The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Magic City.

Tianxing Media Building.

Jiang Shu was bored and scrolling through Weibo.

After the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, Jiang Shu basically had no tasks before the New Year.

Now there is about half a month left before the Chinese New Year.


Just slack off in the company.

While waiting for the Chinese New Year holiday, I can take Yang Ruowei back to my hometown.

While Jiang Shu was slacking off.

Just happened to see Xia Qingning, who had a pair of panda eyes, walking in from outside.

"Senior sister, do you want to play games together?" Jiang Shu raised his phone and said to Xia Qingning with a smile.

Xia Qingning nodded without saying anything, pulled over a chair, and sat down next to Jiang Shu.

The game started.

Xia Qingning had basically only played the support position before.

This time, after entering the game, she immediately selected a shooter.

Jiang Shu was surprised for a moment, looked up at Xia Qingning, and silently selected a Yao Mei support.

After the game started.

Xia Qingning played very aggressively and was very excited.

He attacked anyone he saw.

He attacked any group he saw.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Die, die, die!"

Xia Qingning's face was tense, and her hands were rubbing her phone vigorously, as if she was venting something.

When others had fled to the high ground, Xia Qingning flashed over the tower and had to click on them a few times.

Jiang Shu, a Yao Mei, often accompanied Xia Qingning and died together.

In less than ten minutes.

The game was a disastrous defeat.

Jiang Shu and Xia Qingning, one got 0-8-1, and the other got 0-10-2.

Both were super ghosts.

After being reported by teammates, their credit score was greatly reduced.

Then, the two played a few more games.

Almost the same ending.

Xia Qingning and Jiang Shu were crazy and desperate.

Others were super gods, but they were super ghosts.

After a few games.

The credit score of the two was so low that they couldn't even play the game.

"Senior sister, did someone make you angry?" Jiang Shu asked tentatively.

Even if Jiang Shu was a fool, he could see that Xia Qingning was in a bad mood today.

"Yeah." Xia Qingning nodded. She was a person who was not good at hiding emotions.

"Who is it? I'll help you teach him a lesson!" Jiang Shu rolled up his sleeves and planned to support Xia Qingning.

Xia Qingning looked up and stared at Jiang Shu with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Shu was stunned and pointed at himself, "Is it me?"

Xia Qingning nodded.

Jiang Shu: "..."

Xia Qingning said, "Is your sister Ruowei really dating?"

Jiang Shu was stunned, as if he understood something.

He didn't dare to look directly into Xia Qingning's eyes, and said, "I think so."

"Then I understand." Xia Qingning nodded, strong and didn't shed tears.

She stood up, "Then I wish you and sister Caiwei happiness. When you get married, remember to give me a copy of the invitation."

After that.

Xia Qingning turned and left, leaving only a light sentence.

"Jiang Ze, I want to have something with you."

"But I think, maybe, I came at the wrong time."

Faced with what Xia Qingning said.

Jiang Shu could only sigh softly.

What could he say.

Could it be: No, senior sister, you came at the right time! !

So, men.

Sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing to cause too many peach blossom debts!

Jiang Shu scratched his hair and sighed deeply.

Looking at Xia Qingning's departing back and the horrible credit score on the game interface, I felt like crying but I couldn't.

Come on, let's start beating the machine to increase credit points.


Late at night.

Jiang Shu yawned.

He sent Xia Qingning a new song he had just written, including the lyrics and music, plus the accompaniment, and the song demo he recorded.

Jiang Shu: [Senior sister, are you there? ]

Xia Qingning: [No. ]

Jiang Shu: [I wrote a new song for you and sent it to you on WeChat! ]

Xia Qingning: [New song? Written for me. ]

Jiang Shu: [Yes. I heard that you are preparing your new album, aren't you? As your direct junior, of course I have to support you! ]

Xia Qingning; [Are you here to cheat me of my private photos? ]

Jiang Shu: [Senior sister, I am wronged! This song, I wrote for you sincerely. You don't need to send photos or pay. It's my free support for you! 】

Jiang Shu said this.

This made Xia Qingning interested in this new song.

"Girl, Don't Cry"!

Seeing the name of the song, Xia Qingning was slightly stunned.

This song seems to be really

Jiang Shu, my junior, wrote this song for me.

Click on the song demo sent by Jiang Shu.

Jiang Shu's slightly hoarse voice echoed in the house.

"Sudden news"

"That person is you"

"You have been missing for so many years"


"Girl, why are you crying?"

"I'm waiting for you by the river on the other side of the road"

"What secrets are hidden in your heart?"

"I want to hold you tightly"


Listening to it.

Xia Qingning cried.

Tears could not stop flowing.

From this song, Xia Qingning heard the regret of not being able to love.

Isn't this exactly the same as her now?

Ask yourself.

Can she let go of Jiang Shu?

Xia Qingning didn't know, and there was no way to answer.

After all, Jiang Shu was the first man she would be moved by.

"From the usual communication between Jiang Shu and Sister Caiwei, their relationship should be more of a physical relationship than an emotional one."

"Plus, the age difference between the two is a bit big, and there may be a generation gap and estrangement when dating."

"It's normal for couples in the circle to break up."

"That means I may not have a chance yet."

"Finally, if it really doesn't work, I can still..."

Thinking like this, Xia Qingning's sadness faded a lot.

She picked up her phone and typed a reply to Jiang Shu.

Xia Qingning: [Thank you, I like this song very much. ]

Jiang Shu: [If you like it, then I'll give it to you. I also hope that you have the same title as this song, beautiful girl, never cry. ]

Xia Qingning chuckled, tilted her head and thought for a while, opened the album, and sent a few photos that had been taken a long time ago to Jiang Shu.


Jiang Shu: [? ? ? ]

[Didn't you say that this song was written for you for free, and you don't need to exchange it for private photos? ]

Xia Qingning: [These photos are not for your new song, but for the game credit points you lost with me today.]

[I'm sorry for cheating you so much today.]

Jiang Shu: [It doesn't matter. If there is such compensation every time, I can accompany you to lose credit points every day.]

Xia Qingning blushed: [Hehe, pervert junior!]

They chatted briefly for a few more sentences.

Jiang Shu finally made Xia Qingning feel better.

Then, Jiang Shu saved the private photos sent by Senior Qingning to the private album of his mobile phone.

There are two folders in this private album.

One is named Yang Ruowei and the other is Xia Qingning.

Close the chat page with Xia Qingning.

Jiang Shu rubbed his hands, took a deep breath, and prepared to do something big.

Come out, system!

It's time for my card drawing again!

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