Roman asked Vic to make 100 single longbows.

Longbowmen are long-range soldiers, and they play a suppressive role.

They are not very effective against heavy armored units, but they can play a huge advantage against small fish troops.

The disadvantage is that it is difficult to train them. Even for a completely off-duty army, it takes half a year to be qualified, and the logistics difficulty is very exaggerated.

Arrowheads and feathers are easy to say. The former is cast. The greater the output of this thing, the lower the cost. It is best to cast tens of thousands of pig iron arrowheads at one time, which can be used for several months.

Feathers are not difficult either. There are many birds in this land.

The only thing is that the production of arrow shafts is very difficult. A carpenter apprentice can only make 20 to 30 arrow shafts a day. This is the output after the plane, chisel, saw, and even Roman made a human-powered lathe.

The pedal lathe specially made by Roman has increased the work efficiency of carpenters by several times.

The times are barbaric, the technology is backward, and the tools are primitive.

Outside of Sige Town, making ten arrow shafts a day is considered a qualified carpenter - there is a lack of good tools, so you can only file with a file.

For this reason, the difficulty of training longbowmen is second only to that of riders.

It is easy to train in normal times, and arrows can be recycled and used repeatedly.

In any large-scale war, at least 10,000 arrows must be invested in a battle, and most arrows cannot be recycled.

Roman currently only plans to train 100 longbowmen who can fire volleys with a certain degree of accuracy.

While busy, a few days after the first snow melted, the temperature in Sige Town began to drop sharply.

The winter in the agricultural society is not suitable for production.

Many farmers took out their treasured wool sweaters and sheepskin coats to keep warm.

With a brick house, this winter will definitely be better. They thought.

However, most slaves do not have this condition. They are penniless and cannot afford thick clothes.

Roman realized this problem before the autumn harvest.

He had also purchased a lot of wool during this period, and there were also many sheep slaughtered in the livestock shed, accumulating a lot of fur.

As early as that time, Roman and Vicky had made water-powered cloth bleaching machines, spinning jenny machines, and foot-operated looms. These things were the sedimentation of civilization and the accumulation of human wisdom, but they were ready-made for Roman.

Tens of thousands of pounds of wool were boiled, rinsed, and combed, and then woven into threads with spinning jenny machines, and the threads were woven into cloth with looms, forming a complete textile process.

He planned to give two woolen sweaters to everyone in Sige Town, and two sheepskin coats to slaves as winter clothing benefits.

Others didn't understand, but were shocked.

Ten thousand pounds of wool was processed by manpower, and it would take 100 women two months to weave it into threads.

The low productivity of this era was no joke.

So this amount of wool was usually consumed in bits and pieces by the market-

It was okay for those who raised sheep at home, as they could pluck the wool once before selling the sheep, and each sheep could provide more than one pound of wool. If the sheep are grown and have wool, the selling price will be higher.

If you can’t afford to raise them or pull them, you can only buy them.

Wool is not expensive, and one copper coin can buy two kilograms of wool.

But this is the primary raw material. After buying it home, it takes time and effort to clean the wool.

And this work often has to wait until the slack season, squeezing out their few rest time.

In order to support the daily life of the family, women and daughters have to participate.

From dawn to dusk, they have to work non-stop to barely maintain the family’s living needs.

Is it miserable? Very miserable.

But misery is just a part of life in this era, and they are used to it.

After changing the textile technology, it is completely different. The wool is rinsed and woven very quickly, and its efficiency is extremely high.

A large amount of white wool is first woven into thread, then made into cloth, and then from cloth into thick woolen clothes. The whole process is extremely labor-saving.

The low cost is enough to impact the woolen market outside. As long as this place is built into a textile base, wealth will continue to flow.

However, Roman had no interest in economic warfare.

He wanted an invincible iron fist to hit them in the face, not to fleece them!

Is there any faster way to get rich than war in this world?


He invented textile machines and looms purely to save time and labor costs, and the things produced were limited to enough - without improving production efficiency, it would be impossible to meet everyone's food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Roman didn't want to fight a trade war at all, he just wanted them to work in the winter.

How can everyone stay in bed shivering all winter!

Come out to work after eating and dressing warmly!

Then Roman found out awkwardly that there was not enough wool.

There are more than 4,000 people in Sige Town, and 10,000 kilograms of wool are only two kilograms per person on average.

But after boiling and rinsing, the 10,000 kilograms of wool shrunk by at least 3,000 kilograms, after all, those sundries stained with feces and dirt cannot be counted as weight.

Fortunately, Daken found a woolen merchant and brought another 3,000 to 4,000 kilograms of wool, alleviating the problem of insufficient cold protection.

This damn place is unbearably hot in the summer, and in the winter, although it won't freeze people to death, it's enough to make them unable to work.

The woolen clothes should be distributed to those who need them most, so those families who have warm clothes can only receive two woolen clothes, which weigh more than one pound in total.

The slave-born leader was able to take four pieces, including two sheepskin coats, weighing five or six kilograms in total.

Thick clothes are indispensable in winter.

Roman gathered more than a hundred women and told them how to use textile machines and looms to process the processed white wool.

Roman sat in front of the loom, stepped on the pedal, the heald frame rose up, and the warp opened and passed through the weft.

Then he loosened his feet, the heald frame fell, and the warp closed.

Completed a standard weaving action.

The structure of the loom is simple, and the weaving efficiency is extremely high, but the learning difficulty is not low.

The peasant woman who had never touched this thing was also quite clumsy and slow, and dared not start.

Roman was not discouraged, and could only hope that the other party would become proficient with practice.

He dealt with this group of idiots all day long, and basically controlled his blood pressure.

He was ready to teach them hand in hand and personally demonstrate the weaving process, with specially selected women standing next to him who were dexterous.

His movements were smooth and fluent, his fingers were extremely flexible, and his movements were extremely elegant and precise.

But when they imitated him, they felt embarrassed.

Roman couldn't even show his disgust and disgust. Such negative expressions would only increase their psychological pressure. For such a delicate job, the more panicked, the easier it would be to make mistakes.

Just as he was numbly teaching his daily routine, a shrill voice came from outside the crowd.

"Master Roman, Master, something happened..." Jimmy ran over breathlessly.

Roman released the pedal, the heald frame dropped again, and the warp closed again.

He stopped moving and frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

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