Lu Mingfei still remembered the earnest teachings of the fighting instructor in class, saying that the naked choke is a move commonly used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to strangle the opponent from behind. It is very practical. It uses the back to compress the enemy's throat and aorta. The opponent is defeated by suffocation and insufficient blood supply to the brain.

The original origin of naked choke is judo, and the most well-known advantage of judo is to use joint techniques to achieve reversal victory when the physique and strength are disadvantageous. The naked choke is one of the most representative techniques. Once this technique is mastered, once it is formed in actual combat, even girls have a chance to defeat adult men - provided that the former has the opportunity to successfully complete the complete action.

Lu Mingfei was fortunate enough to be invited to give a demonstration in that class. Of course, it was not the one who strangled him, but the one who was strangled. It was Su Xiaoqiang who strangled him. The instructor asked Su Xiaoqiang to let go and strangle him. The 'S' level could withstand it. Before Lu Mingfei panicked and said that I might not be able to withstand it, Su Xiaoqiang choked him.

How many seconds did it take for you to faint? It was like seven seconds.

The instructor warned all students that if it is necessary to perform a chokehold or naked choke on an ordinary person during a field mission, the time must not exceed ten seconds. Once it exceeds ten seconds, it may cause irreversible brain damage to the person being hanged. If the target is a mixed race, the chokehold time can be increased to half a minute as appropriate.

Then the instructor asked Lu Mingfei, who was awakened by the stimulation of smelling salts, to be the active party and perform a naked strangulation on him. At that time, Lu Mingfei vaguely put his hands around the instructor's neck, and was instantly attracted by the bulging trapezius muscles. When it was over, my heart skipped a beat and I thought that this was different from the previous script. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't lock the instructor's neck, and then with a "fly", I was thrown to my back by the instructor and was thrown to pieces.

"The huge physique brings absolute power. The fighting skills taught by the academy are limited to use on normal humans or hybrids. If your enemy is Deadpool or simply a dragon, I advise you not to use this skill easily. Move." The instructor stood next to Lu Mingfei, who was staring at stars, and talked to the students sitting upright around him.

"Even if we are stronger than Deadpool?" A member of the Student Union's Fighting Club with the nickname "Valkyrie" raised his hand and asked.

"It's best not to, but if you must insist on having your own way, I can only say that there will be consequences at your own risk."

But it is a pity that Lu Mingfei fell down and lost his head at that time, so he did not hear this advice at all.

Severe pain spread from Lu Mingfei's shoulder, and bright red blood splashed out from his back in a mandala-like shape on the ground washed by heavy rain. Dark golden bone spurs penetrated the scales of his left shoulder and pierced the flesh. The bone is then pierced out from behind.

No one likes to fight with Deadpool and dragons in hand-to-hand combat. In fact, the main reason is not that hybrids cannot compete with alien species, but that in close combat, hybrids will always misjudge the enemy's attack because of their inherent knowledge of the human body. The method resulted in being severely injured and killed at the critical moment.

Lu Mingfei's face turned pale immediately, and without any hesitation he kicked Shao Nanyin in front of him on the back. Huge power burst out between the two of them, sliding on the rainy ground in two different directions. separate!

Facts have proved that his move was correct. At the moment of separation, Shao Nanyin's body bloomed like a thorn bush, and countless fine bone spurs bloomed, cutting countless cracks on the ground as he slid.

Using his uninjured right hand to support the ground, Lu Mingfei ejected from the ground. His back hit a container and stopped. Before he had time to raise his head to see what happened to Shao Nanyin, something appeared in his retina. A rapidly approaching dark shadow and a terrifying sound of wind.

His instinct to avoid made him kick his legs forward, and he sat down a little shorter. The next moment, the container above his head split into two in a series of explosive sparks and flew out in mid-air. The cut on the cut off part of the iron sheet was so neat and flawless!

"Fuck!" Lu Mingfei's dynamic vision captured the black shadow that cut over his head, and he couldn't help but cry out in fear.

It was a dark golden skeleton with five long and sharp finger bones connected to bloody membrane wings. It was the unimaginably sharp wing tips that cut open the container!

Dragon Wings!

It is conceivable that if Lu Mingfei had not lowered his head just now, his neck would have been broken. The dragon scales on his neck were completely unable to stop this violent sweeping attack!

Lu Mingfei spun around to avoid the golden bone wing that was slashed down. The concrete floor was opened like a soft map. From the corner of his eye, he saw Shao Nanyin who was close to him. She was almost completely invisible. The explosion behind her With the terrifying wings that could reach five meters spread out, the jagged dark gold bones slowly emerged from her body, wrapping around her scales like vines, and the light in those golden eyes was only frightening. Bloodthirsty and coercive.

Lu Mingfei looked at the abnormally surging bones with constricted pupils, knowing that there was a big problem now.

She's undergoing full dragon transformation.

