Shao Nanqin and Su Xiaoqiang sat side by side on the beach chairs to rest. Both the person teaching swimming and the person teaching swimming were exhausted. In fact, they spent most of the time playing in the water, and they didn't expect Shao Nanqin to learn to swim in one day. After all, there are many opportunities to learn to swim, but there are not many opportunities to play on the shores of Lake Michigan.

"She is really energetic." Shao Nanqin, who was sitting on the beach chair, noticed that Xia Mi, who had been playing with them in the water before, now ran to the river beach to help Xia Wang build a sandcastle. They seemed to be trying to build a Great Wall. Xiawang's child couldn't swim, and Xia Mi didn't feel comfortable letting him go into the water, so if he wanted to feel involved in playing on the river beach, he had to play in the sand.

"She is different from us. Can you believe that after she finished piling the sand, she still had the energy to go shopping at Neiman Marcus Department Store until dinner in the afternoon." Su Xiaoqiang also looked at Xia Mi. The girl who looked like a rabbit was sunbathing on the beach. Every glance below seemed so delightful.

"Maybe this is the young man." Shao Nanqin did not understand the ridicule in Su Xiaoqiang's words, but he also took the opportunity to express his feelings about the fact that he had already crossed the threshold of twenty.

"Do you want to put on sunscreen? I saw in the weather forecast that the ultraviolet rays are still a bit strong today." Su Xiaoqiang took out the sunscreen from the bag next to the beach chair.

"Ah, I brought sunscreen, so I won't waste it on you, right?" Shao Nanqin seemed a little embarrassed when he saw that the sunscreen Su Xiaoqiang took out was quite expensive.

It's not that she can't afford it. She and Nanyin have already bought a house in the urban area of ​​their hometown, but it's not fully paid, so they are very frugal and pay attention to expenses in daily life.

"I'm going to use it. This is a beach-grade sunscreen I bought specifically to bask in the sun on the river beach. I don't need it at ordinary times. I don't apply it until it's white." Su Xiaoqiang got off the beach chair and sat next to Shao Nanqin, motioning for her to lie down. good.

Untying the back string of her bikini to reveal her smooth and white back, Su Xiaoqiang kneaded the sunscreen on her hands and spread it along the two lines of her back. Maybe it was because Su Xiaoqiang's hands were a little cold that Shao Nanqin couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Whisper.

"My hands are a little cold, please bear with me." Su Xiaoqiang said apologetically.

"Cold hands are caused by poor blood circulation." Shao Nanqin said.

"It's okay, it's just a minor problem." Su Xiaoqiang didn't explain, but evenly applied sunscreen on every part of Shao Nanqin's back, "Your skin is pretty good, and you real sisters are really from the same mold. Basically everything is the same except for their personalities.”

"Nanyin's skin is better than mine. I used to go to bed very late every day when I was preparing for the exam in high school. At that time, I would have acne on my face. I thought it was ugly and wanted to squeeze it. Nanyin said that if I squeezed it, it would leave unsightly marks. I If I had to break it, she would ask me to lie on the bed, prick it with a needle, and apply medicine carefully." Shao Nanqin said fondly.

"But Nanyin never gets acne. She stays up late and drinks more than I do. Many times I wake up and get ready to go to school only to find her coming back from outside. Although she is not drunk, I know she must be drinking. After all, She always drinks some when she works in nightclubs. But even so, she never gets sick or gets acne or anything."

Shao Nanqin smiled and said, "On the other hand, I have a normal schedule but have a small problem. Nanyin likes to eat sweets, so I had no problem stealing the candies from her jar. But it turned out that I had tooth decay and was rolling on the bed in pain, and she was still eating sweets. She laughed at me and asked me if I would steal some candy from her. When I was undergoing root canal treatment, I was particularly afraid of the sound of the electric drill (high-speed turbine) in the hands of the dentist. Nan Yin, who accompanied me to the dentist, sat next to me and asked me to put on my earphones. She would hold my hand and play songs to me. When I got scared, I would hold her hand hard, and she would hold my hand gently and hard, so I wasn’t too scared.”

"Speaking of which, it feels really good to have a sister. I was so scared when I went to the dentist last time to have my wisdom teeth removed." Su Xiaoqiang sighed, raised his hand, poured out the mineral water, washed it and wiped it with a towel, "Wipe it well. ”

"Thank you. But your boyfriend didn't accompany you when you had your teeth extracted? No way, I think Lin Nian likes you very much!" Shao Nanqin tied the string of her bikini, then sat up and took it from Su Xiaoqiang's hand He put sunscreen on his hands, motioned Su Xiaoqiang to lie down, untied the other person's bikini and started applying it in turn.

