Morey's flexible method of transporting slaves to Sig Town made Roman somewhat overwhelmed.

But his behavior of paying for it out of his own pocket was very sincere.

It's not easy to get them to come.

Apart from anything else, if Scar Tou returns without success, the delay in this trip alone will be a loss - even if Morey has paid enough deposit and freight in advance, if he cannot make more money, it will be a loss.

Morey's intention was obvious. He spent huge sums of money and put in a lot of effort to lure a fairly reliable slave trader over. The specific means depended on Roman.

In Roman's eyes, even feces can be fertile.

He said calmly: "Do you want gold coins or salt?"

"Salt!" Scarhead was ecstatic in his heart.

The reputation of Arctic pirates is far-reaching, and no one is willing to do business with them, especially the salt merchants, who will not transport merchant ships to the Arctic ocean at all.

Merchants who did business with pirates did not end well.

The merchants were wealthy but lacked the ability to protect themselves. The cargo on the ship was a great supplement to the pirates and was undoubtedly the ideal target for robbery.

But the pirates soon discovered that the wealth they gained by robbing merchants could not be used to do business with merchants.

Scarhead was furious about this and wanted to scold his peers for not taking a long-term view! Do you understand the long-term benefits?

Don’t keep doing stupid things like fishing for the best in a sustainable way!

Why don't I just do the dirty work of robbing merchant ships by myself? Why don't you rob merchant ships too!

Don’t you know that your barbaric behavior will scare those businessmen away?

Scarhead was quite unhappy and felt that the pirates were too unruly.

So he changed his career and became a slave trader. But he soon discovered that the road of being a slave trader was far more difficult than the pleasure and freedom of being a pirate.

Continuously changing jobs will only increase additional costs. The industry is highly competitive these days, so you have to go all the way.

Being a slave trader is not without its benefits.

He could transport not only slaves, but also other things.

For example, salt.

As everyone knows. The land of Yigo is a notoriously cold place with a harsh environment. It is impossible to farm on a large scale. The population is overflowing and the only option is to go out and plunder.

Insufficient sunshine time makes it difficult to dry salt, and the salt production is not high.

They still make a living on the few salt-producing lands they found during the time of the conquistadors.

The pirates had a huge need for salt.

They often drifted on the sea for ten and a half months. Only the pickled air-dried salted fish and ham and bacon could be preserved for a long time, and their daily diet was inseparable from the intake of salt.

Pirates are creatures that are heavy on oil and salt. Otherwise, if they don't have the strength to kill people, there would be no need to talk about being pirates.

It is normal for a qualified pirate to eat one kilogram of salt a month, which is an average of more than ten grams per day.

Salt was cheap, but they couldn't get it cheap.

All you can buy is expensive salt.

The price of 1 catty of salt in the interior is 1 copper coin, but in the land of Yigo, the price can soar to 2 or even 3 copper coins. In some extremely cold seasons, it’s not surprising to get half a sheep.

There is undoubtedly huge benefit hidden in this process.

But it was difficult for ordinary merchants to trade with pirates.

All the salt merchants were worried that during the transaction, the other party would come over with an axe, spit on his body, and say: "You are confused! Beat you to death, this is all mine!"

Of course, there are also many businessmen who take desperate risks.

Moreover, the Arctic people also built many trading ports in Iceland, which were very prosperous.

But in this era, transportation capacity is low. How many goods can be transported across the ocean to the land of Yigo?

Scar Tou only knew that there were at least millions of people in his frozen hometown, and they all lacked salt on a daily basis. The gap was too big to be filled by the amount of transactions.

Faced with the two choices given by Roman, Scar Tou decisively chose salt.

"Thirty pounds of salt for one slave, Seth, go and do a head count."

Roman turned around and left, heading to Origin Manor.

The number of slaves was quickly calculated.

Scarhead was not good at mathematics. He only knew that many corpses were thrown away along the way and gave a rough number. He did not know that there were only 384 slaves who survived.

But there must have been more than 500 people when we set out. This is not true. A total of more than 100 people died in the middle of transportation, and the death methods must have been various. The slaves who survived were basically considered destined. Hard.

In just one meal, ten thousand kilograms of salt was quickly collected.

For Roman it was just sprinkles.

Scarhead couldn't help but smile. The nobles in the salt-producing areas would never give cheap salt to the Arctic pirates. Instead, they would do their best to raise the price to the limit that the Arctic people could accept.

I don't know if he is one of the first pirates to get salt from the inland. He probably isn't. Those pirate leaders basically have two unknown channels.

Scarhead directed his men to throw the precious salt onto the boat.

At this moment, he felt a shock behind him, and a chill shot up from the soles of his feet to Tian Ling Gai.

The ever-vigilant young pirate next to him immediately raised his buckler.


However, as soon as he made a move, he was hit by an arrow that flashed with cold light. The iron arrow penetrated the solid round shield like a bamboo, the wood fragments shattered, and the remaining power nailed him to the ground neatly.

The blood was flowing like a stream, and the arrow feathers stuck in his chest buzzed and soon stopped trembling.

Scar Tou suddenly looked back!

He saw a strong figure standing on a hill, bathed in bright sunshine, with a bow and arrow ready.

‘Next time you dare to make me suffer so much loss, I will shoot you! ’ For some reason, he seemed to see these words in that cold action.

At noon in this summer, the sun was so hot that the whole land seemed to be burning.

Scarhead felt like he was falling into an ice cave, his whole body was cold.

The dead look of his companion next to him and the broken shield showed that his life and death depended on the sharpshooter's thought.

It was estimated to be 150 meters!

He had never made a mistake in estimating the distance.

Not to mention on land, even in the ocean, he could guess how far his Arctic warship was from the fleeing ships in front.

This range was nothing. It didn't matter if he could hit the target.

But why was it so powerful?

Scarhead could vaguely see the young lord holding a red bow, and he quickly thought of a surname that was famous on land.

The Arctic pirates behind him were ready to fight, each finding a favorable terrain and ready to launch a counterattack at any time!

His eyes bulged, and he was immediately furious and angry!

There were no cowards among the Arctic pirates!

There was a big scar on his head!

The Valkyries in the Hall of Heroes are waiting for him!

Eighteen years later, he is a hero again!

"Let's go!" Scarhead angrily took everyone on board and left the town of Sger.

A hero never suffers a loss in front of him.

He is not a pirate now, so there is no reason to fight to the death with others. He can't go to the Hall of Heroes even if he dies on the battlefield.

He is an Ego man, and he doesn't know much about the land, but he knows that the three dukes of the Black Iron Kingdom are famous.

More than a hundred years ago, the three first dukes of the Black Iron Land followed the conquerors to the Ego Land and beat his ancestors so hard that they lost their temper.

Is he crazy to go to war with the descendants of a cracked-armored duke?

It is said that the first generation of the cracked-armored duke was so brave that it was as easy to kill his ancestors as it was to kill the dragons.

You can't fight to the death!

How can you make money if you fight to the death!

Let his companion die. After his heroic death, his soul will definitely go to the Hall of Heroes in the Arctic mythology, where he will have fun and spend his days with the Valkyries.

He could only swallow the more than 10,000 kilograms of salt with tears and continue to live a hard and miserable life.

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