Xia Mi regretted accepting the task assigned by Chu Zihang so rashly.

Or maybe she felt that she could handle some details better to avoid Luo Dai's current predicament.

Right below the Ferris wheel, there was some commotion in the queue, and Xia Mi was in the center of the turmoil.

A white girl with long brown hair and a baseball cap was holding a cup of KFC Coke and staring closely at Xia Mi who was standing next to the team in front of her. Behind her were several people in baseball uniforms, about sixteen or seventeen years old. All the boys stood behind the white girl to support her and looked maliciously at the helpless Xia Mi in the crowd.

"Let me explain again." Xia Mi endured his patience and repeated what he had said before to the white girl wearing a baseball cap, "I didn't jump in line, I just asked someone to help me occupy my seat."

"Who believes this? I only saw you cutting in front of me for no reason." The girl in the baseball cap shook her head.

The explanation is not clear.

Xia Mi was a little helpless. From the beginning, she followed Chu Zihang's order and came to the Ferris wheel. After observing the team for a long time, she found the little boy in the black hat he was talking about. She didn't say anything as soon as he passed by. The other party said to her: You are the beautiful sister that the big brother said before, right? The team has arranged it for you. Please pay the bill, $100.

Xia Mi confusedly took out a 100-yuan note and handed it to him, and then the child skipped away. After a while, she doubted her memory. Didn't Chu Zihang say that he had paid the bill before? ?

But before she could think about it clearly, and not long after she walked into the gap in the queue, she was patted on the shoulder a few times by the people behind her. When she turned around, she saw the angry expression of the white girl wearing a baseball cap, and the next step was Now for this scene.

"I really asked someone to take a seat. Didn't you see the kid in front of you just now?"

Xia Mi had a headache. She really had no choice but to try to reason with the reluctance of the white girl in front of her.

"I didn't see it." The girl in the baseball cap shook her head decisively.

"How could you not see such a big man?"

"If you don't see it, you just don't see it." The girl in the baseball cap said.

Xia Mi didn't understand. Even if it was dark, the visibility under this Ferris wheel was not low. Why couldn't he even see the people in the row in front of him?

Xia Mi wanted to say something else, but she suddenly heard faint laughter. She looked at the young boys behind the girl in the baseball cap who were suppressing laughter. The faces of those young and arrogant young people were all red.

This time Xia Mi suddenly understood that she was being made to cause trouble.

Looking at the clothes of these four young boys and one girl, they are probably students who go out to play during the holidays. They are not too old, but judging from various body language and eye movements, they are the kind of troublesome young people who are very good at causing trouble. It's so common on the streets of America.

Obviously, these people behind her were very aware of her buying a seat, and they didn't know who instigated it (Xia Mi thought it was most likely the white girl), so they decided to make fun of her.

As for the reason? Maybe it’s because she’s alone, maybe it’s because she’s Asian, or it’s more likely because she’s simply being looked down upon. There are many reasons, but none of them are valid reasons, so this can be classified as a vicious looking for trouble.

After Xia Mi saw the current situation clearly, he immediately pouted, turned around and continued to line up, ignoring them.

Normally, she would have talked the truth to the end, or she would have just opened up the matter and everyone would stand on the table and have a good battle, but that's not possible now.

Now she still has a task assigned by Chu Zihang. There are not many people in the queue in front, but there is a long queue behind her. Once she gets out of the queue, she doesn’t know how long it will take to get on the Ferris wheel. It’s better to do less than to do more. , don’t say anything and just treat it like a coward, the task is important.

When the white girl in the baseball cap saw that Xia Mi was ignoring her, she immediately turned around and glanced at the four laughing companions behind her. She scolded them for talking too much in a low voice. Then she turned around and patted Xia Mi on the shoulder angrily: "Ask. What do you think? Is it still reasonable to jump in line?"

Xia Mi turned her arm and took away the hand on her shoulder. It was obvious that she didn't want to get entangled with the other party. The laughter of the young boys behind her that couldn't be suppressed became more and more unbridled, and the expressions on their faces became more and more unbridled. The redness became more obvious, and I don't know if it was because I was suppressing a laugh or if I drank some wine before queuing up.

"Hey!" The girl in the baseball cap reached out and pushed Xia Mi hard, almost staggering her. When Xia Mi turned around, she poured half the Coke in the cup onto her face.

