How to open up the swamp? Roman can only use a stupid method.

Dig a big pit and drain the accumulated water.

Fill the swamp, dig ditches and canals.

Build dams and water conservancy projects.

This project is super big.

Concentrate all resources and integrate all forces!

There will be endless benefits in the future!

First, the pits can be used to raise fish.

If they are raised naturally, fish meat can barely become one of the sources of meat. Just go down and catch a few nets regularly. Even if there are only tens of thousands of pounds, it is profitable.

Second, the filled swamp is best used to grow rice.

Most of the climate in this land is not suitable for growing rice, but not all of it is unsuitable. This place has a subtropical climate with warm weather and enough sunshine and rain.

Third, building dams can improve natural conditions.

The swamp itself is in a low-lying area.

Every summer, heavy rains hit, floods flow, mosquitoes breed, and it turns into a swamp.

It's time to end this phenomenon.

How can we allow natural disasters to wreak havoc on the land where humans set foot?

Conquer it!

Just like Dayu conquered the Yellow River!

Of course, there is no need to fight hard for some swamps that are impossible to reclaim.

Most low-lying swamps have very low water levels, only about ten centimeters. Some are simply wetlands, which are intermittently covered by shallow water layers.

For this kind of land, Roman only needs to dig a water diversion channel to drain the water, and dry the swamp silt after being exposed to the sun in summer.

That is qualified fertile land.

But there are also some swamps with very deep water levels, several meters or ten meters deep, which are not swamps at all, but lakes and swamps.

For such places, Roman stays away.

Use silt and stone to pile up weirs to intercept and create isolation belts.

Reclamation can be made for those that can be reclaimed, and soil can be built for those that cannot be reclaimed, and then a large amount of soil-retaining forage grass can be planted, which has a very good effect.

Roman estimated that once this project is completed, he can at least have tens of thousands of acres of fertile land.

This is not ordinary land, but fertile land with excellent soil.

At that time, all rice will be planted.

Rice has a higher yield than wheat, with a guaranteed yield of 150 kilograms per mu. If you plant more for two years, it is easy to increase the yield per mu to 300 to 400 kilograms.

If cultivated and domesticated properly, rice should be able to be harvested twice a year.

You know, winter wheat can only be harvested once a year, and the other harvest must be planted with miscellaneous grains, such as legumes.

So, Roman came here to survey the terrain.

He is the most suitable person for the entire Origin City.

Using the pixel perspective of the manor on the large map, you can look down and see all the landforms at a glance, which is very convenient for planning.

All Roman has to do is to draw lines and sort out a messy marshland into fertile fields.

This will consume a lot of manpower and material resources.

But if no one is caught, all the untouchables from the outside world will be caught to serve him, digging ditches, digging rivers, and dredging water flows.

Pickled vegetables and tofu in the morning, meat soup and bread at noon, and rice and stew at night.


Squeeze them to death!

Roman walked along the edge of the swamp, sometimes rowing, using a stick to detect the depth of the water level, and sketching a map on white paper.

It took more than ten days before he finished this work.

He was dirty all over, and the mud dried on his trouser legs.

During this period, he slept in the wild to save time, and someone brought him food.

Fortunately, the knight was strong and had no major problems.

In winter, mosquitoes hibernate, the water level drops, and there is even some thin ice, which is a more suitable season for planning.

He returned to the Origin Manor and took a comfortable hot bath. During this time, he heard the maid talk about what happened during this period - nothing big, just that Gale declared war on him.

Roman changed his clothes, went to the hall for dinner, and called Morey.

"Are you ready? I'll take you away now."

It's not to drive you away, but it's spring.

A war is about to break out here, and it will be inconvenient for Morey to leave at that time.

"Thank you for your care during this period." Morey bowed.

After Roman finished his meal, he personally took Morey to the dock.

The ship had been prepared long ago, and the guards were Roman's ten veterans. They were not very strong, but they were enough to surround and kill a second-level war knight.

These people were slaves transported by Morey, so they had a natural favorability bonus and would not harm him.

"I won't ask you how to find the witch. Safety first, concealment is the main thing. If the witch refuses to come back with you, then you can do it on your own." Roman said standing on the dock,

"In short, remember, come here when you encounter danger. Only in this land can I ensure that no one can touch you."

A powerful monarch always brings people a sense of security.

What humans seek all their lives is peace of mind. This is the instinct of genes.

In this turbulent era, this figure is enough to make people fall in love with him just by standing in front of others, because he exudes a charisma as strong as a magnetic field, like a bright sun to those in distress.

Morey had an impulse to kneel down at his feet and beg for protection like a newborn puppy.

He resisted the urge to cry and board the boat, and bowed to Roman again.

The guard rowed the boat and drifted away.

Morey looked at the pier getting farther and farther away, and his original sense of security gradually disappeared like an hourglass.

At a certain moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of anxiety and fear.

He clutched his sleeves tightly in fear, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and his body trembled with fear.

His heart wanted to return, but his body did not move. A sentence echoed in his mind.

‘If you are indecisive, you will not achieve great things! ’

“Father, I will not disgrace the life comment you gave me! If I have to be serious, I will not lose to anyone!” Morey let go of his hand and opened his eyes.

The young face regained calmness.

The dark brown eyes were now full of firm awareness!

Roman watched Morey sail away.

He raised his head and looked at the vast sky.

It seems that it will not snow this year.

This also means that this is the third year he has come to this land.

He was satisfied with the development speed last year.

And this year, he has to do more than last year.

He made a rough plan for this-

For example, build two more towns and build five large farms in those towns.

The population of Origin City must exceed 70,000.

The number of troops increased to 7,000.

Reclaim 50,000 acres of land.

Build the prototype of a waterway network.

Plant all the crop seeds that Albert brought, and prepare for next year.

There are too many development goals to be completed with a schedule.

Roman turned around.

He looked at the wide dock, and the market further away, but there were not many merchants in the market at the moment, because business had not yet begun to recover.

For society, the economy will never stop, but it will become expensive.

In this era of shortage of materials and production, because of the war, materials are even more scarce and production is even more scarce.

Roman knows.

If you want to develop and want to farm, only a stable order, a good system, and a stable society can guarantee the interests of his people.

And some people... are destined not to be his people!

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