Sanna once hoped to become a manor maid.

In the small fishing village, this was a good job.

An ordinary and simple life with enough food is a luxury for a fisherwoman, without having to eat those low-calorie fish, shellfish, shrimp and crab every day.

She wanted to eat bread and oatmeal since she was a child.

But after her family was broken up, this vision was realized.

In comparison, her brother was simply an alien.

The pirates burned their home, and Kao was going to fight the pirates with a harpoon.

When he found that he was powerless to fight against those brutal pirates, he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, while protecting her from being slaughtered.

The flame of hatred was smoldering in his cruel heart, and the pain of the smoldering wound urged him to transform and grow, and dared to dance on the edge of the knife.

Although she was sad for the death of her family, she could not do the level of paranoia and madness of Kao.

Roman drove her to the classroom and taught her arithmetic and writing. She studied under the supervision of Kao. The vicious boy was never soft on her. He would beat her up if she slacked off. So her learning progress was always faster than that of Gweil.

But it made her more confused. She wanted to integrate into those maids. Her biggest wish in the past was just to eat bread and oatmeal.

But she was told that she was the sister of Lord Kao and the sister of the future knight of war. How could the sister of a nobleman become a maid?

There were only four or five knights in this land, and her brother was one of them. He had a higher status than all the stewards and soldiers.

This identity felt illusory and unreal.

She was a little confused and couldn't find her place.


Sana returned to the room in a low mood.

The lord blamed her for not staying with Kao. She was a little scared, afraid that Kao would know about this and would definitely beat her again, but she only had him.

How could they be siblings? Sana thought.

They looked similar. Wheat skin, brown hair and light blue eyes. But the personality is completely different.

Kao is reviewing the short but life-and-death battle.

He had asked Dick for advice, but after killing the knight, he always felt that he could do better. If he was decisive enough and his movements were sharp enough, he should be able to seize the fleeting opportunity and kill without injury, instead of dying with injury.

There is no way. It was his first time on the battlefield. He didn't know what to pay attention to in a life-and-death fight, and he didn't have time to transform what he learned into combat experience.

Sana came to his bedside and whispered: "Brother, do you want some hot water?"

"Don't disturb me!"

How can they be brother and sister? Kao thought.

He was fed up with Sana's useless look. His sister was cheerful and healthy. But this was not what he wanted to see. He hoped to see an aggressive sister, like a female leopard or a lioness, who could eject sharp claws, otherwise how could she get the favor of the lion king?

Without force, how could she survive in the cruel world?

"The master asked me to take care of you." Sanna said aggrievedly. After Kao came back, his attitude towards her became more and more harsh, which made her want to ask Gweil for help. Perhaps Gweil, who was also a close servant, could say a few good words for her and let Kao beat her less.

Kao stopped talking immediately.

There was only one master in the manor.

He stared at her for a moment, and suddenly said: "You go and serve our master."

Kao suddenly thought that this sudden idea was good. He said enthusiastically: "The master is going hunting. Do you know that the master has a big bow, blood red, very heavy, and inlaid with diamonds? You follow him, help him get the bow and arrow, and follow him to hunt!"

Sanna was stunned: "Ah? I'm going hunting..."

"Yes! You go and beg the master to take you! Sanna! You have to live in the eyes of the master, let him notice you, you can't keep hiding from him!"


When Sanna came to find Roman, Roman agreed after learning about the situation.

There must be a reason for Kao to do this.

He could acquiesce to the apostles' own lives and ideas, and he had always been indulgent about it.

Gweil came over excitedly when she heard about this.

One sheep is also driven, two sheep are also driven.

So the winter hunting team had two more lamb tails.

The nobles hunted first for economic and meat sources.

Because hunting can get a lot of fur and meat.

Roman could ignore the economic problem, but the food problem must be solved.

This time he had to hunt at least 100,000 kilograms of wild beasts to fill the food gap during this period.

This time he deployed troops and pulled 300 troops, leaving 200 people in the barracks for emergency use.

Even if Count Kant wanted to retaliate, he needed time to prepare, and it was impossible for him to attack immediately.

Just after a war, he had to participate in hunting again, and the soldiers did not dislike it, just as a recreational activity.

Isn't hunting much more fun than hard and boring physical training?

There is a custom of winter hunting in the northern land.

The land there is vast, but the climate is so cold that crops cannot be grown. In winter, people can only survive by fishing and hunting.

The Black Iron Land does not have this habit. Excessive hunting will destroy the balance of the food chain. It is also a great damage to the local ecology.

Although the land in this basin is extremely vast, the surrounding area available for hunting is limited.

During the autumn hunt, the wild animals were almost killed by him.

Now the winter hunt can only go further.

The heavy snow a few days ago has not melted yet, and the muddy road has been trampled out.

The sun was not visible in the sky that day.

The weather was cold and the north wind was biting.

This was a wild land, with dense forests of oak, blackthorn and dwarf chestnut trees. When you stepped into it, the calls of deer and the howls of wolves could be heard faintly in the forest.

The wild forests were intricate and the traces of civilization were here.

But the winter hunting team had to pass through them. Looking down from a high place, they looked like a colony of ants going out to look for food.

Roman looked around the wild land.

He realized that if he wanted to open up the land in the future, this land would become good farmland.

This was a long-term project. Without a population of hundreds of thousands, it would be impossible to transform this place into a livable environment. The transformation process might take 20 to 30 years.

But farming was definitely not a loss-making business, otherwise it would not be called farming.

Its income must be far greater than the investment.

Even if it was only in the early stage of land reclamation, the output of the wasteland would definitely support the pioneers - as long as they could provide sufficient logistical support.

Once it was truly reclaimed, the hundreds of thousands of acres of raw land in the basin would be turned into fertile land.

By then, the output of this land will be enough to feed three million or five million people.

When the wheat seeds are improved, it is not an empty talk to feed ten million people.

He kept these horrifying words in his throat. Today's fools cannot understand what a glorious and great mission this is.

Came to a suitable hunting place.

Roman dispersed his soldiers to form an encirclement.

The monsters are very ferocious, but facing the armed soldiers, their claws and teeth are somewhat dwarfed.

Unless they are the legendary alien species, the monsters cannot escape the hunting of humans.

Soon, the miserable howls of many monsters such as wild boars and forest bears rang out in this mountain forest.

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