Xia Mi subconsciously wanted to dodge, but she realized that there was someone behind her. She was still a mother taking care of her children. Anxiety flashed across her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her cheek in time, and a large amount of coke splashed on her palm, but a lot of it still splashed on her clothes, leaving a black mark on the light-colored collar.

The four young boys behind immediately started making noises, trying to attract more people's attention for fear that the world would be in chaos. The girl in the baseball cap looked at the wet marks on her clothes and let her empty Coke cup fall to the ground. "Ops." He said with provocation on his face.

Xia Mi took a slight breath, and then said: "Are you satisfied now?"

Seeing that Xia Mi was not angry yet, the girl in the baseball cap had a look of surprise in her eyes. Her companion behind her laughed even louder, which inexplicably made her feel even more unhappy.

"Are you sick?" The girl in the baseball cap raised her hand and grabbed Xia Mi's clothes menacingly.

Xia Mi didn't understand why this man was so determined to provoke her. She just wanted to wait for some time to calm down and get on the Ferris wheel to complete the task.

She was trying to avoid the opponent's grasping hand, but a hand with sharp joints came in from the side and grabbed the forearm of the girl in the baseball cap. The moment her fingers closed, the girl immediately bent over and squatted in pain. When he got off, his originally aggressive face was full of pain.

"Senior brother?" Xia Mi turned around and was stunned for a moment, seeing someone who should never be here at this time.

Chu Zihang released the arm he was holding, and the girl in the baseball cap sat down on the ground. He looked at Xia Mi's wet clothes and hair and asked calmly: "What happened."

"I should be able to solve the little things." Xia Mi shook off the cola stains on his hands and carefully rubbed his bangs dry.

"Being splashed again?" Chu Zihang said.

"Of course not. Senior brother, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in the power distribution room?" Xia Mi awkwardly changed the topic.

Chu Zihang looked at Xia Mi's somewhat embarrassed look and said, "You are not in the channel. I was afraid that something would happen and I came to see you." As soon as he came over, he saw that Xia Mi was wet, and he saw the menacing group of people again. Young man, can he still not understand what happened?

Chu Zihang can construct a plan with precision, but he can never control all the details of the plan. The accident that Xia Mi encountered now can be regarded as the most common accident.

In the process of executing the mission of the department, I encounter this kind of minor trouble that is not painful but is particularly annoying almost every time. If you are an experienced commissioner, this kind of trouble cannot be called trouble at all, and you can easily deal with these young people, but if you are a novice like Xia Mi, this situation will easily occur.

"I'm sorry, I thought I could handle it, so I temporarily left the public channel for fear of disturbing you." Xia Mi said in a low voice.

After getting the answer he wanted, Chu Zihang nodded, then looked at the empty Coke cup on the ground and said calmly, "Next time, remember to avoid it. There are always other better ways to deal with the problem."


"Where did you come from?" A discordant voice sounded. Seeing the white girl on their side being sent to the ground, the four big boys in baseball uniforms were naturally not happy.

One of the black boys wearing a Yankees uniform started shouting at Chu Zihang, but he did not rush up to him immediately. Instead, he paced near Chu Zihang at a tentative pace.

"Take your woman and get out of here, Asian boy, or else I'll make you wet ("wet" in the English context generally refers to stabbing someone with a sharp object to cause bleeding)." The black boy warned.

Chu Zihang glanced at his right hand that was kicked in the pocket of his baseball uniform. Judging from the bulge in the pocket, there should be a folding knife inside. This was in line with the mental outlook of this group of young people. Carrying a sharp weapon with them would make this person Young boys think they are cool and don't think about what it means once they pull out.

"Traeger! Traeger! What about you? Come on!" Seeing that the black boy stood up for the girl with the baseball cap first, the other three companions immediately encouraged him to go up and teach this cool Asian who appeared out of nowhere a lesson. American boy.

"Fuck him! Traeger! Stab him!" While the black boy was still hesitating, the sound of the fire from the companions behind him became louder and louder, with a hint of hatred for the iron that could not become steel, completely regardless of the surrounding environment and countless pairs of hands. Look into the eyes of the busy passers-by here.

Chu Zihang didn't speak, just looked at the black boy who was getting anxious and glaring at him as he tried to pull out the knife.

At the moment when the other person was about to pull out his hand from the bag, Chu Zihang raised his hand and struck it with a clean and precise palm on the other person's wrist. The huge force made the black boy let go of the knife he was holding on to. He fell to the ground and slid several meters away. At this moment, the three companions behind the black boy all took a step back in order.

