At 3:50 in the morning, Cheng Shuangfan was sitting on the seat of the Airbus A380, wearing an eye mask to rest. The cabin was dark and quiet, and the only thing that could be heard was the low rumble of the wings cutting through the airflow outside the window. For no reason, the fingers of his right hand on the armrest of the seat twitched slightly.

The Airbus A380 passenger plane fell into moderate tremors. Objects and objects trembled and made high-frequency vibration sounds. The process lasted for about five seconds. Many passengers woke up from their sleep and took off their eye masks to look around.

A pleasant beep sounded from the ceiling speaker of the passenger plane, and the stewardess reminded the plane not to panic if it encounters a slight turbulence. And the flight from Shanghai, China to Chicago O'Hare Airport in the United States is about to arrive. The passenger plane will begin to descend in ten minutes. Please fasten your seat belts and put away the tables in advance.

The wall lights in the cabin were turned on, from soft to bright, and the darkness was driven away. The passengers on the seats made a sound of squeaking and stretching, followed by more trivial sounds of packing away small items. Although everyone politely lowered their voices, small and numerous bubbles began to stick to the edge of the pot of water, and the noise had quietly banned the tranquility.

It is not difficult to rest in the hustle and bustle, but it is extremely difficult to continue to rest peacefully in the process from tranquility to hustle and bustle. It was an indescribable atmosphere, an unstoppable common emotion produced by the human collective. That reminded Cheng Shuangfan of the most precious one-hour nap time in elementary school. Even though his body told him that he wanted to continue resting, when the first person raised his head from the table and moaned as a symbol of getting up, the others did not. Unable to lie down any longer, the children all held back their yawns and raised their confused faces from their desks to greet the afternoon classes amidst the hustle and bustle of the classroom, and he himself was no exception.

What’s interesting is that at that time, he was indeed the child with the best grades in the class, but he was also the most lazy and sleepy child in the class, so in the end he would continue to lie down, but that was also during the first period in the afternoon. After the class started.

The eye mask with built-in heating massage was removed. Cheng Shuangfan did not open his eyes. He lowered his head slightly and gently massaged Zhongyue with his right hand. In the darkness of his eyes, the noises coming from his ears became clearer and even deafening. They were the groans of more passengers stretching after waking up, the friction of bones when a man raised his shoulders and moved his shoulder blades, the low wheeze of an old man when he took a deep breath, the rustle of a woman's clothes rubbing against her skin, and the gulping sound of a child swallowing pure water after pouring it into his mouth. , the sound of women’s flat-heeled footsteps trampling on the aisle. The footsteps stopped next to Cheng Shuangfan, followed by the gentle greeting of the American stewardess, “Excuse me, are you uncomfortable? (Excuse me, are you uncomfortable?)”

"It doesn't matter, I've slept a little less these days." Cheng Shuangfan put down his hands and opened his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he could see the stewardess beside him. Stand straight legs together.

"It really doesn't matter? (what can I do for you?)"

"Could you please give me a cup of coffee?"

"Okay, if you need any help, the calling bell is above you. (OK, if you need any help, the calling bell is above you.)" The stewardess raised her hand and touched the button above her head, smiled and left .

Cheng Shuangfan rested his head on the pillow of the seat, turned his head and looked past his companions who were still wearing eye masks and sleeping like dead pigs. He looked out the window. The shadow of the Airbus A380, known as the world's largest wide-body passenger aircraft, was covered by The red navigation light on the left chord wing was cast on the thick clouds, like a dark and huge bird flying hidden in the sea of ​​clouds.

In 10 minutes, the Airbus A380 will land at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, crossing the East China Sea, Pacific Ocean, Alaska, and Canada from Shanghai Pudong Airport. The 14-hour air journey is coming to an end, and it also represents Cheng Shuangfan's journey in China. The one-month and three-day holiday comes to an end.

In fact, this paid vacation was supposed to last until the end of July and into August, but a cross-oceanic phone call ended his beautiful days in Sanya wearing board shorts and a sunflower shirt while yachting.

As soon as he received the call, he checked out of the hotel in Sanya, booked a ticket and went straight to the airport to catch a flight to Shanghai. He checked encrypted emails overnight to learn the details of the urgent mission, gathered team members scattered around the world non-stop, and then took the direct flight to Chicago. On a cross-country flight, it was not until 3 hours ago that he completed the deployment of all plans and stored them in an encrypted USB flash drive he carried with him. After landing, he connected to the Internet and handed them over to the superior department.

"It's really enough." Cheng Shuangfan couldn't help but want to pinch the bridge of his nose again. He thought his eyes must be full of bloodshot eyes. He only slept for 3 hours in three days, and even he was a little sleepy.

