"Thank you for your help, my dear knight! Please tell me your name, and we will invite you to drink at Stag Highland!"

Stag Knight Tolan took off his stag-crowned helmet.

His face was dark, and he expressed his sincerest gratitude to Dick.

This battle was unexpectedly simple.

They didn't even suffer much damage.

The 1,500-6,000-jin mount under the Stag Knight's crotch was extremely deterrent, twice the weight of a warhorse.

Each stag was agile and could shuttle freely in the forest and was invincible in the field.

But they were not good at frontal attacks.

If they only relied on the remaining forces gathered by the Stag Knights to launch an attack, they would only be killed one by one by the Broken Archers.

However, the strange thousand elite soldiers pressed forward and defeated Trick's army in one encounter.

They harassed on both wings, swept the defeated army, and attacked their own formation.

The two sides joined forces and the battle ended quickly.

The Broken Archers were extremely strong individually. But they were also stretched to their limits in the face of a crushing defeat. They had to evacuate the battlefield.

And the prisoners could not be taken away.

This kindness made Tolan engraved in his heart.

"Lord Tolan, I am only following orders. I cannot tell you my name, and there is no need to drink. My master only asked me to ensure Mr. Morey's safety. The journey back is long, and we will meet again if we are lucky."

Dick wore an iron mask to hide his true face.

Forty or fifty heavy warriors were shot dead by the Broken Archers, and some spearmen were also lost. He was heartbroken now.

At this time, the soldiers also found Morey in the cage.

He was in a mess, his robe was dirty and torn, as if he had not taken a bath for dozens of days, emitting a bad smell, and his expression was haggard. The life of a prisoner was not easy.

"Mr. Morey, the King of the Valley invites you to be a guest." Dick bowed.

Morey looked confused, not knowing whether the visitor was an enemy or a friend.

He was trapped in the Buck Highlands and was worried for the past two months.

The worst thing still happened.

Lord Owen lost everything with one careless move. He was also captured and locked in a cage. His mind was full of gloomy thoughts and he felt hopeless in life.

He was walking on thin ice and drowned before he reached the other side.

He was struggling in the water, not knowing who to ask for help. He felt that he had no way to go to heaven or to the earth.

As a result, he turned around and was pulled up by a strange big hand.

He didn't know the knight in front of him, nor had he heard of the name of the King of the Valley. The emblem of the thorn iron ring was also very unfamiliar to him.

He only had one nobleman to make friends with, but that man was far away in the valley. Although he had repeatedly performed miracles and defeated the joint efforts of the six nobles in one fell swoop. But logically speaking, his army should not be here.

"Please follow me." Dick repeated.

He didn't know Morey, and Morey didn't know him.

This was as it should be. Although the latter had been to the Origin City, he came and went in a hurry and didn't stay for too long.

Roman deliberately arranged the fog of war - prohibiting all irrelevant people from entering, covering up the true development of the Origin City.

His military training is also secret, and outsiders have no way of knowing.

Faced with the repeated invitations of the Iron Knight in front of him, Morey had to nod.

After doing business for some years, he could at least see that the other party had good intentions towards him. It should be to rescue him, this is not false.

Dota collected the corpses of his soldiers and led the army away quickly.

"Fate, are you okay?" Tolan came to a blond boy.

"Uncle, where did that army come from?" Fate said as he looked at the army going away.

"I don't know either, but they give me a feeling of..."

"Elite!" Fate continued.

He saw it with his own eyes on the cage of the carriage. With the help of the thin moonlight, he saw that the heavy shield infantry was unstoppable and pressed forward. Trick's conscripts retreated step by step, and the spears, swords and armor clashed, and they were killed.

"If there was such an elite army in Buck Highland, how could we have fallen to this point."

"It's too difficult." Tolan smiled bitterly. They all wanted elite troops, but they couldn't afford them.

It was very difficult for Buck Highland to raise more than a hundred Buck Knights, and this was based on the fact that the Bucks could be raised freely.

"But Buck Highland needs a strong force to protect our Deer Crown! Come and avenge our father! Uncle Tolan, you know that the Buck Family is 'clear about gratitude and resentment'!"

Tolan pondered for a moment and nodded slowly: "When you return to Buck Castle, I will nominate you to become the Lord of Bucks."

"Thank you for your support, uncle."

"Fate, this is not a good thing.

"I have to tell you that we are now at a critical moment of life and death, and those witches will never succeed.

"Next, we will face not only the threat from Lord Gale, but also something even more terrifying.

"The nobles of this land have been in the warm water for too long, and thus have lost their ability to sense danger. They cannot cope with the upcoming decisive battle, and the intensity of the battlefield will be far beyond their imagination.

"And we have always been in contact with the witch, so we have glimpsed a corner of the shadow. The Lord of the Stag is a noble honor, but it also means the heaviest responsibility. You have to lead the Stag Knight to find a way to survive in the future. We can't just perish like this..."

In this cool autumn night, the Stag Knight taught the new Stag Lord.


The cool autumn is coming to an end.

He learned the news of the army's triumphant return, and was overjoyed for a while.

Roman stood at the dock to greet him, and said to Morey who got off the ship: "My friend, welcome to my place."

"Lord Roman, you sent out so many troops to save me..." Morey was so grateful that he didn't know what to say.

Military strength is too important for nobles.

After Count Kant's army was defeated by Roman, he had no power to fight back and could only watch his population decrease.

"You paid the price a long time ago." Roman said casually.

He looked away from Morey.

He saw the soldiers landing one by one, in neat formation, without much loss of soldiers, and he relaxed immediately.

This was not a risky move.

But Roman always had a special complex of worrying about his son when he was thousands of miles away.

"Thank you for your hard work. I prepared a feast to welcome you." Roman patted Dota and Dick on the shoulders.

Not only the non-commissioned officers, but all the soldiers on the expedition had to eat this feast.

This can only be regarded as a routine business trip. Roman can't give special rewards, but the material treatment must be full.

Those soldiers went out for three months before returning. Each of them lost at least 3-5 kg ​​of flesh and looked much leaner.

He asked Seth to arrange the funeral of the sacrificed soldiers, and then took everyone back to the Origin Manor.

The banquet was naturally amazing.

The specifications were extremely high.

Roast suckling pig, stewed lamb, beggar chicken, braised beef, pepper roasted peacock, cheese cake, etc.

The livestock raised were now ready for sale, adding up to hundreds of thousands of pounds of meat.

So Roman was not stingy and served all kinds of meat.

Even the bread was not the most common whole wheat bread in Origin City, but pure white flour mixed with milk fermentation and baked into milk bread.

It was soft and elastic to hold, smelled pure white and sweet, and spread with a layer of blueberry jam, the taste was simply amazing.

At the banquet, Roman said to Morey. "You can live here in the future. Here, as long as you don't break my law, no one can touch you."

The young businessman was deeply moved.

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