After Roman landed, he first released a hundred scouts.

All the war horses were handed over to the riders and scouts.

Let's light up the vision first.

Roman once led his troops to attack Kant Territory, but he couldn't do it again.

They were prepared.

Secondly, the mountain roads were undulating. Although they could march, they were not suitable for formation and could only fight on a small scale.

Once they walked in, they would be courting death.

Because there were too many enemy troops and too many small roads in the corners, Roman would be attacked from many sides.

It was better to take the main road.

The terrain of the wilderness downstream was dangerous. Roman spent a day crossing the wilderness and led the army to a wide road.

This road was a secondary road branching off from the Black Iron Road. Along this road, you can go directly to Kant Territory.

Two thousand military servants in the rear brought various supplies and sent them here continuously.

Roman was discussing with his expeditionary knights what kind of battlefield to choose.

It was also this day.

The scouts he sent out brought the news.

The noble coalition army approached this side, with a total of six flags flying.

Their family emblems were the black beast (Bechts), the golden treasure chest (Wielicka), the salt flower (Guerande), the beast heart (Carter), the closed door (Simon), and the towering castle (Kant).

Their total strength was about 7,000.

There were about 300 cavalrymen.

And there were about 70 knights.

The rest were infantry units.

Those armies gathered under their family flags.

They were clearly divided when marching and had nothing to do with each other.

The Bechts family had the least troops, only 50 cavalrymen, but one-third were knight-level. The leader was Front in blood-colored plate armor.

Count Kant had the most troops, about 3,000 people, accounting for half of the total troops, which was very spectacular.

The other four major families had hundreds or thousands of troops.

They will arrive here the day after tomorrow.

Roman and Dick discussed for a long time.

You can’t choose a dangerous place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Let’s not talk about whether there is one, even if there is one, it won’t work.

The noble coalition army stopped in front of the steep terrain. If they didn’t attack, they would just besiege. Once the stalemate lasted for a long time, Roman’s logistics would not be able to keep up - he only brought half a month’s worth of food this time.

He came out this time to fight a quick battle, not a protracted war.

So if there is a decisive battle, then fight it.

The other side probably thought so too. They have been stationed for two months and haven’t seen any hair. It’s not worth the loss to waste time.

But you can’t fight a decisive battle on the plain.

Roman wants to kill through the terrain and ban the cavalry unit.

It’s easy to find a terrain where cavalry can play, but it’s also easy to find a place where cavalry can’t play well.

In the end, Roman chose a valley to confront the noble coalition army head-on.

The valley terrain is narrow and tortuous, with uneven slopes, a bit like a pass.

The terrain on both sides is a bit steep, so it’s impossible to march. You have to find a relatively flat terrain to enter the valley.

This was originally a rift valley, probably a landform eroded by heavy rain and floods over the years.

It is not the midsummer season yet, and there is only a small stream flowing. The bottom of the ditch is full of gravel, forming a rocky beach.

Once the warhorse steps into it, it cannot charge and can only walk over.

It is said to be narrow and winding, but it is not too narrow. The narrowest section is 40 to 50 meters, and the widest section is 100 meters.

This also means that the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road.

Roman spent a day marching 20 kilometers to lead the soldiers to this land, and began to cram for the military formation and brainwash them constantly to avoid becoming weak shrimps.

Although he was outnumbered.

Two thousand against seven thousand. But Roman felt that he had the advantage.


Two days passed in a flash.

Roman's scouts were scouting for information.

And the scouts of the noble coalition also learned about Roman's approximate strength and deployment. It was basically two-way transparency.

Wieliczka sneered, "Roman really dared to come out! He is really looking for death!"

Frant said to the Count, "Lord Kant, that battlefield is not suitable for the knights to perform, and Bechts may not be able to provide you with help."

Bald Carter said, "We can't attack rashly."

Sir Simon followed suit. "You are right, we have suffered losses before, Lord Carter."

Steve said. "Sir Foucault, we must defeat Roman quickly."

Lord Kant said, "Lord Frant, I borrowed a thousand troops this time. We can only win this battle, not lose. I hope you can support me more!"

The six nobles said their own things, and their words were not connected.

Wieliczka was talking to Garand, saying that he would quickly defeat the vassal with cracked armor and avenge his previous shame.

The two foreign families, the Carter family and the Simon family, were united and would never be the first to stand out.

Count Kant hoped that Sir Frant could help.

The Earl did not have many soldiers to fight, because Roman plundered nearly one-eighth of the population of Kant Territory.

The most important thing was that the troops were seriously lost.

In order to maintain the quality of the army, the Earl had to borrow a thousand soldiers from a distant noble family. It can be said that he bet the future of his family on this battle.

Sig Town is a remote place, and it has developed rapidly in the past two months.

There have also been great changes within the noble coalition.

In short, they hated each other at first, but after the defeat of Sig Town, they hated each other more and more, the contradictions began to intensify, the quarrels became more and more intense, and they almost fought several times.

Front of the Bechtes family watched coldly.

He was sent here to make some extra money, so he only brought a hundred riders this time.

The family of Bechts responded to the call of the Grand Duke of the Wrath of the Sea, and the main force of the family is now fighting pirates along the coast.

The war on the front line is tight.

Count Bechts initially ordered him to come back quickly.

But for some reason, he changed his mind halfway and left Front on this land.

But lack of troops is still lack of troops, so half of the hundred riders were transferred away, and the count gave him an intriguing order.

"Wait and see what happens, and act according to the circumstances."

The meaning of the order is to be inferred according to the temperament of the owner.

Front knows the temperament of the feudal lord very well. Count Bechts is ambitious, unlike Count Kant - this count has poor innate conditions, lacks this and that, and for a salt mine, he wants to bet all his family assets.

Count Bechts is playing a bigger game. He is a top earl who controls half of the salt production in the Black Iron Land. His status in the Black Iron Land is second only to the Black Iron Duke. He hopes to lead the family to a further step.

So, he acts very radically.

In Front's view, the earl asked him to wait and see, which means he should not do anything.

He is a knight of the Bechts family, so he naturally has to obey the orders of the feudal lord.

But how to do this well is a bit troublesome.

They are still a noble coalition in name. Everyone has a bad relationship and spits at each other, but it has not reached the point of fighting.

After the salt mine is in hand, the benefits will be redistributed.

At that time, there will be revenge and grievances.

Now, the hard bones have not been gnawed. Everyone still has to pay money and work hard. And he can't be idle.

But everyone thinks...

Seven thousand against two thousand, the advantage is mine.

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