Lu Mingfei backed away crazily and distanced himself while recalling the knowledge about dragons that he had learned in the academy. He had learned about the transformation of dragons into dragons in "Dragon Physiology". Generally speaking, dragons transform into three stages. The first stage is to show part of the scales on the body, using the sword-shield-shaped dragon scales as a protective layer to better perceive the power of the elements to manipulate the spirit.

The second stage is the state that Lu Mingfei and Shao Nanyin were in before, deep dragon transformation. Dragons at this stage can grow wings and bend the lower limb bones to better accelerate into the air or fight for hunting. At the same time, the dragons in the body can Bones also began to grow at high speed to form facial bones, and bone cages were tangled around the internal organs to withstand punctures and impacts.

The third stage, which is currently being completed by Shao Nanyin, is the highlight. Complete dragon transformation, the growth rate of the keel bones is completely released, and in a short period of time, a skeleton sufficient to support their original dragon form will be formed, and then they will be transformed into a dragon. Filled with flesh and blood to complete the complete dragon transformation.

Generally, if dragons want to reach the third stage, they need to find hidden shelters and store a large amount of meat to supply the energy formed by their huge bodies. The most common hunting time for hybrid species is to catch this period when dragons are weakest. time to raid and hunt.

The understanding and excavation of dragons by hybrids is still too one-sided. At least today, Lu Mingfei saw another way for dragons to quickly transform into giant dragons - using a large amount of native elements to catalyze the body and bones to completely transform into dragons.

Lu Mingfei's elemental senses at this time perceived a wonderful phenomenon. A large number of 'wind' elements in the air were gathering towards Shao Nanyin, like a storm-like siphon, and this dragon in human form was Like a whale sucking water, it is absorbing nutrients in the air that humans cannot observe, and these nutrients have completely replaced the huge supply of blood and flesh protein required for dragon transformation in the traditional sense!

If there is a backup of the surveillance video in the basement of Cassel College on the night of the Battle of Constantine, the hybrids of the secret party will probably solve a huge mystery - Constantine who was imprisoned in the underground laboratory at the time broke When it emerged from the earth, why did it appear in the form of a giant dragon?

Yes, when Constantine broke through the ground, he melted the steel alloy layer, wrapped his body with lava and a huge amount of fire to complete the complete body of the Dragon King, and used the basic element of 'fire' to achieve the extreme speed of the dragon body. Birth. Who would have thought that Shao Nanyin could actually know this skill, which is also a difficult skill among dragons.


On the other side, while Lu Mingfei was frightened, Shao Nanyin knew very well that he did not fully control this technique. The minimum threshold for dragons that can completely transform into dragons using elements as energy is the second generation species. Her bloodline is completely It is not enough to withstand such violent 'wind' to shape the dragon body.

Her ultimate limit is to complete the construction of the keel outside the body, and the subsequent super-speed reproduction of flesh and blood is an area that she cannot touch at all. She has not even learned this knowledge. This is only available in the large library opened by the 'key' controlled by the Presbyterian Council. It is taboo knowledge for dragons, but this knowledge was lost with the fall of the Black King and the disintegration of the Council of Elders.

Shao Nanyin knew very well that she had to use unconventional means to defeat Lu Mingfei, who had her speech spirit banned by some inexplicable means. Although the complete dragon transformation could not be completely completed, in the process of dragon transformation, the elements would be doubled. Control is real power.

She bet that Lu Mingfei could steal her speech spirit and even steal her deep dragon transformation, but she would never be able to imitate it to this extent.

Now Lu Mingfei's first reaction is indeed to prevent Shao Nanyin from completing the dragon transformation. He knows very well that his 'Lunar Eclipse' can never replicate this move - at least he is still a human being in the final analysis, and 'Lunar Eclipse' can steal words. Spirit and dragon transformation, but there is absolutely no way to help him transform into a huge dragon.

The puncture wound on his left shoulder had healed in the blink of an eye. Before Lu Mingfei had time to retreat, Yi Zhan, who was almost shaking his whole body, had already arrived in front of him. Shao Nanyin wanted to use his complete The surge in mobility and strength during the process of dragon transformation came to challenge him. At this time, he didn't even have time to open the realm of the 'Dustless Land'!

"I can't avoid it." Lu Mingfei was secreting adrenaline like a desperate person. He gritted his teeth and prepared to endure the terrifying black shadow in the reflection of his pupils!

With the harsh sound of scales cracking, a large amount of blood was sprinkled on the ground like arrows. Lu Mingfei was shaken and flew backwards with a roar of pain! In mid-air, you can see that his newly healed left shoulder has been cut with a thrilling crack from his neck to his left chest. The heavy rain can even wet the pale bone cage wrapped around his heart deep in the wound!

Just shy of it, Lu Mingfei's heart was cut open. Before he even landed, he saw the ferocious face of Shao Nanyin, who was rushing towards him with the wild hunting air.

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