Roman tied the white horse at the foot of the mountain.

He took the two girls up the mountain alone.

In fact, it was Gweiler who led the way.

When she took Roman to the hut with ease, the dirty doctor was squatting on the ground, preparing herbs.

"Grandpa Garin!"

"Gweiler, you brought something again... um, this time it was empty-handed... not empty-handed, you brought someone I don't want to see."

"How dare you!"

"Alas, isn't it enough that you took Jet and Dick away? Can't you leave me a quiet place?"

"The people of this land have no right to refuse me!"

"Okay, you are the lord, you have the final say. But not for Gweiler's sake, not for the sake of the gods, just give the old man a way out."

"I have something to ask you."

Roman walked into the house. This was the second time he met Garin, but their relationship was much closer than last time.

The master of medical skills in Sger Town.

But Roman was not here for this, he went straight to the point.

"How can we train qualified witches?"

"I don't know!"

"Tell me!"

Galin sighed. "Why do you bother to seek taboos?"

Roman sneered: "If I don't seek, others will. So why can't that person be me?"

During the silence of Garin. Gweil was a little absent-minded, "I'll leave for a while and come back soon." She weighed her skirt and quickly disappeared in the mountains and forests.

Galin repeated: "I really don't know."

"I don't believe it! When did witch hunting start, a hundred years ago? Two hundred years ago? Or even longer? What scares you?"

In this world, apart from the witches themselves, who is more familiar with them than the clergy?

"A saying that has been circulating in the church for a long time." Garin's face was bitter, as if he had tasted cow bile. "The devil is hidden in the fog."

The young lord sneered and said casually: "If I say that your pope is a devil in disguise, and then tie him to the stake and burn him to death, will the devil reveal his true identity?"

Garlin said subconsciously: "No... You can't do that!"

"But you did it, I just think it's ridiculous." Roman raised his chin, "So don't play tricks on me! I am the only one in this land who is qualified to define others!"

"You should know what is good and what is bad..." Garlin sighed, "Okay, the ignorant are fearless."

"I should give you this sentence."

Garlin has seen too many people in his life.

Brave knights, humble slaves, dirty nobles, profit-seeking businessmen...

But I have never seen such a young tyrant.

Disrespecting the gods and despising the church.

That attitude is even higher than the King of Black Iron. It seems that he is the most honorable in heaven and earth. What else can he not say?

Garin wanted to say that your ancestors should also respect the gods when they fought with the Church in the Silent Valley.

But he was sure that he had no fear.

If you tell him about your ancestors, he would only say that they were not worthy of the law, and call them idiots and tell them to go to hell - he didn't care at all that everything he had now came from the protection of his ancestors.


Look! !

How did such a traitorous guy who had no regard for God and the Father secure his position?

But his territory was booming, and the speed of development was extremely terrifying.

"If I say that witches are not demons, what about the pedestrians who stray into the fog? Have you heard of the legend of Cang Yue? When the fog is thick, the best thing to do is to stay where you are. The witch in the fog will only hunt active life... I can tell from your expression that you don't know this. No wonder, why did Grand Duke Liejia tell you all this, so the Cang Yue people will stay still in the fog, and the people on other lands don't care about this at all."

"So who is the demon?"

"Listen to me, child... forgive me for calling you that. Anyway, don't pursue this matter. Can you bear to let Gweil get lost in the fog alone?"

"Anyone will get lost, why can't it be Gweil? I tell you, everyone will die one day, but her death must be meaningful, otherwise it will be in vain... The demon you are talking about is the demon clan?"

"It's over! You guessed it now."

"The answer is on the riddle... It's so boring, I thought you were talking about those gods and demons."

Garlin was shocked; "Why do you think so?"

What kind of person would regard gods and demons as imaginary enemies? He thought, his heart trembled suddenly, and he felt a piercing chill.

"Nothing." Roman thought for a moment.

He only knew that the army of Grand Duke Oak guarded the Bal Mountains and the Underworld Sea. The Grand Duke was also called the Underworld Watcher. The Conqueror sent him to resist the invasion of the demons.

But that coast has been calm so far.

More than a hundred years have passed, and there is no trace of the demons in that land. At most, they fight against the Arctic pirates - those unfortunate guys did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to enter the Underworld Sea and plunder along the coast, hoping to replicate the tradition of the northern coast.


It's funny, robbing a garrison Grand Duke.

Those guys are really not afraid of death.

"I don't care so much, you have to come and train my witches." Roman said without doubt.

The old man's fluffy beard shook, and he shouted angrily: "Who do you think I am?"

I am a clergyman after all, give me some respect, okay? !

Roman snorted and said, "I thought you were not a fool!"

Jalin was at a loss whether to laugh or cry when he heard this.

"Witch hunting has become more and more intense within the Holy See in recent years, and the pope and cardinals have been arguing over this matter. One group advocates burning witches to death, while the other group advocates burning witches' family members together, on the grounds that they ensure the purity of human blood. Sex destroyed all literature related to witches——

"So how could I possibly know the witch's heritage."

Roman asked abruptly: "Which faction were you in before?"

"My previous position had nothing to do with witches."

"What now? You have left the Holy See, why do you still follow the rules?"

"I'm just a hermit now. If I could teach Gweir magic, I would have taught it long ago. But that child is not normal - I mean her ability. You must have noticed it, otherwise you wouldn't come to me. But I Let me tell you, not everyone can manipulate their destiny! This is the domain of the gods..."

Roman looked dissatisfied and said: "What on earth do those gods deserve to respect?

"I have lived in this world for seventeen years, and your age must be reversed. Don't you have a deeper understanding of this fantasy land than I do?

"I actually respect wise men, so as a wise man, you must also know what the land we live in is like - barbaric civilization, poverty, and scarcity of materials. What have the gods done for this?"

Roman said,

"I don't like talking to believers. Take Gweir as an example. Even if she does nothing, the Vatican will burn her to death. The devout believers think she deserves to die.

“There is no truth to this matter, but I very much agree with this unreasonableness.

"Because the times are like this, and therefore, the more devout believers in the Holy See, the more they deserve to die in my opinion. Do you think I am unreasonable?"

Galin turned away, and Roman laughed.

"Okay, I don't mean to target you, and I don't hate the gods. They are like floating clouds to me, but! Dirty old man! You have to admit one thing."

"The gods mean nothing to the progress of civilization!"

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