpool's claws began to bloom with granules. The granules were twisting and intertwined like tiny tentacles, reminiscent of ivy vines. Amidst the tearing sound of tooth acid, the nerves and blood vessels reorganize and heal, then the muscle layer, and finally the dermis layer covers it, and the entire wound disappears in an instant.

The shadows watched this scene in silence. They looked into the scorching red eyes of the human larvae, and seemed to feel for the first time a feeling that was greater than the desire for blood - awe.

The little girl took a step forward. Her left leg stepped on the snow without any hindrance. She turned around and squatted next to the corpse of Deadpool who had been seppuku. She stretched out her hand and touched the black and red body. The corrosive blood was then slowly brought to his lips and licked gently.

Just when she squatted down and made this series of terrifying movements, the first black shadow ejected forward. Its explosive power is considered the best among Deadpool. The transformation of the dragon blood gene makes it start up faster in nature. There are almost no animals that can compete with it. The only ones that can be compared are probably insects that are good at jumping.

At the moment of ejection, it had already arrived in front of the prey. The bony claws of the blade swept across and grabbed the little girl's face, trying to peel out the crazy flesh and blood hidden in the skin - it also It did sweep across the little girl's face, but there was no blood, but a string of bright sparks.

Dark scales covered the little girl's cheeks. She took a step forward, then jumped up and stepped on the knees under the black shadow robe. She turned over to the back of the muscular body, raised the dagger in her hand and stabbed it heavily. As she went down, the black blood shot onto her face, and the scales on her face were filled with corrosive green smoke!

The blade of the Yakut dagger accurately penetrated the back of the black shadow's head and cut into the part of the brain that belonged to the thalamus. Even Deadpool, whose limbs were as severe as his hair was torn off, felt the severe pain of the surging tide.

The blade quickly stirred up the brain tissue, cutting off nerves and tissues one after another. With a cry-like howl, the body, every part of which was a deadly weapon, twitched uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

On the ground, the little girl pulled out the dagger, and then stepped heavily on the black shadow's neck. A frightening V-shape appeared in the clear explosion, and the black shadow on the ground stopped twisting.

The second and third deadpools were all twisted and howling and running toward them. The death of their companions could not bring them grief and anger. They were attracted by the bloody smell of killing, and all their awe turned into Howling murderous intent.

The little girl tasted the remaining tissue on the dagger and then disappeared.

A gorgeous black firework bloomed in the dark forest. It was a suffocating scene. Dozens of figures in black robes, representing dozens of dead warriors who could tear beasts alive, suddenly exploded and disintegrated in the air. !

It was as if they had hit an invisible wire mesh, their heads flying together, their arms spinning, their internal organs gushing out, and a giant black drawing "splashed" on the white blood drops!

Black smoke condensed in front of the tree hole. At this time, the girl had already put on a coat called ferocious.

Her skin exposed to the air has turned pitch black, with snake-like scales. The dagger in her hand has only the handle, the blade has been corroded to the point of rust, and her empty left hand has sharpened The boneless blade and sharp claws are no different from those black shadows that died suddenly.


Or among a group of people called the Secret Party, they call this phenomenon ‘deep bloodshed’.

The sharp blade-like claws penetrated the upper buckle of the shoe and grabbed it on the ground. The little girl guarding in front of the tree hole let out a monster-like roar towards more black figures rushing towards the depths of the coniferous forest. The shadows knew no fear, and they all cried and howled and opened their arms to death.

The huntress stopped deep in the woods, where the last monster corpse she could find lay.

The body lying on the ground was as burly as a brown bear under the black robe. The cause of its death was also the cruelest. The heart was forcibly dug out, and a piece of meat was missing from the chest. You can see the dark flesh and blood tissue inside. It is curled outwards, which can be thought of as a sharp claw digging in and then pulling out.

The female hunter didn't show any discomfort on her face, nor did she focus on the terrible wound. Instead, for the first time, she bent down and reached out to touch the black robe worn by the monster.

The black robe has the texture of cotton and does not have any artificial markings, but there is no doubt that it is a human creation and it has been made into a style suitable for human figures.

Monsters can't put on clothes by themselves. These demons are more rational than beasts, and they don't have any sense of shame. However, they all appear in the form of men in black robes, which only leads her inference to one direction.

These Deadpools are instructed by others.

It seemed that she and the lieutenant colonel had guessed well. What the lieutenant colonel said before was not a lie. There really was a mastermind behind all this, who had been hiding in secret and observing them during the past few days of the tragedy.

If this is indeed the case, then the mastermind behind the scenes must have a purpose that went to great lengths to arrange this.

Now, the female hunter looked at the corpses and slaughterhouses along the road, and it was not difficult to guess what the other party's purpose was.

"So if you want to leave here, you have to find this guy and kill him?" The female hunter put her wooden bow on her back and looked at the way she came.

She doesn't think she is the only one who can think of this. I'm afraid the little girl is the one who knows the best way to break the situation, right? And after last night's horrific killing, it was not difficult for her to guess what the other party would do next.

In the snow-white frozen lake, the robber's body lay quietly in the center of the lake.

After the huntress left for a while, the bushes in the coniferous forest trembled, and a little girl wrapped in a fur coat emerged.

She walked onto the frozen lake and slowly walked to the corpse. She looked around a few times to make sure there was no one else. She took out the dagger riddled with holes, lifted the corpse's clothes, and skillfully touched the frozen corpse. Cut off a strip of tender meat from the underside of the outer spine.

After covering the body with clothes again, she went to the ice cave nearby and lay down. She broke through the ice layer formed on the ice cave again, picked up water from inside and poured it on her face to wash away the dirt.

As soon as the wind blew, the water on the little girl's face turned into frost. She rubbed the frost with her hands until it was clean, then silently stood up and left the frozen lake and walked into the coniferous forest.

She walked slowly through the forest, through bushes, over fallen trees, and up snowy hills.

Her path forward was clear, without any lag. Gradually, a path appeared under her feet. The shrubs and branches on the path were chopped open, and she began to move forward faster.

But at this moment, a voice sounded not far behind her.

"Stop it."

A figure slowly emerged from behind the coniferous trees. He was tall and burly, with a light layer of snow on his shoulders in military uniform.

Lieutenant Colonel Andre.

The little girl stopped, but now she was almost at the end of the path. The end of the path not far away was not her new hiding place, but a familiar place.

Hunter's cabin.

"You're going back and killing everyone, aren't you?"

Lieutenant Colonel Andre walked onto the path and looked at the little girl in the distance who turned to face him and asked.

"No." The little girl spoke. She looked at the lieutenant colonel and said softly, "I'm here to find you."

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