"How can you tell that he likes me very much?" Su Xiaoqiang, who was lying on the beach chair, asked curiously. Shao Nanqin couldn't see her expression clearly due to the angle.

But in fact, anyone who is thoughtful knows that the girl asked this deliberately. Although she knew that Lin Nian liked her, girls always like to get other people's affirmation of their love, which will make them more happy. feeling and satisfaction.

"Where else could it be? When we sat together before, his eyesight, body language, and some small movements and so on. When he brought the wine to the bar, he would test the temperature of the beer for you to see if it was cold. You lowered your head to pick up something for her. He will block the edge of the bar with his hands, and his eyes will fall on you every once in a while, you are very precious." Shao Nanqin also knew what Su Xiaoqiang was thinking, and said with a careless smile.

"Really? I mean he glances at me every once in a while?" Su Xiaoqiang's face turned a little red facing the beach chair. Even if the relationship was confirmed, she suddenly heard Lin Nian's attitude towards her being described like this from someone else, and she also I feel my heartbeat speeding up a bit.

"Of course it's true. It's too obvious whether a boy likes a girl. He only stays with you because he really likes you." Shao Nanqin gently pushed Su Xiaoqiang's back, "Your skin is also good, very fair. , you probably don’t get much sunlight, right?”

"I often study in the school library and don't have much opportunity to exercise." Su Xiaoqiang explained.

In fact, she wanted to exercise, but it was limited to morning exercises at the Lion Heart Club and Lin Nian's special lessons at the Kendo Hall. Those who play outdoor sports at Kassel College are really not ones she can join. You can't expect her to play tennis with the monsters who can hit 300 kilometers per hour per ball, or downhill skiers who specialize in 70° steep slopes. Exercise together.

"But having said that, are you telling the truth that Lin Nian didn't accompany you when you had your teeth extracted?" Shao Nanqin chatted endlessly again, "He should be a very careful person in my impression, although his previous partner was always her sister. You can’t favor one over the other, right?”

"He was quite busy in college and often had to run around to deal with on-campus and off-campus affairs. That time it happened that he was too busy, so I went alone. But in the end he came when I woke up from anesthesia , and even made some jokes." Su Xiaoqiang immediately explained.

"That's what I'm telling you." Shao Nan kept changing his position on the piano, leaving white marks of sunscreen on those skins, "When I was a kid, I thought he was quite weird. He was a few years younger than me, but he had a lot more thoughts than me. I Watching him follow his sister and make little moves every day to protect her, although it is childish, it also shows what kind of person he is."

Su Xiaoqiang suddenly became quiet after hearing what Shao Nanqin said. She seemed to hesitate for a while before finally saying, "Can I ask a question?"

"you say."

"Does Lin Nian really like her sister?"

"This is your question." Shao Nanqin paused in applying sunscreen, but immediately continued to apply it evenly, thinking quietly about how to answer. Su Xiaoqiang waited silently without saying a word.

"I can only say that it's a little bit. If I say not at all, you probably won't believe it." Shao Nanqin said, "After all, Sister Lin Xian is indeed very beautiful and charming. You know what I mean by charm. Which side is relevant?”

"Yeah", Su Xiaoqiang replied.

"Nanyin is a similar example. I have always been worried that she would be pestered and bullied in nightclubs, because it is too easy for strange men to fall in love with her because of her unique charm after meeting her." Shao Nanqin Xu Xu said, "Although I haven't seen Sister Lin Xian for several years, I think she will be the same even when she grows up."

"How long has it been since you last met?"

"I calculated that I left the orphanage with Nanyin when I was about 14 years old. It has been nearly ten years now, which is really a long time." Shao Nanqin calculated and said, "But even if I mention Lin Nian's sister like this, I It's all fresh in my memory. The number of boys in the orphanage who liked Lin Xian was actually the most. This was mentioned in front of Nanyin, otherwise she would definitely argue with you about her 'status' among the children. .”

"Is she really so naive?" Su Xiaoqiang couldn't help but laugh, "Would she care about such a thing?"

"Nanyin is very casual. She has always done whatever she wants to do immediately, and she will definitely get whatever she cares about. She is very out-of-the-box, confident and arrogant. She is confident because she does have the strength and can always get it done. She controlled her arrogance very well, so everyone around her admired her and thought she was a very capable person."

