These days, the development is going smoothly.

But what makes Roman uncomfortable is that the commercial network of Sig Town has been blocked.

Since the end of the war, no merchant ship has come to Sig Town, and no merchant has come to do business with him.

Count Kant and the five nobles have blocked it very tightly.

They thought that this would starve Roman to death and defeat the enemy without fighting.

But they didn't know that the residents of Sig Town lived a very comfortable life.

It's funny, they can't starve to death at all.

But it also accidentally caused Roman a great dilemma.

Roman needs to purchase a large amount of materials to accelerate development.

For Sig Town, which has a simple social structure, it certainly can't produce everything.

For example, making pencils requires graphite, and printing requires ink, otherwise students can't do homework.

For example, woodworking factories need paint and varnish to protect furniture.

For example, pottery and jars are purchased from outside.

For example, many weapons need to be oiled and waxed.

Although Roman could ask carpenters to plan wooden bowls and coopers to make wooden barrels, he had no manpower to make pottery.

Those pottery jars were broken and all were out of print.

Of course, these things can be produced.

But the problem is that to develop those industries, many people are needed, and an independent industry must be developed.

Now there are no idle people in Sige Town!

This kind of material demand is multi-level and multi-faceted.

Many things seem insignificant, but they are actually very important.

Once the connection with the outside world is cut off, Roman will be unable to make a meal without rice.

It is very uncomfortable to not get external materials.

Of course, there is no big problem now, because the inventory is still enough.

But Roman has the habit of preparing for a rainy day.

Commercial trade is the top priority for the development of the territory. Losing trade will lose vitality.

Some farmers also have money saved at home.

Some families have soldiers, and their families have received the soldiers' salaries.

Some people are engaged in special professions and have been rewarded by Roman.

Some people sold livestock and stored grain to Roman.

Some people worked secretly from dawn to dusk to grow crops, and were compensated after Roman sent people to harvest them.

Roman met their survival needs.

But after the survival needs were met, farmers had to face other needs.

Every time a merchant ship arrived, the rich farmers would rush to the dock to do business with the merchants and buy some goods.

Including but not limited to buying furniture, pottery, textiles, beer cheese, or to decorate their houses or improve the quality of life.

Some goods can be produced in the town of Sger.

Some cannot be produced.

Let's talk about textiles.

Although Roman made a loom, he didn't even have the raw materials, so he couldn't produce.

Now in early summer, residents can't wear wool sweaters, they can only wear linen clothes, the thinner the better.

But the town of Sger doesn't grow flax - Roman thinks it's troublesome to make it, so it's better to buy ready-made ones.

Now it's sent.

If you can't buy things for a long time, the town of Sger will become a stagnant pool.

This was a devastating blow to the rapidly growing town of Sige and the people who were eager to develop.

Of course, Roman would not think that the five nobles could really block the river for three to five years - they could not even last half a year.

It was nothing more than a waste of time.

Either I can't bear it, or you can't bear it.

Unfortunately, Roman lost, and lost completely.

He had great patience for farming and was willing to work hard for two or three years, but he could not stand being strangled by others!

Because he was an avid supporter of the S3 season in his previous life!

Who do you think you are!

How dare you strangle me!


Roman gathered all the troops of Sige Town.

A total of two thousand people.

The shortest of these soldiers had undergone two months of physical and queue training.

Physical training is easy to understand. The stronger the physical fitness, the stronger the combat effectiveness.

Queue training can not only improve organization and discipline, but also strengthen muscle memory.

More importantly, it can change their physical and mental outlook.

Others can tell what a farmer is like at a glance.

His skin was dark, his feet couldn't stand straight, he was hunched over, and walked awkwardly.

A healthy man with all four limbs walked in the same way as Yaki.

Let alone approaching, even if he looked at him from a distance, Roman knew that he exuded the smell of poverty and lowliness of a countryman.

What's the point of being timid!

Straighten your spines, hold your heads high!

Soldiers should act like soldiers!

