If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 136 Kill one thief and get five copper coins

This village called Puton was reminded.

A group of vicious thugs looted Doug Village and Witte Village. Now they are heading here.

Baron Crow, who was dozens of kilometers away, decisively lit the beacon smoke and came to the village closest to the robbers.

The knights under his command rushed to stop the bandits.

He himself was going here to summon the militia to fight.

Baron Crow did not see the exact situation of the looters, but he heard about it from the knights and farmers who escaped.

That was really a large number, no less than a thousand.

Even if the cavalry composed of knights could intercept their march, break up their team, and let them scatter like birds and beasts.

But there was no way to subdue everyone.

Once such a large team was dispersed, it would inevitably be divided into more than a dozen groups of robbers, bandits, and bandits.

Baron Crow believed that it was necessary to prevent future troubles, so he organized a militia in advance to avoid being caught off guard!

The population of this village is about 1,500, and the number of militiamen is about 100, and the quality is uneven.

But when Baron Crow came, he also issued a call for other knight manors and villages to gather a group of troops as soon as possible.

He also brought the castle guards and combatants.

So, when Aaron and Green came to Puton Village with 200 lightly armed soldiers, what was waiting for them was a militia group of about 300 people who were about to go out to fight the bandits.

Aaron and Green both had a strong warhorse.

They came on horseback, wearing silver-white armor.

Aaron was in front and Green was behind. A total of 200 lightly armed soldiers.

They came at a rapid pace, and while the convoy behind them was still rushing, they rushed ten kilometers in two hours and came to Puton Village to start looting in advance.

The scouts discovered the conscripted army in Puton Village.

After a short rest, Aaron and Green began to deploy their troops.

There were 25 men in a row, and there were six rows in total, forming a long square formation, with a total of 150 men responsible for frontal combat.

The other 50 men were responsible for attacking the flanks and cutting off the enemy's retreat.

After the formation was set, they headed towards Puton Village.

Baron Crow also noticed this plundering force, so he brought his conscripted army to fight.

They were also fully armored and riding war horses.

Looking at each other from a distance, they could tell each other's identities at a glance.

Roman did not assign long-range units to Aaron and Green, and Baron Crow's militia did not have longbowmen.

Therefore, the two armies were 30 meters apart and confronted each other.

Aaron's face under the helmet was indifferent, and the army behind him was also silent. The long-handled axes and spears forged from fine steel were erected, uniform and cold like an iron forest.

At the moment of the confrontation, Baron Crow saw the enemy's standard military posture and formation, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

The other side was well-organized, with soldiers standing in a row, like a silent forest, and their equipment and weapons were extremely sophisticated.

But their formation was loose, and he even heard many militiamen whispering.

But the field of vision on horseback was very wide, and the number of both sides could be identified at a glance.

Their number was almost twice that of the other side.

This was a huge advantage!

Claude suppressed his uneasy emotions.

He was a young baron, and his title was inherited from his ancestors. He grew up in the castle of Count Kant and learned knight skills since he was a child. Now he was twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old and was a second-level war knight.

But in the case of only one person, the war knight could not charge, which was tantamount to seeking death. This was not suppressing the mob.

Especially the other side also had war knights.

The main force on the battlefield had to be this group of militia.

We couldn't delay any longer. If we continued to delay, the more these militiamen saw the other side's sophisticated equipment and the more they saw the other side's neat formation, the less they dared to charge and kill the enemy.

"Kill one thief! Reward five copper coins!" Baron Crow pulled out the knight's sword made of magic steel and shouted.

The morale that was originally a little depressed and afraid of fighting has regained stability.

Many militiamen showed eager eyes when they heard the reward.

Five copper coins is not a small number. It can feed a family of four for a month.


Baron Crow waved his knight's sword.

The conscripted soldiers behind him all rushed over, and some even had the intention of risking their lives.

"Don't move!" Baron Crow heard the shout of the silver-armored knight on the opposite side.

A very young voice, younger than his.

The unusually young knight was restraining his soldiers, ordering them not to charge and keep a complete formation.

Fifteen meters away!

"Don't move!!" The silver-armored knight shouted again.

Ten meters away!

"Don't move!!!" He was surprisingly calm and steady.

Five meters away!

The pupils of the lightly-armored soldiers in the front row reflected the scene of the enemy wearing mail armor, holding wooden spears, pitchforks, axes, and iron knives.

The enemy and us are approaching, and we are fighting hand to hand!


Hearing the order that is completely different from the previous one, the soldiers in the front row instinctively raised their long-handled axes, and the fine steel axes flashed with cold light. Swing forward fiercely!


The wounded screamed and wailed.

The number of enemies is not large, but all cavalry is very scary.

According to convention, the pioneer knights will chisel the gap.

The knights who undertake this mission are usually brave and fearless people. What they do will directly affect the outcome of the battle.

But no one had ever told them how to break through such a heavily armored formation.

They collided head-on, and the huge impact force caused the heavy shield to shake violently, making a creaking sound under the heavy load.

The entire fine steel shield was forcibly moved back half a meter, almost knocking out the heavy armored soldier behind it. After this collision, the two legs sank deep into the soil, and the shield structure became more solid.

This was still the result of not pouring all the impact force on the heavy shield.

Because of the tilted structure, most of the force was unloaded.

The pioneer knight who was responsible for the task of breaking through the formation, and his warhorse slid up along the backward angle of the shield wall - or flipped out.

The warhorse of the expedition knight had difficulty completing the jumping action.

Normally, it is relatively easy for a warhorse to jump more than one meter high and two or three meters away with a person.

But in the case of full sprint and heavy load, they can't jump up. Even if they can jump over the first shield wall, they can't cross the second shield wall.

So, a chain car accident happened here.

A total of more than ten riders, including four knights, all crashed into the shields, and lost their basic combat capabilities.

Even if they could get up, they would be trapped in the siege and could not escape alive.

However, two knights and other riders consciously suppressed the speed of their horses and fell to the back when they saw the shield wall.

When they saw the tragic car accident in front of them, they immediately pulled the reins and completed a dangerous turn.

A rider's horse was only more than one meter away from the shield wall, and the mud raised by the hard horse's hooves even splashed on the shield wall, but he luckily and dangerously completed the turn and did not hit it head-on.

He followed the other riders and left here without looking back.

At this time, the longbowmen were ready for the third round of shooting.

A round of arrows rained directly, and the riders who escaped the crisis of the shield wall could not withstand the rain of arrows. They were shot in the back and fell to the ground and died.

However, the longbowmen's arrows were basically useless against the knights, who were fully armed and had excellent horse armor.

In the end, only two knights escaped from this blocking battle.

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