The steps in front of the wooden house exploded, and a large amount of sawdust and solid ice kicked up a large cloud of hoarfrost due to the impact.

All the sharp icicles on the eaves of the wooden house broke off, and white holes were pierced in the snow like rain. If there were birds in the coniferous forest, it would definitely cause a flutter of wings, but now there is only the cold silence of the boundless wilderness. , only the splintered sawdust and the temperature of the melting snow on the little girl's body in the snow formed a sharp contrast with the coldness and silence.

Level 5 instant, 32x speed gain.

When bursting out at full speed, the fifth level can already allow people to show extraordinary movement speeds. In the ancient Ryukyu martial arts, the 'Shukuchi' technique of adjusting the center of gravity to achieve short-distance burst movement can only reach this limit, which is ten meters. distance, an instant burst, if you can rush directly in front of the enemy, then take advantage of it and chop off his head.

The little girl now was faster than a samurai with the ultimate "Shuchi" skill, but her enemy had no reaction to match her, so he fell down as expected.

Adam, who was sitting firmly on the high platform wearing a leather jacket, was pressed into the wooden steps. In order to withstand the snowstorm, all the materials of the hunter's cabin are made of hard solid wood. In the extremely cold environment, the hardness is comparable to iron stone. However, even so, Adam The back of his head still smashed through the 5cm thick board.

Adam was speechless for the time being. He couldn't say any words, threats, or begging for mercy, because half of the little girl's hand was in his mouth.

The layers of black scales are compacted on the smaller and more vicious hand. Perhaps it is better described as a 'claw', because the bony sickle-pointed armor has been pierced from the cheek of the Hispanic white man. , that snow-white face is as fragile as an eardrum punctured by a child.

The little girl pressed Adam's head and pressed him deeply into the deep wooden steps. The splintered wooden thorns left more wounds on the man's face and neck.

He is really surprisingly weak, just like everyone's impressions and imaginations. An ordinary person, even though he is an adult male, is as weak as a child in the hands of abnormal people.

The little girl looked at Adam's head tilted back so that his face was almost invisible, and the mouth that his sharp claws dug in was still moving gently, probably trying to say something.

"Just like you."

Her right hand suddenly clasped and grabbed the man's entire lower jaw, pulling it to one side as if tearing cloth.

The sound of a broken neck bone was first more obvious than the sound of a tearing jaw. The crackling sound covered up the subtle sound of the flesh being torn.

The man Adam's entire lower jaw was like a detachable Lego toy, even the leather straps and bones were torn off. The entire head was first thrown in the direction of force, and then the lower jaw rebounded instantly, and the neck bones were under the skin. When broken, the bone punctures the skin and flesh.

All normal people should die, and Adam is no exception. He was a completely ordinary person, so he died too.

The girl withdrew her hand and looked at Adam's body lying on his back on the cracked wooden steps. The hand that had lost its strength was hanging on one side, and the thick diary had fallen to the ground.

She reached out and picked up the notebook and opened one of the pages. Snowflakes floated onto the page and disappeared, leaving only a white patch of snow in front of her eyes.

There is no writing in the diary, and every page blown by the wind is the same snow-white color.

Something is wrong.

The girl looked up at Adam, who was lying on the broken wooden stairs in front of her. She released her broken and bloody jaw, lifted up the ferocious arm wrapped in scales, and placed it on the man's dead left chest, preparing to forcefully insert it inside. The moment before she smashed and scratched everything, she heard a familiar voice.

A voice that should never have been heard.

"If I'm right, you don't really have much time left."

The speaker was a man, his voice was hoarse and unclear, and it was accompanied by the rustle of footsteps in the snow.

The girl was not unhappy because of the vagueness of the other person's speech, because in her memory, if the other person could really speak, his voice would be like this, or even more unclear.

A dead man who was hit in the face by a shotgun should speak like this, as if his throat and body were filled with flesh and blood condensed with resentment and resentment, and black blood flowed out of his mouth with every word he spoke.

But now the little girl and the others are in Siberia. The temperature here will freeze all flowing liquids. Naturally, when the girl turned around and looked over, she did not see a bloody scene. She only saw black and red frost and devastated dead people. .


The little girl remembers this name. She never remembers anything wrong.

The elder brother of the robber siblings, the gangster armed with a shotgun, eventually died from the shotgun.

Now he walked out of the forest path among the bushes, looking like a dead man, with his only one eye shining faintly in the dim forest.

Golden shimmer.

"I really should thank the lieutenant colonel."


No, the girl didn't think he was still Vika, Dussa's brother.

