If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 138 Do you think I'm made of mud? (Additional chapter for Alliance Leader Torch)

"Go ahead and do it. If it's not enough, grind these two pieces of jasper into powder." Roman was very determined and handed Green two pieces of green jade.

Green had no choice but to do it.

Jasper and malachite have similar effects and are both green gemstones.

He felt that this was a waste of natural resources.

A piece of jasper or malachite is worth at least several gold coins. The higher the quality, the higher the value.

But this thing can't bring the dead back to life. It can only promote wound healing and remove dead things and regenerate new things - it is equivalent to a special anti-inflammatory drug.

A piece of malachite can only grind out the amount of 20 to 30 people. Each person gets a small handful, which is barely enough.

According to the amount required by the knights in battle, it would be even less.

It is too expensive to use several gold coins to exchange for anti-inflammatory drugs for 20 to 30 people. With this money, you can buy the same number of slaves.

Roman doesn't think so. He has his own criteria for judging the value of dead and living things.

Those conscripts are not his enemies, but the objects of his future rule. There is no reason to blame them.

Roman was busy all night, and only had time to rest in the early morning.

He was not afraid of night attacks.

They would win if they could organize a team that could advance more than ten kilometers in the dark without collapsing.

So they only needed to arrange some scouts and outposts.


Roman slept for about four or five hours before being awakened by his biological clock.

The sky was getting light, and the gray mist looked very chaotic.

It was now the end of winter, and the temperature was rising instead of falling.

Roman could check the weather of the ‘Origin Farm’ through [Story of Life], but he was not sure about the weather outside the farm.

But there will be a heavy snowfall in Sige Town tomorrow.

This means that Kant Territory may also see snowfall.

It can only be said that it is a bit bad.

Whether it is the weather or Roman’s mood.

What’s worse is that they are going to have a serious fight with Count Kant’s vassal today.

A whole day has passed.

Even if Count Kant is slow, he should have reacted.

It is impossible to mobilize all the conscripts directly.

In particular, they lost a group of knights and conscripts yesterday, and now they can mobilize even fewer people.

In such a short time, at most they can raise a few hundred more troops.

At six o'clock in the morning, the preparations for departure were ready.

The servants got up early and went to bed late.

They were responsible for the logistics and miscellaneous tasks during the march, and the intensity of the work was not small.

In particular, they had to manage the slaves to prevent them from escaping - the four hundred servants also wore scimitars - the town of Sger had nothing else but a huge output of steel weapons.

But someone had to do the dirty work.

Roman's soldiers were used to kill the enemy, not to do miscellaneous work.

There were benefits too.

After the task was completed, each servant would get a reward of five copper coins without going to the front line.

All together, Roman had to pay 20 gold coins for the robbery.

With money, they were naturally very diligent in doing things, and their endurance for the cold environment was also improved.

They woke up all the slaves one by one, tied them up again, and gave each of them a piece of roasted meat and other food.

The villagers of Putun Village were furious.

The roasted meat came from the livestock they raised.

The food came from their winter food.


All theirs!

But they dared not speak out!

Baron Crow's body was still dangling on the branches.

Gods above!

That was a distinguished noble lord, and now he died so cleanly.

'Please ask the gods to punish these lawless thugs and let us return to normal life! '

All the farmers were praying silently.

This must be a nightmare now!

Their current identity is slaves, with their hands tied honestly, clustered together like grapes.

There are not enough menial tasks, and some slaves with good physiques have to be freed to help Roman drive the ox carts, take care of the wounded yesterday, and the babies who can't walk in the baggage carts.

One soldier was enough to intimidate dozens or even hundreds of slaves, making them afraid to act rashly.

Under the herd effect, no one dared to be the first to stand out.

Besides, they were not treated in any abusive manner.

They were simply forced to leave their homes, lose all their land and property and social status, and become the lowest-ranking slaves... that's all.

"Go! Don't delay!" The servants kept urging them, producing thick white mist when they breathed.

Everyone's fingers were frozen stiff.

The winter season had not yet passed, and the land in Kant Territory was much colder than that in Sig Town.

They were a little uncomfortable, but they had to adapt.

Roman asked them to get to the fourth village as soon as possible and try to leave this land tomorrow. Those empty merchant ships had already been prepared in the upper reaches of the Bro River.

But this required passing through Kant Territory.

Count Kant's territory was vast, located in the upper reaches of Sig Town. In fact, it was not adjacent to this tributary of the Silver Dragon Canyon, but bordered another tributary.

To be precise, the Bro River splits beside Kant Territory, and that tributary has brought a certain amount of prosperity to Kant Territory. However, Kant Territory has no special products, so most merchant ships do not stop there, and at most they regard it as a stopover for supplies.

A baron is responsible for guarding the node of the split, and there is a bridgehead - there is no bridge, only a castle, and its function is to guard against the enemies going downstream.

No one expected that the one who stabbed them was actually the neighbor downstream. It was really weird!

Roman was not worried that the baron of the bridgehead would interfere with his evacuation plan.

Nothing else.

Hanging on the tree.

The plundering route planned by Roman was tortuous.

After all, the location of the village could not be in a straight line. The landing point was different, so it was natural to go up and down and plunder some small villages along the way.

The fourth village was the village deepest into Kant's territory, which could be regarded as deep into the dangerous place.

According to Daken, the terrain of that village was very open, which was convenient for the knights to move.

The marching direction could not be covered.

This also meant that the probability of a battle was very high.

Of course, if they took a different route and did not pass through the fourth village just to evacuate, there was a small road next to it, which could avoid fighting with a high probability.

But this was contrary to Roman's original intention.

In order to save time, they could only eat breakfast on the road, otherwise they would not have the energy to travel.

This can be considered as fighting to support the war. There is basically no baggage. The caravan pulls the shields of heavily armed soldiers, but the walking speed of the slaves is equal to their forward speed.

Walking two kilometers in an hour is barely enough.

After hurrying, they approached the fourth village before the end of the morning.

At this time, a whistle sounded in my ear.

The scout who was investigating the situation reminded that there were ambushes in the distant forest.

When the number of people exceeded 100, a forest could not hide everyone. There were too many traces left by people and horses, and the careful scouts could recognize them at a glance.

But the second piece of information sent by the scout made Roman frown.

The residents of the fourth village were moving.

It was obvious that the three villages were looted yesterday and the blocking battle failed, which caused a great shock to the residents of the fourth village.

When they learned that Roman's caravan was heading here, they were scared again.

Most people fled to other places with their families, property, and livestock in a panic.

Roman led the horse and said to Dick and Jet: "Heavy armor to defend the formation, light armor to capture people, capture as many as you can... This time I will go with Aaron and Green."

He didn't care about the army led by Kant, those rotten fish and shrimp were not worth mentioning.

But he couldn't ignore the precious population.

If he watched all the idiots in the fourth village escape, wouldn't he have come here in vain.

Dick was surprised: "Ah? You..."

He was a little worried that Roman would be in danger.

"Do you think I'm made of mud?" Roman glanced at Dick. He could also go to the battlefield, and he was terribly strong, the kind of invincible at the same level.

Dick sighed: "I'll go with you, let Jet stay to command."

Roman thought about it and nodded in agreement.

It must be admitted that Dick is now the strongest in the army, and Jet can't beat him.

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