Recruiting apostles is just the beginning, Roman still has to cultivate their abilities.

Roman has recruited quite a few apostles.

As long as there is the possibility of training, those who are suitable for joining the army will join the army, and those who are not suitable for joining the army will work in the Residents Department.

No one is born with management skills, they are all acquired through training.

Roman does not have many requirements for the grassroots members of the Residents Department.

Social security, public health, and welfare security.

First, Roman legislates based on simple justice - it has nothing to do with human rights or beliefs.

If everyone thinks someone should die, then he should die,

If someone should be punished, then he should be punished.

When ten people accuse one person, that person has a problem.

The underlying logic is that the minority obeys the majority, so that stability can be maintained quickly.

Roman only cares about the development process of the Origin City, and he never cares about individual feelings.

Second, public health, needless to say, mainly supervises health issues.

There are hundreds of brick houses in a residential area, and each residential area is assigned a dung picker.

Usually an old farmer.

Every day, they take out about 500 to 600 kilograms of feces from the public toilet, send them to the composting area, and then start working.

The feces pickers have a basic salary of 2 copper coins per month, and an additional 1 copper coin subsidy in the summer - you can't do it without some connections.

Third, welfare protection is responsible for the distribution of summer and winter clothes, which must be implemented to each household, and the corresponding free clothes will be distributed according to the number of household registration books.

But the model of the clothes is not within Roman's consideration.

Anyway, he only provides one model, which is the normal human body shape. Even if you have children in your family, you will be given a set of clothes for normal human bodies.

If it doesn't fit, you can modify it yourself. There is no children's model.

The welfare protection of retired soldiers is the responsibility of the Residents Department, and those pensions are also distributed by them.


The functions of the Residents Department are extremely simple.

But these things are enough to make Jimmy run his legs off.

Fortunately, Roman discovered another three-star apostle who is good at management last year to assist Jimmy.

That is a female apostle named Ada.

The daughter of a craftsman in Kant.

At the end of last winter, she and her family were robbed here. She had learned words from the priests in the church and was a shallow believer.

Later, after discovering the laws on Roman's land, she decisively changed her faith.

This is a smart person, more rational than emotional.

Good at analyzing the pros and cons, and only taking actions that are beneficial to oneself.

So Roman directly promoted Ada to the deputy director of the Residents Department.

Roman likes this kind of person the most.

Strong learning ability, judging the situation.

The most important thing is that she can read and understand the text on paper.


Roman recently discovered something.

He can improve the skills of the apostles through extraordinary resources.

But the so-called skills are not limited to professional knowledge in all walks of life.

For example, the knowledge of blast furnace ironmaking, the knowledge of making various bows and arrows, the knowledge of breeding, the knowledge of construction...

Is that knowledge complicated?

In fact, it is not complicated.

Even if you have knowledge of ironmaking, in Roman's opinion, it is enough to write at most five pages, and all the details are in place, with blast furnace structure diagrams and production diagrams.

Of course, the iron smelting method of Origin City was developed by Roman according to local conditions and is not suitable for other places.

After all, the quality of each iron ore is different, and there is no way to follow the map.

But again, the total amount of this knowledge is really not much, and a few thousand words can cover its production process, and it can be operated step by step.

Ruto is also literate.

But Roman has to spend a high-quality sapphire to enlighten Ruto for the contents of these five pieces of paper.

Is this outrageous?

Not outrageous.

It is difficult for people of this era to break through their own limitations if they stay in such an environment for a long time.

Even if you teach them hand in hand, they may not understand your intentions.

People cannot understand each other.

How can a literate person understand the feelings of an illiterate person?

This is the so-called knowledge curse.

The more knowledge you have, the less you can impart knowledge.

Roman's vision is unprecedented in this era.

But he can't explain to others what he knows.

But the function of improving skills has given Roman a glimmer of hope at this moment.

Not only the knowledge of iron smelting.

He can even pass on the words he knows, his ideas, and his concepts as a kind of knowledge.

This does feel a bit like a spiritual influence.

Although this can only be transmitted in one direction, Roman conveys his own thoughts to the apostles.

But this is the greatest convenience.

Of course, the specific process needs to be verified, and it is still unknown to what extent it can be achieved.

Because Roman lacks resources.

If the resources are sufficient, why would he be so restrained? He would have brainwashed the apostles long ago.

First strengthen education and popularize literacy.

With the improvement of skills, the words that children have to copy a hundred times to remember, they can remember at most five or six times.

The learning efficiency is off the charts, which can be called superman.

What is the so-called romance!

It's here!

Fuck them hard with Da Diao!

