If I let you farm, will you become the emperor of the empire?

Chapter 237: Do it yourself and live a comfortable life

The "War of Spring Rain" has far-reaching influence. If you look at history, you will find that this is a critical turning point.

This involves time and institutional factors.

If there is no external population replenishment, Roman will not be able to breathe for two or three years every time he fights a war.

Because the beating was so brutal.

As for the "Battle of Spring Rain", if there were no war dividends, it would take Roman at least ten years to gradually recover.

But this is not the case for other nobles.

Whether you win or lose, it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Social institutions are part of the reason.

For example, after the death of Lord Owen of Bucks Highland, the Owen heirs bowed their heads to Duke Gale, saying that if they don't make mistakes in the future, they can return to the throne and succeed to the throne. If their father rebels, his son will not be implicated.

Keep a line in your life so that we can meet again in the future.

Of course, this bottom line will be constantly exceeded.

Sima Yi has a say in this.

Another part of the reason is that the nobles of this era cannot achieve the effect of annihilation wars.

This has something to do with the military system.

The military system is closely related to social and economic development.

If the economy is not developing well, the military organization is not good, and the war of annihilation cannot be fought.

Therefore, the war mode is very low-level and the intensity is not high. It is considered a mild fish pond game and is in the spring and autumn mode.

This is no longer the case in Warring States mode.

Once a stronger military organization appears, they will fight to the death, to the point of annihilation of the country and genocide. The brutal mass graves are considered normal operations.

What does the "War of Spring Rain" mean now?

Roman gave all the nobles in this land a little high-end shock!

In the last battle with the aristocratic coalition, Roman's troops were poorly trained and the results were very poor.

Because at that time, most of the entire army were new recruits. They only trained for two or three months before they were hurriedly put on the battlefield.

Therefore, the casualties are relatively large, which is within the scope of understanding.

But this time is different. This time most of the soldiers have been training for half a year and are considered elite soldiers. This is why Roman dares to fight in the field.

After all, if they were still new recruits, Roman would definitely be destroyed.

But due to his reliable army organization, he relied on the human sea tactics to drag down all the knights on the battlefield.

The results are also extremely rich.

For the first time, an army of ten thousand people was wiped out!

From a historical perspective, this is something worth remembering.

Because war will promote the progress of human civilization.

In the future, this progress will be more obvious and intuitive.

Those who don't roll will be rolled to death by those who do, just like putting their fleshy palms into a meat grinder.

Roman was the scroll king who took the lead in starting the roll.

He worked hard for the past two years and established himself as the king of the river valley.

The speed of development is not slow by any means.

Only the conquerors from a hundred years ago can be compared with Roman.

As for how the former was accomplished, Roman didn't know.

All Roman knew was that he was trying his best to develop.

From Sige Town to Origin City, only the herd of cows and horses can understand the hardship and fatigue involved.

There are only a few days of rest at the end of the year.

You have to admit, this is a group of people who can endure hardship.

So this year, these people will have more work to do.

Because they have adapted to the past labor intensity and processes, work efficiency has also been greatly improved.

Work that used to take five hours can now be done in four.

Roman can also increase his workload with peace of mind.

Of course, after he eats the war bonus from the "War of Spring Rain".

He will also give some benefits appropriately.

Improving living standards, improving living environment, and building infrastructure - of course, this must be created by their own hands.

After all, you can make enough food and clothing by yourself, and share some of the wealth they create with them.

Isn't this the great kindness of the great master!

yeah! (Hands gesture V)

Dick came to the prison holding a barrel of beer.

"You really can't let him go?"

he asked the jailer.

The jailer lacked confidence, "Master Roman said no..."

Dick explained, "I promise nothing will happen."

While he was speaking, the jailer's expression became firm.

"Instructor...Deputy Commander Dick! If Master Roman says it can't be done, it can't be done! This is what you taught us! The military order is like a mountain! No one can do it!"

The jailer was a little excited, so his voice was loud.

Dick didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You... are very good!"

What was once a housing complex for slaves is now a prisoner of war camp.

Blood Salt Knight Front was sitting in the thatch, with iron chains tied to his limbs, connected to four hundred-jin iron plates. He was the only one to have this honor. When he saw Dick, he smiled and said: "I thought you were here. It’s very prestigious.”