Just at this time, the stewardess brought the coffee. Cheng Shuangfan took the coffee after nodding in thanks. The temperature transferred from the paper cup to the palm of his hand made him spit out a cup of the liquid in the air-conditioning that seemed to be too cold before he could drink it. tone. At just the right moment, the loudspeaker above the head sounded the sound of electricity, and the captain's leisurely voice came from inside, saying that he was reporting to all passengers that the plane would start landing in 10 seconds, and that drinks, toilets and stewardess chat services were temporarily suspended. , as an apology, all the flight attendants will give each passenger a special gift. If you want to open the ribbon of the gift, please open the curtain of the porthole and look to the left or right.

Cheng Shuangfan held the coffee in one hand and turned to look at the port window on the left. The passenger plane began to sink, and the nose plunged into the black clouds. The red navigation lights dyed the port window red. A few seconds later, the clouds cleared and the sun appeared, and cheers and cheers rang out in the cabin. Applause.

The gift has been opened, and what is revealed after opening the box is Chicago, where the lights are still bright and brilliant at four o'clock in the morning. The huge black seabird broke through the clouds on the vast ripples of Lake Michigan, its wings wrapped around the fleeting cloud belt, and rushed towards the nightless city where the stars burned with the roar of the engine. The captain pretended to be on the loudspeaker. Said deeply and romantically, "Attention, all passengers Welcome to Chicago. (All passengers, please note Welcome to Chicago.)"

The companion next to the port side window shivered slightly, as if he had been awakened by the unusually hot atmosphere in the away game. He reached out from the blanket and pulled off his blindfold and glanced around confusedly. When he saw Cheng Shuangfan next to him holding coffee, he exhaled again. He slumped in his seat and asked in a low voice as if he was about to die, "Are you here already?"

Cheng Shuangfan took a sip of hot coffee and didn't answer. He looked out the window at the city burning with fire and light that was getting closer and closer. He could hear voices praising the city everywhere. Yes, he also thought this city was beautiful. A few years ago, he had traveled to and from the skies of Illinois countless times, looking down at this beautiful city. No matter how many times he looked down at it, it was still so beautiful.

But in Cheng Shuangfan's eyes, the beauty of this city today is different. It's like a mirage, so bright and beautiful hanging on the horizon. But when you really get close to her and go deep into her, you often lose sight of her and can only see everything around you. people. And you know that people are dirty, and those who are attached to them are also dirty. So the purpose of his trip to the city this time was the same, to clean up the found filth until only the mirage-like beauty was left in the city.

The plane landed at the airport, taxied on the runway, and then stopped. The no-smoking sign disappeared. The stewardess's announcement came as scheduled, and then there was soothing background music, Chopin's Nocturne No. 9 in E flat major, the captain in the captain's room. Turn off the radio with the first officer and clink glasses and drink the coffee in one gulp for another safe landing.

Cheng Shuangfan carried his luggage and his companion, who was yawning behind his back, and wearing sunglasses, got on the shuttle bus before dawn and passed through the mostly empty dark blue airport. After walking through the immigration hall, picking up his checked luggage, and passing through customs, He found the person sent by the Executive Department to pick him up at a glance in the crowd - it was not easy to find his name on the whiteboards everywhere in the crowd, but it was almost instinctive to locate the most dazzling and beautiful woman. After all, she is the most eye-catching blank slate.

Holding the luggage trolley, Cheng Shuangfan walked up to the beautiful woman with platinum hair and stretched out his left hand, "Cheng Shuangfan, S-level commissioner of the Kassel College Executive Department, captain of the Ull team. Behind me is the person in charge of electronic technology of the Ull team. Team member, Class B Specialist Xi Qingyuan.”

"Class 2008 student of Kassel College, AI030113 dragon genealogy major, Veleva Helsinki. Temporary special commissioner of the Executive Department." The woman held Cheng Shuangfan's hand, touched it with both hands, gave it a firm squeeze, and then let go .

"Third-year students? The execution department is getting more and more desperate. When did students have to be sent to participate in such serious tasks?" The man wearing sunglasses behind Cheng Shuangfan gently poked his sunglasses with two fingers and looked down. Taking a look at this beautiful school girl, what is surprising is that the eyes under the sunglasses are light green, which is different from the eyes of most Chinese people, and they are all out of tune.

"Circumstances have forced the Chicago railroad workers to go on strike, and the dispatch of senior commissioners has been restricted, so Norma temporarily sent trainees with high bloodlines and excellent academic performance who are also stationed in Chicago to pick them up." Veleva said calmly.

Cheng Shuangfan's brows moved slightly, but he said nothing.

