When a lake is so vast that you can't see the edges to the left and right, and when you look to the end you can only see the water and sky because of the curvature of the earth, then it doesn't matter whether the lake is a sea or a lake to you, because it is the only The only symbol left is the endless blue ocean.

So Lake Michigan is just such a Garden of Eden that makes people forget that they are still deep inland. The strong wind blows along the lake surface as if you can see the shapes, like a hand stirring the sparkling waves on the blue water. The white birds are fiddled with and circle around, drifting like fallen leaves, accidentally falling into the water and causing splashes. , just when I thought it was dead, it suddenly broke through the water and rose into the sky in a sparkling light.

The lake breeze got into Lin Nian's white shirt by the water, blowing bulgingly to reveal the sun-bleached flanks underneath. The snow-white waves were also washed to the edge of the beach, and the shallow tide washed over the insteps. The fine sand driven by the current felt itchy between the fingers, and when the tide receded, white foam flowed down on the ankles.

After having enough of looking at the blue water with gentle lines rubbed by the wind, Lin Nian took out his mobile phone from the front pocket of his shirt, pressed the sun visor on his head, turned on the camera, took a photo of the lake, and edited it. The MMS was sent, and after everything was done, the screen was turned off and the phone was put back, then turned to look at the bustling beach.

Perhaps because the wind is not too strong, there are many people coming to play in the water at the North Avenue Lake Beach today. Compared with swimming pools or beaches in China, "beach culture" is more advocated abroad. Everyone who is willing to come to the beach to play should do so She was prepared to kiss the water and light with her skin, so all she could see was her young body under the tight bikini and boxer briefs.

Someone was jumping around on the beach volleyball court holding the net and waving to Lin Nian. Lin Nian walked to the side of the court and Su Xiaoqiang, who was wearing a two-piece ivory black bikini, turned to him. He also took off the headband from his wrist and helped Su Xiaoqiang. She tied up her long black hair and tied it into a high ponytail on her back.

When Lin Nian tied Su Xiaoqiang's ponytail, he saw Lu Mingfei on the other side of the net stretching from the corner of his eye. His posture was very serious. The last time he saw him so serious was when the "Kuimen Project" was launched. If he does it again, he will have to It dates back to the ninth radio gymnastics competition of Shilan Middle School. The leader was Lu Mingfei. Every day after school, he could see Lu Mingfei by the window doing standard jumping jacks in the playground.

So why is he so serious this time?

Lin Nian looked at the center of the volleyball court on their side. Xia Mi, who was wearing a light pink bikini, was biting a hair tie and holding up her black hair. In the hot sand, the sun traces the lines of bones and flesh from top to bottom. The golden thin sand surges up and wraps the warm and jade-like skin on the instep. The gelatin paint is full of energy, and every inch of the skin on the body is filled with 18 The youthful atmosphere of a year-old girl.

You don’t want to show off in front of your schoolmates, do you? Lin Nian thought.

But after all, young girls always like boys with good motor skills. Sweating on the sports field is also the most reasonable and beautiful opportunity for a few men to show off their vigorous male hormones to women.

"Beach volleyball 2 versus 2, whoever loses will get today's soda." Su Xiaoqiang seemed to have noticed Lin Nian's gaze, and Lu Mingfei, who was warming up seriously over there, hummed in explanation.

Lin Nian helped her take out a few strands of hair stuck in the backband of her bikini. He scanned the venue and didn't see Xiawang, but he didn't ask any more questions. He was not Xiawang's nanny: "I think you You shouldn’t care about the soda money.”

"But Lu Mingfei doesn't care!"

“But I remember he had his own scholarship.”

"He said that he mailed two-thirds of it home. After paying off the late-night snack loan on his student card, the remaining money will be a little tight for next year's living expenses, so he has to plan carefully in the future." Su Xiaoqiang shook her pretty face Liu Mei took off the sunglasses from her forehead and hair, turned around and stood up on tiptoes to put them on the brim of Lin Nian's hat.

"Then you're betting on soda with him?" Lin Nian looked at the girl in front of him who looked up at him with twinkling eyes. He kissed her on the forehead and patted her back gently to indicate that it was time for her to go on stage.

"Of course it's not just about soda. The main thing is that whoever loses has to run around the beach." Su Xiaoqiang raised his hand and gave Xia Mi a high-five in the air. Xia Mi also smiled and took advantage of Su Xiaoqiang's words, "Of course the process There must be one person holding the other person!"

Lin Nian scratched his cheek lightly with his thumb and felt dumb. He turned his eyes to Lu Mingfei and saw Chu Zihang stretching silently in the shadow under the tree. Two different scenes flashed through his mind, but no matter which scene he was in Some can't accept it.

Even before the game started, there were already people sitting or standing around the volleyball court. This was mainly due to the work of two young girls around 18 years old. Perhaps Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei on the opposite side also contributed some. Girls traffic?