"It's a bit of a status, but the rules here are different from other places." Dick replied.

"I see," the Blood Salt Knight said, "otherwise how could I become a prisoner."

He never thought he would be in this situation. It was dark and humid here, and the thatch smelled stinky. Every night, fleas would hold a banquet on his body, which was terrible.

There was nothing Dick could do to improve his situation. He knew that Front was a first-rate knight.

They had played against each other before, when Front was not young, but he was very young.

Now he saw Front again. His face was a bit old, and his brown hair was mixed with white hair. But Front was still a well-known blood salt knight in the Bechtes family, and he maintained a strong enough posture in the face of adversity.

"Farewell to Harburg, I thought we could see each other again in the future, but then I heard something happened to you, and I thought we would never see each other again in this life. Only now do I know you are hiding here..."

"I've been hiding here for many years," Dick said flatly. He put down the barrel and took out the wine glass. "They can't tolerate me."

"This is a good place. Lady Kate wants this river valley." Front said.

"It wasn't a good place before. There were few people, poverty, and barely enough food and clothing. The only advantage was that there were no nobles. But when Roman came, this advantage also turned into a disadvantage." Dick said, and he opened the lid of the bucket again. "But they think that this land will become stronger if it has an owner? Hum, Lord Front, some people are not strong because of the land. It's just that others often have misunderstandings and think that a good fiefdom is everything."

"That's not what you said back then," Sir Front pointed out. "In the dispute over the Hartat Salt Mine, you vowed to win the ownership of the salt mine for Lord Warwick. For this reason, you and Bessie Although you were defeated by me in the Tes competition, everyone recognized your bravery. Who knew you would kill Lord Warwick after you returned..."

Dick paused and said, "I was so naive."

"Why did you kill Lord Warwick? Your colleagues call you 'Clean Dick' and 'Clean Man'. There are no wrong nicknames on the earth, so I admired you as soon as I saw you. You killed them all, Dick, and I believe there was a reason."

"...My wife asked Lord Warwick when I would come back. She was seven months pregnant at the time and was very uneasy and looking forward to my return - I lost the war at that time and wanted to make up for my defeat, so I joined I held a tournament held by the Duke of Oak, and the champion would get a mithril necklace. I hoped to get it and apologize to my monarch, but when I went back, I learned that my wife was dead. She died in Lord Warwick's house. In the castle, they said she was pregnant with a girl... I strangled him alive with that necklace..."

He didn't say any more, his handsome and weathered face exuded an aura of sadness, he took out the blackened silver necklace and rubbed it carefully.

This is another necklace that he specifically asked a silversmith to customize and give to his wife. He wished he could put the necklace on her neck with his own hands, or give it to his unborn daughter.

Front said silently: "It's not your fault, but is this the reason why you are loyal to Lord Roman? That Lord is almost as famous as you are now. If you hadn't helped me stop him, he would have definitely killed me with his own hands. His hands and feet were broken, just like the fate of those trial knights."

"That's because you injured Green and Aaron. Fortunately, you were sensible and didn't kill them. Even if you killed one of them, I couldn't save your life even if I desperately begged for mercy. You would be chopped into pieces and then Feeding the dogs.”

"Isn't that what we knights are like? We always have to show mercy when we meet big people. I bet those two are not twenty-five years old and are now third-level knights. How can we really do anything when we meet such young people with such a promising future? Dead hand." Front sighed,

"So what are you going to do with him? I don't want to say it, but do you still have hatred? Do you still have unfulfilled murderous intention? But there are too many nobles like that, and you can't kill them all."

He has lived for fifty or sixty years and has met such nobles.

There is a nobleman who does not regard noblemen as noblemen, and there is Dick who kills noblemen...

I can't even imagine what big things these two guys could do together.

"No, that grudge has been settled long ago. You can go talk to my captain about this." With a sad smile on his lips, Dick poured a glass of wine for the Blood Salt Knight.

"Master Front, you know, I really had hatred before, but then I met a little girl, small and thin, and she fled to the mountains in panic. At that time, I thought what if I My daughter is alive and should be as old as her. When I think about it, my hatred disappears without a trace... We have to accept reality and look forward, right? "

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