"What about Sister Lin Xian? What kind of person do you think she is?" Su Xiaoqiang asked.

"A very powerful person." Shao Nanqin replied blurtly, "Everyone in the orphanage has a good impression of her. It is not unreasonable for us to say that she is the sister of all the children in the orphanage. Nanyin herself actually admits this. .”

"A confident and arrogant person will take the initiative to admit it?" Su Xiaoqiang asked strangely.

"Mainly because the game was lost."


"In the orphanage, everyone will be taught some hobbies, such as chess, backgammon, dancing, singing, etc., so that the children can be adopted more easily. Therefore, arts and sports competitions are also held regularly from time to time."

"What are they competing for?" Su Xiaoqiang asked curiously.

"Backgammon." Shao Nanqin said with a smile.

"Backgammon" Su Xiaoqiang laughed dumbly.

"But then there were Go, Chinese chess, international chess, checkers, and military chess. Nanyin played them all with Sister Lin Nian, and as expected, she lost. After that time, Nanyin walked around Sister Lin Nian when she saw her. I asked Is she afraid of losing? She immediately got angry with me and said that she was just too lazy to provoke the other person and couldn't see through the other person's depth. It's better to do less than to do more."

"Is that so?" Su Xiaoqiang was slightly stunned, as if thinking about something.

Shao Nanqin raised his head slightly and looked at the shades of trees and sunlight in the distance, "So you said, for such an outstanding girl, even Nanyin can't compare to her. What boy wouldn't like her?"

"I'll still like it more or less." Su Xiaoqiang, who had come back to his senses, also agreed softly, but his expression was not too relaxed.

"But it's not important, is it?" Shao Nanqin turned his head and looked at Su Xiaoqiang's face, "In any case, their current relationship is that of brother and sister, and they are family members, and their affection is stronger than blood.

"You don't need to worry too much about things that are not worth worrying about. At least in my opinion, the worries you may have are completely unnecessary.

"Of course, you don't have to feel embarrassed about having these worries. This just proves that you really like Lin Nian and like him seriously. Because you like him, you worry about losing him. This is a good thing."

".Can this still be a good thing?"

Shao Nanqin nodded with certainty and said: "Compared with blindly liking and then acting recklessly until you accidentally make an irreversible mistake. Start learning to worry, be able to control that worry, and actively find solutions to all potential problems. This is called growth, growing from a carefree little girl to a mature woman.”

"This is not really an interesting growth. Instead, it feels like women are converging towards the labeled women in the eyes of the world. They are those 'grudge women' who have no sense of security as they get older and always think about things and screw up everything? "Su Xiaoqiang complained.

"But this is reality! Just like children who had a hard time going to school when they were young, they vowed to get rid of the nine-to-five life when they grow up, but when they grow up, they are often complacent about having a simple job with weekends. People are We will betray our former selves, because we only live in the present." Shao Nanqin looked up at the sky dyed blue by Lake Michigan and said,

"It's always right to worry more about things and pay more attention to details. As a woman, this is my advice to you, who is also a woman. Sometimes worrying is not a bad thing. As long as you discover it in advance and solve it effectively, it will be better. It is an excellent quality. Just like if your tooth hurts after drinking cold water, you must either find a dentist to deal with it quickly or wait until it is completely necrotic and you can only do root canal treatment and your face will be painful.”

Su Xiaoqiang didn't say anything, but his face was full of confusion.

"I've finished asking the questions you want to ask. I also have another question." Shao Nanqin tilted his head.

"you say."

"Did Lin Nian's sister really go on a trip?" she asked curiously, "I've always wanted to ask, and now that you suddenly brought up this topic, I want to ask even more. Is Lin Xian having a quarrel with Lin Nian?" Is there any conflict? That’s why I didn’t travel to Chicago with you?”

"You can see it, but is it so obvious?" Su Xiaoqiang stopped trying to avoid the topic this time. She probably talked too much with Shao Nanqin, and gradually felt a sense of intimacy with this older girl. .

"It's quite obvious. When we talked about Sister Lin Nian, your expressions changed. Your two classmates should also know Lin Xian, right? I feel like they are also one of the insiders. Something bad must have happened. So you don’t want to mention it in front of outsiders? Or, in order to take care of Lin Nian’s feelings, you don’t want to mention it in front of Lin Nian?”

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