Half a month later, Roman learned about the accident in Longbao.

Gale Slayer becomes the new Archduke.

The first thing he did was to write a letter to inform all the armor-breaking vassals and heirs.

They were asked to send three-quarters of their troops to assist the Grand Duke and avenge the old Duke of Ulster.

The target of revenge is all witches on the earth.

He vowed to make those dirty female rats who use poison to harm people pay the price!

For old vassals, all it takes is sending birds to convey messages.

Those birds are specially trained to travel back and forth on fixed paths and land on the shoulders of specific people.

But this method cannot notify everyone, and messengers need to be sent to remote fiefdoms where birds cannot reach.

At this time, other vassals and the heirs of the cracked armor had already led their troops to the expedition.

But Roman still heard Seth reading the contents of the letter in the manor hall.

He sat on the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests of the chair, tilting his head to the side, and covering his face with his right hand. No one could see his expression clearly.

"Gale did it!" he said, his tone cold.

Seth was horrified when he heard this: "This is impossible!"

"It must be him! He is forcing the palace! He has the greatest benefit!"

"Master, calm down, Lord Gale cannot be the murderer..."

"Then he is also one of the murderers!"

Roman yelled, he raised his head, his red eyes filled with anger,

"Dragon Castle! That's the Dragon Castle of the Archduke of Armor Splitter! A Dragon Castle with a family heritage!! Someone sneaked into the Dragon Castle and murdered the owner of the castle! Is it that simple?! Why didn't anyone use this method to kill the Black Iron King? ! Just let that damn assassin kill all the Earth Kings!"

Seth's heart was filled with turmoil, and he wanted to refute, but he didn't know where to start.

Something must have happened at Dragon Castle that night. The family inheritance failed to take effect for some reason, allowing the assassin to seize the opportunity - the Grand Duke's protection was always tight.

"Idiot! They're all trash!" Roman stood up angrily.

He violently kicked the long table in front of him to the ground, scattering the decorations and tea.

Roman roared, "I'm going to hang them! I'm going to hang them!"

He gritted his teeth and cursed, his face was ferocious, and he uttered a few words in his native language that no one could understand.

Seth stared at him blankly: "Master, you have lost your composure."

Roman covered his face with his hands, which was actually a bit painful.

He pursed his lips tightly and turned away with an indifferent expression.

Not long after.

After receiving the news, Aaron, Green and others hurried back from the military camp.

They were all a little surprised to see the mess everywhere.

"Where's Roman? What happened?"

Seth relayed the news of the letter to everyone, there was nothing to hide. This concerns them all.

"Master Gale summons us back?"

Aaron and Green looked at each other.

"Yes, everyone, three-quarters of the force."

Dick and Jet were silent.

Sige Town has reached the consolidation stage and it is time to lay the foundation.

How to go now? They had just had a battle,

The consequences of the vassal's failure to respond to the lord are even more serious, which is tantamount to betrayal.

"This matter needs to be decided by Roman." They all thought so.

Even the pressure brought by the army's pressure in the past few days is far less terrifying than this paper transfer order. Once the wrong choice is made, it means that all efforts will be in vain.

Soon, Roman returned with a normal expression and sat on the lord's seat again.

"No!" he said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seth was the only one with a solemn expression, "Master, do you know what this means?"

Roman looked at him, wanting to say something, and finally closed his eyes before he could say:

"The only person I owe anything to in my life is no longer there...Gail has no right to order me around."

"I hope you can reconsider it. Lord Gale's messenger was stopped by me at the dock. You still have time."

There was no way Seth was going to sit back and watch Roman destroy himself.

"Then put this matter off." Roman calmed down and regained his composure.

"How to delay?"

Roman asked: "What else did the letter say?"

"Sir Gale wants you to explain the current situation in Sige Town, the salt mines, the plundering of Kant Territory, and the war between the five nobles. He wants to know everything here, including the details of all our troops."

Those things could not be concealed, and the six major families suffered a defeat. This was something no one expected.

Roman knew it, and so did Gale.

Theoretically speaking, Roman had the right not to explain, but Gale also had the right to change the town to a new lord.

