"Step aside!"

Varya came to the five paladins.

"A Paladin never backs down!"

Aulus and Quintus stared intently at the rotten wood-like wooden shield and the amber-like crystal clear sword.

The two of them also pulled out their golden swords with a clatter.

Their armor and swords were all made of fine gold, mixed with various rare metals, and weighed more than three to four hundred kilograms.

"Our duty is to protect the temple!"

The current paladin is the last to draw his sword.

The hands of the five knights grasped the golden sword in unison, stood apart from each other, and assumed a fighting posture.

They have different body types and different poses.

Aulus has a stout body,

Quintus is like a sharp knife,

Marcus is as lean as iron,

Danny has a well-proportioned body,

Mander is young and handsome.

Varya holds a shield in one hand and a sword in the other.

The battle broke out in an instant.

Aulus and Quintus attacked first, slashing down with two golden swords, but Varya blocked them with her shield.

Marcus quickly moved around behind Varya.

Varya suddenly waved the Glory Sword with her backhand, and a brilliant rainbow-like sword light burst out.

Marcus was forced to switch from offense to defense. He was knocked dozens of meters away and broke a thick tree.

Danny and Mander attacked at the same time, one slashed Valia's neck, and the other slashed her legs.

Those movements were so fast and steady that they could chop down a five-meter-thick city wall.

Sonorous! !

The golden sword struck the platinum armor, and a sharp and piercing sound exploded. It was a sound that ordinary people could not hear. If it hit the brain at close range, sticky blood would flow from the ears.

Varya stood very steadily, but when the huge force hit her, she still inevitably staggered.

The four paladins retreated at the same time, changed positions with each other, and continued to attack fiercely.

Marcus also rushed over again. He did not suffer too serious injuries.

Wearing heavy golden armor, he ran as fast as flying.

The Paladins are confident that even if an adult dragon comes at this moment, as long as it lands on the ground, they can dismember it in an instant, and they will never make a second move.

Because there is absolutely nothing in this world that can withstand five paladins joining forces at the same time!

Varya slammed the shield to the ground!


Like a frozen lake broken!

The entire holy city trembled again for a moment.

The circular air wave spread tens of meters like a storm, all the stone slabs were lifted off, and the solid rocks below were also smashed into pieces.

The five paladins launched an all-out attack, all bearing the brunt.

They were instantly blown hundreds of meters away by the terrifying air wave.

Danny and Mander fell into the pool and courtyard on the lower level respectively, while Aulus, Marcus and Quintus flew in other directions, rolling down the stone steps.

Without any obstacles in her way, Varya panted and rushed into the temple.

At this time, the Templar Knights and Holy City Guards from behind also regrouped and rushed over.

Half of the witches were responsible for intercepting them, and a fierce battle broke out between them.

Varya knew that this was not the time to help her comrades. There was only one thing she really wanted to do.

She walked quickly through the passage and came to a door made of orichalcum and mithril.

It is extremely resistant to spells and its defensive power is also very terrifying.

Varya brandished the Sword of Glory as she rushed towards her, and the dazzling rainbow-like sword light struck away like a waterfall.

The heavy mithril door was immediately blown out.

The interior space of the temple is terrifyingly large, empty, sacred, cold and distant.

Directly in front is the Holy Seat, where the statues of the gods are enshrined.

A group of terrifying assassins lurked on both sides. The moment Varya rushed in, they used the terrifying holy light sword technique on her.

The platinum armor was invulnerable, but there were gaps that were too subtle to be noticed. The assassin stabbed into those fatal gaps with a rapier that was extremely stable.

Varya instinctively sensed danger and immediately dodged, her armor clanking for a moment.

She took two steps back, swung the divine sword, and blood exploded, killing another large area.

But there were too many assassins. Their whole bodies were wrapped in black cloth, like many shadows, and they moved so fast that they could avoid Varya's sword light.

High-level witches rushed over and cast spells to deal with those weird assassins who didn't know what fear was.

An unknown number of assassins in black retreated at some point, leaving behind hundreds of corpses and rivers of blood.

But their purpose has been achieved.

Next came a total of three hundred and thirty nuns!

The nun's attire is simple, with a thin veil, black robe, white belt, and crystal rosary beads.

Some of the nuns had sweat on their foreheads and were breathing unevenly. It was obvious that they had gathered temporarily and rushed here.

Then, a nun quickly adjusted her breathing, her expression tightened, and her sense of solemnity suddenly increased.

"It's the choir! Don't ask them to speak!!" Many witches shouted.

But it was too late, they heard hymn-like singing!

That song contains pure faith, longed for salvation, lofty holiness, simple nature...

Their voices gathered together, as loud as the sound of nature, and merged into a powerful and vast force, and the sacred power filled the whole place.

Varya bore the brunt.

