If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 192 It doesn’t matter, we are doing the same thing!

Nathan led the people to chase him all the way from the ravine to the camp of the noble coalition.

Literally take an ax and chop them in the arse.

The nobles were in a panic and couldn't take away many things.

Let’s not mention the logistics for now.

The important thing is the more than two hundred war horses.

The war knights launched a surprise attack, but could not retreat due to the anxiety of the battlefield.

A total of about seventy war knights from various major families were gathered together. Now most of them are dead and the rest have been captured.

Only some of the knights' retinues withdrew, following the nobles from the collapsed battlefield, and the horses they took away were also very limited.

Roman did not continue the pursuit.

He ordered people to clean the battlefield and rescue the wounded soldiers.

The casualties this time were too heavy.

At least one-third of the casualties were related to this group of knights.

for their disposal. Roman had already made up his mind.

Put them all to death!

Some knights thought that Roman would exchange them for ransom. When the soldiers heard this, they all panicked and claimed that they were going to see Roman because they were still valuable.

But Roman is determined to do so!

He couldn't bear to see others begging for mercy in front of him.

So before those knights who were struggling and resisting saw Roman, their heads were cut off and built into a pyramid...

Sacrificing the blood and heads of his fallen apostles and soldiers.

At night, everyone stayed in the noble camp.

Many people were very busy, some guarding the prisoners, others counting casualties and taking inventory of harvests.

Roman and Dick, especially, have all kinds of lists to write.

By the next day, the army was almost reorganized.

The corpses of wounded soldiers, prisoners, and soldiers were sent to Sige Town by the army servants.

Roman, on the other hand, led all the combatable soldiers along the Black Iron Avenue to Kant Territory.

Early midsummer.

Roman arrived at Kant Territory.

Count Conde returned to his castle and defended it with all his strength.

But Roman had no interest in robbing the castle.

He rode and led his troops along the road to those villages, turned to his soldiers and said, "Go and do what you have to do."

Soldiers enter the village.

Soon, the villagers were driven out by soldiers.

Roman looked at them condescendingly: "Take your food and livestock and follow me."

He said it calmly and without explanation. The poor villagers looked gloomy, lowered their heads in resignation, and said, "Master, we have no food and no livestock."

Roman frowned.

"Where's your food?"

"It was borrowed by another master." He explained. "There's a Vishika guy, a Gade guy, and a group of very ferocious gentlemen who look like wild beasts..."

Roman sat on the back of the white horse and asked, "Did they steal your food?"

"Well, it wasn't taken away, it was borrowed. Everyone was borrowed, and they said they would compensate me later."

"Then what did your earl do?"

"The Count... The Count said that the gentlemen are planning to attack a robber named Roman. That man is a bad guy. He has robbed many of the Count's things and many people. No matter men, women or children, he does all kinds of evil. . Those gentlemen went to send troops to fight him... The gentlemen said that as long as we defeat Roman, we will have a good life. "

The villagers' expressions were numb, their words did not fluctuate, they were just a little confused.

Why have I never seen this old man before me?

"I am Roman," he said.

Surprise finally appeared on the faces of the villagers. They quickly looked up at him and then quickly looked down at the ground.

No wonder the gentlemen in charge ran away faster than the other, dragging their families with them.

Can they escape? Can they escape?

Someone is the owner of the land, everywhere.

Some people are slaves to the land, no matter where they are.

Roman didn't like dealing with the villagers.

An atmosphere of darkness, numbness, despair, and lingering depression.

The unkempt hair, dirty face, and dull eyes were like cow dung on the roadside, and there was a stinking smell - not only they had it, but also the villagers in Sige Town.

But Roman felt that the fermentation environment was different.

He got used to the stench of Skytown, and gradually the smell faded away from them. But he didn't get used to the smell of Kant's collar.

"Don't you blame your count?"

The villager didn't know why he asked this, so he didn't dare to say anything.


"The Earl is quite good. It's just because other nobles are afraid of our Earl that they don't dare to kill people here. When they took away the food, those lords said they lent it to us."

Everyone knows what borrowing means.

At least I have hope and can comfort myself with peace of mind.

Without the earl, they would only be worse off.

"What else did they do?" Roman asked again, "Speak out and I'll listen. Everyone says at least one thing."

As soon as this was mentioned, the villagers looked at each other and had no choice but to speak.

"The Ide family's land has been trampled, and there will definitely be a lot less harvest this year..."

"Boss's daughter was in love with a wild beast. He was in charge of the mill. At that time, his daughter was grinding flour at the millstone, and the man held her there - and gave her a whoring money afterwards..."

"When Seth was tending sheep, he bumped into a salt flower man, so he was hung up and whipped ten times. Seth couldn't survive and died..."

Roman interjected: "Didn't you say that your Earl wouldn't let them kill people?"

"It was Seth who couldn't survive." The man explained.

Roman nodded and said nothing more.


They talked a lot again, but nothing good happened anyway.

The five nobles sent three to four thousand soldiers, all of whom were stationed in Kant territory. What good things could happen?

If Roman hadn't helped Count Kant reduce the population pressure of five to six thousand people in the first place, he would probably be even less able to eat food now.

Either this one was fucked, or that one was beaten.

Stealing, robbing property, extorting money, and appearing as gangsters.

Kill a chicken today and a sheep tomorrow. After eating, pat your butt and leave.

As they talked, everyone stopped talking, and the atmosphere became a little sad and silent.

The leading villager lowered his head and muttered: "Master, what do you want from us? You see, your soldiers called me over while I was still digging wild vegetables. There is no food left at home. The summer harvest will be in two days." . If you are short of food, we will harvest it for you in advance. The wheat is almost ripe now, so please leave the seeds for us."

"I don't want food," Roman said.

"Then we will give you whatever you want. I just ask you, sir, to let us live."

"I want to play with your daughter, fuck your wife, and beat your mother. You call them out and I'll come one by one. I'll leave when I'm done having fun."

No one answered.

The leading villager continued to mutter: "My mother has died a long time ago. It rained that day. She lay on the ground and said she was tired and slept for a while, and then she didn't get up."

"What about your wife?"

"He died too. He died in childbirth. I was working in the fields at that time."

"Where's my daughter?"

"My daughter and my wife died together, and only my son is left."

"how old are you?"

"Seven years old."

"It doesn't matter, boy I will do the same!"

"Master, I beg you, please give us a way to survive!" the villagers shouted.

"What are you doing standing still! Take them all away for me!!"

Roman turned to the soldier and yelled.

The soldiers were at a loss what to do. There was no sense of urgency now and there was no need to be too violent. What if they were frightened? So they pushed the villagers who refused to leave and whispered: "Hurry up and come with us."

But their feet seemed to be rooted here, unshakable.

Like dry, sparse wheat in the field.

Working hard to absorb the meager nutrients from the surface of the earth.

Roman whipped out the riding crop in his hand and whipped the leading villager to the ground.

"Let me all go!"

The familiar taste of the old man is here.

The group of short and skinny wheat stalks finally moved. Their steps were as difficult as pulling out wheat with short shallow roots from the soil, and they followed the man riding the white horse forward.

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