If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 161 What does land reclamation mean?

The reason Roman gave a fur coat as a wedding gift was simple.

Simply because he ran out of money.

Although some wealth was robbed, it was only a hundred and eighty gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

In comparison, those captured war horses were more precious.

These metal currencies are needed to support the operation of Sige Town.

I can only give furs as gifts.

A crude fur coat costs less than 1 gold coin, but several silver coins are definitely available.

In other words, he gave away three to four hundred gold coins this time.

Of course, that's not how the accounts are calculated.

Because it can't be sold.

However, it is therefore perfect for winning over people's hearts.

Roman presided over and witnessed the grand wedding, and gave nearly five hundred soldiers three days of wedding leave.

The current conditions are simple and it is impossible for them to share a room, mainly because there is no space.

Roman prohibited them from hanging out in the woods.

So during this period of time, these newlyweds mostly held hands, kissed or moved their hands or mouths.

It will be two months before they can have a house of their own - the military compound is in the planning stages and construction has not started yet.

Roman also had to come up with a new architectural style.

Therefore, this holiday just gives them time to get along with each other.

Life in the military camp changed many of their bad habits and imprints from the old days.

When Roman was conducting cultural education, he always spared no effort to instill in them the idea that the army comes from the people and protects the lords.

This kind of thinking will give them an unprecedented sense of belief.

Because they really come from the people.

In the past, they were either slaves at the lowest level, or they came from poor and poor people.

We need to ask them more: Are they really happy when their compatriots are suffering and being exploited and oppressed by the nobles?

ah? You ask me if I have exploited you too? But don’t I exploit less than other nobles? (angry)

Roman could never personally create a military class that came from the people but was above the people.

They must not step on anyone's head, but must do their best to understand their relationship with the people.

They can be hammers and sickles, but they cannot be knives and swords.

The former can perform production tasks, while the latter can only be used for killing.

He trained them and made them mature in order to urge them to save their compatriots - to grab more people and resources for him.

Roman insists he's right!

Everyone in this era is an idiot.

Only his system is the most clever and effective, and also the most exploitative!

He wants to expand externally, expand his power, and spread his ideas of rule.

This was the common mission of those over whom he ruled.

And sooner or later, the results of his rule will benefit everyone.

This is destiny!

This is Manifest Destiny!

Every time he thinks about this, Roman gets excited and pulls the flag!

Hold high the banner of destiny! !

Fuck you! !

After the wedding, all the labor has been clearly allocated, and now it is time to officially invest.

Six hundred materials that could be made were selected and sent to the military camp;

Add one hundred prime-age laborers to the foundry and carpentry;

Transfer another 400 secondary laborers to the breeding department;

And among them, the most important thing is...

It’s time to farm!

The time for spring plowing has arrived!

Roman grew wheat and soybeans last year.

He chose the best, most fertile, and most cultivated land.

But except for those 10,000 acres of land, the condition of the rest of the cultivated land is very bad.

Especially since last year was a waste of time.

Now those lands are covered with weeds and are almost barren.

Why did Roman say those lands were wasteland?

Even because every planting is equivalent to clearing up wasteland.

It is said that it requires heavy plowing and deep plowing, but that also requires the foundation of farming.

The fields Roman chose were basically good land and were actually well taken care of.

They have experienced decades of cultivation and fallow in the past, and the top soil is relatively loose. There is a foundation for farming.

So the heavy plows easily turned out the deep soil.

And for those wild lands, heavy plowing is not very effective.

But today's fields cannot meet the demand. Now for spring plowing, we can only open up wasteland.

In this era, what does it mean to open up wasteland?

The first thing to deal with are weeds and shrubs.

Some vegetation is not afraid of fire and sickles. Their root systems are particularly developed and their regeneration ability is super strong.

Now that winter has just passed, many shrubs have not been frozen to death. Once the temperature rises, their root systems will revive and the grass seeds buried in the ground will germinate.

This is normal, otherwise there would be no such thing as wildfire burning.

If you want to weed, you have to rely on deep plowing.

So, the second thing is that the soil in the badlands is too hard.

The soil is so compacted that agricultural tools such as hoes are basically useless.

You have to use a pickaxe - the kind used specifically for mining.

Roman wasn't kidding.

Use iron tools for mining rocks to reclaim wasteland.

Hold the pickaxe high, swing it hard, insert the tip into the soil, and pry it up. Once it is pried up, several pieces of soil will break out. The wooden handle must also be specially made, otherwise it will break after being used for a long time.

This is a very cruel fact!

What's even more cruel is that steel is a scarce commodity in this era.

This means that the farmers don't even have iron farm tools, so you can imagine how low their efficiency is.

When facing raw land, they can only use wooden farm tools to dig and cultivate it bit by bit.

And there are usually a lot of stones and rocks in the dirt of raw land.

Let alone raw land, even if it is cultivated land, those stones are endless.

Every year, a large pile of stones can be turned out.

There are every year, and they can't be picked up every year.

Picking up is very time-consuming and energy-consuming, and not picking up will affect grain production.

To turn raw land into cultivated land, you have to go through a cycle of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. After three to five years, it will become cultivated land.

Gold is easy to say, the steel production of Sige Town is definitely enough to meet agricultural needs.

For wood, plant leguminous plants or other vegetable crops. Anyway, as long as it is not abandoned, planting something can effectively improve the soil composition.

Water refers to rainy days or irrigation. After every rain, the soil will be soaked and relatively easier to cultivate. This is why farmers like to work in the rain, and this land has more rainy seasons.

Fire refers to burning the wasteland, but after a long period of slash-and-burn farming, some weeds are not afraid of fire, and even like fire and can reproduce with the help of flames.

And soil can also be mixed with humus nutrients such as peat from the swamp and fermented manure in the acidic soil to mature a piece of land as quickly as possible, and it can be cultivated in three to five years.


This is also the reason why productivity was low in this era.

There were no iron tools, no heavy plows, and no agricultural technology.

Farmers were eager to increase food production, but they didn't know how to start. The agricultural revolution was still in its infancy.

There were many swamps, but Roman had never heard of anyone digging peat from the swamp as a natural fertilizer.

The entire farming process presented a kind of ignorant and innocent beauty.

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