She raised the Immortal Shield and immediately felt a terrifying suppressive force, squeezing towards her like a torrent.

She went against the tide of pressure, as if standing under a waterfall, and was almost crushed for a moment.

"Ah!" Varya roared and waved the Glory Sword with all her strength.

The invincible artifact was suppressed.

The rainbow-like brilliant sword light condensed, but collapsed before it even touched the enemy.

Varya felt the pressure. The sword and shield were not useless, but the power contained in them was eliminated.

She realized that the powerful chant contained some special power, similar to the power of the sword and shield.

On that contact, the artifact loses its potency.

Varya was in a difficult predicament and could no longer move forward.

A thick hand took her arm.

"I'll do it," Thunder Witch said.

She stood up, her body filled with electric light, dazzling.

The nuns in the choir closed their eyes and prayed without any distracting thoughts, singing devoutly.

Confrontation between magic and magic.

Thunder Witch's body was filled with lightning.

She walked step by step against the power of the Chorus.

Her sisters provide support behind her, casting spells to help relieve her stress.

"Come! Sisters! Teach me to see what you call the will of the gods! Will they kill me first! Or will I turn you into charred corpses first?"

The Thunder Witch's angry voice echoed throughout the temple.

Lightning exploded from her throat!

Her eyes burst into thunder!

Her whole body floated into the air, her feet lifted off the ground.

There were many thunderbolts falling down beside her.

The will of mortals resisted the authority of the gods, and the power of the choir seemed to be weakening at this moment.

They used the power of the gods to suppress the two artifacts, but at this moment they were ineffective against the witches because the gods never cared about the insignificant human world.

All the nuns were frightened. Their devout faith prevented them from wavering, but their fear of witches made it difficult for them to concentrate.



Suddenly, in front of everyone, the powerful Thunder Witch swayed, and then fell heavily to the ground. Countless thunder and lightning around her lost control, and dispersed from the void like a collapsed sand castle.

"My power...my magic..."

The Thunder Witch's eyes reflected the lightning at her fingertips, crackling and unable to control herself.

The other witches also stopped casting spells at this moment.

They felt intense discomfort.

The same goes for Varya.

Her brain was tingling, her vision was spinning, and she had difficulty standing still.

She felt a terrible field begin to operate, enveloping all the witches and interfering with their ability to cast spells.

For spellcasters, spells are the only thing they can rely on.

Now, most witches have been stripped of their ability to cast spells.

"Pathetic Bloody Ones, you rushed here desperately, but you didn't know that this is your burial place... It's just because human civilization has been lost long ago, and the methods used to deal with you are still effective... Start to be afraid, and be like the people of all ages. Witches, let’s feel this deepest despair..."

The Pope is sitting on the Holy Throne, his whole body is enveloped in divine light, and he is magnificent.

He is the one close to the gods, the guardian of the gods, the shepherd of the earth.

He has countless followers of the Lamb.

The chants of the choir suddenly rose up at this moment, praising, praising, and singing.

They praise the Pope and the person closest to God.

And the witches came just for him.

He was sitting in front of the witches at this moment, and those sacred statues suddenly appeared, as if they had always been there, and seemed to be everywhere, exuding holy power and illuminating all living beings.

Is it the Pope speaking?

I don’t know, no one knows.

The witches were so delirious that it was difficult for them to tell the difference.

The light of the gods illuminated everything, but left them far away. They fell into the darkness, just like the sneaky blue moon demons. They were ignored by the gods. This undoubtedly brought back the painful memories of the witches. They had all lived in isolation, been rejected, and wandered on the edge of society.

They realize they are human beings, but no one ever sees them as human beings.

Some witches who were not so mentally tough broke down at this moment and burst into tears.

Shasta held the dagger. She held on and staggered towards the Pope, but was stopped by a sister.

"Shasta, we have no chance. This is a cage, a trap. I felt the power of the person sitting and the power behind the Holy Seat. I saw the shadow in the holy light. There was someone standing on the Holy Seat. He is watching us from behind, and my grandfather told me that we can't kill him, and that's the end of it," the Frost Witch said.

"This is not the end, it is the beginning!" Shasta said.

"Living is the beginning!" the tall witch replied. "If we can't accomplish our goal even if we die here, then the sacrifice is meaningless. Leave, we have failed, stay alive and preserve our strength."

Shasta said miserably: "My spell... is out of control... Varya, you go, we will cover you, you and your tribe... And we have nothing left... We tried our best, but we only got This result..."

"You still have me... I will take you out." The Frost Witch said.

"Before I became a witch, I was a Frostman. I was a Frost Warrior..."

Varya looked at the people on the Holy See. Her physique was different from ordinary people, she was free from the influence of unknown power, and she adapted quickly.

She sensed everything clearly, and her grandfather seemed to be whispering in her ears from afar.

