Roman was facing the same problem.

Like last time, he came to the secondary road of the Black Iron Avenue.

A small road branching off the main road.

Most of the time, Kant Territory relied on this road to maintain communication with the outside world.

The quality of the road was not comparable to the stone road and lime road in the Origin City.

It could only be regarded as a relatively wide dirt road, about ten meters wide.

Because it was easy to walk, the anti-rebellion army also came along this road.

The scouts sent by Roman guarded this road. Once they saw a strange army approaching, they would immediately gallop and convey it to Roman.

However, when Roman led his troops out, the two sides were less than 20 kilometers apart.

They would meet Roman's army in another day.

It's just that the terrain here is not good.

The terrain of hills, ridges, valleys, etc. is wide and complex, but the fatal flaw is that there are no dangerous passes.

This is the so-called place that military strategists don't fight for.

Because it has no value.

Unless a long defense line like the Great Wall is built, it is easy to bypass it no matter where it is blocked.

Of course, the anti-rebel army came to fight Roman.

Roman, like last time, could also fight in the valley.

But last time he had few soldiers, so he had to resort to this last resort, aiming to shorten the battle line.

Even if the enemy army is large, only a hundred or so soldiers can be sent to the front line to fight.

So whether it is a round-robin battle or a two-sided attack.

Roman is not afraid.

He plays the exchange tactic.


But now it is different.

Roman's army has a total of 4,000 people, including miscellaneous servants, there are about 7,000 people.

If they are all squeezed into the valley, they will be trapped in their own cocoons.

So how to fight this?

Without the advantage of terrain, you can only fight a field battle.

Set up the battle formation and fight in the wilderness.

There are only three tactical means that can be used in a field battle.

Deploy troops, send surprise troops around, and hide in ambush.

Roman had already prepared for the deployment of troops, and the military formation was used at this time.

It is not possible to send surprise troops around. If you want to bypass without being discovered, you have to go around for dozens of miles, and the enemy also has scouts. Once discovered, the enemy will immediately send cavalry to chase and kill. Unless Roman also sends a cavalry team, it will be difficult to escape.

Hiding in ambush can be done.

But how to operate it specifically depends on the development of the situation.

The next day.

The sky was gloomy, and it seemed that spring rain was coming.

In the morning, Roman saw dust and smoke floating in the sky in the distance.

He had excellent eyesight, and the scouts kept sending news.

The anti-rebel army was approaching, and there were many of them. Even if Roman did not see it with his own eyes, looking at the billowing dust during the march, he still felt depressed.

In the afternoon, the anti-rebel army was less than three kilometers away from Roman.

They did not move forward, and began to set up camp on the spot to recuperate.

Roman did not send troops to harass, that would be a pointless move.

At night, before the two armies started fighting, the scouts of both sides who were responsible for scouting the enemy situation fought first.

Dota led the scout team and encountered enemy scouts in the wild.

The scout unit is the reconnaissance team, lighting up the army's vision and avoiding the enemy's ambush or surprise troops.

Dota and others killed four and captured one alive.

Roman lost eight scouts, seven of whom were shot to death by special arrows, and one died in close combat during the capture.

But they completed the task, caught the tongue, and immediately rode back on horseback, with cold sweat on their backs.

When Roman saw those expensive special arrows, he knew that there were broken archers in the anti-rebellion army.

He just didn't know how many broken archers came.

He grew up in the Split Armor Territory since he was a child, and Roman knew what they could do.

This unit's suppression power on scattered soldiers was too terrible.

Once they ran into each other, his scouts would not even have a chance to survive even if they were a hundred meters apart.

Roman ordered Dota to bring the captured scout to him.

"Tell me the specific situation of the anti-rebellion army, and I will spare your life. I will keep my word. But if you don't tell me, I will torture you to death. I will keep my word!"

The scout felt the cohesion of the sight.

Just like Kate, the son of the cracked armor is different from ordinary people, and his eyes are like substance.

But he is not a particularly loyal and firm character.

For the sake of his own safety, he had to choose to tell all the information one by one.

Roman also learned that Gale actually sent forty broken archers, two hundred sworn riders, and four hundred free riders.

The so-called sworn riders are cavalry units second only to the expedition knights. Although they have soldiers and horses, they have no followers.

In short, they are down-and-out knights.

If you give him food, he will swear allegiance to you.

If many people give him food, he will swear allegiance to many people.

And the free riders are even worse, it is difficult to support themselves.

Poor and destitute, they usually appear in tournaments or battlefields.

Once they encounter a war, they will be summoned to help out.

They will earn money and spoils of war on the battlefield, and then look for the next battlefield.

Their process is similar to that of mercenaries.

But they themselves do not think so, and always think of themselves as the reserve of knights.

Because many free riders become famous in tournaments or battlefields, they become real knights and idols that many free riders yearn for and admire.

It is worth mentioning that the second sons of some small nobles or the offspring of knights of war usually become sworn riders or free riders when they grow up.

Anyway, the army sent by Gale is quite complex and of high quality.

There are about a thousand cavalry units in total.

Although only seventy of them are high-quality knights.

But whether it is the forty Broken Archers or the thirty Judgement Knights, they are not ordinary knights.

And there are also clergy groups composed of five hundred nuns and three hundred priests.

An army composed of five thousand believers may not be a big deal.

But the Mud Swamp Mercenaries are a bit scary.

If the seven thousand noble coalition forces last year were replaced with three thousand mercenaries, he might not win so easily, and the loss rate would at least increase by 30%.

Roman felt a little pressure.

After asking clearly, Roman waved his hand to let them retreat and temporarily detained the scout as a prisoner of war.

Afterwards, Roman held a military meeting.

Facing a group of generals, he explained the current situation they are facing.

Roman even set up a sand table model to simulate the current situation.

It is undeniable that the enemy has a great advantage.

In the current era, this is a terrifying force that can fight a decisive battle.

But their disadvantages are also not small.

The hastily and scattered anti-rebellion army has extremely poor organization, cohesion, and execution.

Its military quality is not comparable to that of a complete army.

They can definitely fight.

But Roman refused to use the exchange tactic again.

He lost 700 of the 2,000 people in the last battle. How many people will he lose this time?

Even if he can win, his losses will definitely be extremely heavy.

So the problem now is how to reduce the losses.

The meeting lasted for two hours.

Until late at night, Roman finally dismissed everyone.

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