Mining iron and coal mines requires manpower.

The size of the army also needs to increase.

Roman's demand for steel in the early stage is not large, only enough to equip five or six hundred people.

He calculated that each heavy shield warrior needs about 50 kilograms of steel, and the remaining warriors need about 20 kilograms of iron.

It is about 6 tons to 10 tons.

In any industry, output and manpower are linked.

Roman split the paving team.

First, a group of laborers with good physique were selected and went to the blacksmith shed to assist in forging.

400 people followed the construction team to build a breeding farm.

And 600 people followed him to mine coal, coke and smelt iron.

With coking furnaces and blast furnaces, it is not an exaggeration for Roman to complete 6 tons of steel production in a month-but what he got was only pig iron.

Unlike blast furnaces, smelting furnaces will melt the impurities and slag in iron ore and turn it into sponge iron.

And blast furnaces will directly melt the entire piece of iron ore and turn it into molten iron.

After the molten iron is formed, it becomes pig iron, which has a high carbon content and a hard texture. It cannot withstand forging and can only be cast. It is qualified for casting farm tools.

But to get forgeable steel, you need to stir the steel - add other minerals when the pig iron is liquefied, and the resulting steel is forgeable.

After several failures, Roman found the right formula.

This is a dangerous job.

Roman did not ask for an increase in production, nor could he increase production. The molten iron was no joke, and it was normal for a few people to die.

So only four or five hundred kilograms of steel can be produced every day - roughly equal to the volume of half an adult.

If it is replaced with iron ingots, it is equivalent to collecting 10 gold coins a day.

Roman had no clear expectations for steel production, nor did he have any requirements.

He only knew that this crushing steel production could make the kingdoms, nobles, and churches of this land all kneel at his feet.


Dragon Castle.

"Master, Makor Fury is waiting for your summons in the meeting room." He woke up from his deep sleep, and a suppressed and hoarse voice came out of his throat, "What time is it now?" "You are about to have lunch." The diligent servant opened the curtains, and the bright but not hot sunlight shone in from the blinds. The beautiful maid took the plate carried by the servant, scooped out the crystal clear ice wine with a golden spoon, and sent it to his mouth for him to drink. Every time he woke up, he said he was thirsty and asked them to prepare his wake-up meal. The wine was a treasure of the Cangyue Kingdom, the cream pudding was made by the chef of the Free City, and the caviar came from the distant Iceland. They were packed in ice buckets and were still fresh when they were sent to the Grand Dukedom. The chefs took the caviar out of the sturgeon's belly, and each one was plump and crystal, like black gold. These foods were not spent on money, but were presented to him by the merchants and nobles who admired him. The rest of the maids served him with excretion after getting up. After the tedious work of getting up was completed, ten bald servants filed in. They came to the edge of the bed, pulled out the palanquin pole below, and lifted the bed board and their master together.

The arch was unusually wide, enough for them to pass side by side.

Grand Duke of Split Armor entered the meeting room.

The long-awaited Markor Rage Tide immediately stood up.

He was over thirty years old and at the peak of his powers. His dark blue hair was as messy as seaweed. His face was like a sculpture eroded by the sea. His facial features were deep, his skin was rough, his eye sockets were deep, and his hooked nose was tall and sharp, like a rock protruding from a cliff.

His eyes were dark blue, sinister and deep, reminiscent of the surging tide in the dark night.

"Grand Duke! The Son of Rage Tide salutes you!"

Markor knelt on one knee.

"Didn't Pine come?"

Malcol bowed his head and said, "My father has no time to get away. You know, the dukes of the Black Iron Land cannot meet easily, otherwise everyone will be shocked... Please forgive my father's concerns."

Grand Duke of Split Armor sighed, "The last time I saw you, you were not as old as when your father left. I wonder how Pine is doing now."

"... He will come to meet you, at the latest next year, to discuss some things with you in person." Malcol's tone was unclear.

"Really." Grand Duke of Split Armor smiled, "Get up, child, what does Pine want to discuss with me?"

Malcol stood up, half of his body was in armor, the armor was shining with a faint blue luster, and the white cloak behind him was very eye-catching.

"War!! You know, the order of the conquerors is about to be destroyed unprecedentedly, it's time to make those thugs pay the price!"

Malcol's sinister and deep eyes seemed to have set off waves.