Behind the bright and dazzling Holy Seat, there was hidden the deepest darkness, and there was another figure standing in the darkness, peeping at them with malicious intent.

The biggest enemy is not the Church and the Pope, but the terrifying shadow lurking deep in the Church.

"Shasta, if I die, take my body back to the north." Valya said without looking back.

Then, before Shasta could react, her body suddenly trembled, and then raised her head and let out an inhuman roar, like a beast.

The movements and roars seemed crazy and savage.

Her body was expanding. The platinum armor had excellent ductility, just because it was blended with mithril inside, soft and tough, and could withstand terrifying pulling force.

Now, the armor was also expanding, two meters and a half, three meters, three meters and a half... until four meters in height!

The armor was stretched tightly, but the helmet was not enough to cover her face. The canine teeth extended out, the ice-blue eyes turned blood red, and the hair grew out of the skin, like a mad giant.

She never attacked the Holy See, just because her grandfather told her and her blood told her that it was meaningless.

The blood of the frost giant was fully activated, and her power spread out. The ground froze out of thin air and spread to the distance, and the temperature dropped by dozens of degrees.

The invisible field was also disturbed by the frost power, and the situation of the witches suddenly improved a lot.

"Go!" The young frost giant roared.

But not all witches were willing to do so.

So, these witches were divided into two groups, one went to attack the Holy See, and the other followed Valya to retreat.

The thunder witch drank a bottle of potion.

Her feet floated in the air again. Although the spell was out of control, it burst out with lightning power several times stronger than before!

It was not that she floated in the air on her own initiative, but the powerful spell power pushed her into the sky.

Not only did her eyes emit purple light.

Now every inch of her skin seemed to be cracking and gushing out thunder, and countless arcs were crackling!

"Fear? Despair? I have never cared about this when I stood here. I only came to question. Why should we be treated unfairly? Just because we are witches?! Just because we can cast spells! So we should be burned alive!!"

The spells beyond the limit began to destroy her body, and the Thunder Witch was unaware.

She asked angrily, "It's been too long! We have been hurt for too long, and witches will never be slaughtered! If anyone dares to hurt us! Dare to hurt our compatriots, no matter who it is, I will not forgive, I want blood to flow like a river! Use the blood of the perpetrators to warn the perpetrators! Use the blood of the victims to inspire the victims! If no one dares to do it, then I will take the first step! Tell this land! Witches are not objects to be harmed! Everything starts from here!!"



The frost giants rushed out of the temple with the witches.

The front of the temple was covered with blood, some from witches, some from the Templars, and more from the Holy City Guard.

They were about to go in to guard the Holy Throne, but were stopped by the witches.

The five paladins were about to break through the witches' defense line. When they saw the frost giant rushing out from the depths of the temple, they were surprised for a moment and quickly attacked the frost giant.

The frost giant held the Sword of Glory in his hand. The amber-like sword body was now condensed with a layer of solid white ice, turning into a three-meter-long solid ice sword.

It swung a white sword light, like a glacier hanging upside down, freezing the two paladins in an instant and solidifying them in the ice.

The other three paladins jumped and attacked, and the Immortal Shield turned into a huge ice wall to knock them away.

At that moment, the paladins felt an irresistible force coming, knocking them twenty meters away, and smashing shallow pits on the ground like a stone skipping stone.

"We failed! Go!"

The frost giant took the lead and took a step ten meters away, venting the power in his body. No one could stop him and jumped down layer after layer.

Mona and the twin witches who were responsible for intercepting the guards sighed.

When they came, they swore that they would die if they failed.

But now it seems that dying is not the best choice.

They had to keep up with the frost giants' pace of breaking through.

More and more soldiers came to guard.

The frost giant swung his sword, and the entire passage and steps were all frozen into ice.

Dozens of Templar Knights and hundreds of Holy City Guards were frozen in the frost, and the rushing movements were lifelike.

Behind them, five paladins came again with swords, while the frost giants rushed in front and had no time to worry about the back.

The twin witches who were left behind looked at each other and drank a bottle of magic potion at the same time.

Then, dozens of gems rushed out of their wide witch robes, including amber, agate, diamonds, various crystals, and various gems...

They circled around the twin witches up and down, forming a circle, and then those gems bloomed with shining brilliance, reflecting each other, with different colors.

"Mana burst!!" The twin witches clasped their fingers and said in unison.

All the gem crystals were shattered, and a dazzling beam of light formed in front of the two of them, and then blasted out.

The five paladins who were chasing them only had time to make defensive moves.

Then it hit the ground hard like a cannon, and the floor rocks exploded.

When the power emitted by the gems dissipated, the five paladins all fell into a pit more than two meters deep, and its power was no less than that of a meteorite falling.

Two seconds later, they jumped up from the pit at the same time, and their golden armor was damaged.

