Sig Town has entered a period of vigorous development.

It can be said that it is changing with each passing day.

Thirty or forty brick houses are built every day.

Hundreds of acres of wasteland are reclaimed every day.

The grass is harvested in the summer and millions of kilograms of feed are obtained.

Roman stores it.

Although the yield per mu is only a thousand kilograms, there is no variety improvement and the soil is not fertile.

A round of grass needs a growth cycle of two or three months.

But Roman also planted a lot, planting six or seven thousand acres of grass intermittently.

Looking at both sides of the river, it is all grass, mainly alfalfa, supplemented by antler grass and ryegrass.

Lush and green, very pleasing.

The tall grass can be half waist deep, and the short grass can be knee-deep.

These grasses grow very vigorously, are rich in juice, sweet and delicious after silage, and have extremely high nutritional value.

And they can be harvested again in autumn.

This year, Roman's farm has raised 2,500 pigs, nearly 4,000 sheep, and more than 10,000 chickens.

Yaki is breeding good breeds.

The healthiest, best-looking, plumpest and strongest pigs, sheep or chickens are selected from the same species for special breeding.

This is a long process.

The growth rate of pig breeding is the highest.

It is mainly because they have many offspring and a lot of meat, which is a very high-quality source of meat.

Sheep and chickens are not so cost-effective.

Roman raises sheep not only for mutton, but also for the additional benefits - goat milk, sheepskin and wool are all good things.

Hens are also raised for eggs. Now most of the chickens in a chicken coop are hens, and three to four thousand eggs can be obtained every day.

Roman built two more farms for this purpose, and raised them separately.

After all, the most feared thing about concentrated breeding is epidemics, and hygiene must be maintained.

To maintain hygiene, manpower is indispensable.

A pig excretes several kilograms of feces every day, and a sheep also excretes one or two kilograms every day.

Shovel the manure twice a day, and spread a layer of slaked lime every three days for sterilization and disinfection.

Roman increased the number of staff in the breeding department to about 1,700, but there is still a trend of being too busy.

Although all the adult poultry and livestock were slaughtered in the spring.

But now, a new batch of poultry and livestock are slowly growing up, and the number is larger, and the demand for feed is increasing. It is estimated that they will be slaughtered in late autumn.

So more staff will be sent later.

Now Kantling is the labor reserve base of Sige Town. Once there is a shortage of manpower, Roman will move a group of people here.

The difficulty lies in how to digest quickly.

When someone works in a certain position for a period of time, even if no one is in charge, he knows how to work, and knows that as long as he does the work well, he can enjoy three meals a day - this is considered digestion.

This is not simple.

In an era where everyone is postgraduated from prenatal education, it is too difficult to do a job well!

Roman asked them to work together and refine the steps. They had to do fixed tasks every day. Some transported feed, some spread feed, some shoveled manure, and some spread lime.

It would take at least a month to discipline them for these fixed tasks. They needed to be taught every day to make them remember what they should and should not do.

Otherwise, their imaginative brains would always drive them to do inexplicable things.

Some were lazy, some had no rules, some had good intentions but did bad things, or they were extremely unadaptable.

They had been farming and raising pigs for a lifetime, and had never encountered pigs being locked up and fed, so they chose to open the pig pen, release the pigs, and let them forage freely.

In the face of this situation, just beat them directly.

If anyone dared to disrupt the production process, they would be beaten to death, and then hung up for demonstration.

I gave you three meals a day to let you mess up?

Yaki was also very strict in management. He limped around inspecting five large farms every day. He beat people when he found problems and took his responsibilities very seriously.

Because he knew how much Roman valued the farms, and he couldn't let Roman down.

Recently, those who were beaten the most were those useless students that Roman let go.

Those children were not good at studying, but they had learned after all and knew some words.

Yaki regarded them as the next generation of managers and fed them with the knowledge of breeding in his mind.

He conducted regular spot checks every day, and beat them if they couldn't answer.

He himself was also quite hardworking. Roman asked him to learn more words, so Yaki kept his literacy book in his hand every day, and his learning speed was surprisingly not slow.

It can only be said that a person who studies consciously and hard is more efficient than a person who doesn't study.


During this period.

Duke Gale's messenger came again.

This time his attitude was very severe.

We must send troops!

Damn it!

Last time I wrote you back that you were short of soldiers and were ill in bed, I was very busy, so I didn't bother with you.

But you turned around and took care of six great nobles, so impressive.

Earl Kant has been complaining about you one letter after another, and it seems that he has already reached the Black Iron King. How can I explain to him?

You are shameless, but the Split Armor Family still has some shame!

You still dare to say that you don't have troops?

The front line is tight now, you must send a thousand people over, and when the war is settled, I will make Earl Kant have no objection to you.


Roman could see that Gale was really anxious.

He had drawn cakes to help him seize Earl Kant's land.

It's a pity that he didn't eat it.

Roman's reply was also very simple.

Rumors, all rumors, they slandered me.

How many people did I have when I first accepted the title?

Do you want me to talk to you about logistics, troops, food, and horses?

Anyway, it's just a matter of dragging it to death.

Roman asked Seth to polish his writing and be as polite and tactful as possible. He could be arrogant in doing things, but not in speaking, otherwise Gale would dare to abandon the front battlefield and lead the army to fight him directly.

After Seth finished writing, he lit a candle, melted the wax seal, and then asked the servant to pass it to the messenger.

Then, Roman said to everyone: "We don't have time, let's be independent."

It was possible to drag it out last time, but not this time.

Gale was anxious and couldn't fool around.

Gale is a Split Armor, and Roman is also a Split Armor, but there is a distinction between the master and the servant.

After Roman accepted the canonization, he could no longer do things under the banner of the Split Armor.

He could only use his own banner.

The emblem of the Grand Duke of Split Armor is a bloody bow, pure and simple.

Roman's flag has more details, but the main structure has not changed, and there is still a bow in the center of the flag.

All the emblems of the Split Armor vassals must have such a bow, but the specific details are different. Some have changed colors, some have different structures, and can be on the top or on the bottom to show loyalty.

Roman is going to change the flag this time, which is to erase the stigma of the Split Armor family. His behavior is equivalent to rebellion.

This is intolerable to the master.

In this land, the nobles have different ways of succession.

Ordinary nobles generally have the eldest son inheritance system. The advantages are that it helps social stability, ensures the purity and reproduction of family bloodlines, and can be related to relatives on the mother's side, and get help in many aspects.

But some nobles are completely different.

For example, the Lord of the Sea Castle only chooses the person with the purest blood to inherit. The eldest son has impure blood and has to become a civilian.

The Split Armor family is appointed by the previous Grand Duke.

If you say you can do it, you can do it. If you say you can't do it, you can't do it.

The way of succession of the Angry Tide family is to select the strongest.

Only the strongest Angry Tide heir can inherit the Grand Duke. Therefore, the Fury Family is a very powerful family and the strongest duke in the Black Iron Land.

Everyone had expected Roman's decision.

"What name do you plan to use to establish yourself?" Seth sighed.

Roman still came to this step. If Ulster was still the Grand Duke, Roman might not be so extreme. The duke gave him great freedom and acquiesced to all his actions.

But Ulster's death completely freed him from worries.

He had been arrogant since he was a child, so how could he care about his brothers and sisters.

Even in his eyes, Gale was probably just a stranger.

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