Judging from the beach bikini environment, both Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei's body management is above average. Chu Zihang and Lin Nian are both secretly involved in the fitness room of the Lion Heart Club. Nine times out of ten, Lin Nian was holding Chu Zihang's waist (a regular exercise protection position) while exercising on the seated rowing machine. The weight hanging on the other end of the equipment always made people wonder whether he was exercising or committing suicide.

Both of them can be regarded as the type who secretly roll the roll behind everyone's back, and sometimes people who are too close to the roll king tend to roll up the roll involuntarily. A typical example is Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei, whose usual slogan is to be lazy as long as he is lazy, has changed since he joined the Lion Heart Club. Different from the slogan of the Student Union that "elites are self-cultivated and grow wild", the Lion Heart Club is "As long as you want, everyone can be an elite."

Lu Mingfei was one of the "elite". Lin Nian, who was also in the 'S' class, was in front. As a junior, everyone wanted to see Lu Mingfei come up from behind. Everyone carried the sedan chair, but Lu Mingfei did it so easily. He was lifted up, and Constantine's outstanding performance in the battle of annihilation with Norton even lifted him to a height where his legs would shake just by looking down.

If you don’t want to die violently in Kassel College and lose your reputation, you can only follow the exam. After "self-improvement" every day, when you return to the 616 dormitory, Lu Mingfei, who is lying on the bed covered in stinky sweat, will have doubts about life for a moment—— Did he accidentally step into another world line at a certain point? In this world line, someone else can also have eight-pack abs.

In fact, Lu Mingfei does have abdominal muscles, but his natural talent is not very good, so no matter how hard he trains, he only has six packs. But the six dollars was enough for Lin Nian to open the bathroom door three times. He could see Lu Mingfei pointing at the mirror with his mobile phone, but he had never seen him take the initiative to post those photos on social platforms. , thinking about it, I still want to be shameless - but unfortunately Fingel is shameless, so some photos with weird angles still flowed into the forum.

So this also led to the story of Lu Mingfei carrying a kitchen knife in the dormitory to fight with Fengel, but afterwards he was sealed with several buckets of KFC family buckets, which quite shows the indecent nature of 'S'-level student Lu Mingfei The photos were cheap, and later there was a school legend that if you buy a Family Bucket at KFC on Thursday, you will receive an 'S' grade indecent photo. Many senior students who thought it was Lin Nian's indecent photos monopolized the KFC family bucket for half a semester, causing the overall weight of the female students at Kassel College during the final physical examination to be several percentage points higher than in previous semesters.

My thoughts wandered a little far away. Lin Nian sat under an umbrella next to the beach volleyball court. He reached for water with his right hand and touched a watermelon. Judging from the size, he probably picked a genetically modified small watermelon of the Nabit variety. He thought that watermelon would be fine, so he wanted to plate it over, but he didn't move it. It felt like the watermelon had been buried in the sand and the vines were still hanging on.

He turned to look at the watermelon in his hand, and then saw a head on the ground looking at him with blue eyes.

Lin Nian thought that if every watermelon was as pitiful and beautiful as him, then something like the "Melon Rights Protection Organization" would probably come out of nowhere, and the slogan would probably be "Melon Lives Matter" or something like that.

"Why were you buried underground?"

"My sister said, cool down."

"." Lin Nian put his right hand on the small watermelon, which was probably not Nabit but Black Beauty. He wanted to say something, but couldn't. He probably thought of being buried on the beach of a coastal city when he was a child. , and then her sister lay on the ground, with the sun pouring down from her head to her body, and she held her face and giggled in her face.

"Your sister. Oh no, your sister is really great." Lin Nian found the mineral water, opened it and took a sip. Then he saw Xia Wang staring at him blankly. After thinking about it, he handed the water bottle over and poured it down. Xia Wang Just open your mouth and drink, which has a weird sense of comedy.

After feeding him water, Lin Nian looked up at the parasol, which blocked Xiawang from the sun. Although being buried like him restricted his freedom, as long as he replenished water in time, it seemed to really save people a lot of worry. And This kind of behavior is not bad, it can only be regarded as friendly pranks and concern?

Damn the mischief and care.

Lin Nian dug out Xia Wang and saw his slender body covered in sand. He was silent for a few seconds and took off his shirt and put it on him. He also sat quietly and did not move. Nian wiped the sand from his neck with a towel, and his blue eyes curiously stared at the beach volleyball that had started in the distance.

Lin Nian also took the time to take a look over there. When he dug out Xiawang, the score on the beach volleyball side had already reached 5:2, and the women's college team was temporarily in the lead.

He was not too surprised by this situation.

Xia Mi, a freshman who was rated as 'A' level potential by Norma, looks particularly good at sports. Her movements and strength in catching, holding and smashing the ball are impeccable. The most important thing is that her figure is particularly suitable for volleyball. This is a high-intensity jumping sport, and the movements can be done neatly and without any sloppiness, making it beautiful and heroic.

Su Xiaoqiang is not bad at all. Although her physical fitness is a flaw, it is compared to the mixed race. After effective exercise and strengthening, even though she leaves the impression that she is often sick and weak, she is still healthy when she is healthy. Above the level of ordinary people.