"What the hell, Trigg, what are you doing?" The freckled white boy wearing an Atlanta Braves uniform scolded him as he backed away, but many of the busybodies among the onlookers couldn't help it. They laughed, clapped and shouted, "Well done", which made several young people even more embarrassed.

And on the ground, the white girl who spilled the Shami-Cola was still moaning and groaning. Her forearms were probably pinched purple by the huge grip force at that moment. Although the bones were fine, the muscles were pinched, congested and swollen to a certain extent. I got up, and now the pain is so painful that tears are all over my face.

I don’t know whether they drove Chu Zihang and Xia Mi to a dead end, or whether they were picked up by themselves. Now it was neither advancing nor retreating. The four young people hesitated and dispersed, trying to pull Chu Zihang away. Surrounded by Xia Mi.

"Senior brother." Xia Mi poked Chu Zihang and reminded him to look to the other side.

Chu Zihang looked in the direction Xia Mi pointed. There were already police officers in police uniforms reporting the situation to the walkie-talkies on their chests, and at the same time dispersed the crowd towards this side. It seemed that they had received the news of the quarrel that had just happened here. Enthusiastic citizens called the police.

"FUCK! YOU!" Seeing Chu Zihang looking elsewhere, two sharp and short American swear words were heard. The white boy wearing the Warriors jersey swore to embolden himself and took out his pocket. He pointed the folding knife inside at Chu Zihang and stepped forward tentatively.

Sensing that a foreign object had entered his guard zone, Chu Zihang stretched out his hand and slapped the white boy on the back of his hand. The folding knife fell to the ground with a clatter and was stepped on by him.

Before the white boy could react, Chu Zihang grabbed the wrist of the hand holding the knife with his backhand. As soon as his hand was straightened, the white boy whose wrist was restrained screamed and fell to his knees on the ground. He didn't even scream twice. The wrist made a crisp clicking sound. It was not broken, but it was removed.

When Chu Zihang let go of the flaccid arm, without looking, he raised his right knee and aimed it at the left side to perform a clean sweep kick. He rushed towards the boy's body with a Taekwondo or Sanda boxing frame on the side. He lost his balance and his legs were instantly swept off the ground by a kick. He fell sideways at Chu Zihang's feet, his Giants uniform covered in dust.

"Senior brother, on the right." Xia Mi suddenly said.

Chu Zihang expressionlessly slapped the boy in the Tigers uniform to the right with his backhand, trying to sneak attack him. He received a firm slap on the side of his face next to his lower ear. Although it was restrained, his strength was still clear. The sweat in the boy's hair turned into a ball of mist and dispersed in the air.

People around him screamed in surprise when they saw the visually impactful slap effect. The boy who received the slap fell directly to the ground without saying a word. It was obvious that he had fainted. It was not known whether the eardrum had been damaged. Shocked and cracked.

The only remaining black boy was frightened when he saw this. He took a few steps back and did not dare to join his friends. Chu Zihang did not chase him, but took Xia Mi's hand and turned around and quickly walked towards the person behind him. Ferris wheel.

"Hey! Those guys over there!"

The policeman who was unarmed arrived late and saw three boys and a girl lying on the ground at a glance. But what made him even more nervous were the several folding knives that had been blown away on the ground. Even folding knives in this environment were unsafe. Violence can easily occur.

When the police saw the backs of Chu Zihang and Xia Mi heading towards the Ferris wheel, they immediately shouted to stop, but Chu Zihang took Xia Mi directly into the stopped Ferris wheel cabin and closed the door.

By the time the police trotted over, the Ferris wheel had already taken the two off the ground and turned to a higher place. The police had no choice but to turn around and warn the black boy and the girl who was still moaning on the ground not to act rashly, and raised their heads to look at the rising sky. The passenger cabin of the Ferris wheel pulled up the intercom on his chest to report the situation here to the headquarters.

ps: Chapter recommendation session! "Tokyo's Most Affectionate" is a systematic Japanese novel. The veteran author devotes all his efforts to the work, and the quality is guaranteed. But to be honest, I don’t really understand why male protagonists with a Tokyo background like to take the exam at Tokyo University. Why is there no author with a “Kazema Ruri” style male protagonist who goes to Tokyo to be a cowherd or something (

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