If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 118 If you try hard, you will get it

Harvesting grass is simple, but chopping and storing it in a silo is not.

Roman asked Lax to forge hundreds of guillotines for this purpose.

Now there are probably more than one million kilograms of silage stored.

The grass may be stained with autumn in a few days, and the nutritional value of the grass will decrease. Although dry grass can also be stored, the effect is not as good as silage.

So far, the huge gap in silage feed has only been filled by a small half.

The soybeans planted earlier, the bean stalks and leaves have also turned yellow and are about to enter the maturity period.

Soybeans have a suitable harvest period. They cannot be harvested too early or too late. They must be harvested quickly within a certain period of time, otherwise it will affect the harvest.

There are too many things to come one after another.

In the past, those calves and horses could be used to fill the labor, but after the large-scale production of papermaking, Roman greatly increased their learning intensity, and the children in the manor had no time to do anything.

The teachers are Hans, Geman, Nellie, and some literate slaves of the Sea Castle. Sometimes Roman himself will teach them, letting them recognize letters on paper and write words from memory.

Try to teach a group of literate little guys as soon as possible - he really doesn't ask for much.

Besides, they can't be asked to do the work of crushing grass. If they cut off their fingers, it's no joke.

Roman can only implement the plan step by step.

Anyway, the autumn harvest can't be delayed. He is ready to free up the manpower from coal mining, iron smelting and steel frying.

Now the steel production capacity is overcapacity. It doesn't take so much iron to simply make farm tools and weapons and armor, and the iron shed can't digest it.

As long as the mining and iron smelting work is suspended, the manpower will be sufficient.

Manpower is the same as cleavage. You can get it if you squeeze it.

The idea of ​​going hand in hand is not realistic - the premise is that Morey doesn't show up.

"524 slaves."

This is the number of slaves Morey brought this time.

"I may have to wait a long time next time I come here. I hope you can understand."

Morey was a little depressed.

The Black Iron Kingdom does not fight for many years, and the trade routes are relatively stable.

Whatever Roman wants, he can find it with his connections.

Only slaves are the least common things.

Those chaotic areas are rich in these things. The acquisition process is too dangerous. It's okay in the short term, but sooner or later it will capsize in the ditch.

Scarhead is a slave trader who he has found after asking around and is barely reliable.

He and Roman have a contract to deliver 300 slaves every month. He went to great lengths for this, fearing that Scarhead is unreliable or something goes wrong in the middle of the process, which will reduce Roman's trust in him.

He is counting on this place to retire for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, the first two times were completed successfully.

This time it won't work. Scarhead will go to the pirate conference, and he can only rely on his merchant ship to complete this task.

Morey even gave up the wool business. Each bag of wool weighs about 300 kilograms, which takes up more space than slaves of the same weight. More than 20,000 kilograms add up to 70 or 80 bags.

The purchase price of a bag of wool is 1 gold coin, and the selling price is 2 gold coins. The profit from transportation is much higher than the slave trade, almost doubled.

The slaves he got this time were not purchased from the nobles, but from Scarhead.

So the quality is a bit inferior, and it can't be sold at a good price, just a little more than a silver coin.

It only adds up to more than 60 gold coins. Even if Roman is very generous in the purchase price, he can't really ask for a lion's mouth. 70 gold coins are enough, which can't be compared with the wool business.

But for Roman, the value of these people is far higher than those wool.

Roman can also understand Morey's distress.

The pirate feast means that most pirates will stop looting activities, and going to Iceland again will only be in vain.

Those pirates will not raise a large number of slaves. The act of capturing slaves is a cost-free business for them. At most, they will pick a few slaves to serve their daily lives.

If they cannot be sold, they will either be released or killed. Some slaves will be returned to the Ego land with the North Ice warships and sold to the nobles and lords of Ego.

If you want to purchase in large quantities, you can only go to the northern land or the eastern plateau.

And this requires more time to find.

But the problem is that winter is coming and it is difficult to trade.

Roman nodded and said, "You have done a good job these days, and the number of slaves you brought is beyond my expectations. It's okay to come later next time."

During this period of time, more than 1,200 slaves came to Sige Town because of Morey.

This greatly alleviated the dilemma of Sige Town's shortage of manpower, and even helped him complete the primitive accumulation of population-this is extremely difficult. Roman even prepared a "Spring Plan" for this reason.

And this time it also brought him more than 500 people, even meeting the number agreed for next month.

Morey's dedicated performance made Roman very fond of him.

Although the contract was signed, he didn't really expect Morey to send him 300 slaves every month, but Morey actually took it.

This task is really heavy.

Not to mention a merchant, even the earls and lords dare not boast.

Nothing else, this long-distance trade line is very fragile. Without sufficient troops and manpower, it is too dangerous to rely on merchant ships for transportation, and the stability is extremely poor.

The merchant ships of the King of Iceland can be looted by pirates, so nothing is impossible.

Once the Pirate King is born, many inland commercial routes will be greatly damaged in the foreseeable future. This is a foregone conclusion.

The hard days of merchants will come next year at the latest.

"I will do my best to ensure the weight of slaves."

"Well, rest here for a few days. I have some prestige here. No one can threaten your safety here." Roman promised him.

Morey could hear the implication. This was his second promise. It was different from his attitude when signing the contract. He felt relieved and realized that he had truly gained his friendship.

Roman did not accompany Morey for too long. He let him visit freely.

He left the manor soon.

The footsteps of the pair of leather boots were clattering, light like a cheetah, elegant like a tiger's step, and rode away calmly.

Roman called a hundred soldiers to catch wild horses on the grassland these days. Those wild horses sensed the danger of humans and ran away when they saw him. Roman had to chase them one by one on the grassland and put on reins for them.

At present, this work is almost finished, and only a few wild horses are missing.

He got the news from Morey, so he came back temporarily.

This work is finished today.

Roman was a little bored by the chasing work during this period.

Although it is refreshing to gallop on the grassland, life on horseback is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Around dusk, Roman rode a white horse and returned alone along the salt road, holding another fairly tall wild horse in his hand and returning to the stable. The remaining wild horses could not be found.

A total of 264 wild horses were kept in two stables according to gender.

Some wild horses were restless, some kept stomping on the ground with their hooves, and some were eating grass with their heads down.

Roman was very happy to see this scene.

This batch of wild horses included stallions, mares, old horses, and many foals.

This means that they can be bred, and they can't be allowed to mate at will in the future.

Yaki is a plateau herder, so he should know something.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t understand, he will teach him how to do it.

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