Wieliczka did not pay attention to Count Kant's words.

The absence of ridicule was the greatest respect given to Count Kant.

How could Wieliczka listen to the sophistry of a loser.

To praise your opponent is to tell others that his defeat was not so ugly.

But Steve Gayland thinks it's not that simple.

He has seen Count Kant's army. Although it is not very useful, it is still capable of fighting.

He was the first noble to come here. He talked with a knight under Count Kant and learned the specific situation at that time.

Why don't you dare to attack?

Naturally, it was because they were afraid of excessive casualties.

The young lord was also convinced of this kind of thing!

If Count Kant wants to keep them, he will do so with his life.

Unless the enemy collapses, Count Kant will collapse.

This deal is not a good deal at all.

But what if Count Conde insists on betting? What about forcibly ordering the army to attack?

After all, humans cannot be expected to remain sane forever.

Count Conde did it, which showed that the young lord lost his bet, and they would have a brutal bloody battle.

The young lord never showed any timidity, which made people feel a little frightened.

Does this mean that when they attack Sige Town, they will encounter the same level of resistance?

Guerande was slightly worried.

But on the other hand, they have an absolute advantage in numbers.

He brought 1,000 foot soldiers from the Guérande family.

Wieliczka also brought 1,100 people from his family, which seemed to be more sophisticated than the Simon family's army.

Plus Count Conde's 2,000 men.

The total strength is as high as 6,400.

Now it's just up to the Bechtes family's troops to assemble with them.

And these troops are not all infantry, but also include cavalry, archers and other units.

Even if the knights are fighting, they can gather a hundred people.

These forces can launch a large-scale war.

They were enough to burn that town to the ground.

What is lacking now is transportation capacity.

As salt farm owners, their respective territories have prosperous trade, so they control many ships and know many merchants.

They mobilized the ships they could control and mobilized all merchant ships passing through here.

Now there are about seventy or eighty pieces in total.

But even if it is fully loaded, it can only transport more than half of the troops, and cannot release them all.

"This ghost place is really unpleasant. I should have let that little noble know the big guys of my Wieliczka family." Foucault once said boldly.

Steve knew what the big guy was talking about.

It was a two-masted sailboat with a length of thirty meters and a width of seventy or eight meters. It was equipped with seventy oars and could carry up to three to five hundred people. In this era, it could definitely be called a big ship.

More importantly, it is very fast, second only to the longships of the Arctic pirates. It is said that it actually escaped the plunder of the pirates. At that time, they raced on the sea for more than ten hours, from day to night, exhausted. The pirate's shaking hands and feet were weak, and he could only watch helplessly as it entered the interior.

But it couldn't drive into the canyon. Once it hit the rocks, the boat would be destroyed and everyone would die.

Foucault did not intend to bury the precious sailing ship here, saying this is nothing more than expressing a sense of superiority.

It was as if the scion of the cracked armor family had never seen the world.

It has nothing to do with today's meetings.

"Sir Foucault, we have to wait for Berchtes. They are also qualified to rule on this matter."

Guerande reminded Wieliczka.

Wieliczka believed that he could strike first and not wait for the Bechtes family.

But the problem is that they captured Sige Town too early. What will they do when Bechtes comes?

Is it divided into the meat of the mouth or not?

Give it to Bechtes. The latter has no contribution, so why should I give it to you?

Let's not give it to Bechtes. He came all the way here and couldn't even drink the soup, so he had to find someone to beat.

Either the current town of Sig, or the future Guerande and Wieliczka.

Foucault had no choice but to wait and search for more ships in the meantime.

Five days later.

The flag of Bechtes finally appeared in Kant's territory.

There were only a hundred of them, but they were all horsemen and marched in single file.

The leader was wearing blood-colored plate armor and a blue cloak, looking very majestic.

"You must be Count Conde."

After he dismounted, he walked to Count Kant and took off his blood-colored helmet. His forehead lines were looming, and his black hair was mixed with white hair.

said the belated knight.

"Fronte sends his regards to you on behalf of Lord Bechtes."

Sir Foucault was the first to frown. "Fronte? Are you not Bechtes? And...that's all you have?"

"Sir Wieliczka, how many men do you think Bechtes should send?"

This sentence stopped Wieliczka.

He didn't expect how many men Bechtes, who had a strong army, could send, but the forces in front of him did not meet his expectations.

He has been waiting here for several days.

"Our lord sent us over to check the situation and then leave." Front said with a smile.

He is middle-aged, has a handsome appearance, and speaks like a spring breeze.

Wieliczka's frown relaxed slightly.

Since there are fewer people dispatched, the profit sharing is even less.

Now listen to what he said, as long as you pay a sum of money, Bechtes can leave.

Bechtes is the largest salt farm owner in the Black Iron Land. He can refine a certain kind of blood salt. That extraordinary resource can nourish the body and is effective for knights in battle.

Now it seems that the salt farm owner is not prepared to intervene in the competition for salt mines in this remote place.

The three families can certainly control half of the salt production in the Black Iron Land.

But the strength of the three nobles is very different.

A more accurate statement is - Bechtes was the Wei state in the late Three Kingdoms period.

Bechtes used to be keen on mining salt mines. Once any salt mine appeared, Bechtes would definitely intervene. He had a war with other nobles more than ten years ago.

They were unwilling to confront the strongest salt farm owner in the Black Iron Land, so they had already prepared for negotiations, but they did not expect that the latter would give up this time.

Steve felt that this was related to the current strange situation in the Black Iron Land.

Bechtes is now unable to pay attention to this remote area, let alone invest a large number of troops.

"Sir Front, it turns out to be you. We have been waiting for you for a long time." Count Conde warmly received the war knight named Front.

The two middle-aged men had a great time chatting with each other. They had similar experiences and had many common topics.

During this period, Count Conde greatly praised Sir Front and repeatedly mentioned a battle more than ten years ago.

Front defeated seven campaigning knights and captured four campaigning knights in one battle, thus becoming famous.

But now very few people mention that battle.

Wieliczka disagreed.

He is just a retainer of Bechtes, not worthy of attention.

When a knight in battle reaches forty, his physical fitness will decline rapidly. All they can show off are their past honors. When he grows up, he will become famous and create new deeds in the future.

Steve from the Guélande family echoed the sentiment, respecting this somewhat old warrior knight. A warrior knight who could leave a mark on the battlefield must at least have the strength of the fourth or fifth level.

The strongest ones brought by Guerande and Wieliczka basically looked like third-level knights.

Carter and Simon also welcomed Front's arrival, especially after learning that the latter would not participate in the battle for the salt mines, their attitudes became even more enthusiastic.

Guerande and Wieliczka regarded them as business-stealers and kept their words hidden. If Count Conde had not resolved the situation several times, conflicts between the two parties would have erupted long ago.

Even so, old grudges have been buried.

Bechtes, who was supposed to be the most powerful and domineering, was kind to them, which undoubtedly made them relieved.

After a day of rest, everyone was ready to attack Sige Town.

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