If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 19 I have the right to take charge of everything

Roman had heard Maul talk about it before, but didn't understand it deeply.

The betrayal knight, the weird doctor, the legendary thief, the deserter on the battlefield...

These people are far more dangerous than hunters. They are basically wanted criminals. Otherwise, how could they escape to this remote country?

Moore still adheres to the principle of 'don't offend the river'.

Roman frowned and said, "There are no witches in the mountains?"

Moore was surprised: "I have never heard of it... Mr. Roman, do you think that witch is looking for a companion?" He thought of the strange figure that was witnessed the night before.

Roman only had suspicions and no evidence.

The biggest obstacles to traveling in the mountains are the precipitous terrain, fast-flowing streams, and huge differences between the top and bottom, making it difficult to pass.

But that doesn't mean there are no shortcuts.

There are no roads in the world, but the more you walk, the more roads you will find.

Don't think of hunters as gods who come and go without a trace in the mountains. If you want to live for a long time, you must have a fixed residence and exchange supplies with Sige Town in exchange for necessary supplies.

If you have a fixed residence, you have a fixed route.

Over time, the people of Sige Town knew that the camp of this group of hunters was very reasonable.

Roman and others followed this road to the settlement of mountain people and hunters.

Farming is also required in the mountains, by spreading seeds in the cracks between rocks or cultivating small pieces of flat land.

But it is unreasonable to farm on his land and not give him a dock!

Before arriving at the hunters' residence, Roman suddenly frowned, and there was some kind of premonition coming from the mountain forest at an angle.

He is a practicing archer and is very skilled. When he is pointed by an arrow, he will feel some kind of premonition.

If you switch to a sniper rifle, the effect will be even greater.

Aaron also discovered something strange. There were unnatural commotions in the forests and shrubs in some places.

Aaron noticed someone trying to surround them from behind, took off his buckler, stood firm, and stood on Roman's left side. Green's eyes also became sharp. He pulled out a steel sword mixed with orichalcum and stood back to back with Roman, forming a triangle position.

Seeing the reaction of the two men, the guards hesitated and nervously formed their formation.

"Do you want to be the enemy of your lord?" Roman said loudly.

A word came from the mountain forest: "We have no lord."

Roman said calmly: "Now you have it."


The sound of the bowstring tightening sounded one after another in this silent mountain forest.

The two sides became tense.

Roman did not take out his weapon. He said calmly: "Do you want to fight against the knights? You can't do it. Now come out and kneel in front of me. I will forgive you."

There was silence. Roman and Green and other extraordinary beings with keen ears could vaguely hear the whispers coming from the forest.

The hunters were talking about it, but it was obvious that someone had a different opinion, so it was more like an argument.

After a while, a young hunter came out of the forest: "We just want a way to survive. If you are willing not to disturb our lives, we can contribute the prey we hunt to you in the future..."

The hunter was about to make a condition when he saw Roman looking at him with a surprised look and a strange expression on his face.

His heart suddenly sank, and he felt that something bad might be going on, but he heard Roman say: "Then you will be loyal to me."

The hunter's brain was a little down: "..."

Roman snorted: "In this land, I have the right to dominate everything. Everyone is my subject. Say your name, my apostle."

"Do... Dota Gurney."

【Two-star multiple towers

Attack: E+, Defense: E, Speed: E+, Constitution: E+, Energy: E

Talent: Eyesight - Improved observation of the environment

Skill 1: Tracking - Capture clues and deduce the movements of the trace maker]

On the day you recruit the apostles, other modes in "Noah's Ark" are unlocked.

For example, [Battlefield Simulation], [Dispatch Operation], [Integrated Operation], [Apostle Battle Group], [Destiny Expedition], etc.

But it's of no use to him now.

Combat and enough Apostle units are required to use those features.

Roman hummed softly: "Take me to find other people in the mountain. All of them, I will decide whether to make them loyal to me based on their performance."

In fact, every adult farmer in Sige Town is familiar with the mountains.

In some famine years, when food was not enough, farmers in Sige Town relied on gathering and hunting to get through those difficult years.

Not to mention that mountains and forests are where wood fuel is obtained.

However, due to barbarism and ignorance, many people only dare to explore on the edge. Even experienced hunters dare not go deep into it. It is said that the mountain can eat people and has ferocious monsters.

All Shasta saw were trees, mountains and rocks.

She couldn't help but sigh.

The mountain is not high, but the forest is very dense and the trees grow wildly.

Narrow, enclosed spaces can feel depressing.

She knew why there was a saying that mountains can eat people.

No matter where humans go in the dangerous mountains, they seem to have slipped into the mouth of a giant beast and disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Shasta gets a clue about the Witch of Sigtown.

She followed the woman's instructions, took a cloth bag with two pounds of peas in it, and explored up a stream. Finally, she found the huge, crooked-necked dwarf chestnut tree in the complex terrain of the mountain.

It has lush branches, like a huge afro. Because the temperature has risen, the dense and numerous branches have also sprouted green buds, dyed with some spring colors.

There are as many dwarf chestnut trees as there are in this forest.

But there are very few of its kind as thick and twisted as this one. It grows by the stream, and its twisted upper body looks like it is about to dip into the water to wash its hair. Its branches hang down and touch the surface of the river.

Shasta tied the bag of peas under the branches of the dwarf chestnut tree, and she hid somewhere higher.

She spent the first day without seeing anyone, so she had to sleep in the forest. The early spring was very cold, and the temperature in the mountains was even lower. Fortunately, she was a witch, not an ordinary person, so she could protect herself for a short time.

On the second day, Shasta finally saw a ragged thin figure. The man stood under the dwarf chestnut tree, tiptoed to take the cloth bag, and lifted his tattered clothes like an apron, pouring the beans inside into it.

Then she looked around, lowered her head, and left quickly.

Seeing this, Shasta immediately followed.

She followed the child to her residence, which was a shack made of leaves and branches, which could only shelter from the wind and rain. This surprised Shasta a little. Even the simplest shelter could not be built by a child. Maybe someone helped her.

This is also normal. If no one helped her, a child could not live alone in the mountains for more than a year.

Shasta felt sad, and she appeared in front of Gweiler.


Gweiler jumped up in fright, and all the peas in her arms fell out.

Her dirty little face looked at the beautiful woman in front of her in horror.

"I am Shasta, Gweiler, don't be afraid, we are companions." Shasta released a faint black smoke from his body.

"Are you a witch?!" Gweiler said in shock. She took a step back, unbelievable, as if she had seen something horrible.

"...You are also a witch."

Gweil cried and said forcefully: "No, I am not!"

"Do you want to deny your power? Or do you want to deny yourself?"

Gweil shook her head and cried: "I don't have evil power, I am not possessed by the devil, don't come to me."

Gweil staggered back, as if she was about to turn around and run away. Shasta had a strong reaction. She immediately rushed over and hugged her in her arms, because she was afraid that she would lose control. At the same time, she comforted her and said: "Good child, I know you are very scared, but you don't have to be afraid. I will take you away. You will eat bread and oatmeal every day and you will be full. You can sleep well on the soft bed without worrying about being exposed to wind and rain. My sister, I will not let others hurt you again. We were born in this land not just to suffer, and we should not be burned to death after awakening..."

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