Perhaps the most correct way to call him is simply "man". Whether it is Vika now or Adam who had half of his face torn off, his name is just a false film, just like the name that covers her whole body. Like a piece of coniferous forest tundra.

The man walked out of the shadow of the coniferous forest. He used Vika's body. Even though it was broken and stiff, he still walked out with a feeling of ease. The remaining golden eyes looked at the wooden house in the distance. Girl, "Trial and error is always a high-cost thing."

"Lieutenant Colonel Andre is a respectable person. Before he died, he paid the cost of trial and error that would take dozens or even hundreds of lives to bear, and put the final answer in front of me. Only then did I have hope. Courage reaps the fruits that finally turn red on the tree.”

The black scales on the little girl's right hand are fading, and the snowflakes fall on the exposed white skin and melt. The "Deadpool" state is fading, and along with it are the few nutrients left in the blood vessels.

"The original intention of the 'Butterfly Project' was to decipher the code of 'Yan Ling' and cut the symbolized DNA base arrangement representing the 'Yan Ling' genetic information into the gene chain of the newborn fetus. According to the calculations of geneticists , under the condition of ensuring that the gene chain will not be overloaded and collapsed, the finished product of the 'Butterfly Project' can have up to three 'Word Spirits'."

The man walked into the snow.

The little girl also walked down the stairs. Before the dragon transformation phenomenon in her right hand completely disappeared, she broke off one of the sharpened sickle claws. After the alienation completely disappeared, the fingernails of that finger were left with oozing tender flesh. , with no signs of recovery.

"To be honest, I am not satisfied that the final result of the 'Butterfly Project' is limited to a new race of multi-lingual spirits. What the gods really want is to be more perfect, more violent, and more..." The man watched as he walked slowly in the snow. The girl who came said, "She's more beautiful like you."

He didn't finish his next words, because the girl stabbed the sharp thorn in her hand into his throat, tore his vocal cords, inserted it into the gap between the neck bones, and then used a lever-like pressure to tear most of his throat open.

There was no emotion in the little girl's lava golden eyes, only the purest desire to kill.

This scene is not very bloody, because there is no hot blood flowing in the body of the dead.

With the sound of falling to the ground, the body fell. Until the second 'death', he just looked at the girl in front of him silently, not angry or sad, because another voice took over from him and narrated the man's words. .

"Yes, a truly perfect masterpiece should look like you."

"Eve, the perfect result of the 'Butterfly Project', your real source of power is not to edit the gene chain in advance to obtain a fixed spirit, but to complete the theft of any power in the world by actively 'involving' genes. ah!"

The voice that spoke was a female voice, accompanied by the walking figure.


Compared with Vika's body, her body seemed much more complete. Because she died of poisoning, she looked like a living person when she walked into the snowfield again.

But the little girl knew that she was no longer a living person, and those golden eyes represented that she had been usurped by another will. As she walked, she arranged the coat with mud on her body, and she could see that she was crawling from the ground. It still left some untidy traces when it was taken out.

The girl probably knew in her heart the true power of the last enemy she faced. It was neither unfamiliar nor fearful, because she had seen similar and more terrifying powers.

But the worry is that her time is running out.

"Your power reminds me of a word spirit called 'Origin', but compared to you, that word spirit can only be regarded as a child playing house." The man looked at the little girl and said, "'Origin' can only obtain biological creatures. characteristics, but you can get the deepest things in biological genes, even part of memory and instinct?"

"You are really scary." The man took a deep breath, "You may not realize what this means."

"In front of you, something like 'power' no longer has a so-called owner! Everyone is proud and complacent of their innate and unique power, but you can jump over the barrier and snatch what should be your unique power. Something that belongs to them!”

“If you don’t know the language, then absorb his language (Yakut); if you don’t know the game, then absorb his game experience (chess); if you don’t have the spiritual spirit, then steal his spiritual spirit. (Entropy reduction, time zero, etc.); if you don’t have a fallen bloodline, then usurp his bloodline (Deadpool transformation).”

The man's voice was as dull as thunder, "You are the master of all 'power'. The whole world will be afraid of you. Even the Dragon King in the ancient legend! They will also be afraid of your authority!"

"Compared to robbers, you are the truly most terrifying robber. Compared to hunters, you are the top of the real food chain!"

After the words fell, the head of Dusha's corpse jerked back under the force, and the sharp sickle claws pierced out from the back of the head. The central nerve was destroyed, and the corpse fell backwards and lost control.

"Even if you are in a barren environment and are extremely weak now, after getting involved in high-quality power, you probably have the power to kill the real me in an instant, right?"