Standing on the top wall of the holy city, looking at the frost giants getting farther and farther away, and the witches who followed the frost giants to break through.

They knew that in their current state, it would be useless even if they caught up with the other party.

They turned around and rushed into the temple.

At the right moment, a witch with purple eyes and a rough face walked out of the temple.

The Paladin and the Thunder Witch meet.

They glanced at her, then unanimously bypassed her and entered the temple hall.

"The Holy See, they escaped." Maegor, the current paladin, reported the situation.

"The fate has been decided. The witches have made their last choice. They will no longer have a chance in the future..."

The Holy See finally spoke the first words, with a voice of forgiveness and mercy.

After confirming that the Holy See was safe, the Paladins left one after another.

On the other side, the Thunder Witch walked out of the temple, surprising the Templars. After the five holy knights entered the temple, was there any witch who could come out alive?

They immediately launched an attack.


Thunder on dry land!

Twelve Templar Knights were turned into charcoal at the same time, and the bright silver armor mixed with mithril could not stop the penetrating power of the spell.

The Thunder Witch's body turned into a bolt of thunder that struck the sky.

She crossed the city walls and flew across the holy city.

The frost giant had already used the divine sword to split open the closed gate of the holy city, and then condensed the immortal shield into ice, turning it into a huge ice raft.

In this deep and cold autumn night.

It carried the remaining surviving witches and drifted on the narrow sea between the Citadel and the Holy City.

The giant eagle hovered in the sky and screamed sadly.

Lightning strikes!

The Thunder Witch appeared, and for a moment, all the witches on the ice raft felt numb.

But it was quickly offset by their magic power.

"Teacher!" Shasta looked at her teacher sadly, seeing that she was falling apart.

"Don't be afraid, this is a road of no return, you can't retreat, there is a cliff behind..." the Thunder Witch whispered.


The frost giant couldn't hold on anymore and fell down on the ice raft, returning to its original shape. The platinum armor also gradually returned to normal, with large amounts of blood flowing out of the gaps, quickly dyeing the entire ice raft red.

The witches who could move removed her armor and mourned to heal the collapsed body.

"Save her at all costs... From now on, this new sister will lead you to continue."

"What about you?"

"My blood is clean... Shasta, I glimpsed the deepest shadows of the Holy See, hum, they are just like that... I was young at that time and spent time in the palace, but I never followed His Majesty the Conqueror on an expedition. Now, Fighting with them is a worthy death."


"Don't touch me! You will get hurt! Shasta, relying on the power of the witch alone cannot restore the situation on the earth. The witch needs a strong ruler to rely on. Only in this way will we not suffer such heavy losses... But you You must see their true nature. Most nobles only covet our power and ask us to die and make unnecessary sacrifices. But you must not be used, you must keep an eye on them..."

The distant seaside turned white at some point.

A ray of light rises, and golden, warm sunlight jumps out from the sea level.

It gives Thunder Witch a golden edge.

She stared at the rising sun, the Citadel and the Holy City behind her. She suddenly remembered the king of Sinnoh in ancient times, who once led humans and aliens to fight in another land, and also remembered the conqueror's expedition to the underworld. But to this day, her impression of the conqueror has long been blurred, and she only remembers As a child she had been praised by conquerors at court.

At the junction of life and death, you can only see the sea breeze blowing, the sun is bright, and the water is sparkling.

It was a view she had never seen before.

She had been too anxious and in a hurry all her life, hiding here and there and never calming down.

Now I suddenly sighed: "The sun, ocean, sky... are so beautiful..."

She said and closed her eyes.

The number of witches is less than a hundred. The giant eagle circled in the sky like a homeless child, and they all looked at it sadly and tiredly.

The figure suddenly disintegrated and turned into countless debris, floating in the air. In the end, only a whisper was left.

"Such a beautiful sky and ocean, but I can't see the road ahead...the road of humans, the road of witches...where are they?"

The bitter voice dissipated in the equally bitter sea breeze, confused and confused.

It’s very beneficial to recommend a book! Brother, you can go and have a look

Introduction: I traveled through Tokyo, but on the first day because I was too handsome, I was kidnapped by a cultist and planned to sacrifice it to the evil goddess.

Fortunately, my buddy has the gold finger that comes standard with time travellers.

"Let me know what the golden finger is"

Ability: Can see and communicate with invisible creatures


At this moment, the reality of the world unfolds in front of you——

The untouchable Eternal World, the Tianjin God who strides in the sky, the Qingxing Lantern that tells hundreds of stories, the slippery ghost who hides everything, the four angels of the Apocalypse, and the great Mysterious God who dominates everything.

When these terrifying and strange beings looked at him, he was sweating profusely.

Damn it, I might as well not have this golden finger. The worst I can do is become the face of the evil god!

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