Grand Duke of Split Armor wished he was the high-spirited Malcol at this moment.

"The Conqueror's Order... What did the King of Black Iron say?"

He bowed his head and said, "The King of Black Iron has issued a decree, and my father is in charge of this matter. He said that the Conqueror's Order is not far from collapse, and we can't let this happen."

"Well, it's time to teach them a lesson. The King of Iceland gave me a dazzling ice diamond three years ago. He said that the ice diamond was priceless, and he specially sent an axe guard to escort it. As a result, he encountered pirates on the sea. It was called "Tear Face", right? The pirate stole it. And I didn't even see its appearance..."

Markor said respectfully: "I will take special care of him! Then I will present the ice diamond to you with both hands."

"Very good! The Cracked Armor Family will fully cooperate. What do you need?"

"We need a lot of food and grass. Without your cooperation, it will be difficult for the army of the Angry Tide to set out and attack from all sides!"

"Five thousand tons of grain..." said the Great Justice Splitting Armor.

Marco's eyes were sinister, the blood of the Angry Tide family was flowing in his body, and those eyes were deep and terrifying.

"I'm afraid it's not enough." He said with some difficulty.

"Then ten thousand tons."

This is the annual output of hundreds of thousands of acres of land.

Macor's eyes became more and more sinister. The Grand Duke of Wrath planned to fight on multiple fronts and called on the Black Iron Land to mobilize an army of at least 50,000 people.

Ten thousand tons are distributed to each person, and only 0.2 tons of food are provided. There are losses in transportation, so how much actually falls into the mouths of the soldiers?

What's more, there are countless war horses and livestock.

He held his breath for a moment and said to Grand Duke Split Armor: "I hope to marry your daughter, Hena Split Armor. I met her in the Red Tree Castle and I have been infatuated with her since then. Her face made me unforgettable all night long..."

"Hena... I remember her husband. She fell in love with him at first sight and wanted to marry him no matter what. The Lord of Mangrove Castle died three years ago."

The Archduke of Armor-Splitting recalled for a moment, he had an impression of his only and youngest daughter - that was the last child he and his official wife had - most of his illegitimate children were born after his wife's death.

He used to have some restraint. His wife's death made him even more indulgent.

"Sir, Miss Hena married Cang Yue Di Di twenty years ago." Accompanying Bachelor Yihe reminded him. "You give her five thousand gold coins, a box of gems, and 30 war knights as her dowry. Miss Hena has a happy marriage, but she has no children...

"This may have something to do with the Lord of Mangrove Castle. He is a distant relative of Queen Cang Yue. He is handsome and never ages. Some people say that he awakened the power of a vampire. Six years ago, the unfortunate Lord died of Jade battle."

The Grand Duke sighed and shook his head: "I will not arrange the future of the children."

Marco knew about this, and everyone was paying attention to the Grand Duke of the Black Iron Land.

The Archduke of Split Armor has been in office for too long, for fifty or sixty years, which is enough for everyone to know his style of conduct.

He dotes on his offspring. Illegitimate children still have enough food and clothing, but parents and children will only be better off.

"This is the Moonstone Ring, a treasure you personally gave to her when she was born. I hope she can give this ring to her husband in the future and let the Moonstone Ring protect her husband's safety. But that red The Lord of the Tree Fort was seriously injured, and the Moon Stone could not heal his injuries, so he could only let him die before his eyes. Now she gave this Moon Stone to me."

Marco showed the silver gemstone ring, the water rippled, and a piece of moonlight seemed to be condensed on it.

"I don't have a wife. I only fell in love with Hena at first sight. I hope to get your blessing."

The Archduke of Armor Splitting acquiesced: "In that case, Hena's dowry is 10,000 tons of grain, and I will give it to Paine when I see him."

"Hena and I truly love each other. If we have a son, he will become the future Lord of Wrath."

Grand Justice Splitting Armor said: "Don't let her get hurt a second time. My unfortunate daughter has lost her husband."

"I swear to you!" Marco said in a cadence.

"Marcol..." Archduke Splitter sighed.

Marco lowered his head and listened patiently.

"You are a very accomplished child, perhaps even better than Pine. I remember that Pine was fostered by me when he was a child. My eldest son, Gail, was the same age as him. They would quarrel about various things, but they would soon get along with each other. It's as good as ever, right on that grass..."