The volleyball fell heavily to the ground. Lu Mingfei failed to save and took a mouthful of sand. The score continued to reach 6:2.

In fact, the most important thing is that Su Xiaoqiang and Xia Mi seem to have communicated and discussed the strategy early on, which is to focus on the weak point of the opponent, which is Lu Mingfei.

Volleyball is a matter of position. Even if Chu Zihang could play well, he would not be able to save the game every time. Both Xia Mi and Su Xiaoqiang were trying to catch Lu Mingfei in the blind spot behind Chu Zihang's moving route. kill.

Unless Lu Mingfei gives up and lets Chu Zihang handle this kind of ball the moment the opponent hits the ball, it will end up being scored eight times out of ten. But if Lu Mingfei lets Chu Zihang catch it every time, this will What's the difference between playing one versus two with Chu Zihang?

After the opening few balls, both sides understood this truth, so this time the bet was completely calculated by Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang. The outcome was determined in one round, with a 21-point system, no timeouts, and no chance of winning. Ming Fei and Chu Zihang had the opportunity to reformulate their tactics.

It didn’t take much thinking to figure out that this was Su Xiaoqiang’s bad idea. Fortunately, Lu Mingfei thought that by hugging Chu Zihang’s thigh, he could spend a whole day’s soda money in vain, but now it was a pleasure to throw the ball away, much to the amusement of the onlookers on the beach. See full.

"Brother! Can you do it? Don't drag down the handsome guy next to you!" A brother gloated and shouted to Lu Mingfei in the venue.

"You can do it! Come on!" Lu Mingfei wanted to shout back with a grimace, but he didn't think it would be more embarrassing so he didn't say a word. How could he expect that a school girl with thin arms and legs could smash and serve so hard? Thinking about it, I was misled by her beauty and forgot the fact that no matter how beautiful this girl was, she was actually a mixed race with 'A' level potential that Norma judged.

Senior brother, you need to give me some strength!

Lu Mingfei turned to look at Chu Zihang, with these words written all over his face.

But what should Chu Zihang do? Chu Zihang could only turn his head silently and look at Xia Mi, who was throwing the ball in his hand and looking at him with a smile on the other side of the volleyball net, waiting for the next serve.

The two points they won were all won by Chu Zihang's serve. The rules set here are whoever scores will serve. The receiving team will change the right to serve if it scores, so it stands to reason that they also have a quick break. The way to equalize the score is for Chu Zihang to keep serving and scoring. But is he really suitable for violently smashing the ball and defeating the two girls on the opposite side with pure force in front of the public?

The answer is no. Although Senior Brother Chu is like a watertight stone on Peach Blossom Island, he still understands some basic human ways. After all, someone taught him carefully before, and he made a lot of jokes in front of that person.

But who is that person? The noise in Chu Zihang's ears was stretched out by his thoughts. The leaves on the beach were swaying with the lake breeze. The shadows were like the veins of the branches and leaves spreading and growing on the girl under the tree. The lake in the distance made a splash as it washed against the beach. The sound of the white bird flew overhead at just the right time and chirped together with the cicadas on the trees.

"I'm going, senior brother! The ball is coming!" Lu Mingfei shouted.

Chu Zihang subconsciously looked up and saw the girl jumping high behind the net. Her lower abdomen was stretched and tightened, and her right hand was raised straight towards the sky, as if she was about to hit not the volleyball but the sun above her head. It turned out that Su Xiaoqiang was over there. Even the angle of the light was taken into account. When serving the ball, Chu Zihang could only vaguely see the outline of the girl and couldn't see the face clearly. But just like that, a strange sense of familiarity quickly emerged from the water, and the black The foam keeps rising, breaking up the ice on the water.

The ball landed heavily at Chu Zihang's feet and swirled. Yellow sand splashed up and stuck to his ankles, but he still kept his legs slightly open and prepared to catch the ball.

"Well done! Sisters!" A girl was so impressed by Xia Mi's perfect serving posture that she screamed. After all, a girl who is about 1.63 meters tall can jump and smash the ball to a height of nearly three meters (the best in the Chinese women's volleyball team). The jumping height is three meters and three meters, and Xia Mi is relatively restrained), which is quite pleasing to the eye and has an excellent look and feel.

The scoreboard on the side was flipped to 7:2 by the passerby who volunteered to be the referee.

It's over, it's over.

Lu Mingfei was heartbroken. His usually reliable senior brother seemed to be seduced by the beauty. You must have been so fascinated by the school girl's waistcoat line just now that you forgot to catch the ball, right? You have to distinguish the occasion clearly, brother! Anxiety cannot be exchanged for beauty! Use your super ‘A’ level strength to conquer the schoolgirls forcefully! This is what a cold-faced killer should do!

Chu Zihang picked up the ball and threw it back to the net. He turned to look at Lin Nian who was pouring mineral water on Xia Wang's head under the umbrella to cool him down. He wanted to say something to Lin Nian, but now was really not the time. Because Su Xiaoqiang on the opposite side was already eager to try after receiving the ball.

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