Sir Simon retreated to the rear. Carter asked impatiently, "What happened?"

Sir Simon smiled bitterly. What else could he do?

They returned in defeat.

"His spearmen are too advantageous." He said concisely.

The nobles in the rear also saw clearly that the Simon family had indeed tried their best.

They were suppressed by archers in the early stage and by spears in the later stage.

The average spear of this era was only more than two meters, while the opposite side was four or five meters, and they advanced and retreated in moderation.

They could only wonder.

Why did they feel that they had encountered an epoch-making army, and were suppressed in all directions, and it was very uncomfortable to fight.

These operations were rare in this era.

"You played too steadily, you should have rushed forward all at once!" Carter criticized.

"Lord Carter, you think too highly of me." Sir Simon said helplessly.

I don't know how many people would die in that way.

They really can't stand the loss.

He didn't even know if those conscripts would be willing to launch a second attack.

He was sent to lead the charge. No one expected him to win the battle in one go. He was more of a spy for the enemy to facilitate subsequent deployment.

Simon had to say a few more words because it was about interests.

"My Lord Earl, it is difficult for us to defeat the enemy head-on. This is not something we can do alone. I suggest sending an army to go around and form a two-sided trap. Otherwise, be prepared for a long-term stalemate. Or we can send an elite force to attack the town of Sger - it must be empty inside now."

He gave three strategies: the best, the middle, and the worst.

Sending people to steal the house is the best strategy, the stalemate is the middle strategy, and the two-sided attack is the worst strategy.

It is too difficult to attack by force.

The opponent is playing the exchange tactic, which will cause heavy casualties.

"What do you think, Lord Front?" Count Kant looked at the senior knight in blood-colored plate armor.

Front thought for a moment and shook his head and said, "According to Lord Carter, after the male tiger leaves the nest, there is still a female tiger inside."

Be in awe of the unknown.

Seven thousand against two thousand, and stealing the home...

It's not about the noble spirit. Stealing the home means dividing the troops, extracting the most elite group of people, and sending them to that valley quickly and well.

The war knights are the best choice.

You can't just send the war knights, there are also knights' followers, who can help the war knights to block arrows when necessary.

In this way, these three to five hundred elite main forces will pass.

With the war wisdom shown by the other side, if they say they are completely unprepared, then they are unwise.

Do you really want to send elite forces to that piece of land where you don't know the details?

There is no tolerance for error in war.

Moreover, Roman knew the news that the war knights formed a group to attack the town of Sger.

Without their main force, the two sides will fight head-on.

To this day, everyone admits that he is a very scary lord, and they can't beat him just by fighting. How many people will die.

His army is like a hedgehog with a tortoise shell.

The major families also complained about this war, believing that they should not leave their troops here to fight a war with high casualties.

Conscripts do not need to be taken care of in normal times, just reduce taxes and exempt them from levies.

But they have to be paid during wartime, with a daily salary of a quarter of a copper coin.

This is also an expense.

They besieged here for two months, and a thousand conscripts were stationed here, for which they had to pay 150 gold coins.

The beast warriors of the Carter family had a daily salary of 1 copper coin.

The daily salary of the knights in battle was as high as 1 silver coin!

This expense was huge.

Count Kant's conscripts did not assemble, but only occasionally trained and sharpened their weapons before the battle, just to avoid paying wages.

There was no way, the conscripts also had to farm, who would feed them if they didn't farm?

But he had to pay the remuneration for the 1,000 conscripts he borrowed.

Roman didn't want to delay, they couldn't afford it.

Both sides preferred a quick victory.

So the middle strategy was impossible.

"Don't give them a chance to breathe, Lord Steve." Count Kant looked at the people of the Guerande family.

Steve nodded, and now he could only hold his nose.

The count said to Bald Carter again: "Lord Carter, please lead your family warriors to go around and wait for my order, and then attack together."

Bald Carter pulled a bloodthirsty smile.


The Guerande family started the attack unfavorably.

They were just halfway there, and like the Simon family before, they were hit by a rain of arrows.

Steve's face turned green.

The nobles watching the battle in the back were also a little dumbfounded.

Where did so many arrows come from?

Relatively speaking, the fewer people, the higher the defense.

Although there are only three hundred fewer people, for Roman's archers, if they can't hit, they can't hit. It's good if three out of ten arrows can hit the opponent's team. Most of them are blocked even if they can hit.

So the Guerande family suffered fewer casualties than the Simon family.

Roman replaced the infantry at the beginning with other squadrons, waiting for the arrival of the Guerande family.

In each squadron and squad, the non-commissioned officers shouted loudly, led by example, and ordered the soldiers to maintain the formation and maintain the line.

The super-long spears in their hands gave the soldiers great courage.

The Guerande family retreated.

Soon, the army of the Wieliczka family came again.

Roman realized that this was a round-robin battle.

But it didn't matter.

The opponent would launch a general attack sooner or later.

The two sides had less than 10,000 people in total. What kind of tactics would be used in this terrain? It would definitely be a head-on collision!

The exchange tactics, whoever can't stand it will lose.

The captain commanded each squad, replaced the wounded and accumulated soldiers, and withdrew to the rear to rest and receive treatment according to the size of the squad, so that the front line always maintained a high combat effectiveness.

The army of the Wieliczka family was first baptized by a rain of arrows, and then the two sides started close combat.

Sir Foucault's face was gloomy.

The battle line was like a wave line, and it looked a little fragile.

But it didn't collapse!

After three attacks, at least hundreds of people from the other side participated in the front-line battle.

But it stabilized, and after changing two groups of people, it was still so tenacious.

The elite soldiers of the Wieliczka family can also be called strong.

At first, I didn't believe that this ghost place could have an army that could compete with Wieliczka.

After all, they came from a rich place, and a rich place can afford elite soldiers and generals, and the free people also brought better equipment. Coming to the fish pond bureau is not a random killing.

Now he was slapped twice.

"Attack!" He shouted from the back.

In name, they went to fight for justice for Count Kant.

But in essence, it was a battle for the right to speak for salt merchants, just like the court would spare no effort to crack down on private salt dealers.

A small noble transported 500,000 kilograms of salt every year, and the net profit was 1,000 gold coins a year, and 10,000 gold coins in ten years.

Even if the salt mine in Sger Town fell into the hands of Carter and Simon, it would be better than that of an unruly noble, at least the former two knew the rules.

Foucault Wieliczka was furious.

He could not tolerate his failure.

When he saw the frontline fighters shrinking back, he kicked the conscript in the back.

The enemy spearman directly stabbed the staggering conscript to death with a spear.

"All of you, attack!" Sir Foucault shouted.

The army of the Wieliczka family endured the fear and launched a strong charge.

In an instant, more conscripts became dead souls under the spear.

But this charge also caused a great impact on Roman's front line. The front line was deformed for a time, and the battle was fierce.

I don't know how many people were killed or injured.

Wieliczka also began to retreat.

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