He struggled to raise his fat arm and pointed to the green grass outside the meeting hall window.

He was in a trance, as if he saw two lively and cheerful boys chasing each other and playing around.

One has red eyes, and the other has seaweed-like blue hair.

Later the two parted ways.

Paine returned to the Archduchy, defeated his brothers and sisters, and became the Grand Duke of Ragetide.

But Gale became more and more dull, like a twisted and spreading tree root in the dark soil.

As people get older, they inevitably talk more when facing their younger generations.

After listening to his ramble, Marco bowed slightly toward the Archduke of Armor Splitter.

"When I came here, I heard Lord Gale say that the Moya family has been a little restless recently."

The Archduke of Split Armor was slightly stunned and looked at Bachelor Yihe.

Moya is his vassal knight and right-hand man.

Academician Yihe sighed, you kicked him out in the first place, but now you remembered it.

Academician Yihe didn't believe what Macor said. The Moya family had been loyal for generations. Even if they were ignored by the Grand Duke, their treatment would not be reduced and there would be no reason to rebel. It would only hurt both sides.

Although the Archduke of Armor Splitter lost an arm, the Moya family would be destroyed.

He shook his head slightly at the Archduke of Armor Splitting.

"It's absolutely true!" Marcol vowed, and mentioned many signs of restlessness in the Moya family.

For example, the reduction of the Moya family's military strength, the concealment of information, private contact with other nobles, and the mistake made more than ten years ago were no accident!

The Archduke of Armorbreaker was very irritated, and he had not forgotten his knight.

It was a resolute knight wearing heavy armor and holding a big shield: "I! Aaron Moya! Your guardian knight! I swear to be loyal to you. Even if my body is burned by fire and my heart is pierced by ten thousand swords, I will Stay at your post, stay at your bedside, and ring the bell for you until the end of your life.”

One of the three knights who initially followed him in battle, he was impeccable in all aspects and a decent man, but he was a little too upright.

He donated the entire Tiehua County to Moya, which was one of the few iron-producing places in the Grand Dukedom. He built steep passes to block all incoming attacks. It borders Gale's Honeysuckle County.

He trusted Moya, but Moya betrayed his trust.

Moya said that he would always guard his bedside, ring the bell for him, and keep vigil until the end of his life.

But before he met his death, Moya passed away first.

He killed Moya.

He shouldn't have sent Moya to find the Conqueror's route.

Now, he heard from his son and the son of another archduke that the Moya family was disloyal?

And the Moya family, as the accused, was not present.

Who should he believe?

"Let Count Moya come to see me, I want to ask it in person!"

The Archduke of Split Armor's chest rose and fell, feeling uncomfortable in every way.

He was not energetic, and when he got older, he became more and more irritated by such things.

One child said that another child was unfilial, what should he do?

If the Moya family really had a rebellious heart as Makol said, how should he deal with them?

More than ten years ago, Count Moya came to the castle and said that he personally executed the child who made a big mistake.

When he was furious, he just told the earl to get out and never show up in Dragon Castle again!

Did the Moya family become disloyal to him because of this?

The old man felt very painful.

That was Moya's descendant, his strongest knight, an eighth-rank guardian knight.

He should have lived a long and glorious life, but he died young because of his wrong orders, and his body was gone.

Only a broken shield floated from the depths of the vast ocean.

When he learned of his death, he clenched his fist and swore that Tiehua County would always be Moya's land, and no one could change it!

But later he felt disgusted, just because that family always rushed in to disturb him when he was indulging and enjoying himself.

At that time, he suddenly realized that people's will and consciousness are really as loose as sand castles, and they will collapse as soon as the tide rushes, leaving a mess everywhere, and nothing!

"Lord Gale and I will do this well." Undercurrents surged in Makol's eyes.

After saying that, he was about to leave.


He stopped, turned sideways, and stared at the bloated figure behind the bed curtain with sinister and terrifying eyes.

The Grand Duke of Split Armor said tiredly and intermittently: "Tell Pine to be ready. Even if we have to attack from all sides... he can't move..."

The old and fat monster seemed to be holding his last breath, and said with all his might:

"We can't let the main force of the Church take a step out of Sinnoh!"

Makol lowered his head, his face rough like a statue eroded by the sea.

He hummed softly, his eyes deep as the tide.

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