Let everyone kneel down! Kneel in front of him and sing Conquer!

Then shake your waist! Hit them hard in the face!

Show the charm of men!

For a man, this is romance!



"Master Dick, we are late."

The scout captain rushed back to the camp to report.

"The castle in Bucks Heights has been breached, Lord Owen is dead, and Mr. Morey is missing."

"Is it possible to live?" the middle-aged knight asked.

Dota hesitated.

Shaking their heads was the best choice at this moment, so that they could return to the court immediately and perhaps catch the autumn harvest.

But he ultimately chose to nod.

"It is possible that Lord Gael's army took away many people, including Lord Owen's children. It is said that the Buck Knights tried to rescue them."

"Dota, do you know Buck Rider?"

"You told me before about the extraordinary power of Bucks Highland. Every Buck Knight is at least a second-level transcendent. Levels three and four are common, and they are stronger than ordinary knights..."

"You have a good memory, but the Stag Knights also have natural enemies. They are most afraid of the Broken Archers of the Cracked Armor Family. The Stags cannot defeat the hunters. Once they confront them, they will be killed immediately... This battle may not be fought. "

"Then what are we going to do?" The scout captain caught up with Dick.

"Help the Buck Knight. They have no chance of winning, so they can only compromise. But we help them. If they don't forget Lord Owen who just died in the battle, they will know what to do."

"Is this possible?" Duota was startled.

"Otherwise? Duota, even if it is possible, we have to do it. This is the task entrusted to us by our master."

Duota looked at Dick's back, somewhat lost in thought.

The knight had a handsome face, strong martial arts skills, gentle and courteous treatment, and was mature and steady. He must have once been a handsome young knight who could make the hearts of young girls explode.

He had been with him in the mountains for ten years, but had never had much contact with him. His fathers told him that he was a knight who ate the Lord, killed the people he served, and was a crazy thug. He also misunderstood him because of this.

Now it seems that he pays attention to honor and loyalty, which is true.

He sometimes saw Dick staring at a blackened silver necklace in the camp, and occasionally asked him, but he couldn't get an answer.

The fault for that incident may not have been his.

A cold voice: "Prophet! Prophet! Give us a prophecy! Our living space is severely squeezed. They will soon trace our traces. What should we do next?"

The old voice said: "Don't worry, let me take a look..."

Angry voice: "Alster shouldn't have died, and now Armor Break has become the enemy. Is this what you see?"

The old voice said: "He gave up voluntarily, otherwise no one could kill him. He died of human nature, not the assassin's poison and dagger."

A misty voice: "You asked him to wait for too long."

The old voice said: "The human race is not ready yet."

Angry voice: "Because of these words, we have been retreating! We have been losing! We have no support and no place to stay. Now we are fine. We have retreated to the edge of the cliff. One step back will be doomed. Now you are happy ? Your prophecy two years ago told us to prepare for war. At that time, we thought it was a clarion call for counterattack, but now it turns out that it was just a desperate fight? "

The old voice: "..."

A cold voice: "Prophet, please give us a prophecy and tell us what to do next."

The old voice: "..."

Overlapping voices: "Prophet, have you fallen asleep again? Are you still thinking about something?"

Old voice: "...I was wondering what Alster saw before he died..."

A cold voice: "..."

Angry voice: "Ulster deserves to die!"

A misty voice: "It's time, let's give it a try... while there is still a chance of winning."

The old voice: "But I always feel that hope is in the future, it is waiting for us. The future line has changed. It is subtle, but it is real. Destiny is whispering..."

Angry voice: "Are you awake? Are you using the same words to fool Ulster to fool yourself?"

Misty voice: "But what awaits us may also be destruction... Prophet, you deceived you, but this is not your fault. It's just because the darkness is right in front of us, and you have faced fate for too long, you Being choked by it, you see hallucinations in endless despair - a frozen person will feel his body is warm, and a drowning person will feel like breathing air before sinking to the bottom - the same is true for you now. "

An old voice: "Maybe..."

Angry voice: "Don't worry about this old guy with a rigid head, I have to start planning in advance, because we can't wait until winter, we have no way to retreat, we can only fight and fight our way out!! Do you agree? !”

"Agree!" "Agree!" "Agree!" "Agree!"...

Angry voice: "Where's the sister who joined the gang last? I can't do it without your nodding. Your voice alone can overwhelm most sisters."

Jerky voice: "I... agree."

A misty voice: "Is it okay even if it's not winter?"

Jerky voice: "Okay!"

Angry voice: "Well, let's start taking action! Hum, Ulster did something before he died, otherwise we would really feel desperate."

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