It turns out that those idiots are also good at figuring out the thoughts of those in power.

Their ability to survive should not be underestimated.

Those idiots actually know what Roman can tolerate and what he cannot tolerate.

For ordinary people, this is an invisible sense of security.

Because the temperament and behavior patterns of the ruler can be predicted by them.

The longer you get along with him, the more you can see certain rules in his seemingly unrestrained style.

He never explains why he does this, nor does he tell the results of doing so. He calls them idiots all day long and urges them to finish things quickly.

However, the three meals a day have never been discounted, they are never moody, and they will not kill people for no reason. They are also treated very well. If they get sick or suffer a disaster, they will be arranged to rest.

All newborn children can even go to the barn to get two kilograms of milk every day.

As long as their lives are getting better and better, what the lord does is right.

This kind of rightness is not justice, but fact.

Every two days, the farm would kill a few pigs or sheep, and everyone could eat a few pieces of delicious meat, broth and bone soup.

Although it was not as good as the military camp where meat was served every day, the standard of food was also extremely high.

Of course, they had no reason to oppose their rulers.

They all thought so, and as their living standards improved, they believed it more and more.

The gods were illusory, but the lord was right in front of them.

If they did not believe in the lord, would they believe in the distant gods?

They worked a lot every day, but they ate more.

Recently, I often heard that the master was preparing woolen sweaters for them for the winter, and soon everyone would have one. It was said that some of the clothes were knitted by the master himself. Do you dare to think about it?

Therefore, most people could not understand why someone would take risks to vent their desires, risk angering the master to sneak into the female dormitory, and molest a female slave. They could only blame it on being full.

Residential area.

A farmer with a broken head and a kicked jaw was hung high by a rope.

Roman left with Seth in anger.

He was going to make laws here.

Roman was a little troubled.

The technology tree and the administrative tree are different.

Just like scientists and politicians are two different things.

Roman had some clues, but he needed to sort them out carefully.

Wait until the next day.

A prototype of a law called "Origin Code" by Roman was born.

There were only a few short articles.

He summoned Seth and Jimmy and asked them to post the paper on the bulletin board in the residential area and publicize it.

First, Lord Roman gave all his subjects complete human rights. Only human rights are inviolable in the world. Those who violate them will die.

In return, everyone must offer all your rights to Lord Roman. Those who do not offer them will have no human rights.

Second, you can do anything unless prohibited by law. You can do anything, this is your freedom.

The boundaries of your freedom are within the will of Lord Roman, and no one has the right to refuse any of his requests.

Third, in this land, all beings are equal. No one is nobler than you, not even the gods. No one is humbler than you, not even the demons.

Only Lord Roman is above everyone else, and gods and demons are in the back row.

Fourth, men and women have equal rights and status. Everyone can only have one wife and one husband.

Lord Roman is an exception.

Fifth, those who steal, fight, and disrupt social stability will be exiled to the mines.

Those who provoke public anger, violate regulations, and cause social damage will be executed on the spot.

Sixth, any believers and priests are prohibited. Once they appear, they will be immediately expelled and hanged.

You cannot believe in God, only Lord Roman.

The legal provisions are quite simple and easy to understand.

Simply put, only Roman is qualified to rape others and violate human rights in this land, and no one else is qualified.

Whoever dares to do this will die!

For most people, as long as they don't commit crimes, these laws have nothing to do with them.

The law originally punishes only a few people.

For this kind of black sheep, a heavy blow must be taken!

There are no prisons or criminals in Sig Town.

Roman didn't care about this thing. Why should he treat the prisoners well?

Either exile them to the mines and work like slaves.

Or hang them directly to serve as a warning to others.

In comparison, the abolition of slavery is not very eye-catching.

The local residents of Sig Town are also accustomed to these slaves from all over the world eating, living and sharing the joys and sorrows with them.

Roman wants to select a new police force.

His army is for fighting, not for patrolling.

There should not be too many police officers, 20 people are enough, and an average of 200 people are assigned to one police force.

The personnel come from farmers who have some prestige and are bold and careful in doing things.

The main function is to calm the place. Even if the phenomenon of stealing and cheating cannot be eliminated, it can greatly reduce the occurrence of such things and ensure order.

Another thing to be put on the agenda.

That is to solve the problem of single residents.

Desires can be suppressed temporarily, but not all the time, otherwise they will accumulate.

If desires are not satisfied, they will turn into dissatisfaction with the ruler.

As I said before, people should not eat too much.

But if you don't feed those idiots, how can they have the energy to work?

There was no other way, so we had to satisfy their desires.

Roman called Jimmy and Seth, as well as his other little apostle named Wayne, who had mastered enough numbers and words to barely qualify for management.

He said, "Take some time to arrange a blind date meeting for them."

Jimmy and Wayne could not understand yet, but Seth knew very well.

The family is the most stable social unit, especially the family with children, which is very easy to handle.

Jimmy is the director of the Residents Department, and this work falls on him to record the marital status of everyone.

But these two children can't do it alone, and they need more help from Seth.

There are many single male and female slaves, and Roman separated them before to prevent them from messing around.

But this is not a long-term solution, so if you can pair them up, pair them up.

The so-called couple is to live together, and life is too cruel to accommodate love.

If you like each other, come to the Residents Department to sign, and as a benefit, the newlyweds can get an independent house-in order to save space, six single slaves will sleep in the same house.

There are limited houses now, and newlyweds who have not received houses can only squeeze into the same house with other newlyweds for the time being.

Of course, the fact that there are not enough houses now does not mean that there will be no houses in the future.

As I said before, any commodity - even buildings are no exception. The higher the production and the establishment of standards, the lower the cost.

This also put the already weak administrative power of Sige Town directly into an overload state.

There are too many people getting married.

Register, issue houses, and register them.

In just a few days, hundreds of families applied for settlement.

The ratio of men to women in Sige Town is relatively balanced, and there are already many people of marriageable age. After this period of adjustment, it is not surprising that decisions are made in a short period of time.

If it goes as expected, many babies will be born in Sige Town next year.

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