Of course, Roman would never lose his temper with his soldiers, they could only accept Jet's rapier whip.

The swordsman was proficient in killing skills, and Jet's hands were extremely steady, and his moves were even more accurate, and he could accurately hit the body parts that were not seriously injured but caused pain.

Not to mention the new recruits, even last year's veterans were scared when they saw Jet.

They all stood at attention with their necks stiff, and they were meticulous.

After two months, it was very effective.

The military formation greatly improved their mental outlook!

At first glance, they looked very energetic!


The army assembled.

Roman gave a pre-war speech to all the professional soldiers:

"We are about to start a war!

"Yes, we will be on the battlefield again soon!

"Why do we want to start this war?

"Because of you!

"Don't look at each other, don't doubt, it's because of you!!

"Some of you are slaves, some are from Kant Territory, and some are natives.

"Let me ask, what was your life like before?

“No food to eat! No clothing to cover the body! Poverty and disease!

"Am I exaggerating! Not exaggerating at all! A cold can kill you! There is no life protection at all!

"You have rulers, you have lords, why are you in this situation?

“Because your master doesn’t care about your life or death at all!

"I wanted to ask!


"Why can they treat you like this?

"Are you disloyal? Are you disrespectful to me? Are you not gentle enough?

"No! You didn't do anything wrong!

"It's all because of their greed! It's all because of their excessive demands!

“It’s all them who are oppressing you!!

“There is only a system of oppression! There is no minimum protection!

"Only the right to exploit! No obligation to rescue!

"Those idiots! Those insects! They are not qualified rulers at all! They are not qualified lords at all!

"And these insects! They are everywhere! There are too many! There are too many! There is no way to kill them all!


“Are you going to sit back and wait for death because of this?!

"You can only watch helplessly! Watch your family suffer, watch your family starve to death, watch your family freeze to death!

"Yes, you can only watch with helpless eyes! You can only endure, suffer, and live day after day...

"Because you are too weak! You have no power! You have no rights!

"from now on!!

“Everything has changed!!

"I! Your current, future, and only lord! In the name of Roman, I give you the right to resist!

“I want you to unite!!

“If you don’t have power, I will give you power!

“If you don’t have weapons, I will give you weapons!

"You have no right, I give you the right to resist!

"I have only one request for you!

"That's resistance! Resist! Resist to the end!

"No matter when the time comes, remember! Only the spirit of resistance is indelible!

"Unqualified lords are not qualified to rule you! They are not worthy!!

"From now on! I will lead you! Kill all the unqualified insects! Kill them one by one! Kill until rivers of blood flow! Kill until mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

"And this! Requires war!

"Are you afraid of war?

"Whoever dares to say he's not afraid, I'll beat him up!

"Because I'm scared! Why aren't you scared!

"I'm afraid we'll be defeated, I'm afraid we'll lose our future, I'm afraid we'll lose hope!

"I'm afraid that you won't have food to eat, clothes to wear, or a house to live in in the future. I'm afraid that your parents will die from exhaustion. I'm afraid that your wife will get sick and no one will take care of you. I'm afraid that your children will not have enough nutrition to grow up!"

“I’m really scared!!

"But! You should know! You should know!

"Human beings can only be brave when they are afraid!

“The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

"The greatness of mankind is the greatness of courage!

“We stand together, live and die together, and fight side by side!

“We must win this war! Because we must open up our living space!!

"And in the future war! We will also win! Because we must consolidate the foundation of our survival!!

"We have no one to rely on! We have no allies! But we have to challenge the entire land! But we will definitely win!!

“Because destiny is mine!

"Because I am destiny!

"The destiny is clear! We are victorious!"

In early summer of the second year.

Roman stood tall and tall in front of all the soldiers. He raised his right fist high and shouted at the top of his lungs.

And in response to him...

They are the same armies with their right fists raised high and placed above their heads, reflecting each other like divine rings.

They shouted like a mountain and a tsunami, "The destiny is clear and we are victorious."

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