"Hey, elementary school girl, I admit your bloodline. Judging from your executive department file number, you should also be an A-level hybrid, but what about grades (he smacked his mouth twice). Do you mean grade points? This thing Shuangfan and I were both in the danger zone! Do you think if he and I were still studying, would we have been excluded from Norma's excellent options?" Xi Qingyuan put on his sunglasses again and said cheerfully.

"So it turns out that S-level specialists have also failed exams before?" Veleva looked up at Cheng Shuangfan with no expression on her face, but her eyes were filled with exploration.

S-class commissioners are rare even if we look at the entire history of the secret party. Discussions about the 'S' class in bloodline ratings on the Night Watch forum are always at the top of the hot list, but if you look at all the posts, you will find that the real There has been little discussion of putting a clear name behind the title S' Class.

'S' level is just 'S' level in most cases. It is a symbol, a mysterious and unknown symbol. Everyone is eager to dig and find out, but in the end they only get illusory "legends" and "stories" ". Most often, the character who is followed by the 'S' class is "Hilbert Jean Angers". Since the character "Lin Nian" came out, he is the character who is most often followed by the 'S' class.

But now such a living "symbol" and "symbol" has appeared at Chicago's airport. S-level specialist, Cheng Shuangfan.

"Of course! Back then, our family Shuangfan skipped school every day to date the senior sister. You heard me right, to date the senior sister. Only the senior sister and not the junior sister could be considered a challenge. Isn't it a challenge to be in this business of ours? Are you going?" Xi Qingyuan said with joy.

"If you really want a challenge, why not just become the dean of academic affairs? This can also solve the grade point problem once and for all." Vileva said.

"There is such a saying, but the academic director of our session was a bald man." Xi Qingyuan was stunned.

"Wouldn't that be more challenging?"

Xi Qingyuan touched his chin, seeming to be really thinking about the feasibility of this "challenge".

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Qingyuan, please stop saying a few words. We are still in the formal handover." Cheng Shuangfan joined the topic and took out the black encrypted USB flash drive from his arms with a calm expression.

"I will upload the deployment to Norma, and the plan will be submitted to the school board for action approval in real time." Veleva accepted the USB flash drive.

"School Board? I thought this task was in charge of the execution department." Cheng Shuangfan's hand that had not been taken back paused slightly after handing out the USB flash drive. Xi Qingyuan, who was still thinking about the "challenge", also moved his hand slightly on Cheng Shuangfan's shoulder. .

"The executive department is supervised by the school board. There should be no need for me to explain such common sense matters to seniors." Veleva put the USB flash drive close to her body and made a gesture of invitation, "There will be a special car outside the airport to pick you up. Hotel accommodation, if nothing unexpected happens, the entire UII team will be assembled at the destination hotel within the next twenty-four hours, waiting for your orders."

"I understand. The other team members have troubled you to pick them up, thank you." Cheng Shuangfan nodded lightly, and then he and Xi Qingyuan, who was stretching his waist with his hands on the back of his head, walked past Veleva Helsinki, who was standing upright.

After walking out of the airport through the glass door, the sky was still dark with no blue in sight. Cheng Shuangfan dragged his suitcase towards a black Cadillac Escalade with license plate number CAS007 on the roadside in the distance.

"Shuang'er, isn't that woman from the execution department just now?" Xi Qingyuan, who also walked out of the airport with his luggage and looked at the surroundings casually, suddenly said.

"Yes and no." Cheng Shuangfan said, "After all, the file number is real, and so is the third-year student."

"What is the school board going to do?" Xi Qingyuan scratched his head, "Why do I feel like something went wrong with this mission?"

"Probably because this mission is special, that's why the school board stepped in. In the past, the Ull team's mission process was autonomous. It will be the same this time. At most, the results will be different." Cheng Shuangfan carried his luggage and walked to the back of the Cadillac to take a photo. He patted the rear of the car to signal the driver, and the trunk opened with a click.

"What do you mean the results will be different?" Xi Qingyuan picked up the luggage and handed it to Cheng Shuangfan to stuff into the trunk.

"With different purposes, the results will naturally be different." Cheng Shuangfan pressed the button on the trunk.

"The UII team's mission target has always been 'them', how can the purpose of the hunting mission be treated differently from 'them'?" Xi Qingyuan looked at Cheng Shuangfan who turned around and continued to ask.

Neither of them were in a hurry to get in the car, and the driver in front didn't urge them. They just waited quietly for the two commissioners outside to finish the matter.

"Don't pursue it too deeply, just do what we should do, just like every mission in the past." Cheng Shuangfan looked at Xi Qingyuan's light green eyes under his sunglasses.

