Roman returned to the Origin Manor.

He found Dick and asked the middle-aged knight: "Does this land have the means to reconnect broken bones?"

Dick was slightly stunned, secretly guessing that Roman wanted to heal others.

"I've only heard of it.

"The Pope's Hand of God has the power to correct everything;

"More than a hundred years ago, there was a redemption witch named Vivian in the court of the Conqueror. People said that she had the power to bring the dead back to life;

"The legendary elves have magical and unique medical skills and master natural energy;

"The blood of some dragons also has special magical effects. Bathing in dragon blood can transform the body..."

Dick gave many examples.

Roman glared at him: "If you don't know, just say you don't know. Don't talk so much nonsense."

Let's not talk about the dragons and elves for now.

Roman will cut off the Pope's Hand of God in the future.

But this is a long-term goal.

The redemption witch Vivian disappeared without a trace a hundred years ago, and it is harder to find than the dragons.

She was also the culprit for the world's belief that the Conqueror did not die of illness. Those idiots always believed that one day the Conqueror would lead the army back from the Underworld Sea.

Roman thought Dick was knowledgeable and could tell valuable news, but he was just farting.

"Can't Garin do it?"

Dick smiled bitterly and said, "You are making it too difficult for him... If you can find blood coral, Garin may try it."

Blood coral is an extraordinary material from the deep sea.

Roman knew about it, but he didn't know it clearly.

Dick said, "Blood coral has the ability to regenerate blood. I saw such a treasure in the Free City when I was young. It looks like the legendary dragon horn, some of it is crystal clear, but it is full of fine blood vessels inside, and its shape is beautiful and extraordinary. Master, that small piece of blood coral was auctioned at a sky-high price in the Free City. I heard that a bishop from Sinnoh collected it with 50 gold coins - you should know what a huge number this is..."

Roman understood.

That means more than ten war horses!

Those extraordinary resources are scarce and the prices are ridiculously high.

If you want to cultivate the Yaki, you have to invest not only various resources, but also a blood coral.

Roman didn't mind these things. As long as he had a loyal and valuable apostle, he would not be stingy even if he had ten blood corals, let alone one.

Dick continued, "There are not many places where blood corals can be found. I remember only coral islands, Iceland and fjords."

Roman secretly memorized these places, preparing to grab those lands one by one to cultivate them after the momentum is established.

He didn't care that Iceland was a huge kingdom.

He asked, "Is Garin still unwilling to come?"

"Sometimes old people will also get stuck in a dead end..."

Roman asked Kao about his recent situation. Dick thought of the sinister and fierce boy, with blood flowing in his eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Everything went well. Kao has great talent, but he has a sharp edge in his bones, and he will hurt himself sooner or later."

Roman nodded and said, "The terrifying thing about a sword is that its tip is always pointed at the enemy. Just train him. I want to get him out of the sheath as soon as possible."

Dick hesitated. He wanted to know where Roman would swing his sword, but the answer didn't seem to be important to the sword.

"I'll try my best."


The next day.

Roman and Seth rode on horses and walked forward along the traces of the paving team.

The sunken places were filled with soil, and the raised terrain was flattened with a shovel. The road surface was not very steep.

This fresh dirt road was a bit narrow, but fortunately it could allow carriages to pass, moving straight forward, as if there was no end extending beyond the horizon.

It took more than two hours to ride on horseback.

The two came to the end. This low mountain was bare, without grass and trees, and only busy farmers.

He had surveyed this coal mine.

Roman also discovered a problem. There seemed to be not many coal mines in this basin.

The reserves of peat are quite large. Peat is an unformed coal mine.

When Roman planted soybeans, he dug out millions of pounds of peat, which took 3,000 carts. Each person dug out tens of thousands of pounds of peat from the swamp on average.

But compared with the huge peat reserves in the swamp, it is still a drop in the bucket and can't be dug out at all.

Maybe there is not enough time to form coal mines.

Moreover, Roman has only explored about a few percent of the basin area. In the future, he may find coal mines with larger reserves and easier to mine in other places.

At this stage, one coal mine is enough for him to make the transition.

Iron cannot be smelted by coal alone. Coal needs to be burned into coke.

Roman had to build a furnace and seal the coal to smolder into coke.

He deliberately left 100 farmers here to dig coal and build kilns.

The coal seam is shallow, about ten meters below the ground, and the difficulty of mining is not high, but it is a huge challenge for these farmers who have no mining experience.

Roman had to become a supervisor, supervising and guiding their work steps.

Most of the time, he personally did it.

It is difficult to carry out open-pit mining. It is too difficult to strip the topsoil.

The method of mining with a mine is more convenient, but the disadvantage is that it is very dangerous and dark.

So Roman prepared to use both methods. If it can be mined, open-pit mining will be used, and the area that is easy to dig will be selected. If it is impossible to dig, the mine will be dug.

After the harmful gas evaporates, the dark coal seam will be clearly displayed in front of him.

Roman was relieved after seeing this. Although it was just a small coal mine, the quality of the coal was relatively good and the coalification degree was high enough. The difficulty of coking with this kind of coal block would be much lower, and the efficiency of the finished product would also be improved.

He drilled down, knocked off a piece of hard coal with a pickaxe, and climbed up with it.

Seth wiped Roman's face stained with black marks with a handkerchief, and the clean white handkerchief soon became stained.

"Can this black stone really replace charcoal?"

Roman showed an extremely arrogant expression.

He clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Seth, watch! From now on, I will tell everyone on this land that a new era has arrived!"

Roman has unparalleled self-confidence, and the surging power seems to burst out from his body.

Only at this time can you see his vigorous youthfulness.

Seth thought.

This young master has always been calm and composed. He only talks endlessly when he discusses his future ambitions, just like other noble sons - but underage noble sons talk about these things in public, more to show themselves and get everyone's admiration - the essence is no different from children bragging.

But he is different.

He will never talk about this in front of outsiders. He will only talk about his future plans to Green and Aaron, as if he is sure that they can't do it.

It is for this reason that the two knights will bet their rest of their lives on Roman.

While other grandsons are talking about empty goals and using the great deeds of conquerors to gild their shit pots.

Young Roman waved his fists and talked confidently about how to organize an invincible and invincible army.

He claimed that the glory of the army is just icing on the cake, and the welfare of the army is the charcoal in the snow.

He only thinks that the knights who fought in wars cannot represent the army, and the private army of the landlords is not even remotely like an army.

The knight fiefdom is still too backward, and he will carry out military reforms, adjust social relations, and design a new military system in the future.

He wants centralization!

He wants dictatorship!

He wants to conquer everything!

——The bold words he said when he was young are still in front of him, gradually overlapping with the slightly mature face in front of him, making Seth feel a sense of confusion as if time is flowing around him.

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