Someone came out of the forest again. The little girl looked over and lowered her eyes slightly, unable to say anything.

Lieutenant Colonel Andre.

The iron tower-like corpse was covered in wounds and lost half of its head, but it still walked out with golden eyes. But at this moment, his face and body no longer had the faith to resist the storm and the revolutionary blood on the waves, only The complacency of a villain.

"But it's just like what I said at the beginning." The man looked at the girl who walked towards the woman's body and pulled out the sickle claw through the lieutenant colonel's towering body and said, "You are almost exhausted."

His eyes stayed on the girl's right hand, the finger that had lost a fingernail but had not grown back.

"No matter what it is, it will abide by the conservation of energy. The genes you ingest are like efficient fuel, which can support you sailing on the sea with huge waves, but the fuel will eventually be consumed." The man said, "From the beginning I I just know that I just need to wait until you burn out all the fuel, that’s when I will win. So, forgive me for the rude words I made before just to anger you."

Behind him, countless golden-eyed shadows walked out of the forest. There were so many of them that they were countless. They were exposed in the white light. They were all ordinary faces, but most of them belonged to the same family. Ethnicity - Yakuts.

Yanling·KATJA (doll)

Some of them are dead, and some are alive, but equally, under the cover of that huge field, they are all close to death.

"The forty innocent souls who were taken away by the "Snow Girl" in the small town of Verkhoyansk three days ago in the snowstorm, three days later, they finally walked to where they should go."

"I like the story of 'Snow Girl'. Ignorant legends always save me a lot of unnecessary trouble. Ignorant people always explain the misfortunes they suffer."

The man looked at the girl from a distance and said softly,

"Eve, your birth was not accompanied by 'power', because you symbolize the ultimate 'power', the 'power' that infinitely usurps all 'powers'. Perhaps your brother is the corresponding 'power', right?" "

"I want to know where you hid him." The man stared at the golden eyes of the lava and smiled slowly, "Is it you who can hide someone in the Nibelungs under my surveillance? ?It also hides a power that I don’t know about.”

The little girl did not answer, and could not answer this question. She held the sharp sickle claw in her hand and silently looked at the black people pouring out of the forest.

It was so dark, like silent army ants.

They are all ordinary people, living or dead, loyal dolls, and deadpools who know no pain.

They have all been transformed, and their bloodlines have been rewritten, or better said, polluted. The highly toxic blood has contaminated these ordinary people, causing their skin to grow incomplete blue fuzz, which looks like something out of a ghost story under the cover of snow. The snowman's golden eyes are full of dehumanized silence.

Artificial Deadpool.

The little girl has seen this kind of thing in Black Swan Port, but now the group of deadpools she faces are even more perfect. The man behind the scenes has many methods, and he uses every possible means. Indeed, only such an enemy can defeat her. stuck in this situation.

"Power is not everything. I like to think with my brain." The man said softly, "Don't think I'm despicable, Eve. Compared to you, I'm just an ordinary 'human' who wants to overthrow the gods, even if it's just a newborn. Son of God, it is an insult to you not to do your best.”

Deadpools come in droves, trying to devour the girl like a tide.

The little girl felt that the 'power' that had been burned out in her blood was not moving at all. At the moment when she finally killed Adam, she had exhausted all the 'power'.

If she could do more and better in a normal environment, the puppets controlled by men and even the entire Nibelungen would not be a problem for her.

But unfortunately there is no if.

No need for if.

When the man watched the black tide of dead men surging up, suddenly, a white flower bloomed in the dark tide.

It is a pure white flower that makes people worship. It is shaped like a standing cross.

Holy cross.

The white flower appeared between the eyebrows of a Deadpool, and then, like a wild wind blowing, it grew wildly on the foreheads of all humanoid creatures in sight!

Flowers bloom everywhere.

The pale rainstorm fell from the sky. It was a brilliant meteor shower, which came down with a huge voice. Each meteor shower followed the pale white flowers of the Holy Cross, shattering the black tide and rushing across!

Yan Ling·Sheng Jue.

The man who did not join the battle group left the border of the coniferous forest the moment the territory expanded and survived. With the corpse of the lieutenant colonel, he looked at the little girl illuminated by the faint light in the center of the field of flowers.

"You..." Just when he was about to angrily question how the other party could still have such terrifying power, he suddenly seemed to sense something and suddenly shut up.

His eyes slowly turned and looked in another direction, at the figure slowly walking out of the dark forest far behind the little girl.


Holding a wooden bow, his golden eyes were as hot as the sun.

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