Roman's arrangements for the celebration were not in place.

There were too many people eating, so the preparations for the celebration had to be multiplied several times.

But because of the war, he was fully preparing for the war, and after returning, he had to organize people to harvest wheat, so he had no time to prepare for the celebration.

Should it be postponed until the spring wheat is harvested?

The summer harvest of spring wheat is also harvested. If you count the vegetable fields that are growing well, they are basically harvested every day.

But this idea was dispelled by Roman in an instant.

Now, his territory needs a grand celebration.

Stabilize the society.

Soothe people's hearts.

Heal trauma.

After all, the 10,000 people in Sige Town have only come to this strange land this year.

It is not easy to make them feel a sense of belonging.

The celebration is the best choice.

Although the preparations are insufficient.

But Roman took the opportunity to let them eat and cook on the spot, just as a buffet.


Prepare iron pots, firewood, ingredients, onions, ginger, garlic, salt and maltose, etc.

All the cooks who can cook come together, and a thousand kitchen assistants are given to help cut vegetables and meat.

Breakfast is first for filling the stomach, which is a meat pie with plenty of fillings and a bowl of sweet oatmeal.

In the morning, the cooks make honey roast chicken, garlic stewed pork ribs, and add onions, ginger and garlic to the air-dried pig intestines. After stewing, they are fat, tender and delicious, fragrant and smelly.

In the afternoon, there is a pig head banquet and a sheep head banquet. The stewed bone soup, the bones are placed on a special chopping board and smashed with a hammer, and people can suck out the fragrant marrow.

Dinner is cakes and pancakes made of flour and milk, as well as fatty roasted lamb legs, and a lot of beer.

Of course, these foods are supplied to the original 10,000 residents, not this time's new population.

The diet of the new population is lighter and has little fat.

At most, there are some braised meat slices, bacon slices, boiled chicken breasts in white water, meat and fish jelly, vegetable salads with oil and vinegar, and some delicious milk white fish soup.

Everyone waited eagerly in front of the stove, waiting for the cooks to cook.

The advantage of this is that everyone can control the amount of food they eat.

Queue up to get food, and each person has a fixed amount, so that they won't be stuffed to death.

The disadvantage is that they digest very quickly, and they have to wait in front of the stove with their bowls in hand.

A pot of broth was just boiled, and it was gone in a blink of an eye, and was divided up cleanly.

Roman let the celebration last for three days.

Stop most of the work, make sure to leave a deep enough impression on them, just like a carrot hanging on the donkey's head.

On the first day of the banquet, Roman only showed up for a few minutes to announce the convening of the ceremony, and then rode away in a hurry.


The atmosphere of the celebration on the threshing ground was extremely lively.

But the hall of the manor was filled with silence.

"Linda, this is very unfortunate. Your husband Deren passed away. He died bravely in battle. I feel sorry."

"You are right, sir."

The woman's face was not sad or painful, but very calm.

"So what are your plans?"

"Will you marry me to another soldier?" Linda asked.

"No! This is an insult to you. I witnessed your wedding and will abide by the sacred oath - you are equal in personality, loyal to each other, protect each other, and never hurt each other - I can't break it."

Roman said to her.

"I forced you once, and I can't force you a second time. You can remarry or not, it's your freedom."

"What's the difference?"

"If you don't remarry, you can get 2 silver coins every year, and the payment will end after 20 years. This is Deren's pension. But as a price, you have to remain loyal and not cheat during this period, otherwise you will be punished by me."

Roman said again.

"You know Deren was once a slave. I trained him into a soldier and married you to him. You are a community of destiny. His pension can only be inherited by you - but if you remarry, you won't get the subsequent money. I will find another orphan who inherits his name to inherit the money."

Here fell into silence again.

Roman looked at Linda, a peasant girl with cleft lip, flat nose and slightly dark skin, who had been helping to grow grass during this period.

Roman asked, "Did you do it?"

"Yes..." Linda lowered her head.

The situation of that day emerged in her mind.

She didn't love him, and he didn't love her. The two of them didn't have real feelings for each other.

Although they promised each other, it couldn't change the fact that they had been together for less than ten days.

However, until that night, they seemed to have a kind of illusory but real feeling.

He left for the war, but what he came back was a corpse, cold and quiet.

The man who had been in love with her was now rotting in the soil.

How should she face the relationship that was cut off at the beginning of its budding?

"That's good. I repeat, I always give you the right to choose. You can take Deren's pension until it ends or until you remarry - but I will not allow you to desecrate this sacred marriage with despicable behavior, especially the marriage I witnessed! I will always supervise you! Do you understand?"

"Thank you for your kindness, sir." Linda bowed to Roman.

Roman waved Linda away.

Soon, another new widow came in, all of whom were women who lost their husbands just four months after marriage.

Some were pregnant, and some were not pregnant.

The pregnant ones must give birth to the baby and Roman will raise it.

The ones who are not pregnant can do whatever they want.

It is impossible to make them all widows.

Roman hopes that they will remarry, and while they are still young and in their prime years, they can form new families with others and increase social vitality.

But on the other hand, he doesn't want that to happen, so he is very conflicted and struggling.

This work makes Roman feel tired.

Not physically, but mentally.

The war consumed a lot of his energy.

Before the war, he was worried about the war, and after the war, he was dealing with the aftermath.

Roman did not meet with all the widows.

He only met with a few and formulated policy standards.

There will be more and more such things in the future, because the more wars there are, the more thousands or tens of thousands of widows are normal.

When the matter was over, Roman looked at the list of casualties again.

Nearly half of the casualties.

Some wounded soldiers can return to the army after recovering from their injuries, but some wounded soldiers will never come back.

Dick calculated that the army of 2,000 people originally only has more than 1,300 people now.

Roman hopes to expand the army.

But it can't be done now, and we have to wait until the people are incorporated into the households.

The business was getting bigger and bigger, and there were more and more things to do. Roman was a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, his eyebrows jumped suddenly, and he became alert. He wanted to turn his head to dodge, but he didn't have time.

A grass ball hit him directly on the forehead.

He looked in the direction.

Only saw two sneaky figures flashing past the door.

Roman immediately became furious and threw the pencil on the table.

"Damn it! You are messing with me. I think you are tired of living!"

Roman chased after them in one step.

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