So he said; "I won't explain."

Seth was stunned: "Then how do we reply?"

"First of all, recognize Gale's position as Duke, and secondly, express condolences for the death of the old Duke...ask him if he will fulfill the old Duke's promise: Sige Town will not pay taxes for three years. I am very willing to contribute to the Duke of Armor Breaking , but now that the army is approaching, I can't escape. When the time is right, I will send troops to help, so that Gale doesn't have to wait for me, they can take the first step."

Seth froze again.

These reasons are untenable.

Not paying taxes is a normal situation, but this is war time.

There is no reason for the army to invade the territory.

Seth can guarantee that once Roman sends troops to leave Sige Town, the five major families and Earl Kant will have to withdraw their troops.

Unless Roman comes back with his troops, they can't get involved in everything in Sig Town.

At least there is some consensus among the nobles.

The two dukes fought side by side, but their essence was to maintain the order of the conquerors.

Once the vassals send troops, it is certain that the interior of the fiefdom will be empty.

But no one dared to take advantage of those fiefdoms, otherwise they would offend the Armor Breaking, Raging Tide, and Black Iron royal families at the same time.

No one can handle this kind of pressure.

The question is, when is the right time to send troops to help?

"I... don't quite understand what you mean." Seth was confused.

Roman said; "Pretend to do nothing."

send troops?

What a fart!

Ulster can't survive, so what is Gael.

"Is this okay?"

"why not."

"What about Sir Gale's question?"

Roman said: "He said his, I said mine. When did I openly disobey the Archduke of Armor Splitting?"

"Seth, you have to understand that Sig Town is very poor. Green and Aaron are ill with malaria, bedridden, and are about to die. Because of the war not long ago, I was stabbed by an unknown noble, and I am not seriously injured now. We are now short of major generals and disabled everywhere... But I will overcome these problems one by one, and Sige Town will send troops soon!"

How fast is fast?

Roman didn't know either.

"It's up to you to write this letter, and your attitude must be right."

He was afraid that if he impulsively wrote dirty words on the parchment, he would be in trouble.

Seth felt that this was not impossible.

At least it appears to be legal.

These days, letters come back and forth every month, and it’s so easy to procrastinate.

For such a big move by the two Grand Dukes, it is impossible for tens of thousands of troops to wait for ten and a half months for a small vassal in a remote place.

In fact, they couldn't wait even a day and were planning to leave now.

Do you want to come or not?

But the summoning order has been sent out, and those who don't come just don't have to worry about settling accounts later.

Seth said: "You can't delay this for long."

Once he fails to join the war in time, Roman will have no choice but to quibble when Duke Gale returns to court.

Roman shook his head and said, "I only need half a year."

But he had a hunch that the order of conquerors that Wrath Tide and Armor Splitter needed to maintain would not be able to be solved in half a year. The pirates alone were so menacing that they could be suppressed in half a year?

Roman didn't believe it at all.

You have battle knights, and it’s not like the pirates don’t have extraordinary units, otherwise why would they be robbing the land?

War is a quagmire and a whirlpool.

There have been no large-scale wars in the past few decades, and now the population needs to be consumed.

There were already people who were ready to attack and were watching eagerly. Now that the time was right, they rushed in without hesitation, just to involve more people.

So the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the gravity is getting more and more terrifying.

Until enough lives are devoured, the living can step on the dead to get out of the quagmire and settle down again.

But the death of Ulster made Roman feel that the matter was full of conspiracy.

The old Duke dies and the new Duke blames the witch.

yes! unambiguous evidence!

But how could a witch make enemies on both sides? It didn't make sense.

He had an extremely terrifying suspicion.

The suspicion was not confirmed, so Roman could only wait.

He believed that one day the truth would come to light.

The conspiracy would eventually be exposed, and when that time came, he would execute everyone involved in Ulster's death.

"What about half a year from now?" Seth asked.

They will always have to face the new Archduke of Armor Splitting.

The worse outcome is that Gale will directly deprive Roman of his rights as a lord.

So he thinks procrastination is just slow death.

"half year later……"

Roman said after a moment of silence.

"I will make myself king."

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