A mobile phone was handed out from the shadows and placed in Shao Nanyin's hand. Shao Nanyin glanced at Su Xiaoqiang beside him from the corner of his eye and let her retreat to a place where the light could not shine.

He didn't do anything, he was very sensible. Miss Ge and Willie Weier's eyes met for a moment, and they both relaxed some tense muscles silently. They couldn't help but be nervous. The time bomb on the other side of the gaming table had been triggered, and the pair of molten red golden eyes appeared every time. Hidden in the shadow behind the table is a giant dragon whose full appearance is difficult to see.

Damn it, where are they hunting now?

Not only Miss Ge and Vilay Weir, but all the UII team members in the fifth-floor command room on the other side of the camera broke out in cold sweats looking at this suffocating scene.

They were really afraid that the monster on the table would go crazy, break the hard and wide gambling table, and fight with the dragon covered in human skin - they were not sure whether the dragon would die, but the two of them present Team members are almost certain to die.

"We have to call Xiaoling back." The man with dark circles whispered, and as he spoke, he picked up his suit jacket and prepared to leave the room.

"Calm down, He Taozi, you may make things worse if you suddenly disrupt the situation." The psychologist in a brown trench coat grabbed his companion with one hand.

"Let me go," the man said.

"Liu Bo is right, Taozi, calm down." Xi Qingyuan sat on the swivel chair, covering the lower half of his face with his hands and staring at Lin Nian on the screen: "Now the situation is out of our control, but it is not out of his." Take control, the target has no signs of taking action yet.”

"It will be too late by the time we actually take action."

"No, you're wrong, it's already too late." Xi Qingyuan said, "It was already too late when we let him on the boat, so now we sit down and teach them the situation. There is no effect except for the stabilizing factors. Personal emotions should not outweigh the mission plan. If this is not possible, I would not mind applying to the captain to transfer one of you to leave the UII team after this mission is over."

The man named Taozi stopped moving and stood silently looking at the back of Xi Qingyuan on the swivel chair. Liu Bo, the psychologist who held his hand, felt that the strength in his hand had weakened and silently let go.

"Looking on the bright side, at least the leadership is still in our hands now."

"Us?" Zoé raised an eyebrow.

"We are all compatriots. The blade of the knife is facing outward. There is no difference between his hand and ours. Our starting point is the same, otherwise he would not have appeared on this ship." Xi Qingyuan leaned back on the swivel chair and slowly Xu said, "Although what he is doing now is extremely irrational."

"What kind of crazy hybrid would it take to negotiate with a pure-blood dragon for a hostage?" Xu Changyi, who was squatting on the ground, said calmly, "If Minister Schneider is in charge, blow up this ship. If the ship can kill dragons in exchange, then he will probably press the detonation button without hesitation, right?"

"Don't be vague, it's for sure." Zoé said, "The hostage in the dragon's hands, that Shao Nanqin, has a special meaning to our super hybrid? It can't be an ambiguous object, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Anyone who has followed the Night Watch Forum should know that Lin Nian's ambiguous partner is her." Xi Qingyuan pointed to Su Xiaoqiang standing in the shadow captured on the right screen.

"That's okay." Liu Bo said, "At least even if he does take action later, he should be measured. Ge Xiangling and Eli will have time to evacuate the danger zone."

"In short, that Shao Nanqin has special significance to our super hybrid species. Now it seems that if we cannot save this hostage, our actions will have to be postponed indefinitely." Xi Qingyuan rubbed his forehead and said, "On this point, that dragon species It is also clear that she will definitely use this to practice Tai Chi with us."

"But is it useful? She can't keep us hostage for the rest of her life." Zoé frowned.

"Two possibilities." Liu Bo looked at Shao Nanyin on the screen and said, "The first is that she will try to persuade the super hybrid within a limited time and reach a one-for-one situation with him where the hostage and her freedom are exchanged."


As soon as Liu Bo said these words, almost everyone in the command room unanimously rejected this possibility.

"The Secret Party will not allow a pure-blooded dragon to be released for a hostage. He himself is also a commissioner of the execution department. He knows very well that there are some things that cannot be compromised." Xu Changyi said.

"Then the second possibility is that this dragon is stalling for time. She must have some plan that requires her to delay for a certain amount of time."

"You're not waiting for reinforcements." Zoé said, "I didn't say that, but with the kid's current state on the screen, whoever comes and who dies, okay?"

"The dragon involved does not necessarily know his details, and she has never participated in or read the relevant documentation of the 'Constantine Sniper War' and the 'Norton Pursuit War.'" Xi Qingyuan said, "I think she is delaying Time is more likely, but why is she delaying time? Does she really have any plan to escape? "

Doubts rose sharply in everyone's mind. They all wanted to throw this doubt to the same person, but when their eyes began to look for that person, they all came up empty.

Cheng Shuangfan, their captain, the only 'S' class hybrid in the UII team who is also a bone soul, is not in the room now.

