Nellie woke up from her memories.

She was immersed in the past and didn't know how much she said and what she shouldn't have said.

Both Earl Bailey and Lord Poplar were worried that allowing the descendants of Seacastle to stay in Seacastle would be detrimental to future development.

Her identity was very sensitive, and she was the maid of the Lord of the Sea Castle. She simply found a merchant who purchased slaves and sold them to a land thousands of miles away from the Sea Castle.

While generating income for them, it also eliminates their worries. It can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Human beings always have to look forward. No one would believe that these people could travel across thousands of mountains and rivers and return to Sea Castle as slaves.

Nellie spent these days chopping wood to make fires in the food camp, her palms blistered, and she had to endure the coveted looks from the stewards.

Someone even suggested that she could go out to enjoy the cool air at night, and he would make it easier for her to work in the future.

But her fellow Seafort people take great care of her. Whenever someone comes near her, those Seafort slaves will spontaneously surround her.

The stewards were worried about making things worse. These slaves belonged to the lord.

And they had been getting along with the lord for several months, and they knew the latter's character well, and they never dared to offend him.

And she just hopes to get back the treatment she once had.

Even if she is not a personal maid, it is better than these menial and tiring jobs.

Therefore, she showed no timidity in the face of the scrutiny of the nobles in front of her. Instead, she puffed up her chest in response to that gaze and tried to stretch her charm.

Roman thought for a moment and asked, "Do you have any special abilities or strengths?"

Neli'er was slightly stunned. She frowned and racked her brains to figure out the meaning of this sentence.

Her expression slowly turned serious and she nodded.

Roman was a little curious about the bloodline of Sea Castle. He raised his chin and said, "Let me see your ability."

Nellie turned around and found that she and Roman were alone in the hall.

Everyone was busy and Seth left after bringing her here.

"Is it here?" she asked.

Roman also realized that he couldn't demonstrate the ability to breathe in water on land. He was about to take Neli'er to the river, but he found Neli'er walking towards him. Under his shocked gaze, she half-knelt in front of him and reached out to take off his pants.

"What are you doing?" Half of Roman's face turned black.

He grabbed Neli's long blue hair and forced her to stop.

Nellie felt a little pain at the roots of her hair and had to raise her slender neck. She couldn't understand the nobleman's quirks.

Is this part of the gameplay?

She reluctantly said: "Sir, I am showing my strengths."

She learned those things, how to please a man. This is what all the maids of Seacastle have to learn. It would be remiss if Lord Dill recovered and they knew nothing about it.

"You fart!" Roman's whole face darkened.

What I want to see is your natural ability!

Roman hated himself as he watched the apostle he had just recruited make such a despicable move.

It is impossible to expect pig iron to be directly transformed into steel.

They need to grow, they need to be tempered, they need to be tempered into steel.

He has always been good at introspection, and Nellie's actions almost broke his guard, but there was no need to be angry because he didn't make it clear.

"Get up." Roman let go of the blue hair in his hands.

Nellie stood up aggrievedly and followed Roman out of the Origin Manor.

Arriving in front of the winding river, Roman pointed to the river and said to her: "Go down."

Nellie understood what Roman meant this time.

She took off her clothes very neatly, and her graceful naked body seemed to reflect some kind of white light in the sun. Before Roman could take a second look, she plunged into the river.

There wasn't even much splashing, just like a light fish entering the water.

Nellie stood in the water, with only a wet blue head emerging from the water. She looked at Roman, waiting for the next instruction.

"How long can you dive?"

Neli'er shook her head and said: "I don't know, sir, I haven't touched water for a long time."

Ever since she became the maid of the Lord of the Sea Castle, she has never jumped into the sea to catch fish. She is too busy every day and has to learn all kinds of knowledge. In the future, she will assist the Lord of the Sea Castle in managing the Sea Castle. Eight years have passed since then. .

Roman said: "I want to see your limits."

Nellie disappeared over the river.

Inland rivers are different from those in the ocean. They have less buoyancy and are easier to sink to the bottom.

She adapted to the difference quickly.

She didn't know how long she waited, but she couldn't hold on anymore and finally came out to breathe fresh air.

Roman was very satisfied with her performance and said, "Well done. Come on up."

He counted silently in his mind until he reached three hundred numbers before he saw Nellie surface.

You must know that ordinary people will never dive more than a hundred numbers, but the warrior knights estimate that it is only two hundred, and some extraordinary people with poor lung capacity only have more than a hundred.

Of course, neither the former nor the latter have received professional diving training.

Neli'er is pretty much the same. Being able to persist for so long can only be said to be a gift.

A little practice can greatly improve your diving ability, and the potential for development is too high.

Worthy of being a three-star apostle.

After Nellie came ashore, she shook her body like a cat, spilled all the water on her hair and body, then bent down to pick up her clothes and put them on.

Roman said to her: "You will become my personal attendant from now on."

He took the time to look at Nellie's relationship level. It was originally close to 20%. When he said this, it instantly jumped to 30%, and it was still rising.

Nellie immediately said happily: "I will not let you down."

Roman smiled, and he put his palm on Nellie's wet blue hair, rubbing it gently, feeling that the wet hair was soft and silky. Although there was no shampoo, the hair quality was very good. The stains on her body also disappeared with this diving, and her pretty face became more and more bright and beautiful.

"If you work hard, I will entrust you with important tasks." Roman did not suppress his desire this time, and held Nellie's chin with his fingers, making her subconsciously lift up her delicate face.

Nellie stared at Roman, her blue eyes seemed to be able to absorb people's souls.

Roman's heartbeat slightly accelerated, and in a moment, his instinct surpassed his reason, and he lowered his head and kissed Nellie's lips.

Nellie was slightly stunned. She closed her eyes and responded to Roman awkwardly and tried hard.

The two newcomers to their first kiss soon felt suffocated.

"Huh!" Roman raised his head suddenly, broke free from Nellie's tongue, and gasped. Nellie's face was red, she lowered her head and pursed her lips, breathing rapidly, feeling that this action was more tiring than her diving for ten minutes, and she felt a sense of breathlessness.

Roman licked the corner of his mouth. He was a little bit addicted, but he knew that now was not the time to indulge in beauty.

He said to Nellie: "You are beautiful, but stay away from me in the future."

Nellie looked at Roman strangely. She keenly discovered the other party's restlessness and strong desire in the passionate kiss. She was also ready to face what was coming next... She was a little embarrassed. She said she was ready, but in fact she could only passively bear it.

This was developing too fast, but she had to go with the flow, just like a fallen leaf rushing to the estuary with the surging river water.

Now that the river has stopped flowing, she will not force it.

Nellie knows that the stopping of the river does not mean that desire will not accumulate.

The reservoir will burst one day and will violently rush into the sea, it only needs a certain opportunity.

But it is always good to have time to get familiar and adapt.

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