"I'm just a little worried, because this time is different, as you know." Xi Qingyuan glanced sideways at the brightly lit high-rise buildings in the CBD area in the distance from the airport, "Shuang'er, this is Chicago, we are the UII team, everyone Everyone knows what the appearance of the UII team of the Cassel College Executive Department means, and the location of the UII team's mission this time is Chicago. If it is a low-key operation, then forget it, but now the school board of directors is paying attention, IMHO , those school directors at the high table have always only cared about what they think are 'big things', but I don't think our task this time is considered 'big'."

"You're afraid something will happen."

"Of course I'm afraid." Xi Qingyuan nodded and said calmly, "Every member of the UII team has been with us since graduation. I don't want to be inexplicably involved in some damn political struggle and attend someone's funeral. Or I myself become the protagonist of the funeral. I am not afraid of dealing with 'them', I am afraid of dealing with 'people'."

After all, people are dirty, and people will be dirty if they touch them. He didn't say it.

"Those big North American mixed-race families hiding in Chicago will not interfere with our mission this time. You don't have to worry about that." Cheng Shuangfan was silent for a while and said softly.

"Reason?" Xi Qingyuan's eyes narrowed under his sunglasses.

"There is a well-known 'S' class hybrid of the Secret Party in Chicago, so the big families headed by Sir Henkel will try their best to sit back and watch all the Secret Party's actions. Is this a good enough reason?" Cheng Shuangfan said slowly.

Xi Qingyuan was stunned for a moment, then reached out and patted Cheng Shuangfan on the shoulder vigorously, smiling brightly, "Awesome, brother! It's finally the first time I've seen you show off your status in the world! From now on, I dare to say that my brother is Cheng Shuangfan when I go out!" "

For the third time, Cheng Shuangfan raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose gently. He casually pushed away his friend and teammate's hand. Before the other party continued to boast more outrageous words, he turned around, opened the car door, and left a message, " You may have misunderstood something. I suggest that even after you graduate, you should visit the Night Watch Forum more often when you have time."

Xi Qingyuan just followed him and didn't get into the car, when a mobile phone was thrown out. He caught it with one hand and shook it in front of his sunglasses. Then he was stunned for a moment, took off the sunglasses with his fingers and looked at it again, and then paused again. Said, ".Fuck."

There was a selfie on the phone. The girl hugged the boy and was photographed from a 45° angle at Cloud Gate, a famous scenic spot in Chicago. Xi Qingyuan didn’t know who the girl was, but he did recognize the boy. Or maybe he was hiding under the clouds in Chicago. All the mixed-race families recognize him.

"So that's it," he said.

He related this mission, this time point, and more details, and then suddenly realized.

"But it's such a big deal?" he said, staring at the boy in the photo.

"So much face." The voice of Cheng Shuangfan, who had already sat down and fastened his seat belt in the car, said, "He is the face and lizi of the secret party, the successor to the title of 'Destiny' for the last hundred years, where is he? People there don't dare to act rashly. They will be afraid of him, scared to the core, and will retreat in front of him, retreating to the rat holes in the corner. This is a real deterrent, the deterrent that can be cut with a knife or a sword."

"But he's just a kid."

"That's why it's scary." Cheng Shuangfan's voice suddenly softened, "A child who grows up under the watchful eye of the school board, a child whose outlook on life has not yet been fully molded. Otherwise, why would those mixed-race families be so afraid? Often only children are like that. You wantonly destroy everything you consider your hard work, and the worst part is that this child has an unreasonable parent."

Xi Qingyuan was silent for a long time, then suddenly he said with a sad face, "Then if you compete like this, your cards will be completely defeated?" He got in the car and closed the door, "Shuang'er, please give me some strength!" S-level, why are you beaten by the juniors? Where is the card? Where is the deterrence?"

"Do what we should do." Cheng Shuangfan paused, "His existence in Chicago is a good thing. It may also be a calculated thing, because it is such a coincidence, this time, this node. "

"Hey, I don't believe in coincidences, and you don't believe in coincidences, so I can confirm that this water is indeed extremely muddy. There should be trouble this time." Xi Qingyuan threw his phone back and lay on the seat, " .But tell me, will we meet him during the mission?"

"I have no idea."

"Hey, it would be great if he could help during the mission. Two S-class specialists can achieve the same goal and join forces!"

Cheng Shuangfan didn't speak, letting the hair beside him chatter with excitement. He turned to look at Chicago, which was moving due to the movement of vehicles. The city's lights flashed golden light in his pupils.

ps: The time has come to test the purity. Anyone who knows this S-class specialist must be a crystallizer.

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