The second crystal ball revealed magic ore.

It's just that it's twice the size of the magic ore Roman got last time.

Sige Town has a smelting foundation.

Extraordinary resources such as fine gold, mithril, orichalcum, and magic steel can also be forged.

Roman started brainstorming, and there were so many plans in his mind at once.

He hopes to improve Aaron's offensive power;

He hopes to create an adamantine dagger and mithril armor for Green;

He wanted everyone in his army to wear magic steel armor and magic steel weapons;

All those thoughts were sorted out by him one by one.

‘Step by step, down-to-earth is the most important thing! ’ Roman told himself.

He called for Ruto.

In the eyes of others, he is a blacksmith apprentice from Sea Castle, he has not yet graduated, and the price is not expensive.

But Roman thought he was good enough to stand alone.

Ruto is dark all over, short and stocky, less than 1.7 meters tall, like half an iron tower.

"I now appoint you as the director of the casting department, responsible for all casting processes."

Ruto was a little surprised. He had worked extremely hard during this period and performed outstandingly, but he did not overwhelm Lux and was worried about arousing the hostility of the old blacksmith.

It’s just that the plight of the blacksmith shed is obvious.

Master Roman was putting pressure every day, and his demands were increasing day by day. He sent many blacksmith apprentices over and asked them to build weapons day and night.

Lax couldn't manage so many people, so he had to teach them blacksmithing skills, and the teaching process could only be described as a mess.

This is a good opportunity for him. His goal is to become Lax's deputy, help him manage the blacksmith shed, and guide the new blacksmiths who know nothing about forging.

I didn't expect to be promoted so quickly, and it came from the lord.

Ruto understood the meaning of the Foundry Department from Roman's explanation.

It's not about outlawing Lux, it's about becoming Lux's superior.

The blacksmith shed can only be counted as one unit, while the foundry department has to manage three units at the same time.

Coal and iron mining, blast furnace smelting, and iron forging respectively.

Ruto is a character who is good at hiding his clumsiness, but now faced with this important task, he has to bear it no matter what.

"Master, I will not betray your trust!"

Roman nodded slightly, and he gently raised his right hand with an extremely elegant movement.

Ruto kissed the back of the hand that was stained with soot, dust, and iron powder devoutly.

The simple ceremony of allegiance was effective from then on.

Roman said: "You have to do your best!"

He spoke clearly and spoke in a serious tone.

When Ruto heard this, he realized that Roman had a deep meaning. The other person's extremely cohesive eyes were like arrows, piercing his heart, making him feel guilty and afraid to look directly.

Roman gives the magic ore to Ruto.

"How much magic steel can it produce?"

Ruto no longer concealed his ability. He weighed it for a moment and said, "More than a hundred kilograms. Sir, as you know, the magic ore needs to be placed in the flame, and then the volume and weight will shrink significantly. When the residue flows away, it will It will be condensed into a dense and hard magic stone - at least 1 jin of magic stone needs to be melted into 100 kilograms of steel. If it is replaced by gold and silver, more magic stones will be needed. "

This piece of magic ore weighs four to five kilograms, but its texture is not good, and its purity cannot be said to be high. It can only be said to be of medium quality. Once it is burned into magic stone, it will only weigh more than one kilogram.

The surface of the ore shimmers like stars. The brilliance is confusing and extremely beautiful.

Blacksmiths also make judgments based on this.

The denser the stars of magic ore, the better the quality of the ore.

In Sinnoh and the Free Cities, magic ore is called "star iron" or "star stone", which means treasures from the stars.

On the other side of the Arctic Ocean, it is called "ground crystal" or "gangue stone". It means the essence of the earth, coming from deep within the rock.

According to the legend of the Arctic, in an ancient chaotic era, the earth cracked, the ocean boiled, magma spewed out from the depths of the earth, and dragons rushed into the world from the hot magma, bringing endless gangue.

The names of magic ores are completely different in different places, but the methods of using them are basically similar.

It is impossible for Ruto to take over the entire casting department now. Roman has many things to hand over to him.

He is a traditional blacksmith and knows nothing about coking and blast furnaces. We can't expect him to have an epiphany on the spot... It's not impossible.

Sapphire has its place.

The meaning of blue gemstone on this earth is "wisdom", which can make people calm and enter a certain state of meditation.

In weird legends, it is a favorite of mages and witches, and clergy are also crazy about it.

On Roman's side, it can enhance the apostle's ability.

Roman consumed a high-quality sapphire to enhance Ruto's skills.

There is no + sign after the skills in the apostle interface.

Their skills are usually what they are good at, and some skills have no incremental value.

Roman was at a loss at first, but he soon got the hang of it.

He used the power of sapphire to cover the apostle's head of Ruto with his knowledge of iron smelting in the form of thoughts.

This way of improving skills also made Roman aware——

He and his many apostles do have some secret and solid mystical connection with each other.

He thought that Ruto would be like him, and a lot of knowledge suddenly emerged in his brain.

However, there was no feedback from the latter at all.

This made Roman doubt whether this method of improving skills was effective.

But soon, Roman knew that he was worrying too much.

In the process of training Ruto, the latter quickly mastered the basic knowledge about blast furnaces and coke ovens. Even if Roman hadn't said some things, Ruto understood the meaning behind the steps without a teacher.

Although Ruto's talent is not low.

But the understanding he showed now is a bit unreasonable, as if his brain has been upgraded.

Ruto was also surprised by his performance.

He is actually the type who can make up for his shortcomings with hard work. He has a unique physical talent. Others work eight hours a day, but he works twelve hours a day. He is born to be a roll king, naturally better than others.

99% sweat plus 1% talent, the combination of the two allows him to be at ease in the blacksmith shop and find a suitable time to become a master.

However, these skills are limited to the blacksmith shop.

Blast furnaces and coke ovens are unheard of for him, but he can still master those knowledge very quickly and figure out those principles.

Am I really a genius?

Could it be that my talent is not in ironmaking, but in ironmaking?

Ruto couldn't help but feel a little entangled, thinking that he had been delayed all these years.

It's like those incredible tricks become insignificant after the principle is revealed.

"Knowing" and "not knowing" are very close, only the word "not" is different, but if you can't get through, you can't get through.

The more Ruto observes the blast furnace, the more he feels that it is not difficult to build and use.

As a pragmatic profession like blacksmith, Ruto knows that understanding and being able to do are two different things.

Apart from other things, only laymen will think that blacksmiths just swing the hammer and there is no technical content, but he really can't do it if he replaces him.

Ruto thought, I can be regarded as an ironmaking genius if I can do it right away. Then what level is Mr. Roman, who built the blast furnace himself and overturned the previous ironmaking process?

Innate steelmaking holy body?

If it weren't for Master Roman, I would just be an ordinary person of this era.

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