No one knows where he is now. If it was really the toilet, he couldn't have slipped and fallen into the toilet and couldn't get up, right?

"Zoé, go and take your place." Xi Qing said without looking back.

"Now?" Zoé's right hand gently covered the black alien sniper rifle that stood upright beside her, almost as tall as a person.


"Aiming at whom?"

"It depends on the situation. I trust your adaptability."

Zoé asked no more questions. She picked up the terrifying 50-pound firearm with one hand and slung it on her back toward the door leaving the fifth floor. Before she left, she heard Xi Qingyuan remind her again:

"Don't miss it."

Zoé paused, without looking back, and said: "Idiot."

After saying that, he left the room.

Shao Nanyin used Su Xiaoqiang's mobile phone to dial a number. The mobile phone was opened in hands-free mode and placed on the gaming table waiting to be connected.

"What will happen if the phone call doesn't go through?" Villeville, who acted as the dealer, was still in the mood to joke at this time. Withstanding pressure and easing the atmosphere has always been his strong point.

"Then just call again. It's normal for her to not be able to find the phone number at the first time in the environment she's in," Shao Nanyin said.

"Did you lock up Shao Nanqin?" Lin Nian asked.

Shao Nanyin didn't answer, and the call was connected at this time.

"Hello? Is there someone on the other side? Who is it?"

As soon as the voice on the other end of the phone rang, Su Xiaoqiang's eyes lit up under the gambling table, because she recognized that it was Shao Nanqin's voice, but now the phone was full of panic and fear, and her voice was a little trembling. She wanted to stay here. The place must be terrible.

Lin Nian raised his head and looked at Shao Nanyin. Shao Nanyin didn't have much expression on his face now, just a smile without any warmth. His pale golden eyes looked at the screen of his mobile phone not knowing what he was thinking.

"I'm Lin Nian." Lin Nian spoke.

"Lin Nian? That's Lin Nian opposite? Help. Help! I seem to have been kidnapped. I, I don't know where I am now. Nanyin Nanyin is not here. Oh, by the way, I just found this mobile phone. Can you."

"Don't talk yet." Lin Nian interrupted Shao Nanqin's useless call with rapid breathing. When Shao Nanqin was still panting and wanting to say something emotionally, he coldly raised his voice and repeated his words: " Shao Nanqin, if you still want to live, shut up first and listen to me."

The person on the other side heard Lin Nian's somewhat indifferent tone and actually began to quiet down, probably because he was afraid that Lin Nian would hang up the phone if he didn't like it - even if Lin Nian wouldn't really do that.

"Tell me about your surroundings and the last thing you remember before arriving in this environment."

There was a heavy breathing on the other side of the phone. After trying his best to restrain the fast and heavy breathing, Shao Nanqin said with a slight trembling: "I don't know where I am. It's very dark here. It should be an empty room? Nanyin is right, Nanyin is not here, I am the only one here, is Nanyin with you? Is she okay?"

Shao Nanyin still didn't speak, his pale golden eyes drooped.

"She's fine. You're the one in trouble now. Worry about yourself first. Answer my question, what's the last thing or scene you remember?" Lin Nian asked.

Half of his attention was on the other side of the gambling table. If Shao Nanyin was going to cut off the phone when Shao Nanqin was about to answer the key information, then he would definitely be able to quickly reach out to the phone and bring the heavy gambling money underneath it. The table was smashed together.

"I" Shao Nanqin was silent for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then said: "I just remember that Nan Yin and I went out at night to take the Delta Airlines flight back to China, but when we just left the hotel, I..."

"Do you have any abnormalities in your body, such as fever, weakness, headache, etc."

"My throat and lips are a little dry. My arms are a little sore. I was lying on the ground when I woke up, maybe from being pressed. This is a sealed room, but the door is locked."

"Can you turn on the GPS on your mobile phone to locate where you are?"

"No. This phone seems to be an old flip phone without positioning function. I just found it in the corner when it started ringing."

"Just stay where you are and don't worry, I will find a way to find you." Lin Nian said.

At the same time, he turned to look at Miss Ge. Miss Ge understood and got up to get the mobile phone that was still on the call. The UII team could directly apply for calling permission to Norma in the central control room during the task execution. As long as they use Norma The supercomputer Ma is connected to the communication satellite and can trace the location of Shao Nanqin on the other end just through the phone signal.

"Nanyin, is Nanyin with you? Can you let her say a word?" Shao Nanqin's voice on the phone suddenly became excited.

"She's here, but she may be a little inconvenient." Lin Young said in a low voice, "Just keep the call going and don't interrupt, wait for me."

Before Lin Nian finished speaking, the busy signal of hanging up rang from the phone that Miss Ge had just picked up. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Shao Nanyin, but Shao Nanyin shook his head slightly: "It seems that the phone on the other side is not there." It’s out of battery, that’s the problem with old-fashioned mobile phones, the battery capacity is too small.”

ps: I don’t believe it anymore, send it to RN.

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